The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


First, let me say that the new terrain in the middle of the maps is excellent. Awesome job there Anet. You really put a lot of thought into the map design.

Now, with that said. The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small man fights.

The stat gain is significant for 1v1s, but for 5v5s it is even more of a problem because it is a force multiplier. Good 5v5 teams focus targets. So, if a side has all three orbs their focus target is taking the extra damage from the stats from all of the players targeting him. This is leading to some damage spikes that are just way over the top.

Small man fighting is all about managing your health by going offensive and defensive depending on positioning and who is getting focused. But, now when facing good groups who have good builds and know how to focus target the incoming damage can not be managed or in a best case scenario puts you at a huge disadvantage. The worst case scenario being that you just get blown up.

Now, let’s flip that around. Any good and serious small man out there plays for the challenge. THEY DO NOT WANT AN ARTIFICIAL ADVANTAGE OVER THEIR OPPONENTS. Let me say that again, because it is important and it seems to be something that a lot of game developers don’t understand about us. WE DO NOT WANT AN ARTIFICIAL ADVANTAGE WHEN FIGHTING OUR OPPONENTS.

You see, you are not only ruining the fight for the side that has no Orbs… you are also ruining the fight for the side that has all three Orbs. The reason for this is because they want to know that they just won the fight because they outplayed their opponent not because they had some kind of bullkitten Orb buff.

Bottom line: New terrain is awesome, keep it. Orb buffs are horrible. Replace them with something meaningful that helps the realm win the matchup but doesn’t interfere with open field fighting.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Why do you bother man? This is the exact same reason that ascended gear should never have been allowed into WvW as well but there’s no chance on hell of that being undone. So can’t I see why you would have any faith in them reverting the orb nonsense either.

Honestly, I’m surprised Ozoo. This is way more of a Jscull post than is typical for you.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Yeah I like to record my fights and such, but have lost interest because of the buffs.

Let my opponent have them, I don’t care. I like tougher fights, but keep the buffs off me please.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Why do you bother man? This is the exact same reason that ascended gear should never have been allowed into WvW as well but there’s no chance on hell of that being undone. So can’t I see why you would have any faith in them reverting the orb nonsense either.

Honestly, I’m surprised Ozoo. This is way more of a Jscull post than is typical for you.

Well, I actually agree with a lot of PAXA’s positions if not always the attitude. This Orb thing is really bad though, because it takes away the incentive to play for me (and people like me) even if I’m up three orbs. In fact, I have zero incentive to have even number fights when I’m up three orbs. Zero, none.

Food, stacks, and gear I view differently since they are things you can have if you put the effort into it. You really don’t have personal control over whether you have the Orb buffs or not.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: moutzaheadin.4029


Its a sad day when you post something a agree with. But in this instance I couldn’t agree more.

Problem is anet will not read this or care about it.

Wvw is already in a nose dive and it hasn’t been a week.

NSP | Obsessïon | XOXO

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I hate to pile on since I wanted this buff to work out, but skill groups just got A LOT more powerful when the buffs are up. WvW isn’t meant to be balanced but adding so many new buffs into the mix (ascended, orb, guard killer, guard defender) has accelerated fights into the “what just hit me cause I died before I saw it” mode.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: TainoFuerte.8136



As gear and rank stats already started killing WvW roaming for me. These are just more reasons to go kill Tequatl.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Hanibull.5124


I agree with everything posted here. Our small man group is normally 5-10 people but it’s dropped dramatically since the buffs were introduced. In fact, there was only 1 other person in our roaming group that was even online and he was in WvW, though I wasn’t interested. It appears that, at least for our group, ~90% have stopped WvW with ~80% moving on to things other than GW2.

Further, due to Anet’s exquisite powers of match making, while we were losing our matchup by almost 2-1 before the patch, it’s now nearly 3-1 as the dominate server is even stronger now as they’re better able to maintain all three buffs.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: TainoFuerte.8136


It’s been stated before, but I feel this is also felt by larger groups. Used to be that even when we were outnumbered we could muster up enough forces on a single map to be a decent threat for the enemy zerg. This would result in good battles to be had – even if we could not win the week in score.

Now, I have observed our doritos avoiding combat entirely once the dominant force has the Orb buffs. To the point where if we are losing a keep, we just go flip something else.

Even following doritos has become dull.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Doyen.7063


I had an interesting thing happen today. I had killed a thief from an opposing server twice in amongst the ruins.

The next time I saw him, he was running back from garrison whilst I was capping Bauer’s. his server had 2 stacks of buff…. we at the time had none, but with 20 secs countdown left until we got one off them. So he waited until we had capped the buff so we were equal in stats, then he /bow and 1v1ing we went.

To me thats just proof that this buff is not wanted. At all.

Seriously Anet, admit that you have got this wrong this time and adjust it, for the sake of your game, swallow your pride and you can still walk away with your head held high before all your players leave. As soon as you have competition ie ESO / CU because players will leave.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: NornBearPig.9814


Food, stacks, and gear I view differently since they are things you can have if you put the effort into it.

Now you are picking and choosing which artificial advantages you like and don’t like in a game mode that is imbalanced from the start. You’re accepting the possibility that he may have outplayed you but you won because of Bloodlust, but the exact same can be said about gear/food. Unless you consider out-grinding someone = out-playing them, in which case I have nothing else to say.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


If someone has better gear you can still outplay them. Do you complain when someone beat you because that have food, exotics, or legendaries? In zerg fights 50vs50 with 3bloodlust (6% all stat) it like 50 vs 53. Bloodlust is comparable to a 2-6% all stat advantage, so that only come into play if you are equally skilled. The nodes have increased the amount of roamers. Some player have to group up before they roam. Also, GTA is out, so GW2 will lose some people to that.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

(edited by Ulion.5476)

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Hanibull.5124


Food, stacks, and gear I view differently since they are things you can have if you put the effort into it.

Now you are picking and choosing which artificial advantages you like and don’t like in a game mode that is imbalanced from the start. You’re accepting the possibility that he may have outplayed you but you won because of Bloodlust, but the exact same can be said about gear/food. Unless you consider out-grinding someone = out-playing them, in which case I have nothing else to say.

Nope, not the same.

1. Food/nourishment and such is not an artificial advantage but part of character design and customization. There is a strategy to choose one food over another, or Melandru runes over Soldier’s. Maybe you use Koi Cakes, so I use some lemon grass. Or maybe some poultry to try and burn you down fast. Swap a trait or two and some food buffs and you suddenly have different way of playing a character. That type of diversity is incredibly important to GW2.

The bloodlust debacle is different because it’s not dependent on character design/strategy but on server numbers. There is no thought behind how you design your character to counter that advantage. There is no grand strategy beyond more people. That’s poor design.

Anet’s distinct lack of match making competency makes it all worse. The bloodlust buff MIGHT be an interesting mechanic in a well balanced matchup. However those seem to be few and far between. I can’t think of a single matchup we’ve had in the past month where there wasn’t one server completely blowing out the other 2. My server has certainly been on both sides of that equation, but one things for sure; it’s never been close to balanced. Introducing that buff in this context means that the strong get massively stronger.

Before it didn’t matter to me nearly as much when we were massively outnumbered because it was still possible to go roaming and find some good fights. Now even IF I happen across a small group (which in my experience has become less often since the patch went live) they greatly out power us due to their +150pt buff. It throws any pretense of balance out the window.

2. Outgrinding = outplaying??? I’m sorry but maybe we haven’t been playing the same game. The GW2 I’ve been playing has introduced the insane farming arena known as the Pavillion, the crazy profitable farming events some call Scarlet Briar and buffed Champ drops to where Champ farming in FSG is a regular occurrence. There are no shortage of ways to make significant amounts of gold in a short amount of time.

If you’re suggesting that players shouldn’t have to do anything to get their gear, not even the incredibly simple and easy farming events throughout the world, then might I suggest you go into The Heart of the Mists and do some PvP? Sounds right up your alley.

Having said that, I do believe you could have a point on this matter where ascended gear is concerned. Crafting up to 500 can cost a fortune not even including the time/gold required to actually make your weapon/s. But it doesn’t appear that was the argument you were making.

TLDR: A guy on the internets was wrong. I had to correct.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Skeletor.9360


What a BS post.
The terrain is good? No it isn’t…its a huge problem. Limits escape routes. Allows a zerg to hide within.

Horrible post….next time start out with a valid point instead of some kissing.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


What a BS post.
The terrain is good? No it isn’t…its a huge problem. Limits escape routes. Allows a zerg to hide within.

? There is virtually no reason a zerg would go in here other than to reset the points. No (significant) WxP to be had, no (significant) server points, a zerg cannot cap the buff alone, far from anything points wise to cap… why would a zerg even wander in and stay?

Besides that, there are also a half dozen or more escape routes from every cap point.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Oh man this is put better than i could have ever said it.
When i kill someone i do not want it to be because i got some buff, i even limit the food that i use with that in mind as i do not use the most OP and expensive ones.

Hope Anet takes a good look at this..
The buff kittens up the fights no matter what, every opponent you meet that is as good as you will kill you with the buff, and if you have the buff and win you keep thinking what if i had not had the buff. Would i have lost?

It is just kittened either way.

(edited by Gathslan.1870)

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


I mean, as much as I agree with everything you posted Oozo. Devon Carver has made it extremely clear that he and the rest of the WvW anet devs don’t care at all about what the forum community has to say about the changes they make to WvW. They are under the impression that we are of little to no significance to WvW as a whole, and that if we don’t like what they are doing, they couldn’t care less if we stop playing. They are literally waiting until people stop playing WvW and numbers significantly drop before they stop this progression. It is sad that they don’t realize, by that time it will be too late. WvW will have just become another part of GW2 PvE endgame and nothing more, and all of the players that cared about PvP in any competitive sense will have moved on.

For anyone who hasn’t yet seen it, this is the post I am referencing by Devon Carver:

Tarnished Coast

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


What a BS post.
The terrain is good? No it isn’t…its a huge problem. Limits escape routes. Allows a zerg to hide within.

Horrible post….next time start out with a valid point instead of some kissing.

i gotta say, i disagree with u on this one. the terrain is great as even if there is a zerg there, u can kite them way better than in flat boring wide terrain. a zerg wants to stay together in a massive ball. if everyone has to jump and run through narrow passages and obstructed areas, the will scatter a little more due to not everyone taking the same path.
my guild destroyed zergs of 30+ with out 13 people because of chokepoints. your smaller group has an advantage if u know how to kite a zerg.

but i dont think a lot of zergs will go there or stay there for long.they’ll go cap bloodlust and leave a few scouts back.
the are is just too disconnected from the rest of wvw so the zergs actually go around it. they go for bay and hills and then will go towards garrison but avoid the watergate.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

(edited by selan.8354)

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Astartes.2380


Could not agree with you more Oozo. Thank you for this post.
I don’t need to add anything as you summed it up perfectly.

Haven’t logged WvW and won’t do so until they do something about this mess.
I’ll give it a while and see, but as I’m a pvper that loves the small scale WvW fights, I won’t be sticking around if it continues on this path.

100% boo!

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Xom.9264


Now, let’s flip that around. Any good and serious small man out there plays for the challenge. THEY DO NOT WANT AN ARTIFICIAL ADVANTAGE OVER THEIR OPPONENTS.

Alot of people agree and understand this Oozo…. sadly when a WvW dev (Devon) says there is nothing more fun then sitting in a tower using an arrow cart its a done deal we have a major disconnect. Recent changes show a major lack of understanding of why people chose to do WvW, Anet does not know or does not care.

p.s. hate the new map, hides zergs too easy does not fit the zone and is ugly in design and concept.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Uncle Shags.9017

Uncle Shags.9017

If someone has better gear you can still outplay them. Do you complain when someone beat you because that have food, exotics, or legendaries? In zerg fights 50vs50 with 3bloodlust (6% all stat) it like 50 vs 53. Bloodlust is comparable to a 2-6% all stat advantage, so that only come into play if you are equally skilled. The nodes have increased the amount of roamers. Some player have to group up before they roam. Also, GTA is out, so GW2 will lose some people to that.

That isn’t how it works in practice, and you only have to duel someone with three stacks to realize how much impact bloodlust has. When you add 900 total stat points on top of an already maxed out build the effect is huge. 6% doesn’t come close to covering it.

Uncle Shags: The Barely Competent

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Jackie.1829


It isnt even just the small groups, the same applies to guild raids who seek to fight other guild raids on the open field.

Basically, anybody who has a clue about PvP was against and is still against this change. The only people supporting it are casuals who zerg about or dont even know what 150 power does for their stats, like I see people going “The orbs only make you 5% stronger at most!”. It is exactly those kind of clueless gamers who make Anet feel validated with their updates.

Hey anet, when you make a game that only bad players want to play, it says something about your game!

GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


If someone has better gear you can still outplay them. Do you complain when someone beat you because that have food, exotics, or legendaries? In zerg fights 50vs50 with 3bloodlust (6% all stat) it like 50 vs 53. Bloodlust is comparable to a 2-6% all stat advantage, so that only come into play if you are equally skilled. The nodes have increased the amount of roamers. Some player have to group up before they roam. Also, GTA is out, so GW2 will lose some people to that.

You can’t even measure it like that. Theoretically, someone with double stats would be FAR more powerful than two players with normal stats. 50 vs 50 where one side has bloodlust is a much greater difference than 50vs53 would be.

+1 OP too

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


+1, new terrain is okay.. could do with a little more water though.
Orb buffs are a joke, way to punish the losing server even more! as a roamer (usually solo/small group) I enjoy outnumbered fights where skill is key, extra stats vs opponents is a cop out.

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


I hate the buffs, but I feel exactly the opposite of the op.
zeroing the ruins is a complete waste of time unless you have full map cap ( in which case the roamers should be working on the camps ) and small organized groups of 5-10 rule that area.
Yes, it’s rough on solo roamers, but WvW was never meant to be solo-able.

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I hate the buffs, but I feel exactly the opposite of the op.
zeroing the ruins is a complete waste of time unless you have full map cap ( in which case the roamers should be working on the camps ) and small organized groups of 5-10 rule that area.
Yes, it’s rough on solo roamers, but WvW was never meant to be solo-able.

yup agree with u wvw is meant to be more of a team based gametype, which doesnt mean u cant roam or do some things solo. if u wanna solo spvp is most likely more what fits u. roamers are part of wvw though.
i hate the buffs. had a duel with a warrior eventhough he had a 3 orb buff and it was fun, but i ended up losing due to the buff.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

The Orb buffs will ruin WvW for small mans.

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Food, stacks, and gear I view differently since they are things you can have if you put the effort into it.

Now you are picking and choosing which artificial advantages you like and don’t like in a game mode that is imbalanced from the start. You’re accepting the possibility that he may have outplayed you but you won because of Bloodlust, but the exact same can be said about gear/food. Unless you consider out-grinding someone = out-playing them, in which case I have nothing else to say.

Here, I’ll make it easy for you. Both sides of a fight can use food. Both sides of a fight can have stacks. Both sides of the fight can have good gear. Both sides of the fight can’t have 3 orbs.

Get it?

It’s not the same.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies