The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


This defensive mentality then lowers the individual reward for others, because suddenly there are now defended keeps and an uncoordinated blob isn’t enough to ktrain, because now it takes longer to secure a keep and success may not even be possible.

You ask me, Why fight?
I’m asking YOU : Why aren’t you fighting ?

Boo hoohoo people are defending and it’s not as easy to ktrain ?

Unless you’re willing to fight for it, and win, you don’t deserve that reward. You don’t deserve that dragonite. In fact, you don’t deserve loots, AT ALL!

This carebear-like “Why are j00 fighting?” bleeting is EXACTLY why I fight. I fight to keep the lot of you away from the dragonite. I fight to farm you and your zergling friends by the 50 when I tag all of you with burning oil. I fight because if the bags on legs walk into my slice, they don’t deserve to walk off unchallenged.

I fight to crush your choochoomander’s spirits and show them that just because you can blow 100g on a blue corn doritos doesn’t mean you have the capacity to fight and lead other players in a pvp environment. No pity for choochoomanders.

I fight…. because that’s what I do. It’s what I’m here for.

Coincidentally, Frostkeep is also an excellent “Maguuma command simulator” since you’re outnumbered all the time. So you have to make it work with what’s available. And believe me when I say this : Your tears empower me.

get help dude


Stop trying to have EotM = WvW proper happen. It’s not going to happen. It’s there to take farmers away from both PvE and WvW so people who wanna play those properly can do it without trains everywhere. It also helps ANet test various concepts that they want to put in the game. And it’s a kitten nice place to level an alt.

If you’re looking for fights and strategy, strap on a pair of big boy pants and go do EB or BL. Or is going against people who wanna fight too much for you? Not as easy when the board hits back, is it? I get it that some people feel empowered by defeating others who have no interest in fighting them and are uplevels, but at some point you will have to grow up or seek professional help. Until then you’ll still be (physically or figuratively) puny, pathetic children who think that beating up on those weaker than you shows the world how great and strong you are. Go tuck yourself in.

(edited by SkyFallsInThunder.8257)

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


I take a group of 12-15 in sometimes and farm the karma blobs at choke points for the bags, tears and lulz.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


EOTM is part of wvw. As such, there should be an expectation to fight but alas it has become a karma train. I thoroughly enjoy taking a thief into EOTM and picking off just about anyone I can.

I would love to see more organized groups get into EOTM and simply attack K-trains.


Because EOTM cheapens WvW ranks. It is sooo much easier to get your WvW ranks up by K-training EOTM than actually learning how to fight against another player. If EOTM is to be part of PvE (gross mistake) versus WvW then at the very least don’t have it provide WvW experience!

Bust the K-train!

(edited by Bombsaway.7198)

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: AlecFair.1270


As a vet in WvW since beta, I see EotM more as a casual WvW rather than a hardcore “we need to win this crap” WvW as well as a waiting room and a first step for new players to get used to some of the mechanics of WvW.

Which I agree the Queensdale toxicity if moving over to EotM, I can see why the rewards are alot better than your typical WvW map. Since if they took out the rewards, EotM would probably be desolate and just filled with people waiting to get into the main WvW map and just be the WvW version of lions arch. EotM is a place where you can be low level, low skilled, or both and still be somewhat rewarded nicely to help you out with your builds and other things. I also see it as a nice rewarding process for other players for helping said newer and lower level players.

I for one mainly use EotM to theory craft new supportive builds for WvW like my cleric builded Ele and I like the karma train since it pulls out the serious player groups in which i can just lul as I out heal thief backstabs as well as lul ontop of a gate getting pelted with ACs just to have the enemy realise the people at the gate are not dieing because my benevolence stack has been fed to max and I am busting out 1k water blasts hoping they throw more AC on me to at least get me down below 90% of my hp. Soon I am gonna get my engi and from WvW damage spec, turn him into a supportive engineer for WvW.

Also EotM is more just easy mode WvW than the actual maps. Since think about it, you have the three servers of tier one and every server below that the same color. So if you are in a really low tier you are basically just asking JQ, TC, and BG to hold your hand and make you feel like a winner where your server is performing horribly in WvW. If EotM was more like WvW then every single thing in the map would be sieged and just be a big fat zerg fest with hammer trains and people with ACs strapped to their back ready to build them in the middle of the field like a group of Amish workers having a good day to win most of the zerg fights. At least EotM right now lets my Charr Warrior feel like FF VI’s Gilgamesh on the large bridge taking out 2-3 people while blairing battle at big bridge. If you want to have hardcore WvW go play WvW if you want to just mess around and get some kind of reward in the process go EotM is how I see it and like it the way it is.

Also At OP think of the rewards as extra motivation for people to do better in the maps. Run around cap stuff, everyone gets rewarded, morale and confidence gets built, people respect your orders and follow you more, and you get stuff done. Try using the rewards to your advantage rather than think of it as a hinderance. Even greed can provide strength to the weak in terms of motivation and morale.

Ofcourse that is my opinion I could be wrong. (+1 metaphorical gold if you can guess this line of which comedian)

Tarnished Coast – Got mah Toast on. :V
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]

(edited by AlecFair.1270)

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Gatharin.2674


I also try to play defense and set up siege like Kaga, though for different reasons. My rationale for doing so in EotM instead of WvW is very simple. With the compact nature of the map and the number of players, enemy forces are obligated to attack your structures. In WvW, there is absolutely no guarantee that enemy forces will 1. Show up and 2. Still attack the structure. In addition, strategic chokes in WvW are far and few between unlike in EotM. By setting up proper defenses at these points, the effects of individual contribution to the well-being of the overall team increase significantly.

Maguuma WvW

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


EoTm trains are going to be harder. Welcome to WvWvW.

Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


I often play defense too. I sit 3 hours in keep and just wait that stupid enough enemy come and then i show my mad gaming skills. EotM is Serious Business.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Samis.1750


I don’t understand the purpose of EOTM. There’s no fighting. There’s more excitement fighting centaurs in Queensdale or Harathi.

Giving such high rewards to EOTM relative to other activities in the game makes no sense.

I was there once and got bored, and I am an older player. Maybe when I turn 60 it will be fun. Nah … I’ll stick to the centaurs.

Tarnished Coast

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I am a pvx player, but I will always have focus on wvw over PvP/pve. That said I would like
to see a nerf in wxp and badges rewarded. I play the eotm k train for lvling purposes. I am absolutely upset that I have gotten more wxp lvling 2 chars in eotm than I have from countless hours of actual wvw gameplay. Wooden potatoes made a pretty kitten ing comment on one of his latest videos when he said why he was going to ride the eotm ktrain… “I need wxp levels”. That sounds so bullkitten to me. Why the hell is your wvw overflow map that is currently catering to wvw newcomers and farmers giving more wxp than the actual game mode. That rant being over, I hope the other rewards stay at similar levels. It gives me a place I actually care to lvl alts at. /opinion

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Rokuro.9564


I am a pvx player, but I will always have focus on wvw over PvP/pve. That said I would like
to see a nerf in wxp and badges rewarded. I play the eotm k train for lvling purposes. I am absolutely upset that I have gotten more wxp lvling 2 chars in eotm than I have from countless hours of actual wvw gameplay. Wooden potatoes made a pretty kitten ing comment on one of his latest videos when he said why he was going to ride the eotm ktrain… “I need wxp levels”. That sounds so bullkitten to me. Why the hell is your wvw overflow map that is currently catering to wvw newcomers and farmers giving more wxp than the actual game mode. That rant being over, I hope the other rewards stay at similar levels. It gives me a place I actually care to lvl alts at. /opinion

I agree that rewards need to be shifted in some ways as i said in one of my earlier responses on the first page. World versus World deserves better rewards than EOTM as long as EOTM is kept as an overflow system to avoid queues, if they implement EOTM into wvw directly then i can see rewards staying possibly but without that implementation i believe EOTM will remain the mindless train with these sort of rewards.

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I want better rewards for PvP defense in EoTM