The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


How does the "power"of e-reputation effect you in WvW? Are you famous or infamous?

MMO’s since their creation have always been very political in nature…and we all know that most MMO’s require you to be in a guild to succeed. However…what sacrifices do you make to be a member in that guild for WvW?

I compare being in “most” guilds to the equivalent of running for political office. You want to be everyone’s friend and no one’s enemy. And as long as you have a group think mentality and do not express opinions that might contradict those in leadership roles OR their friends outside the guild…then you will be fine.

Shouldn’t your E-Reputation be ok as long as you dont violate ANET’s policies?
E-Reputation is different from violating ANET’s acceptable behavior policies…some people believe that most WvW guilds tolerance level is in line with that of ANET’s policies. This is simply a farce…I have never cursed, called someone a name, spammed guild chat (I don’t even type in guild chat), griefed, etc (basically anything that could be reported)…However due to the attention that my posts bring me inside and outside the game it’s impacted the way I play the game greatly.

How does someone succeed once infamous/blacklisted?
Strong support. My friends that have played MMO’s with me going on almost 8 years now and they understand the kind of attention my personality brings…and will be my voice in commanding WvW zergs for me when we know certain guilds will discredit me the second they see my name in the chat window.

Is E-Reputation more important than skill level?
YES!!! Throughout my MMO experiences I’ve seen many guilds take less skilled players and gear them out simply because they are willing to play the game by that guilds undefined social rules. Take this example for instance….lets say you are a less skilled player that isn’t very well known and a guild accepts you….regardless of your skill level all the members will accept you as long as you don’t bring too much attention to yourself. Now lets say on the other hand you are very skilled but also infamous…and join a guild…if even ONE member doesn’t like you….you are permanently banned from that guild.

Can players reputations outside of the guild affect you…once you are in a WvW guild?
Yes. Recently a GM invited me to his WvW guild because he had seen me lead and thought I had performed well with his guild. The next day a “famous” player on that server who wasn’t even in the guild attacked me on the forums…and did I counter with the same fictitious slander he used on me? No. I simply posted screen shots from his own website (a website that has my own videos posted on it) in his own words (that were posted PRIOR to us winning) that completely discredited everything he and his supporters had to say about him supporting our server more than I have. Did my guild rush to my defense once the facts were on the table? No. They sided with the guy’s “opinionated” statements and an officer threatened to kick me from the guild for posting screen shots of the guys own words from his own website. So I left the guild….and they started stalking me in chat channels…and I’m not talking about just one member….several of them swarmed into areas where it was blatantly obvious what they were doing. And I finally asked their GM straight up “You say that person was correct and I was wrong. How so?” his exact response was “Because he’s the reason my officer came to this server.” They didn’t even read the thread…they just automatically took the side of the other player due to his E-Reputation.

Does E-Reputation matter if you are a good leader?
E-Reputation is ALL that matters when leading! I remember a specific example on Blackgate where I had lead a raid and cleared 3 maps and was working on the 4th…and a guy….we’ll call him CoaCoa (close enough) to hide his identity….came into the map and half of our team started following him because they said he was “more well known and had bought a commander icon”. So I backed off and stopped leading….not only did Coacoa lead the entire zerg to their death at the garrison…but Dragonbrand took back most of the map after that so Coacoa logged off out of frustration. So I started leading again and we got the map to 90% completion after 45mins then Coacoa logged back in (probably because he was notified of the progress I had made) to lead his minions and did so poorly Dragonbrand took back 100% of the map and started advancing on other maps.

Will you change your behavior to fit a guilds mold?
Not in this life time. I could never stream line my personality to that of a sheep or bow down to a hierarchy that I not only know is wrong…but also have proof that they are wrong. If I think someone is better skilled or more efficient at playing the game I’m not going to drop following that person because someone who wanted to spend 100g on a pretty blue icon above their name logs on.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I fully expect to see a lot of flaming and whining over this post but I mainly made it to discuss the social aspect of WvW. I thought it was an interesting subject that hasn’t really been mentioned.

Also on a side note….I won’t be actively promoting or leading Kaineng this week and will be focused more on PvE. My friends are also checking out Gate of Madness so none of us will be as involved as we were this week. I’m sure Kaineng will do well without “our” insignificant support. lol

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Schwa.1620


There’s another side of the equation: people so obsessed with their e-rep they become either a nuisance or a hinderance to the team.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


This whole post screams “Look at me!”


The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: The Terror Gnome.8246

The Terror Gnome.8246

Did you really just interview yourself?


The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


There’s another side of the equation: people so obsessed with their e-rep they become either a nuisance or a hinderance to the team.

You are absolutely right and I should of mentioned that. There are times when ego’s get so inflated they think they can conquer objectives that they simply cannot and they bring everyone down with them….or turn people off.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Jack Pj.1248

Jack Pj.1248

“where I had lead a raid and cleared 3 maps and was working on the 4th” …Then you go on to say ego’s should not get inflated… Not even a “We managed to clear 3 maps”, as if you were the only person there that mattered, and not the 30 people following you and actually DOING the work….

Aswell, if your personality manages to annoy everyone you come into contact with (which it appears so from what you wrote), have you perhaps thought there is a reason people dislike you..Maybe for being rude etc. A whole group of people wouldn’t just decided to not like you..

As for your experience with that guild… you picked a crappy guild that has no respect for it’s members, go find a new one.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


Who are you?

15 character limit

V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Daish.6139


people dont read posts this long if you have been on MMORPG’s for long u would know this

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

People tend to vastly overestimate how much people care about them.

OP seems to be that kind of person. I doubt 99% of his server population have any idea who he is.

You don’t see people’s names and unless your entire zerg has the same guild tag, nobody is going to register that either.

The only individuals people tend to kitten and whine about are those camping the jumping puzzle. But none of them is ever a remarkable individual and always ends up getting stomped eventually.

(edited by Dee Jay.2460)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Veenix.5248


You are absolutely right and I should of mentioned that. There are times when ego’s get so inflated they think they can conquer objectives that they simply cannot and they bring everyone down with them….or turn people off.

I don’t think its bad at all for people to try to take an objective even if it cant be won.
Thats the nature of the game, nothings a fair fight. I much rather follow the leader leading us into skirmishes with the enemy then someone taking us from point to point to undefended or lightly defended objectives.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Funhat OPP.6291

Funhat OPP.6291

From the Game Designer ‘Matt Witter’ posted on Oct 20: “First off, good luck to everyone on the new matches, and congratulations to Kaineng on their first win!”

Your server finally got their first win?

Wow, talk about delusions of grandeur. No one knows who you are dude, and no one cares. You are inconsequential. Move along.

The Eternal Shadow [OPP]

(edited by Funhat OPP.6291)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


tl;dr version

I needed to make another thread for attention about e-reputation because my e-reputation on Kaineng is not very high. My friends are checking out GoM and I might move there in the future and attempt to build a good e-reputation there. I’m also a pretty awesome commander that hasn’t received enough donations for the commander book yet for some unknown reason.

Are you still here?

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

(edited by NealCaffrey.6450)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Did you really just interview yourself?

I had to quote this because it made me lol.

But anyway, I am of the opinion that drama and video games don’t mix. And when you find yourself in a hostile environment because one or more people have decided to take to whispering and manipulation instead of stating their grievances out loud, then its time to move on.

You make it sound like you experienced something like this recently?

(edited by Stormcycle.4208)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: FuzzyStarburst.3071


Good post, I’m sorry for the flamers, it’s probably mostly from testosterone hopped WvWers who’ve been busy all night and are taking out their frustration.

On SoR, we have an interesting sort of things going on, and most likely every server has this, where we have commander commanders, regular commanders, and ignored commanders.

Also, on your mention of e-reputation making a good leader. I am a guild leader, but I’m not a commander. Another person in my guild has the commander icon. And yet, without it, I am followed effectively not only by my own guild, but by many of the pugs and smaller guilds, only because people are used to seeing me, and trust my judgement. I’m treated exactly like a basic commander, with or without the icon.
Commander commanders are those that enter the map and kind of take charge of everything. They’re the best commanders that everyone respects, and people listen, including the other commanders. Regular commanders take charge of groups and individual objectives, usually, listening to the basic idea of what’s going on, following the commander commander, and offering input or advice on the situation.

Bad commanders are those guys who cause rifts in this very effective attitude. They come in and say ‘no, my plan is better and you’re an idiot’. The server has decided who the better commanders are, you need to fall in-line, and earn the respect of the server if you want to be a commander commander.

Now, what I find REALLY interesting are those maps without commander commanders that still manage to stay fluid. Tonight, we had 5 commanders in SoR Border, and they were all working together amazingly. No one was ‘in charge’, but we all worked together on various objectives simultaneously, with almost no negativity, and managed to gain some ground against some pretty tough opponents.

As for all the drama related stuff, drama’s drama, it’ll be here for the forseeable future, and continue to make little to no sense, just like the flame posts in this thread.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: MajorKong.8095


Well, I have my own fan site and fan videos on youtube. I am often greeted in game by people I don’t know with phrases like “OMG it’s MajorKong!” “MajorKong, please teach me to be like you” and “MajorKong, you look like a 1970s New York pimp”.

Human Elementalist -The Iron Triangle [IRON]
My WvW review

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Nothing is worse than a commander who demands respect but does nothing to earn it.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Nothing is worse than a commander who demands respect but does nothing to earn it.

Respect can be bought for 100g and some change.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: ThighBruiser.7504


1st off I just want to say this is an interesting topic, and I would have enjoyed it on it’s own, yet you seem to have brought a long a lot of baggage.

Now just a bit about me:
- I am a commander at Dark Haven, member of [GoF] Getof Fenris.
- I did not start with this guild and am not a guild leader.
- I have gone through too many guilds to count to find the right home for me, and have finally found it, so I do have plenty of experience with guilds and the many reasons I left them.

…and we all know that most MMO’s require you to be in a guild to succeed. However…what sacrifices do you make to be a member in that guild for WvW?

I have only made sacrifices I was already willing and expecting to make. However I have gained way more than I could ever give back, and that is a fact.

I compare being in “most” guilds to the equivalent of running for political office. You want to be everyone’s friend and no one’s enemy. And as long as you have a group think mentality and do not express opinions that might contradict those in leadership roles OR their friends outside the guild…then you will be fine.

I’m not trying to offend you but I fell like this is just some of that baggage I was talking about. You seem to have had a run in with your current guild, and maybe this is just how it was in that guild. I say this b/c I disagree. I never feel like I am running for office. I feel like I am just playing a game and have fun. When I first join any of the guilds and I do my first WvW event with them I try to back seat them just to get an idea of their leading style, however when things start happening that I disagree with I shout my opinion. Many guilds have been sad to see me leave, and [GoF] is still happy to see me.

How does someone succeed once infamous/blacklisted?

Don’t get to this point? I mean there is usually a solid reason for this.

Is E-Reputation more important than skill level?

I’m sorry, I just do not see where you are going with this. These seem to be very personal and very pin point examples, again, some of that baggage.

Can players reputations outside of the guild affect you…once you are in a WvW guild?

Yes they can, I have seen it happen on my server a couple times. I actually do agree with you on this area of your post this sounds pretty bad, and slightly ridiculous, which brings me to believe there is two sides to this story. I’m not saying you are lying or making things up, I just believe there might be some misunderstandings. Everyone has them. But once again, this is just some more of the baggage you have brought with you to this topic.

Thigh Bruiser – [KoTa] Knights Of The Abyss

(edited by ThighBruiser.7504)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: ThighBruiser.7504



Does E-Reputation matter if you are a good leader?

It matters when you are leading a zerg. This IS GUILD Wars 2, just saying. If you have a guild to lead, then reputation will not matter. How do I know this? There are a few guilds on my server that get kitten done even with a bad rep. If you are as good of a leader as you say, you should have started your own guild from the start instead of relying on the zerg. GW2 is still in its child stage, as time goes on MANY things will be changing. EXAMPLE: There will be no pug zerg to lead. Everyone will be part of an organized guild with 1-15 commanders in every guild.

…but Dragonbrand took back most of the map after that so Coacoa logged off out of frustration. So I started leading again and we got the map to 90% completion after 45mins then Coacoa logged back in (probably because he was notified of the progress I had made) to lead his minions and did so poorly Dragonbrand took back 100% of the map and started advancing on other maps.

The next day a “famous” player on that server who wasn’t even in the guild attacked me on the forums…and did I counter with the same fictitious slander he used on me? No.

This right here is slander. You are accusing him of way to much, and you are just assuming. Maybe he was upset, how do you know that he didn’t have RL things to attend? As a commander I have to leave all the time in the middle of a battle for RL issues. I hope no one attacks me like this while I go eat for the first time in 14 hours. Assuming that he came on just b/c the situation got better could have easily been coincidence. Maybe he is a bad leader, but there are MANY things in wvw atm that would easily make it tough for a commander to lead pug zergs. Happens to me all the time, happens to the best of us, alot of pug zergs decide they are going to do what they want in WvW and nothing else. That alone makes it very tough.

Will you change your behavior to fit a guilds mold?

The way I see guilds is like buying a sigil for your weapon. 1st off it all depends on what your build/weapon is. So if you are a hard core player and have been doing MMOs for 10+ years then you would join a hard core pvp guild and follow a decent amount of rules, but gain exactly what you want from it, to do great as a team in pvp. If you are the type of person that casually plays then why the hell would you join a guild like this? You wouldn’t. Guilds are about give and take, but if you are giving something up and getting back nothing that you want, you are doing it wrong. If you are entering a hard core pvp guild then you should be expecting to give up some of your time for practices and other related things.

Not in this life time. I could never stream line my personality to that of a sheep or bow down to a hierarchy that I not only know is wrong…but also have proof that they are wrong. If I think someone is better skilled or more efficient at playing the game I’m not going to drop following that person because someone who wanted to spend 100g on a pretty blue icon above their name logs on.

You call yourself a leader, and you are mad at people discrediting you, and you claim you do not do any of that, yet right here in your post you have. You call yourself a leader, yet you refuse to follow any other leaders. Ever think that someone had payed 100g to be a commander because they have a passion for wvw? Ever think that they had bought it because they have a following of members that respect them? You honestly sound like a cancer to your server to me.

Stop bringing your baggage in here, stop crying about your couple experiences so far in this game, it’s only been out for a month and a half. I know you keep talking about your 8 years of MMOs but GW2 IS different. In fact its the whole reason 90% of us decided to play this game, because it is different. Commanders have their roles atm and so do pugs. You want to help your server, join a server that has what you want and push to make differences in wvw. If no one ever thinks their thoughts, how would we ever progress?

Thigh Bruiser – [KoTa] Knights Of The Abyss

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


@ Thyownage

I read your response in it’s entirety and have just a few questions for you.

You stated that you have guild hopped many times in the past yet say that every point I make is due to “baggage”. So can you please tell me what were the reasons for you leaving the “many” guilds that you left?

You stated I am “cancer” to my server….and as stated in the first response I said that I will not lead any WvW or do any PR for Kaineng this week along with my friends. When I came to Kaineng with my friends…in the exact same week it went from last place to winning it’s bracket. So are you saying that you believe since I am a “cancer” that my decision to sit out this week will improve my servers performance in WvW or dramatically decrease it to the point that they cant even compete anymore….and will sink them right back down to last place?

You also stated “do you ever think that someone bought their sigil because they have a passion for WvW?”….seriously? I think every single person that spends 100g has a passion for WvW….do you think that means that most are also competent to lead? Since they have a passion for it and all….

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


Funhat OPP.6291

Wow, talk about delusions of grandeur. No one knows who you are dude, and no one cares. You are inconsequential. Move along.

I’m the only person in this game that matters, and I know who he is. Who you are, that’s the question. Your post is so short, yet you had to edit it. KILLER KAINE’s is so long, and he didn’t edit anything.

That tells me not only that you care, but your care is biggie sized, son! You might have to get a napkin, your care is dripping all over the place! And look at the freaking guy who broke down his post into quote after quote after quote! THAT guy doesn’t care?

That’s all I see here is care. It’s fitting, too. You know why, son? Cause you’re messing with Kaineng. And Kaineng don’t mess around.

Read the signature.

I look forward to killing you soon.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Some people are born leaders, others just want the title. Actions and results are what separate the two.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


Some people are born leaders, others just want the title. Actions and results are what separate the two.

So…question….if you were leading a zerg and constantly winning…..and then someone with a commander icon came onto the map and they followed that person to their deaths…..Would you say that was due to your lack of action and results?

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


No I personally wouldn’t if that were the case as you described. Its easy to see a blue dot and follow it, and that is why there are so many commanders nowdays. Personally I think its stupid to buy a commander book if you yourself are not a leader, and your desire to have the title is simply to lord it over others, out of a desire for control, rather than to advance your server or advance your guilds standing. I am speaking broadly when I say this, so don’t take it personally if I managed to describe anyone.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Syn.3459


you should have your posting rights removed, you have no idea what reality is but if you enjoy trying to make a “name” for your self then i’ve got nothing to say to you other than i feel bad for you

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


sigh, unfortunately eRep is judged more than personality or skill

I don’t need no stinking signature.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


sigh, unfortunately eRep is judged more than personality or skill

That isn’t true at all! Skill is recognized first and foremost, second is personality. That is where the “e-Rep” comes from, not the ability to buy gold and spend it on commander books lol.

Guild Wars 2 is no different than any other MMO, except that it tends to cater more towards the PvPer and less to the PvEr. This works out in my favor, fortunately.

One of the best things about this game is you really don’t even need a guild to do well or have a good time, you can just be a skilled player and do very well on your own, if you choose. Or you can start your own guild and do your own thing as well.

I am glad I found a game where drama queens and all the trash from the WoW community don’t have a platform to grow their crap on here.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


No I personally wouldn’t if that were the case as you described. Its easy to see a blue dot and follow it, and that is why there are so many commanders nowdays. Personally I think its stupid to buy a commander book if you yourself are not a leader, and your desire to have the title is simply to lord it over others, out of a desire for control, rather than to advance your server or advance your guilds standing. I am speaking broadly when I say this, so don’t take it personally if I managed to describe anyone.

I enjoy lording it over others, but that just happens to come naturally because I’m so much smarter than everybody else. So with that in mind, you can take my word for it when I describe Kaineng for you.

Kaineng, my home, was the server with the smallest population in on the US servers. We have people here who feel it’s more important to have good chat buddies and friends. When the going gets tough, they’re standing around complaining about why it’s tough.

Now the first time I saw Kaine, he was typing a good amount in the chat channel. That irks the freaking KITTEN outta me, when somebody blogs in my chat. Talking about their feelings, and crying about how life isn’t fair. This guy was doing that, but he was different. I don’t know to explain it, but it was different.

That night he put up a video of himself playing a warrior, running past a giant zerg to defend a tower. That initial part of the video impressed me because he made use of the little canyon to separate himself from the zerg. Most people would see that and turn around and go the other way.

THEN! He was one of maybe 10 people defending the tower, but he was up on the ledge aggressively defending. Shooting people. Standing there to the point he was near death. He wasn’t hiding in the back typing instructions. Or standing there doing nothing like some other prominent poster whose name starts with an F and ends with an ubuki.

This kid was fighting, man! And then I’ve seen him in the Eternal BG several times. He’s in there fighting. Level 2 or not, he’s fighting. He’s giving out good ideas.

I was most impressed by the videos he posted subsequent to the first one. The Grub was an idea that even I can say I never thought up, and I’m always wracking my brain to think up a strategy.

Lastly, the music he puts in. The editing. The overall appearance of the video shows me that he’s an intelligent kid. I would take him over 100 Fubuki’s or ANY of those kids from Warsworn, any day of the week. You can throw in Kaineng Raiders, Kaineng Kings. I’d take this kid over any of em.

Now you might have heard that I’m a troll. I’m too kitten good to be a common troll. I’m the puppetmaster. Not a troll. And I’m telling you now, I study everything. This kid is a good catch for Kaineng.

All the others who want to butter you up on the forum and get you into their voice chat for a good discussion? Well, you be the judge. I’m telling you. They don’t know how to win fights.

I look forward to killing you soon.

The POWER of E-Rep in WvW! Are you Famous or Infamous?

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



As this thread is becoming an inflammatory one, it is now closed. Please remember to help keeping these forums a productive and friendly place by posting in a respectful tone.