The Blob Problem

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Avariz.8241


Let us turn to the Blob Problem. Many people have derided blobbing stifles skill development. This is where a big mass of players in a mega zerg stacking up close together in their movement as one big ball. Such big blobs can easily steam role roamers and do so regularly.

Roamers maintain roaming requires skills and blobbing does not. The predominance of blobbing in World versus World had meant subdue of players’ skills. Blobbing have and always will overcome skills use in battle.

Blobbing create skill lag. Skill lag only ever appear in a blob encounter. Related to that is blobbing cause general lag over all in game play. Another intrinsic problem that Blobbing causes is culling.

The progenitor and the formative development of blobbing is GvG. This is when initially beginning with 5 or up to 8 players a side that now has grown to upwards from 10 to 15 and even 25 plus a side. Blobbing and GvG uses the same style of play. Both use the same techniques and control. Both are created by the same group of people run by the same group of commanders.

(edited by Avariz.8241)

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307


Are you just trying to spread awareness or have a cry because I don’t see you present anything resembling a solution?

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260



Are you just trying to spread awareness or have a cry because I don’t see you present anything resembling a solution?

Or a point.

~ AoN ~

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


He’s mad he’s been getting farmed by SoR/BG monozergs this week.

Don’t worry you can go back to monozerging FA/SoS next week.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


if devs dramatically increase the resurrect time ( from downed too ) in combat mode anyone in a zerg should have no change to survive against a good 10 men ( or women ) party

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Avariz.8241


The descriptive mode of operation is GvG >>> Blob >>> WvW Stacked Servers. The requirement for Blob competiveness is having more players hence the need for WvW stacked servers. A good environment for good GvG is also a good environment for Blob efficiency and vice versa.

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


Two points.

First: GvG isn’t anywhere near a blob, never has been, never will be. Someone from TC should know this, having played against the T1 servers and their blobs.

Second: Skill lag, other than a three way fight at SMC, doesn’t happen at 25v25, or even 40v40. Skill lag happens when the numbers in a fight are near 100, something a GvG will not get close to.

Anyone from BG, SoR, JQ or even TC QQing about skill lag, queues and blobs is ironic because those are things that YOUR guilds on YOUR servers created, and you are still recruiting more players before the first league season starts.

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Sean.8274


These people complaining about huge mobs of people…but are on high population servers. Transfer to a low population server. Seems obvious.

Lucy Ursa~80 Guardian | Worf Rozhenko~80 Warrior | Vera Valentine~80 Mesmer | Cupcake~80 Engi
King Arcturus X~80 Ranger | Suki Serra~80 Thief | Count Charon~80 Necro | Regulus Leo~80 Ele
HoD since launch

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


These people complaining about huge mobs of people…but are on high population servers. Transfer to a low population server. Seems obvious.

You have blobs on lower pop servers too… they are just smaller blobs.

The development team has clearly stated they want people to blob and 1 spam skills as often as possible. They like the big “epic” fights. A short list of notable evidence:

1. A huge 50% nerf to retaliation and confusion, the ultimate counter to 1 spam blobs.
2. Reward systems that only become more rewarding the larger and faster your group can steamroll a keep or another blob.
3. Defending still remains incredbily unrewarding, and has only gotten more-so unrewarding with no ascended mats, and far less wexp.
4. No limit to how many people can “claim” rewards for taking a structure, or a sliding scale to encourage players to spread out.
5. Wexp item drops from players, encouraging mass tagging and AOE spam to get as much lewt as possible. The loot bags were not enough.

You can however hold out hope that some system will be put in place (another game mode), where a decent sized group of players can fight another similar sized group of players where traits, skills, and ability matter, and the fight is not just 80>40 so you lose.

The sad part is, the zerg does have a place in WvW. It has a job to do and a purpose. However the game has been altered around making that the one and only reason to play WvW.

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Handin.4032


One thing I’ve always found funny about blobbing is a lot of players who I’ve talked to on servers that blob (TC is guilty of this sometimes) always say they don’t like blobbing and would prefer if people didn’t blob to get good fights. Then…they blob.

I’ve just never understood it. If as a whole you have a guild that doesn’t want to blob, DON’T. You don’t have to run with 5 guild groups. In fact, having many groups of 15-20 is much better than 1 blob of 60+. I hope if/when they remove WP’s this will solve this problem. The benefit of blobs right now is you can WP around in your stuff gets attacked, you only need 1 sentry, etc. (I also think they should remove being able to WP to other BL’s forcing people to use the portals).

Either way, I see people every match up from major T1/T2 guilds saying how against blobs and zerging they are, and yet those some guilds and people hop into the next blob they see. It’s in the power of the playerbase to play WvW as they choose. They don’t force blobbing. It’s just “easier” so people do it. And if you blob, admit it. Claiming you’re against blobbing, then hopping in the next blob saying “well…anet wants us to, so we’re going to! But I really hate it!” is just dumb. This week I haven’t been playing WvW much because I got tired of people claiming to want fights, then running from small group (<10) fights and running to blobs (or being a roamer, killing a few people then having a blob get called in to a ruin cap point). I’ve seen more blobbing around the ruins now more than anywhere else, since you get such a HUGE bonus for doing so.

TC Golden Dolyak – [DOLY]
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


What blob problem?

Gate of Madness

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: luckywaldo.6089


Let us turn to the Blob Problem. Many people have derided blobbing stifles skill development. This is where a big mass of players in a mega zerg stacking up close together in their movement as one big ball. Such big blobs can easily steam role roamers and do so regularly.

Roamers maintain roaming requires skills and blobbing does not. The predominance of blobbing in World versus World had meant subdue of players’ skills. Blobbing have and always will overcome skills use in battle.

Blobbing create skill lag. Skill lag only ever appear in a blob encounter. Related to that is blobbing cause general lag over all in game play. Another intrinsic problem that Blobbing causes is culling.

The progenitor and the formative development of blobbing is GvG. This is when initially beginning with 5 or up to 8 players a side that now has grown to upwards from 10 to 15 and even 25 plus a side. Blobbing and GvG uses the same style of play. Both use the same techniques and control. Both are created by the same group of people run by the same group of commanders.

Today I learned that mega-zergs consist of as many as 20-25 people, and were invented by GvG players. Before GvG started, WvW fights were only 5-8 people per side. GvG drivers spread this technique because they love running with commander tags on and picking up lots of pugs. After all, you need those pugs to build that 25 man mega-zerg.

Ecce Machina ~ Engineer
Ars Est Mortem ~ Necromancer

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


One thing I’ve always found funny about blobbing is a lot of players who I’ve talked to on servers that blob (TC is guilty of this sometimes) always say they don’t like blobbing and would prefer if people didn’t blob to get good fights. Then…they blob.

I’ve just never understood it. If as a whole you have a guild that doesn’t want to blob, DON’T. You don’t have to run with 5 guild groups. In fact, having many groups of 15-20 is much better than 1 blob of 60+. I hope if/when they remove WP’s this will solve this problem. The benefit of blobs right now is you can WP around in your stuff gets attacked, you only need 1 sentry, etc. (I also think they should remove being able to WP to other BL’s forcing people to use the portals).

Either way, I see people every match up from major T1/T2 guilds saying how against blobs and zerging they are, and yet those some guilds and people hop into the next blob they see. It’s in the power of the playerbase to play WvW as they choose. They don’t force blobbing. It’s just “easier” so people do it. And if you blob, admit it. Claiming you’re against blobbing, then hopping in the next blob saying “well…anet wants us to, so we’re going to! But I really hate it!” is just dumb. This week I haven’t been playing WvW much because I got tired of people claiming to want fights, then running from small group (<10) fights and running to blobs (or being a roamer, killing a few people then having a blob get called in to a ruin cap point). I’ve seen more blobbing around the ruins now more than anywhere else, since you get such a HUGE bonus for doing so.

Well you almost struck the nail on the head with the group of 60 or the 3 groups of 20….

Unfortunately, due to map size, and human nature, it ends up snowballing into 60 people running loops around the map capping everything.

If a group gets wiped (maybe they are bad, maybe they are really outnumbered who knows). They group up with another group to not get wiped (Strength in numbers). Then they start rolling around and to counter that group, the people who are now getting rolled on the other side start to do the same to counter it by grouping up…until eventually you have big group..vs big group….and after a while of doing this it becomes the norm….the more people you have the more supply you have, the more damage you can do, you can get through gates faster etc…etc…

Also additionally, the coordination of 3 groups of 20 is harder than 1 large group and its also easier to keep everyone focused in one spot one location and moving together as one…if people see 3 commanders on a map…how many times have you heard someone say “which commander do I follow?”

In a game where there is strength in numbers and there are a lot of casuals playing, keeping it simple mode and zerging together as one in the same direction ends up being the most efficient play style…so that’s what we get…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Xavi.6591


The progenitor and the formative development of blobbing is GvG. This is when initially beginning with 5 or up to 8 players a side that now has grown to upwards from 10 to 15 and even 25 plus a side. Blobbing and GvG uses the same style of play. Both use the same techniques and control. Both are created by the same group of people run by the same group of commanders.

The ‘zerg’ or ‘blob’ was there long before GvG became semi-popular. Also 10-25 is not really a ‘blob’, more like 40-100+.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

…how many times have you heard someone say “which commander do I follow?”

There is that issue with the commander tag again. I wonder if simply being able to tell one commander from another at a quick glance would make it easier to divide the blobs into multiple smaller groups.

Three groups of 20 might actually hit harder than one group of 60.

For the Toast!

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


…how many times have you heard someone say “which commander do I follow?”

There is that issue with the commander tag again. I wonder if simply being able to tell one commander from another at a quick glance would make it easier to divide the blobs into multiple smaller groups.

Three groups of 20 might actually hit harder than one group of 60.

Purple Taco for President

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Well, the way I see it is that WvW is supposed to be a “war.” Now, in what war do you see roamers (more like spec ops) expose themselves to enemy units of company size or larger?

Most wars are fought by the grunts, who are amassed in massive sizes. In the army it is broken down by brigade, battallion, company, platoon, squad. And typically, the side with the most numbers will win. Technology can help limit the numbers of the opposing faction, and also limit the numbers of troops needed to be sent in, but the most troops will win.

The spec ops (roamers) do play key parts in the war, but they don’t win it.

So, in my opinion, WvW is being fought like any regular war. I would also conclude that this is just in our nature, to fight wars this way, since it has been the same since recorded history.

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


The progenitor and the formative development of blobbing is GvG. This is when initially beginning with 5 or up to 8 players a side that now has grown to upwards from 10 to 15 and even 25 plus a side. Blobbing and GvG uses the same style of play. Both use the same techniques and control. Both are created by the same group of people run by the same group of commanders.

That’s a purest pile of misconceptions/factual errors I’ve ever seen about WvW. Like every sentence is just plain wrong, Well, I mean, it may be true in some particular case on some server where OP is coming from, but even then, half is still got wrong.

1. It’s other way around. Blobbing is a cause for GvG. As in, it is an enemy GvG crowd is aiming at.
2. The idea of blob is to maximize numbers. The idea of organized groups who use GvG as training ground is to minimize numbers while still being able to represent map-wide force to recon with.
3. “This is when initially beginning with 5 – 8 blah blah” – where you even coming from with this? Why 5 or 8? Initially it is either 1 (solo player) or x (a group of players) where x can be anywhere between 2 and map limit depending on guild size.
4. Blob doesn’t use techniques. Blob is a random hive.
5. Blob is not created specifically by single person. One person tags up and it’s up to anyone on map to follow this person. Or not.

But probably I should have asked first: “What exact number represents ‘blob’ in your opinion”?

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


What blob problem?

agree , there is not any serious blob problem ….

i said it before there two real problems in www . 1st is the sort time for resurrect and 2nd is the extremely long character titles .

come on devs , decide a unique acronym for each server and put this , not all the name. eXample : Aurora Glade = AG. people most of the times give false infos for enemies numbers


(edited by Reborn.2934)

The Blob Problem

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


He’s mad he’s been getting farmed by SoR/BG monozergs this week.

Don’t worry you can go back to monozerging FA/SoS next week.

FA here. actually tc has improved a lot and it is fun fighting their zergs as they like fun fights as much as we do. yes, tey will mostlikely win due to having way better coverage han we do, but at least they dont just massblob 2 servers down to 20ppt and then spawncamp both servers in eb with their 70+ blobs.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood