The Art of War
get more players → win
best tactic ever by sun tzu
Sun Tzu never mentioned jumping off a cliff to avoid repair costs.
I guess he’s a bit behind the times.
Sun Tzu never mentioned jumping off a cliff to avoid repair costs.
I guess he’s a bit behind the times.
You just made my day
Sometimes we attack two places same time so other group can PvD all towers because this tactic is so advanced.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
15 Engineers all equipped with flamethrowers……… They probably didn’t read Sun Tzu or they would have know that when your running with a flamethrower your running right into the flame……
When I was fully commanding and still working to win in the old days, some of the things my troop has done.
1. Maintain a strong bond in the community outside of gw2. Meaning we can call each other by phone when we are lacking players.
2. Alliances with other servers. This we kept in the down low so our server wouldn’t know that we’re actually in cahoots with the other team, where we would focus on only one enemy the whole week.
3. Send spies to the other server to recruit their top guilds whom we see playing well in wvw. Thus, we would buy off 15 ppl of that guild, and hopefully the rest would join us.
4. We would have commanders lead in the lowbie areas to help new players and they in turn would join our wvw team.
5. Roleplay in the means of this is what we have to offer. If you like it, come and join us.
Always Loyal
Problem is the art of war doesn’t apply to wvw because they are not objectives in wvw :/.
WvW lacks a sense of direction. The only objective is to cap the most towers.
Problem is the art of war doesn’t apply to wvw because they are not objectives in wvw :/.
WvW lacks a sense of direction. The only objective is to cap the most towers.
The objective of wvw is to control of all points… you didn’t get the memo?
@ OP: my favorite tactic is to make your enemy thing you are weak and vulnerable, then , when he has become overconfident, strike with an unrelenting assault.
Its not verbatim but its the same sense.
When your army is large, appear small. Do not PvD.
When your army is small, appear large. Split up and hit many places at once.
Basic strategy at work.