The WvW "community"

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Corpse Flakes.5369

Corpse Flakes.5369

I am talking about people on the forums not in game, no politics, no servers, no whining about what’s happening in the game.

I can barely call it a community since people are so so hostile. “You are on a server I play against so I hope horrible things happen to you in real life, and you’re worthless.” The main reason A-net doesn’t take us seriously is because the loudest of the people who play WvW are horrible to each other and to the Devs.

Match up threads are banned because of the toxic attitudes some extremely immature players have to throw in because someone flies a different color than they do. On an unofficial forum I saw someone wish a commander from my server get stomach cancer. STOMACH CANCER over a video game, this isn’t even a one time thing, people wish horrendous things to each other constantly over a video game.

We don’t see Devs post here because every time they do they are bombarded with questions they have answered before and with hate messages. Why should they put any time into a part of the game that feels so toxic for the community?

I know it’s a game, maybe I am taking what people say too seriously but they need to think about it as well. It’s a kitten ed game, when you type things there is someone on the other side of the screen. You wouldn’t say these things to someone you are in an elevator with. Stop being so childish and maybe half the threads won’t get locked, people won’t keep re-making things and maybe we will see friendly Devs come back and talk to us about what we want to see happen.

(Grow up these pop up all the time)“This is unfair” we’ve heard it, we don’t care that now you are the victim. “But I don’t like that server” keep it to your kitten self for the same of everyone else. You are loud and you make the rest of us look bad, just leave the rest of us out of it and please grow up, it’s a game, there are other people.


Anet please nerf Paper, Scissors is fine -Rock.

(edited by Corpse Flakes.5369)

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: aDemoNnDisguisE.8576


BG tears…. so sweet I had better remember to brush my teeth.

How does one Char assert his power over another?

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Corpse Flakes.5369

Corpse Flakes.5369

BG tears…. so sweet I had better remember to brush my teeth.

Literally my point. I didn’t say anything about matchups, I didn’t conplain about servers, I mentioned attitudes with no specific examples of how the community is bad and getting worse and this is the first response just because I happened to be on a server you don’t like. Now please remove it so this isn’t banned for “match up discussion.” I removed my signature and I didn’t say anything about any specific servers. You are part of the problem.


Anet please nerf Paper, Scissors is fine -Rock.

(edited by Corpse Flakes.5369)

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: syNc.5840


To be perfectly honest to you,

This is nothing compared to WoW, LoL or Dota 2 forums, yet. So there’s hope!

Lord Commander
[GC] Golden Company X I I I //
Tarnished Coast

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: goldenwing.8473


And there are also posters on the forum, from all different servers, including “enemy” servers, who can and have posted in mature, sportsmanslike manner.

Those are the conversations worth reading on the forums.. an exchange of ideas, and real discussion.

As I’ve said before, part of what I enjoy about WvW is:

The joy of knowing, win or lose, the WvW community as a whole has the love of this style of play in common. And that without each other, especially “enemies”, we would have no enjoyment at all. It’s the foundation for a common ground of mutual respect.

The player base will always be a mixed bag of those with an experienced perspective, those passionately vocal about their loyalties, those that push the limits of extreme competition, and those that get swept up in the game, lose sight of the fact that a fellow player/human being is sitting on the other side of the computer screen.

Happens all to often in real life as well, as history and current news continually proves.

Unpleasant. Cringe-worthy sometimes. Part and parcel of life.

People defending beliefs and values with strong emotions and determination.

It’s a sign they care, no matter how (poorly/vehemently/excitedly/pick an adjective) expressed.

The developers should be aware of this. After all, they care passionately about their game as well, according to their statements.

The community versus developer communication is another topic that’s been addressed on another thread. My response is here:

As far as other players and communication. If you have a balanced perception of the game and adhere to the value of respect / sportsmanship for fellow players, then continue to set an example and continue to post that way.

As for me, I will continue to be authentic and post with my server community in my sig, because that is where I play and that helps inform my perspective of the game. It does not totally define my perspective nor does it totally define me. I hope I am mature enough to objectively post with the understanding that all players out here have the love of WvW playstyle in common, and without each other, enemies et al, we would have no game to enjoy.


BG: 52 alts, 29 lvl 80’s. They all look good, so I am done with the game: Oct 2014

(edited by goldenwing.8473)

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Goldenwing,

Spoken like a wise woman indeed. /muchrespect

I hope for better days in the future for the community at large.


And there are also posters on the forum, from all different servers, including “enemy” servers, who can and have posted in mature, sportsmanslike manner.

Those are the conversations worth reading on the forums.. an exchange of ideas, and real discussion.

As I’ve said before, part of what I enjoy about WvW is:

The joy of knowing, win or lose, the WvW community as a whole has the love of this style of play in common. And that without each other, especially “enemies”, we would have no enjoyment at all. It’s the foundation for a common ground of mutual respect.

The player base will always be a mixed bag of those with an experienced perspective, those passionately vocal about their loyalties, those that push the limits of extreme competition, and those that get swept up in the game, lose sight of the fact that a fellow player/human being is sitting on the other side of the computer screen.

Happens all to often in real life as well, as history and current news continually proves.

Unpleasant. Cringe-worthy sometimes. Part and parcel of life.

People defending beliefs and values with strong emotions and determination.

It’s a sign they care, no matter how (poorly/vehemently/excitedly/pick an adjective) expressed.

The developers should be aware of this. After all, they care passionately about their game as well, according to their statements.

The community versus developer communication is another topic that’s been addressed on another thread. My response is here:

As far as other players and communication. If you have a balanced perception of the game and adhere to the value of respect / sportsmanship for fellow players, then continue to set an example and continue to post that way.

As for me, I will continue to be authentic and post with my server community in my sig, because that is where I play and that helps inform my perspective of the game. It does not totally define my perspective nor does it totally define me. I hope I am mature enough to objectively post with the understanding that all players out here have the love of WvW playstyle in common, and without each other, enemies et al, we would have no game to enjoy.


[SoX] – JQ

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Vyx.8607


The question I pose is simply this. Of all those things that are said on the ‘matchup forums’, do you really truly believe that they mean that they want you to die/get stomach cancer/etc?

I really don’t.

Henge of Denravi – Denravi Alliance [DA]
WvW Community: Forums, Videos, GvG –

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.6972


Easy fix.
Remove the whole WvW section.
No complains anymore.

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: JCROY.5730


Even better solution..get it in everyone’s system that it is a GAME…LOL

“see cow, grab bundle, feed cow?”

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

I disagree with the original post. On common issues that are (for whatever reason) in breach of the rules such as hacking and exploits… the community is as a whole united in stopping these and I would dare say they are united against the moderators for deleting such posts. Other topics about suggestions for game improvement are sensible debates.

The only toxic element is server vs server… but surely that just demonstrates how much passion wvw provides over other aspects of the game. Having server pride and making a troll dig at the other server shows that people are taking the game seriously and with passion that you never see in pve (PvE is just a game… wvw is server and guild pride). Surely, that has to be a wake up call to the devs that this aspect of the game is where the future of GW2 should lie. They get bombarded with questions etc. because people are most passion about wvw than any other aspect of the game.

So in wvw the toxic element is a positive element rather than a negative element. If you want to see a toxic element then go and look at the profession sections. There is no rivalry to be had in these threads and yet build suggestions and attempts at discussing builds generates unwarranted trolling. At least in wvw there is server pride and an excuse for toxic elements.

So… to summarise… I think the toxic element of wvw demonstrates a level of passion for that element of the game that does not exist elsewhere in the game… so the devs should be paying more attention to wvw because that is the best part of the game but the most neglected.

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: JCROY.5730


I agree with you there..but this is not a matter of pride but a matter of morals and decency regarding communications..there IS a huge difference between trolling or plain threats as the OP stated.
Stating " Our server will rip your heads off in SM has a total different meaning then " I wish you a deadly disease IRL", right?

“see cow, grab bundle, feed cow?”

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: geist.3980


I just had my gall bladder removed, I should have known it was related to video games.

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: LordByron.8369


If you think WWW board is unfriendly don t ever go in dungeon subsection…or even worse in BLTC section.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


If you think WWW board is unfriendly don t ever go in dungeon subsection…or even worse in BLTC section.


WvW is where the most friendly players are :], some just like more competition than others.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


WvW definitely has the best sub-community within GW2, however, Season tournaments brings out the worst in us.

Reading some of the old gw2guru matchup threads just highlights how nice our community used to be. It’s progressively gotten worse, but still a lot better than other sections within the gw2 community.

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Blackelk.3784


You are the red to my green.
The Alliance to my Horde.
The Guardians to my Defiant.
The Covenant to my master Chief.
Red = Dead talking kitten back and forth is half the fun. Don’t take it seriously lol….

Guild Lead -[MMAC] Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


The “bad” part of WvW community are those vocal WvW people. They are freaking loud and these loud people are the one influencing and implanting ideas into others.

I realise I was being implanted and then I start to distant myself from these vocal WvW players. It works pretty well. I got my inner peace back and with that I get my guild back on track and the guild has become even bigger and has better social environment than before.

So, at the end of the day, you must know who are the people you should mix with and not mix with.

If people are really here to play a game, then there should be no talks of prides and egos, even provocative actions like throwing useless siege sites to taunt. If people are really here to play a game, then the fightings and the process are what important

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Firebaall.5127


I don’t think it’s a phenomena isolated to WvW players. I think every pvp format in a video game degrades into toxic behaviour. I liken it to a diver’s mentality. It’s a metric that showcases the worst in people.

Think of the horrible things you wanted to say when a driver cuts you off, or follows you too closely. I’ll wager it’s not too far off from what you hear or say in a video game. If you really want the deluxe experience, go play some xbox shooters, and hear how last night’s romantic encounter went with some 10 year old, and your mother.

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: ildjarn.7321


Only happy, positive circle hugging rainbows everywhere type of community is real community? Naa, i don’t think so. More drame more interesting. Infact Anet should totally turn blind eye to whole WvW/SPVP forums so we could start real flame wars. Now its kinda lame.

Näin on.

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


When I see “community” used in WvW forums, I immediately think it’s about a server with high population and coverage. Usually preceded by the word “great”.

As far as a forum community, one that is made up of players and devs, discussing ideas to improve the game……that image died a long time ago.

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


It is a competitive part of the game with mostly mediocre competitive players (myself included). The forums and map chat are often a distillation of the most vocal of that lot. Throw in an immature crowd and this is where you land. I don’t think it really surprises anyone. I would also point out that virtually none of the people here act this way in RL and certainly wouldn’t have a conversation like those on the forums in person.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


People make entirely too much out of the “toxic” environment. Yeah there are a trolls in a competitive game, it’s like that in all games….as someone said before it is actually worse in other games. The problem is there are tons of different people that play…young kids to older adults and each has their own idea of what the environment should be.

The toxicity towards the developers is a completely different scenario…and one that is much of anet’s own doing. People who have played this game for a long time are just frustrated with the lack of communication and lack of attention to some of the more important fixes that people have been raising for the past year and half or so. Then they get “brushed off” as the vocal minority even though the issues that continually get raised over and over are not just coming from the minority.

I would say the “toxicity” between servers and the trolling that goes on is definitely instigated by the minority of PvF warriors lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


@OP, go play DOTA 2, LoL, or HoN then you’ll see a toxic community.

At least GW2 has trolls who are just trying to have some good-spirited trolling fun. They’re just bored at work and reading stuff on the forum

(edited by Hamster.4861)

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


@OP, go play DOTA 2, LoL, or HoN then you’ll see a toxic community.

Well moba players overuse energy drinks and most of them are 13 or something.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


To be perfectly honest to you,

This is nothing compared to WoW, LoL or Dota 2 forums, yet. So there’s hope!

Sadly, this is true. It’s a nice perspective for GW2, but a pretty miserable one for humanity.

@ OP: I agree 100%.