The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Sloane Hardtower.7825

Sloane Hardtower.7825

Much has been said about the zerg versus zerg fight and the strategy of siege and reinforce. What hasn’t been covered much is the importance of small special forces like teams roaming the back lines.

1. Supply Cut Offs- A mobile team can cut down supplies moving into keeps. They can take supply camps quickly and move away blocking the supplies for a minimum of five minutes. They can all do this with moving at 2-3 times the speed of a large Zerg.

2. Crossed Swords Tactics: Creating Crossed sword Icons on a map and sending the other teams zerg in search of you can buy and does buy time for your larger forces to take keeps without reinforcements. Watching a zerg of 40 roll after your quick strike team of 4-8 is funny. They just cant keep up.

3. Cutting off Reinforcements. Lets face it every WvW map is manned by half organized and half pugs. Generally speaking when a large objective goes under attack there is a stream of disorganized people racing to it. A good gank group can take this stream of players and keep them away from a keep, or the more organized players porting back for siege weapons from reaching there.

4. Rapid Reinforcement. The ability to move quickitteno anywhere on the map and help support a point is invaluable. Large zergs simply cannot move around quickly by nature. But a efficient well run team with ports set up can get to almost any point in the map in time to support attacks and defends.

How to build a small group.
1. Speed. Your group must travel at speed 100% of the time. Work out a rotation of horns banners buffs…..its a must to stay up.
2. Voice Chat: No time to type when 50 people are incoming…..
3. Ganking Builds. You need your team to be built with the objective in mind. Not the stand off keep type. Quick kills, fast moving and lots of clensing of conditions will be needed. That way when that pesky stun lands on your players you can clense it and get away.
4. Thick Skin. Eventually the Zerg will catch you and even great players in this game get mauled 5 on 50. Just regroup, find a new area to roam and get back to it. Dont get angry with your squads.

Thats how me and my guildmates contribute most nights to our borderlands and we have a great time playing in WvW. Give it a try some night just might find it helps your struggling world improve by having one or two of these teams on each map.

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I approve of these tactics, I just have never been able to get enough people to follow me to actually pull it off.

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Elfangle.4503


Great post and absolutely true!

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


yes this is exactly what people need to realize and im willing to bet servers that introduce this tactic and expand on it even more will find themselves dominating the wvw matchup because imo this is the premier strategy divide and conq

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


This accounts for about 80% of how I’ve played the game the last couple of weeks in WvW. You left out the part about how much fun it can be.

Also worth mentioning, a 5 man team doesn’t put the swords on the map when you attack. You need 6 or more for that. So if you have one team out placing swords all over the map while a 5 man team attacks an undefended tower, it’s quite easy to get the doors down with 1 person on the ram while everyone picks off the guards / takes out one-off defenders trying to get inside.

Just remember to take out the oil / cannons before dropping a RAM. It only takes 1 person getting inside with oil or cannons up to ruin the whole thing.

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Funny, when i run small man (max of 5) I really could care less about stalling a zerg or helping our zerg. I’m out there to find some fights and take objectives for money. Really, its a byproduct of small manning that it helps the main zerg at all. We like to take control points and what not to see if we can get a few zerg stragglers to wander by and cut them down. That’s about it.

One thing though, don’t give the small groups crap for not doing what you want NOW or they will completely ignore you can not take anything or take only control points just to kitten you off. I have switched borderlands because of catching crap from “commanders” who tried to direct us to objects in a not so… cordial way

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Sloane Hardtower.7825

Sloane Hardtower.7825

This is also a great way for the smaller guilds to get envovled. Or if your server is really struggling go after one of the better tourney Spvp teams to come help you out. These tactics work even when badly out numbered or out classed by bigger servers….practice them and you can cap points even if your World is getting destroyed.

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Pretty much how our small guild rolls. I’d say out of an hour at least 5-10 minutes are spent reading the map for changes and reacting or creating situations. Nothing like seeing a command passed in /team and seeing a friendly zerg rolling in after we’ve already completed the objective by our own initiative.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

We regularly do this with just 3 or 4 people on the other borderlands.

Just roll the supply camps a couple of times and mix that up with the weather machines and road guards, and you’ll get all the attention your 14 year old teenage daughter could ever ask for.

Time to move to the next borderland!

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.