– Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader
I come onto these forums looking for decent chatter about WvW, not to see person after person beat down on a server based on the few things they were told. The past two match ups have been just as unfair to us as to the servers we are facing. This is unfortunate side effect of having an immature ranking system paired alongside mass player movement among servers.
Blackgate doesn’t want to be stomping servers week by week. That’s not fun for either party. We have around the clock coverage because we want to fight with the best or force others to up their game. We want a competition at the top. And above all else we want other servers nipping at our rear from T2.
Everyone is so hard headed and thinks Blackgate will continue to stomp.
Here’s what I have to say: We don’t even know if we can face the current best because we haven’t faced the current best in our current state. Watch next week’s match up closely. If it’s too one sided in either direction things will certainly change overnight regardless of the server.
If you want to continue hate continue the book burning below. If you want to make crude comebacks, now is the time.
However, if you want to make serious talk about the future of competitive WvW please comment below and I will thank you for being mature and trying to aide the community.
Irony -A concerned Blackgate Denizen
That’s the unfortunate side effect of the fair weather transfers. Blackgate had a well earned reputation for being one tough group of people. That reputation led to mass transfers. Now BG is one of the most stacked servers out there, and it’s all too easy to say that’s the reason for BG rocketing up the brackets (because it’s probably true).
It’s baffling how most of the problems with the bracket system and WvW in general can be linked to free server transfers, and yet there’s been no action or word in what is obviously the issue in most dire need of attention.
That’s the unfortunate side effect of the fair weather transfers. Blackgate had a well earned reputation for being one tough group of people. That reputation led to mass transfers. Now BG is one of the most stacked servers out there, and it’s all too easy to say that’s the reason for BG rocketing up the brackets (because it’s probably true).
It’s baffling how most of the problems with the bracket system and WvW in general can be linked to free server transfers, and yet there’s been no action or word in what is obviously the issue in most dire need of attention.
Our rocket up was not only the transfers, but the loss of people from the servers we were facing/people calling it an automatic loss and refusing to fight because they see no point. People don’t realize that fighting nets you more rank points then not fighting.
This is exactly my thought
BG didn’t get to prove anything yet, so until we manage to stomp the current Tier 1 into the ground (which we won’t) people shouldn’t go hatin on BG for fake numbers shown.
Last 2 matchups.
TC/FA, are great servers that kept on fighting, but we did not belong in their tier so they got stomped.
HoD/ET in their current state, have less W3 population than Kaeineng and whatever other servers are at the bottom, that’s not the fault of BG.
Belive me next week HoD and ET will still get stomped by whichever servers they have to face, as they simply did not drop far enough yet.
Until now while HoD was the lead server tier 1~2 looked like this.
HoD dominates Tier1.
JQ/SBI/ET take turns switching between Tier1~2
JQ/SBI/ET would have been an even match, which could never happen as HoD would ALWAYS sit in #1
Whenever either JQ/SBI/ET would drop to tier 2, they would instazergdestroywthpwn anything they were up against for a week and come back to loose to HoD
The situation now however is totally different and if BG proves to be somewhat on equal footing with JQ/SBI/IoJ we will have some awesome battles ahead of us.
Tier 2 will gain IoJ/SoS/SoR and TC? right behind them
IoJ/SBI/JQ already proven that they can have a great fight
Before transfers happened BG was on par with pre-transfers IoJ, which gives some indication of BG strength
SoS and SoR had transfers happen to them too, so guess what, if all of these servers are close together with population spread to cover high/max W3 population at all times, then we will have awesome fights whether you’r in Tier1 or dropped out of Tier 1 to Tier 2
Lets have an awesome fight next week
And we ll see the real new tier1~2 the week after
(edited by Snow Aeth.1937)
I come onto these forums looking for decent chatter about WvW, not to see person after person beat down on a server based on the few things they were told. The past two match ups have been just as unfair to us as to the servers we are facing. This is unfortunate side effect of having an immature ranking system paired alongside mass player movement among servers.
Blackgate doesn’t want to be stomping servers week by week. That’s not fun for either party. We have around the clock coverage because we want to fight with the best or force others to up their game. We want a competition at the top. And above all else we want other servers nipping at our rear from T2.
Everyone is so hard headed and thinks Blackgate will continue to stomp.
Here’s what I have to say: We don’t even know if we can face the current best because we haven’t faced the current best in our current state. Watch next week’s match up closely. If it’s too one sided in either direction things will certainly change overnight regardless of the server.
If you want to continue hate continue the book burning below. If you want to make crude comebacks, now is the time.
However, if you want to make serious talk about the future of competitive WvW please comment below and I will thank you for being mature and trying to aide the community.
Irony -A concerned Blackgate Denizen
Your name and the context of this post go hand in hand.
Please join BG. We need you. Ignore this thread.
Oh wait a minute! I’m from TC! We fought these guys in the previous match and they aren’t all that. Skill-wise, we would mow them down over and over. The only reason we lost so badly is because for every BG zergling we killed, two more zerglings showed up in the next batch. It was a simple game of numbers. They had them and we didn’t. I don’t hate them though. We learned a lot about how to deal with huge numbers of enemies.
Salute to original BG members before the server transfers. You guys rocked. Rest of you? Not so much.
Transfers to servers in the Top 2 Brackets should be disallowed – Just a thought
People like to hate. BG has had a massive influx of players & ET & HoD have lost about as many players as BG has gained. Easy for those looking out to start whinging that BG is unbeatable but all the people from BG already starting to hate on the new transfers is really disheartening.
Many people moved to BG not for the WvW but for the community and I would hate to see that community turn on itself.
You TC people you’re so great, but you’re not that tough. Just wait until you face the wrath of Maguuma’s Mortars.
I love your rant. =)
@Sceptus: same could be said for TC
Ok, I’m from HoD. Our problem with you isn’t based on things we were told, but things we have seen this week. All the Blackgaters we have run into using bugs and or exploits. All the Blackgaters that were caught in the open with out a zerg to back them up that then logged off to deny us kills. All the Blackgaters that surround our waypoint citadel and lay siege to it all day in the hopes of killing the few of us stupid enough to try and get out. That is why we hate you. Not because of things we were told, but how YOU CHOSE TO ACT! So you want to cry about how you are treated? How about instead, you change how you act, then maybe you will get less hate directed at you.
Blackgate did not luckily get all these transfers. They recruited in ALL server threads in all their match ups, and even had people transferring servers asking big guilds they fought against to transfer.
Go look at the post history in GW2Guru.
You brought this on yourselves, now deal with it.
I would hate BG if all posters from there post this crap. No one cares. Someone hurt your peepees. Grow thick skins.
Fact 1: Most ET and HoD guilds did´nt transfer to BG. This is a common assumption made by “Charlieprince” and other trolls from other servers.
Fact 2: Before the ET and HoD transfers, BG had 2 OCE and asian guilds covering some close to 12 hour, where it got beaten by SBI and IoJ numbers in the same timezone.
Fact 3: Most of the ET and HoD transfers are OCE and asian guilds.
Fact 4: After recieving an influx of EU, OCE and asian guilds to cover their timezone gaps, BG have actively been trying to recruit for other servers with gaps in their TZC.
Fact 5: No one knows if BG is the most packed server, but I guess if you tell the same storry over and over, someone will start to believe you. Next week will show if BG has improved enough in both TZC and in coordination since the last time we faced SBI.
Fact 6: If next week is a blowout, several “new” BG guilds, have already stated that they´ll be leaving BG to even things out.
Sceptus you guys put up a descent fight, but get over yourself really. You only make yourself look bad by posting obvious BS.
Interesting post. I always love to see a server out there trying to act as though they were something pre mass transfer
You had a reputation of being a tough server and that is why you gained the transfers?
Can we step back and be real please.
In you match vs DB, remember that? or werent you on BG at that time. You were losing to a server who during the week had no coverage from like 2am-6pm every week day. That is what caused the DB mass exodus, they were very strong during prime time, but like alot of servers had only coverage during that time at that’s it.
Then miraculously you took over like a 12k lead PvDing and then cried that you were just playing more.
It was this garbage imo that started this whole mass guilds going one place or another.
Fact of the matter is TTW or transfer to win has occured more inmasse on BG then any other server. Not individuals xfering mind you-guilds-which is a big difference when comparing with servers like IoJ-JQ-SBI
And you say things if we have gotten better to face SBI and T1 servers, you haven’t gotten better you have gotten more people.
And your guilds moving temporarily into other tiers to mess with matchups is a disgrace
Its not hate, from me anyway, it is just that BG empitimizes everything that is wrong with the WvW system. You are a shining example of ttw and match exploitation.
