The Ridiculous Mashup of CD/BP/ET/Kaineng

The Ridiculous Mashup of CD/BP/ET/Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Drastic.8920


So…..week is half over. I propose SF, GoM, and FC unites with DH and Ebay to serve justice and put down the wicked monstrosity that has become CD.
Any takers?
I usually don’t attack SF tags anyway because I fear I may accidentally hit a FC SNKY that is mingled in there…and I love those guys too much.

Ur friend-
Green Lantern

Thanks for the shout out – I finally was able to get some playing this week and so far the matchup has been fun. So far they have been my focus today (not from a ppt perspective) and they haven’t disappointed

FC: Remnant Militant [SNKY]

(edited by Drastic.8920)

The Ridiculous Mashup of CD/BP/ET/Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Jake.5741


Hello everyone,
I’d like to take a moment to answer some questions that I’ve seen asked frequently.

Q: What factors go into determining world links?
A: We take into consideration a lot of factors when making the links, but the primary factor we look at is the WvW activity level for each world, during peak and off-peak hours. The goal being to normalize world populations among unlinked worlds and groups of linked worlds. For EU we also filter potential links by language.

It doesnt really look like any consideration was taken when looking at what you have done to T4. Based on how glicko is going, its going to be like this for at least a month before there is a chance of something changing. I am surprised that Anet is fine with this current setup
