The End of WvW

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: FxDelusional.8624


Before anyone says “Your mad because your server is last”, no, we are first in our bracket for this week, and by and Landslide. After a week of Season 1, I have come to the conclusion that WvW is done for, so long as there are seasons.

I really expected to see the best, show up and play their A-Game. Instead, ALL I have seen is commander keep people at bay waiting for a Flip. Tag, UnTag, Milita, Roamers, Guilds, EVERY single one of them has done the same thing this week. Flip.

I thought WvW was pitting server vs server. Instead it has turned into an Achievefest. 7 weeks of this? Is this going to be 7 weeks of “Lets drain SMC so that we can build walls.” or “Lets not build siege so that they can over run Lords Room”. No one is even trying. All people want to do is get their Achieves, and yet no one is looking at the bigger picture.

It seems that every time ANET adds Achieves, something gets overran with issues. I am sorry to say, but this Season WvW will ALWAYS be like this in the future. People want Titles, Points, Gifts, etc. Putting it into the masses, on the scale of three combined servers, just turns the mechanics of what WvW was, to something else. It seems more PvE then WvW. Zergs walking past another, while map chat keeps saying “Let them cap it, leave it alone!” Really sad to see this go down this way.

The change of Tiered WvW was already bad. ANET said “HEY its GREAT! No more fighting the same people for months at a time!” Now its " If your the top 3 servers, you are guaranteed wins every few weeks, since we will place you with servers that cant even come CLOSE to you in a match up. The logic in that makes no sense. Lets reward the Third place Server a win by placing them against the 4th and 6th place server.

Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the third place server vs the fourth? 100K+ Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the top 3? They have ALL changed rank for all top 3 spots. Has number 4, 5, or 6 even come CLOSE to placing at #3? NO! 5 and 6 cant even take down 4 (Which currently is TC) without losing by a 100-200k. Yet ANETS view is that it makes it fun to TRY and take on a server that beats you by 100s of thousands of points, because its NEW people.

If I may, since this is ANETS view, then why cant #6 play against #13? 13 has no chance to win anyway, but seeing that 6 has played just about every server above them, why not give them something new?

This Event, has just made WvW even worse. First is the illogical match ups. Now is the skill-less Achieve trading. If thats going to be the case…….

Well I am looking for a server that is focused on WvW and not the rush of getting Achieves. Those will come within 7 weeks of playing. If your organized, have people in WvW 24/7 (Not a server that has Peak hours, looking for all around Capping at all hours) then send me a whisper.

Not looking to offend anyone, this is just my opinion. I enjoyed WvW being coordinated prior to the Season. I really dont care for the achievement greed.

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


the bigger score picture causes the t1 disease, need more manpower, need more coverage, need more strategy, need more quaggans moar moar moar!

if you farm the enemy for mats, you have more than enough. Forget the score, it will only stress you out because wvw simply can not be balanced in it’s current open world state.

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Madora.9340


I think everyone needs to remember that their online experience may vary. Sure, the achievement hunters will come out of the woodwork but unless those servers have a community that caters to the WvW crowd on that server, don’t expect things to change. I’ve had a great time in WvW this week, and the introduction of many of the newer players asking the veterans how to play may have helped our numbers out. We’ll have to see, but for my server, the outlook is looking good.

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: FxDelusional.8624


I am very glad some servers are doing well, and getting new people to enjoy WvW for what it is. Sadly my server and the others in our group, well atleast 3, are doing Trades for achieve. Too me, that kinda is taking the fun out of WvW

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: chillypsu.9463


EB/AR/BP still makes me cringe.

Big Chilly – [TG]

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


Lopsided scores will occur, it can’t be helped in a round robin match up like this. When the top server faces the two worst, things could get ugly. Just really depends.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


the bigger score picture causes the t1 disease, need more manpower, need more coverage, need more strategy, need more quaggans moar moar moar!

Now you made me sad. My server doesn’t have enough quaggans :/

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


WvW as we have known it has changed. It is no longer about actually playing WvW, servers clashing and the sorts.
Its now another place where people try to grind out achievements as effeciently as possible, and that more often then not involves NOT fighting.

Score means nothing to most people playing WvW right now.

And when the Achievement hunters got their 7-weekly fix, they move on till the next season and the grind starts yet again.

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Typhus.3502


You belong in tier 1. 24/7 coverage, where 80% of each zone is in teamspeak. This week was a blast, the matchup was so close that even 1k points was a huge lead, up until we made a huge push at the end. The downsides are pretty obvious though, long queues since everyone’s involved. (20m-1hr+ na primetime.) And horrendous smc-esque skill lag during huge keep threeways.

That said, I think the leagues are a poor idea. I don’t need cutesy rewards to force me into wvw, it’s the only aspect of the game I enjoy. I wouldn’t mind fighting the other t1 servers every single week, as-is, there’s going to be some huge point disparities over the next 7 weeks. Most lower-tiered servers won’t be able to deal with the coverage.

[TW] Pumped

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Super Kruegs.8967

Super Kruegs.8967

IMO league has been a success. lots of new players in my fav. game mode. Actual rewards for W3. It’s really hard to tell how much is the PVE players or just servers going at it cause winning actually means something. Besides the JP which should not be a w3 achievement i don’t see what the problem is here. Every player has the right to be here and even the greatest players were noobs at some point. Who knows we may have introduced some of the greatest future players this week to W3 because of leagues. I for one hope this population increase stays where it is. More people to fight and it’ll make a lot of high tier guilds think about destacking to avoid massive ques, therefore creating more server balance moving forward.

FA [WS]. Small group fights since 2012

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Would be awesome if servers that are second and third could only attack leading server. I should make own PvP mmorpg. I have so many good ideas.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rama.6439


Leagues was failed from the get go, we in WvW all knew it was gonna bring in a lot of PvErs and Achievement Hounds, but didn’t expect them to stay all week, the achievements that Anet put in front of us for them keys can be kind of lame, and even though you only need 15 of them it can be hard to get 15 done when you have to sit in que for awhile to even get onto the map.

I wish Anet would have left WvW for WvW and left the rest of the game to PvE, don’t they already have enough as it is, do they really have to have what we have to?

I liked when there were 3 parts of the game, WvW, SPvP, and PvE, now it’s starting to look like they are making WvW more and more into a PvE/PvP/Achieve Fest with updates every other month.

Arcubus Balefire – 80 Guardian
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Before anyone says “Your mad because your server is last”, no, we are first in our bracket for this week, and by and Landslide. After a week of Season 1, I have come to the conclusion that WvW is done for, so long as there are seasons.

I really expected to see the best, show up and play their A-Game. Instead, ALL I have seen is commander keep people at bay waiting for a Flip. Tag, UnTag, Milita, Roamers, Guilds, EVERY single one of them has done the same thing this week. Flip.

I thought WvW was pitting server vs server. Instead it has turned into an Achievefest. 7 weeks of this? Is this going to be 7 weeks of “Lets drain SMC so that we can build walls.” or “Lets not build siege so that they can over run Lords Room”. No one is even trying. All people want to do is get their Achieves, and yet no one is looking at the bigger picture.

It seems that every time ANET adds Achieves, something gets overran with issues. I am sorry to say, but this Season WvW will ALWAYS be like this in the future. People want Titles, Points, Gifts, etc. Putting it into the masses, on the scale of three combined servers, just turns the mechanics of what WvW was, to something else. It seems more PvE then WvW. Zergs walking past another, while map chat keeps saying “Let them cap it, leave it alone!” Really sad to see this go down this way.

The change of Tiered WvW was already bad. ANET said “HEY its GREAT! No more fighting the same people for months at a time!” Now its " If your the top 3 servers, you are guaranteed wins every few weeks, since we will place you with servers that cant even come CLOSE to you in a match up. The logic in that makes no sense. Lets reward the Third place Server a win by placing them against the 4th and 6th place server.

Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the third place server vs the fourth? 100K+ Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the top 3? They have ALL changed rank for all top 3 spots. Has number 4, 5, or 6 even come CLOSE to placing at #3? NO! 5 and 6 cant even take down 4 (Which currently is TC) without losing by a 100-200k. Yet ANETS view is that it makes it fun to TRY and take on a server that beats you by 100s of thousands of points, because its NEW people.

If I may, since this is ANETS view, then why cant #6 play against #13? 13 has no chance to win anyway, but seeing that 6 has played just about every server above them, why not give them something new?

This Event, has just made WvW even worse. First is the illogical match ups. Now is the skill-less Achieve trading. If thats going to be the case…….

Well I am looking for a server that is focused on WvW and not the rush of getting Achieves. Those will come within 7 weeks of playing. If your organized, have people in WvW 24/7 (Not a server that has Peak hours, looking for all around Capping at all hours) then send me a whisper.

Not looking to offend anyone, this is just my opinion. I enjoyed WvW being coordinated prior to the Season. I really dont care for the achievement greed.

Your saying that a temporary issue(achievement points that take 2 days to finish) will ruin WvW? I take your point very seriously and i’m sure the devs will as well. This thread will definitely result in changes.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master |

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Captain Shinypants.1987

Captain Shinypants.1987

My experience this last week since the league/achievement has been introduced has been pretty bad, the carrot that was dangled in front of the achievement addicts/ pve crowd was well eaten and to the detriment of the majority in the w3. All you are doing is forcing alot of people to get into w3 very short term while at the same time forcing some of the w3 family to leave for good, square peg round circle comes to mind. Lastily my view is biased somewhat because i’ve now been waiting 3 1/2 hours to get into any of the bl’s………..

(edited by Captain Shinypants.1987)

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mako.2431


Before anyone says “Your mad because your server is last”, no, we are first in our bracket for this week, and by and Landslide. After a week of Season 1, I have come to the conclusion that WvW is done for, so long as there are seasons.

I really expected to see the best, show up and play their A-Game. Instead, ALL I have seen is commander keep people at bay waiting for a Flip. Tag, UnTag, Milita, Roamers, Guilds, EVERY single one of them has done the same thing this week. Flip.

I thought WvW was pitting server vs server. Instead it has turned into an Achievefest. 7 weeks of this? Is this going to be 7 weeks of “Lets drain SMC so that we can build walls.” or “Lets not build siege so that they can over run Lords Room”. No one is even trying. All people want to do is get their Achieves, and yet no one is looking at the bigger picture.

It seems that every time ANET adds Achieves, something gets overran with issues. I am sorry to say, but this Season WvW will ALWAYS be like this in the future. People want Titles, Points, Gifts, etc. Putting it into the masses, on the scale of three combined servers, just turns the mechanics of what WvW was, to something else. It seems more PvE then WvW. Zergs walking past another, while map chat keeps saying “Let them cap it, leave it alone!” Really sad to see this go down this way.

The change of Tiered WvW was already bad. ANET said “HEY its GREAT! No more fighting the same people for months at a time!” Now its " If your the top 3 servers, you are guaranteed wins every few weeks, since we will place you with servers that cant even come CLOSE to you in a match up. The logic in that makes no sense. Lets reward the Third place Server a win by placing them against the 4th and 6th place server.

Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the third place server vs the fourth? 100K+ Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the top 3? They have ALL changed rank for all top 3 spots. Has number 4, 5, or 6 even come CLOSE to placing at #3? NO! 5 and 6 cant even take down 4 (Which currently is TC) without losing by a 100-200k. Yet ANETS view is that it makes it fun to TRY and take on a server that beats you by 100s of thousands of points, because its NEW people.

If I may, since this is ANETS view, then why cant #6 play against #13? 13 has no chance to win anyway, but seeing that 6 has played just about every server above them, why not give them something new?

This Event, has just made WvW even worse. First is the illogical match ups. Now is the skill-less Achieve trading. If thats going to be the case…….

Well I am looking for a server that is focused on WvW and not the rush of getting Achieves. Those will come within 7 weeks of playing. If your organized, have people in WvW 24/7 (Not a server that has Peak hours, looking for all around Capping at all hours) then send me a whisper.

Not looking to offend anyone, this is just my opinion. I enjoyed WvW being coordinated prior to the Season. I really dont care for the achievement greed.

Agree 100%. Have not even had the desire to log on in days.

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


achievement points that take 2 days to finish

Unlike PvE, actions in WvW matter not just to yourself. Just by being on the map, you are influencing everyone else participating in the effort.

2 days of achievement hunting per person is 12000 days from 6000 people (assuming that’s the average number of players per server). The leagues last 7 weeks, that’s 49 days. Assuming the maps can handle 100 people per server, and there’re 4 maps. That’s 19600 league hours available for players. More than 60% of all leagues play time available for players are spent on achievement hunting.

It’s not just once or twice that I see half the zerg squatting on a sentry point when the commanders called repeatedly for all hands on deck for a keep defense. The lord has already been bursted down and we only have a handful of players at the scene to hold the cap circle. Each of those players have to sacrifice themselves to buy the zerg a mere few seconds each. Every single second counts. It’s unacceptable that people would waste 20+ of those precious seconds for stupid Achievement points. This is in T1, arguably the most competitive of all leagues. The lower tiers are probably experiencing frostgorge champ train level of farming. It’s gross.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

(edited by Heinel.6548)

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I’m from SoS and yeah, seasons suck kitten I hated the way matchup were since they added the randomness to it cause it made really unbalanced matches but with season 1 we are stuck at the bottom of Gold League with only Magunma that we can really compete with for the next 6 weeks. If ascended wasn’t enough to completely turn me away from the game, this bullkitten is.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: sbr.8170


Before anyone says “Your mad because your server is last”, no, we are first in our bracket for this week, and by and Landslide. After a week of Season 1, I have come to the conclusion that WvW is done for, so long as there are seasons.

I really expected to see the best, show up and play their A-Game. Instead, ALL I have seen is commander keep people at bay waiting for a Flip. Tag, UnTag, Milita, Roamers, Guilds, EVERY single one of them has done the same thing this week. Flip.

I thought WvW was pitting server vs server. Instead it has turned into an Achievefest. 7 weeks of this? Is this going to be 7 weeks of “Lets drain SMC so that we can build walls.” or “Lets not build siege so that they can over run Lords Room”. No one is even trying. All people want to do is get their Achieves, and yet no one is looking at the bigger picture.

It seems that every time ANET adds Achieves, something gets overran with issues. I am sorry to say, but this Season WvW will ALWAYS be like this in the future. People want Titles, Points, Gifts, etc. Putting it into the masses, on the scale of three combined servers, just turns the mechanics of what WvW was, to something else. It seems more PvE then WvW. Zergs walking past another, while map chat keeps saying “Let them cap it, leave it alone!” Really sad to see this go down this way.

The change of Tiered WvW was already bad. ANET said “HEY its GREAT! No more fighting the same people for months at a time!” Now its " If your the top 3 servers, you are guaranteed wins every few weeks, since we will place you with servers that cant even come CLOSE to you in a match up. The logic in that makes no sense. Lets reward the Third place Server a win by placing them against the 4th and 6th place server.

Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the third place server vs the fourth? 100K+ Whats the CLOSEST point spread between the top 3? They have ALL changed rank for all top 3 spots. Has number 4, 5, or 6 even come CLOSE to placing at #3? NO! 5 and 6 cant even take down 4 (Which currently is TC) without losing by a 100-200k. Yet ANETS view is that it makes it fun to TRY and take on a server that beats you by 100s of thousands of points, because its NEW people.

If I may, since this is ANETS view, then why cant #6 play against #13? 13 has no chance to win anyway, but seeing that 6 has played just about every server above them, why not give them something new?

This Event, has just made WvW even worse. First is the illogical match ups. Now is the skill-less Achieve trading. If thats going to be the case…….

Well I am looking for a server that is focused on WvW and not the rush of getting Achieves. Those will come within 7 weeks of playing. If your organized, have people in WvW 24/7 (Not a server that has Peak hours, looking for all around Capping at all hours) then send me a whisper.

Not looking to offend anyone, this is just my opinion. I enjoyed WvW being coordinated prior to the Season. I really dont care for the achievement greed.

Your saying that a temporary issue(achievement points that take 2 days to finish) will ruin WvW? I take your point very seriously and i’m sure the devs will as well. This thread will definitely result in changes.

PVE achievement hounds can kill 450 people and capture Stonemist 5 times in 2 days? The hardcore WvWers must not be as good as I thought.

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


I’m from SoS and yeah, seasons suck kitten I hated the way matchup were since they added the randomness to it cause it made really unbalanced matches but with season 1 we are stuck at the bottom of Gold League with only Magunma that we can really compete with for the next 6 weeks. If ascended wasn’t enough to completely turn me away from the game, this bullkitten is.

Did you know your server just got is getting 2 large WvW oriented guilds? perhaps even more to come that you can just leech off?

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tallis.5607


I agree, sadly. Pretty much everyone was like ‘why bother upgrading’, because with the WWW system, you actually WANT to loose your keeps, so you can take them back.

It’s really, really sad

Not to mention that their ‘solution’ for the looooong queues will make the queues even LONGER, cause more people will queue: people will have something to do while queueing, so less-devoted players will queue again. Instead of -say- making one/two/three copies of EB with your matchup servers when you got queues on all 4, noooooo, after one year of queues, the solution is to make a new map that doesn’t count at all! <facepalm>

But the worse about WWW is the same as it has always been: with 50 people in SEA time, you earn as much points than with 450 people in NA time: SEA players are 9 times more valuable for NA servers than NA players, due to the stobborness of the DEVs refusing to adjust the WWW points, based on the number of players. This achieves the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they always say, that each player has the same value.

I’m from SoS and yeah, seasons suck kitten I hated the way matchup were since they added the randomness to it cause it made really unbalanced matches but with season 1 we are stuck at the bottom of Gold League with only Magunma that we can really compete with for the next 6 weeks. If ascended wasn’t enough to completely turn me away from the game, this bullkitten is.

Yeah, whoever made up the Gold league matches wasn’t paying attention AT ALL. JQ is green all seven weeks, lol. And, yes, not to mention that as 6th placed server, you will play against a T1 server 5 out of 7 matches. IT’s like they WANT to stop your server from WWWing

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

(edited by Tallis.5607)

The End of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I’m from SoS and yeah, seasons suck kitten I hated the way matchup were since they added the randomness to it cause it made really unbalanced matches but with season 1 we are stuck at the bottom of Gold League with only Magunma that we can really compete with for the next 6 weeks. If ascended wasn’t enough to completely turn me away from the game, this bullkitten is.

Did you know your server just got is getting 2 large WvW oriented guilds? perhaps even more to come that you can just leech off?

I did not know that, thanks for letting me know and for your information I am not a leech. Over the past year I have spent hundreds and hundreds of gold on siege and upgrades. I pull my weight and more. I like fighting fair fights, by fair I mean close matchups which is something that Anet doesn’t seem to have a clue about how to do. I am glad that SoS is getting a couple of WvW guilds, hope they are NA cause that’s where they need it most, but it’s a little too late for me. I have lost all faith in Anet and will be taking a long break until I either start agreeing with the direction they are taking the game in or they start taking the game in a direction I agree with. It’s to bad, I really really enjoyed this game up until september when it became clear to me the vision Anet has for GW2 is not what I want to play.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”