As far as I am concerned you manipulated your way into t1 and the expense of IoJ, who really is a legitamate t1 server, who earned their right to be there
You guys didnt and I can only hope you get the spanking you deserve
Isn’t BlackGate now just the old Titan Alliance from HoD? Is everyone still patting themselves on the back for being able to dominate the hours everyone else sleeps?
I hope for BlackGate’s sake it isn’t Titan. Once they meet servers beginning to gain 24 hour coverage, they say “we win, we accomplished our goal” and quit.
And your guilds moving temporarily into other tiers to mess with matchups is a disgrace
Its not hate, from me anyway, it is just that BG empitimizes everything that is wrong with the WvW system. You are a shining example of ttw and match exploitation.
As far as I am concerned you manipulated your way into t1 and the expense of IoJ, who really is a legitamate t1 server, who earned their right to be thereYou guys didnt and I can only hope you get the spanking you deserve
I for one am glad we moved off BG before all this happened.
I am not going to say BG brought it on itself, the Alliance did. There are ALOT of good people on BG and I wish them the best of luck! Its a shame for those to be but on the same shelf as those who have disgraced BG.
Those wishing to seek refuge our (guild) door is always open!
Isn’t BlackGate now just the old Titan Alliance from HoD? Is everyone still patting themselves on the back for being able to dominate the hours everyone else sleeps?
I hope for BlackGate’s sake it isn’t Titan. Once they meet servers beginning to gain 24 hour coverage, they say “we win, we accomplished our goal” and quit.
Been on BG since day one. There’s been a BG w3 alliance going well before HoD and any other top tier server had their fall out.
@Shadowstalker.9627. If anyone has issue with the server they really should check their rage at individuals/guilds. There are jerks on every server and in every guild. Those minority don’t represent any server or community.
When we caught some players fly hacking with HoD tags, as a community we raged/reported on the players, not the server. Not one person that was on at the time called HoD cheaters, just the individuals, and were more disappointed in Anet for not banning them after previous reports.
I can’t believe implemented week long matches while server transfers were still an option.
That has led to weeks of absolutely silly matches as huge masses of players run back and forth from server to server.
It will take months for ET and HoD to sink back to where they belong with their new populations. And weeks for servers like BG to get up to where they should be. Meanwhile, every bracket in between is ruined by horribly lopsided matches.
I doubt anyone on BG is having fun with literally no one to fight, and servers who have no chance of winning are probably not enjoying themselves, so this is very much a lose-lose situation.
No need to feed the trolls here, so I won’t. Vorpal you are completely correct. We are not enjoying this matchup and if we could have it any other way we would. When Blackgate started recruiting it was to BEAT TA and AA. We wanted to do so.
Added Now as for any guilds that left Blackgate to go to a different lower tiered matchup, we didn’t tell them or ask them to do so. And now a few of them are complaining about getting back on the server. In fact we warned against it for that very reason, so if that happened to your server, then you were truely wronged by THAT guild, not the Blackgate server.
Now the whole Dragonbrand thing. I just want to state. We didn’t make your server fall apart. The fact that you said “we are just pvdooring” is what killed your servers. You had 3 guilds playing every night, regrettably I don’t remember them. But the point is this. You saying that they weren’t up to snuff alienated your asian/oceanic/eu time zones and they left you because of that, try to be kind and curtious to those people in the future and let them know that you respect them, and cherish what they do for you, but you need to get them more help.
Next off we have a person on Blackgate who has recommended that several guilds go to different servers. This person is Laylyn, if your server has timezone gaps and as a community you wish to improve, I highly suggest getting a hold of this man, because he wants your server to be better some day. Or can help you as a guild find a server who’se WvW philosophy more suits your needs. Not every server can be number 1, the lower tiered server’s really should really cater to those who just want to log on and have some fun, and not stress about things like this. Example
Lastly and this is just to Blackgate, I am disappointed in anyone who is greifing the new guilds. Just let them do their thing, and if you are only on Blackgate because others have talked us up, leave. We are prepared to loose, win, or come to a draw (last of which maybe will never happen) as a community, so if your fair weather bandwagoning but can appreciate this mentality, stay. Keep that in mind, don’t insult your neighbors just because they are different than you.
(edited by Steadfast.5827)
@Smokee – The same could be said for you. Taken from my pal Unfortunately above. Seriously though, you look worse than me just for getting mad about my post. Unless you are one of the bad players that transferred to BG.
@Unfortunately – well played sir! Right now it looks like we are zerging you guys the same way. Until they fix these transfers it won’t stop. Sad, because your server has some great players and you deserve an even fight.
I know you might have a little nemesis in IoJ now.
Very sneeky to have guilds pop into the match just to have a go at us..
@Krakah – Actually in fact, people did blame all of HoD. There were people that said they were going to allow ET to capture towers and camps just do they beat us and put us at the bottom… And it’s more than a minorty for your server when it’s constantly happening. So yea, we blame the majority, when it’s the majority behaving like this.
Some people really really like to win. For example, the guild Elite on BG right now in wvw. ET took a supply camp and had maybe 8 players tops on the field. Elite attacked with over 20 players.
I wouldn’t think such a lopsided battle would be fun on the LAST DAY of the current matchup when BG clearly has a +500k point advantage over both competitors combined, but there you have it.
I want to be pissed at BG but I’m more disappointed that the situation can happen due to the inaction of on the matter. I feel like they think there are more important issues than WvWvW matches having nearly 0 participation for weeks.
I don’t think I’m crazy when I say the overall enjoyment and health of ALL servers is pivotal for WvW to be fun. And it kitten better be fun, cuz’ it’s a requirement for the monthly achievement.
I doubt anyone on BG is having fun with literally no one to fight, and servers who have no chance of winning are probably not enjoying themselves, so this is very much a lose-lose situation.
We don’t. As part of a WvW european alliance, we transfered to BG in order to get some proper fights. Unfortunately, we weren’t the only alliance to do that, so BG received a huge influx of strong european AND oceanic servers virtually at the same time. As far as I’m concerned, I’m sorry for spoiling other people’s fun, but you have to understand that nobody could have predicted it and it was completely unintentional.
Frankly, this is a major problem on many servers – some will have around the clock coverage, others will have very strong participation for a few hours and the third will be utter crap, but have nightcappers. In the end, very few servers will face a fair fight and people will flock to those that are perceived as good.
The best way to solve this would probably be to somehow devise means to encourage people to transfer to servers where participation during certain hours is lower, to sort of even out around the clock populations across the board. How? No idea.
Anyway, point is, we’re looking forward to next matchup and I personally wish the best of luck to those remaining in tier 2 and beyond – may your future battles be more just.
Yawn. WvW has degenerated into “Time Zone Wars” (perhaps it should be renamed?).
In all seriousness, though, I keep reading phrases from these winning servers (which all have the EXACT SAME “feature” in common – a mixed NA/EU 24/7 presence), like “we want people to up their game”, or “it’s no fun for us either”, and frankly, that’s a LOAD.
If that were true, then all these people intent on nothing but a checkmark in the win column (as opposed to, you know, actually fighting something other than NPC’s for their major point runs) would not have jumped to servers that give them the LEAST network performance possible (due to nothing more than geographic location) simply to be on one of the half dozen servers full of people that think that’s also a good idea.
The very idea that I should need to move myself and my guild (and our 100% completed guild skill training) to a server 8000+ miles away, and suffer the network performance hit simply because of this glaring flaw with the game that allows servers to amass the same amount of points (while fighting ZERO opposition) is laughable at best.
Can anyone else imagine any other online game that would suggest moving to a server with far worse ping/lag to GAIN a competitive edge? Why on earth is ANet advocating (by their silence on the matter) such a thing?
Meh….I’m sure I just wasted 5 minutes typing this.
@ Savage, Our EU/Oceanic guilds have noticed a drop in Frame Rates but have not had overly crippling UI lag. The trade of from my understanding talking to them is that they find the frames to be slightly more sluggish (~10 FPS) in large scale battles but do not have the issue of the UI having a 1-2 second delay that they used to have on their EU server. I do not know if thats just Blackgate as a whole or every US server, but the common consensus amongst those I have talked to is they feel the servers pack a bit more punch over on this side of the pond.
Not Sure if this is what you are talking about or if you are speaking from the position of being a US player going to a EU Server.
If that were true, then all these people intent on nothing but a checkmark in the win column (as opposed to, you know, actually fighting something other than NPC’s for their major point runs) would not have jumped to servers that give them the LEAST network performance possible (due to nothing more than geographic location) simply to be on one of the half dozen servers full of people that think that’s also a good idea.
I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. When initially considering the US server as our option, latency due to distance was one of the most pressing concerns. It was a huge shock when we realized that the performance is actually better on US servers in spite of the distance (note: on Blizzard servers, the difference was around 200ms for West Coast vs. Frankfurt).
The other major concern for us was lack of people to fight. Traditionally, U.S. players are reluctant to move to EU, but EU players tend to play in US. Testing showed that there are indeed people around which would pose a challenge and at the same time, other european guilds and alliances were moving to other US servers as well. All this combined gave us a reason to belive that this is a non-concern and that there would be a number of US servers with around the clock representation. As said above, nobody counted with one server getting an influx from various groups at the same time.
Things are as they are and there really isn’t anything one can do about it. Frankly, if Blackgate doesn’t get a challenge next matchup (which I think it will), I doubt it’ll have much of the WvW community for long, as people will leave to seek proper battles on other servers. In time, things will stabilize.
Some people really really like to win. For example, the guild Elite on BG right now in wvw. ET took a supply camp and had maybe 8 players tops on the field. Elite attacked with over 20 players.
I don’t know why they’d do that on the last day, but I do know there was a lot of action to get as much as possible in order to push for tier 1 this week, rather than wasting another week in a onesided battle.
To HoD and ET complaining about BG still fighting for every camp and bringing large numbers to take them.
Sorry guys, but if we want to move out of tier 2 by reset, we have to keep the point income as high as we can.
Or does HoD want us to stick around in tier 2 for another round?
Four people decide to go into a star bucks at the same time. They get wedge in because they can’t all fit through the door way. Each says “It’s not my fault other people decided to get a coffee here at the same time as I did.” So they all stand there not letting each other through and blocking the door for everyone else. Would be simple for them to step back and each go through one at a time, but they would rather just stand there and claim “it’s not my fault”.
I keep hearing that in this discussion. It’s not my fault everyone went to blackgate. (Or other over populated server of your choice.) And no it’s not, what is your fault is your choice not to do something about it. Everyone is yelling for Anet to sort it out. Instead how about some people just choose to move to an under populated server instead. We could balance this out ourselves if we chose to.
But I think most will not. What we need is people to take personal responsibility for their choices and their server community and over all game community. This is not just Anet’s fault, it’s all of our fault.
Four people decide to go into a star bucks at the same time. They get wedge in because they can’t all fit through the door way. Each says “It’s not my fault other people decided to get a coffee here at the same time as I did.” So they all stand there not letting each other through and blocking the door for everyone else. Would be simple for them to step back and each go through one at a time, but they would rather just stand there and claim “it’s not my fault”.
I keep hearing that in this discussion. It’s not my fault everyone went to blackgate. (Or other over populated server of your choice.) And no it’s not, what is your fault is your choice not to do something about it. Everyone is yelling for Anet to sort it out. Instead how about some people just choose to move to an under populated server instead. We could balance this out ourselves if we chose to.
But I think most will not. What we need is people to take personal responsibility for their choices and their server community and over all game community. This is not just Anet’s fault, it’s all of our fault.
Players cannot really fix this themselves because that would involve coordinating hundreds if not thousands of guilds and many thousands of players. Even then if people were to do this and the populations spread out, people will still bandwagon to the winning team. The fact is that there are only really 4 major WvW servers. There is a HUGE gap between #4 and everything below #5. Eventually this will be whittled down to just 3 major servers and hopefully tier 1 will be a nice fight. However, I suspect that eventually one of those 3 will get more bandwagon players and dominate.
This is well and truly ANet’s fault. They didn’t, still don’t, have rules attached to transfers to stop people from bandwagoning. The easiest solution there is you cannot transfer to a server your home server is currently fighting or fought last week. Another is just make it so you cannot WvW for a week after a transfer. There needed to be something in place to stop the massive fluctuations in population and there wasn’t and still isn’t. Then you have the Oceanic debacle, there needed to be oceanic servers even if they were only marked oceanic and hosted in NA. The oceanic night capping is what caused the massive fluctuations to begin with. Finally, their scoring system in WvW just doesn’t work at actually scoring a battle. Things like kills, siege equipment destroyed, keep defenses, orb takes, upgraded keep takes, etc all need to be factored in.
But I think most will not. What we need is people to take personal responsibility for their choices and their server community and over all game community. This is not just Anet’s fault, it’s all of our fault.
Of course, because it should always be the responsibility of the customer to balance the performance of the product they’ve paid for.
Again, Anet put up US servers for US customers to utilize. If they are now saying (they’re not, of course, saying much of anything) that in order to play a "balanced’ game we need to move to servers across the pond, how is that in any way our fault? The fault lies in the design of the game mode/scoring system itself.
But…let’s step back and say you’re right – let’s say that if I want a balanced WVW match then it is 100% my responsibility to move to a crowded server 8000 miles away. No problem – just make sure I don’t lose the 100k+ worth of influence I’ve spent fully upgrading my guild so as to deliver 24/7 buffs to our guild members who support us.
….but as that doesn’t seem to be an option, your suggestion is that, in order to actually be on a competitive server, we have to be willing to:
- Move from a US to a EU server that will offer less network performance for us.
- Move to an over-crowded server, where there may or may not be a language barrier with 50% of the players, and that will give us 60+ minute queue times
- Lose every bit of guild research we’ve done
Well, gee….that sounds like fun.
I’m not entirely sure I understand why so many people are willing to give the game devs a pass on this one, but the fact is – if you are server jumping to servers outside of your time zone in order to “fix” the imbalances inherent in the scoring system of this game mode, it’s YOU who are part of the problem, not those of us that actually stick with our servers.
I’m a paying customer, not a paid play tester, nor a volunteer “game balancer”. They offered me a product, and offered me a server in my locale which (logically) I chose. I DID my part. From then on, the responsibility for providing a balanced game mode on the server I chose falls on THEM, not me.
Why r people telling for BG guilds to move off BG, while we don’t know how BG population stands against the T1 servers SBI/JQ with its current population.
Stop looking at the fake numbers of the empty HoD/ET match.
If BG does dominate SBI/JQ with its population, then there’s reason for complaints, not these baseless assumptions from people that are not on BG, let alone not even in this matchup.
That’s the unfortunate side effect of the fair weather transfers. Blackgate had a well earned reputation for being one tough group of people. That reputation led to mass transfers. Now BG is one of the most stacked servers out there, and it’s all too easy to say that’s the reason for BG rocketing up the brackets (because it’s probably true).
It’s baffling how most of the problems with the bracket system and WvW in general can be linked to free server transfers, and yet there’s been no action or word in what is obviously the issue in most dire need of attention.
This much sillyness over chest puffing? It’s PvP.
Get over it. That’s what PvP is. We get it, the transfers make it hard, the rendering is awful, zerg this and that. Just play the game, chest puff when you win, and make excuses when you lose.
Or you know, just enjoy the fights. Either way.
The most bizaare thing about all of this is that you are trying to win when theres a completely broken metagame, which technically makes winning meaningless.
If it comes down to 20 v 8 supply camp raids to farm points to move up a tier, then what exactly are your players learning? How is your server truly getting better?
If anything, I’m glad Maguuma doesn’t need to deal with that kind of problem. We lose enough that the people who stuck around have started to see the positives in it. And I think many have become better players for sticking through adversity.
TC is definitely the toughest server. We will have our revenge on Blackgate, just wait.
Every other class on Black Gate is a thief. That brings a lot of hate. When they stealth hack on the last day of fighting, that brings more.
Well, BG’s movin up to T1, so we (T2) don’t have to deal with them anymore…
Believe it or not, but BG is happy not having to deal with you lot anymore either.
We ll rather loose in T1 with actual fights happening than have no fights.
I just hope that if BG drops back to T2 at the end of coming week HoD ll be finally out of there.
@Ultravalefor. Thats how the Blackgate HoD desired fight started. We were paid after our matchup with the TA by the nickname Beastgate, and they called us one tough server. In the TC/BG/FA match we paid you the compliment of being a never say die server, I look forward to the day I get to fight against (And I hope loose) to TC. You did very well in our matchup and it will be a load of fun throwing down against you again some day.
But…let’s step back and say you’re right – let’s say that if I want a balanced WVW match then it is 100% my responsibility to move to a crowded server 8000 miles away. No problem – just make sure I don’t lose the 100k+ worth of influence I’ve spent fully upgrading my guild so as to deliver 24/7 buffs to our guild members who support us.
Like someone else before me said, latency aint an issue for EU players playing on the NA servers, or the other way around.
Also why care about the guildinfluence? It takes 2-3 weeks for a medium sized guild to get it maxed again, and the only thing you should care about as a wvw guild either way is the fort bonusses.
Having NA people move to the EU servers, and EU people moving to the NA servers, would also mean less Q in the respective primtimes, more action for those that don´t play in primetime, and who knows. Maybe you´ll pick up a trick or two from playing on the other side?
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