The WvW patch is actually good.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Hey everyone,

Since I see a lot of rambling on the forums about what’s wrong about the patch, I thought I’d make a post about what’s good about it, because it doesn’t seem right to see how much people dislike the update when there’s actually quite alot of good sides to it.

-First of all the removal of culling is huge, this evening was the most fun evening I have had in WvW in ages, purely because I could see who was running with me and who my opponents were, no suprises.
-Along with this culling removal came to me the surprising effect of a rise in FPS aswell, which I would have never expected, because there’s more things to show on the screen.
-The world xp adds a new side to WvW, even though there’s a lot of zergs running around farming wxp atm, I think in a week time WvW behaviour will be back to normal, with the nice stimulus of getting wxp for actually performing for your server, something which will hopefully draw PvE people into WvW (which is a good thing for tier 3-8, the majority of tiers) and will draw people away from doing JP’s/grubs/spirits etc, because there’s this special kind of wxp to earn.
-Although I agree that it required a bit of getting used to, seeing this many names and models on my screen, I really enjoyed it as soon as I got used to it, playing with knowledge of the situation around you is much more fun than having to be aware that behind every single invader there could be an invisible zerg.
-Quickness was one of the most broken things in the game, if a zerg would have 1 mesmer in every 5 people, they could all just put down timewarp and instawipe the enemy (even if they are twice or more the numbers), therefore a nerf to quickness is actually a really good and unexpected patch.
-The outmanned buff got the buff that has been requested many times here on the forums and I think it’s a good thing, people will be encouraged to venture out into enemy borderlands even though they are outnumbered, because there’s greater rewards and no threat of having to repair your armour all the time(repairing isn’t a problem in my eyes anyway).
-The ‘smaller’ fixes as in getting into objectives in illegitimate ways and fixing the upgrades of Aldon’s actually seem like very good patches aswell.
-The fact that you can check the situation of every borderland outside WvW is amazing, when you’re in queue you can actually decide what borderland needs your help most and where you should queue for.

Related to the patch: Today I had only 2 minutes of skill lag in my 4 hours of playing, while there were 60+ zergs of all three servers fighting eachother, skill-lag has been there before the patch and in my opinion it didn’t get worse because of this patch. There is just a sudden rise in WvWpopulation which increases the size of the battles and therefore the amount of lag produced by the server.

I hope there are actually some people who agree with me that this patch is actually a good thing and that it’ll improve WvW in the short and long term.


Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Huggyos.9584


I agree, the patch is very good, despite that we cant use any skills at all in big fights, coz the terrible skill lag.

We will Desolate!

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


Its kittening awful.

Ability lag is so bad its beyond a joke, the wvw progression is worse than kitten and little to no attention has been paid to class balance.

This may well be the last straw for a lot of serious wvw guilds.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: sil.4160


Some issues I have with it
- the “new” wvw armor/weapons are pretty disappointing, they’re actually old skins you could get from pve and they’re ugly. You can get these skins at karma vendors or trading post very cheaply, 1k karma or a few coppers. No point wasting badges on these
- what happened to map queuing system? Did they remove it?
- You now have to click three times to enter WvW instead of 2? Reminds me of Windows 8, forcing you to click more to get anywhere
- beside the rabid/invader stats, no point in wasting badges on the other sets as you could buy them in trading post for a few gold more
- no new WvW skin, all they did was change the invader set icon design

(edited by sil.4160)

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Jonathan.1580


I stopped reading this guy at his claim at FPS increase and then continuing on to babble as if the game is playable. All setting theyve given I and everyone else I know have set to lowest and the SERVER side lag they are aware of..

that a Dev has come here and said to bad to sad we can’t fix that lag even tho it makes makes the game unplayable. but HEY lets remove culling but add EVERYones title that you cant turn off.

SKill adjustments come and go who cares but this skill lag will kill WvW once the phenom of the kitten skills we can buy wear off.

trash patch for WvW

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Jonathan.1580


Some issues I have with it
- the “new” wvw armor/weapons are pretty disappointing, they’re actually old skins you could get from pve and they’re ugly. You can get these skins at karma vendors or trading post very cheaply, 1k karma or a few coppers. No point wasting badges on these
- what happened to map queuing system? Did they remove it?
- You now have to click three times to enter WvW instead of 2? Reminds me of Windows 8, forcing you to click more to get anywhere
- beside the rabid/invader thats, no point in wasting badges on the other sets as you could buy them in trading post for a few gold more

Are you serious about the new gear? That is.. I dont even know.. how LAZY can they be? Same skins?..

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


that a Dev has come here and said to bad to sad we can’t fix that lag even tho it makes makes the game unplayable. but HEY lets remove culling but add EVERYones title that you cant turn off.

You may not be able to personally turn them off, but each player can. I would think most mesmers already run without them.

That said, aside from the 1 fps I’m getting during big big fights (40-man zerg v zerg v zerg is fine, it’s when you hit in the hundreds of players the lag starts), the rest of the patch is quite good. It’s amazing to see all the players (both enemy and allies), and it gives you such a surge of morale to see the numbers running with you. The ranking system doesn’t seem to be too grindy and levels up quickly. Overall, quite pleased with this update.

Thank you!

L’enfer, c’est les autres

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: chrisk.4320


The patch is fine.

The bigots who can’t get enough of the kitten filter are the same trolls who enjoy spreading negativity around.

They simply live on the forums to spread hate.


The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


This is how the game works now – you gather everyone inot one uberblob and charge round as one chain capping.

We just lost a fully upgraded and sieged up keep in < 2m to a blob of around 120. Nothing you could do to stop them now.

Game is officially broken. GG ANET you really screwed this one up.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: chrisk.4320


This is how the game works now – you gather everyone inot one uberblob and charge round as one chain capping.

We just lost a fully upgraded and sieged up keep in < 2m to a blob of around 120. Nothing you could do to stop them now.

Game is officially broken. GG ANET you really screwed this one up.

Nothing has changed with the zerg, except now you can see them.

Haters gonna hate.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


I don’t see why anyone should have a problem with pointing out negative aspects of this patch. I think the culling changes are fantastic and I applaud them for it…however I curse ANet for completely ruining that effect by adding these unwanted and unnecessary titles displayed on enemies that cannot be disabled. Incredibly horribly bad, especially if you are color-blind…so yeah, just because there are good things done does not mean there are not bad things as well.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Some issues I have with it
- the “new” wvw armor/weapons are pretty disappointing, they’re actually old skins you could get from pve and they’re ugly. You can get these skins at karma vendors or trading post very cheaply, 1k karma or a few coppers. No point wasting badges on these
- what happened to map queuing system? Did they remove it?
- You now have to click three times to enter WvW instead of 2? Reminds me of Windows 8, forcing you to click more to get anywhere
- beside the rabid/invader thats, no point in wasting badges on the other sets as you could buy them in trading post for a few gold more

-I think they purely added these skins to WvW for players who don’t want to PvE at all, so they can still be able to get these weapons/skins.
-The queueing system is bugged as stated by devs, they are working on a fix for this problem
-I personally wouldn’t know about clicking 3 times, I just have to click twice I think (press B, press World vs world orso and then select the borderlands)
-I agree with this point, maybe it’s for those players who don’t have transmutation items (because of no PvE —> No world completion and no dailies) to get the skins on their weapons they would like to have.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: chrisk.4320


however I curse ANet for completely ruining that effect by adding these unwanted and unnecessary titles displayed on enemies that cannot be disabled. Incredibly horribly bad, especially if you are color-blind

Disable names?

Show All Enemy Names — Enables displaying enemy names above their heads even if they are not targeted.
Show All NPC Names — Enables displaying NPC names above their heads even if they are not targeted.
Show All Player Names — Enables showing all player names above their heads even if they are not targeted.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Three Dee.2394

Three Dee.2394

This is how the game works now – you gather everyone inot one uberblob and charge round as one chain capping.

We just lost a fully upgraded and sieged up keep in < 2m to a blob of around 120. Nothing you could do to stop them now.

Game is officially broken. GG ANET you really screwed this one up.

All you do is complain in barely readable language, you Sir have absolutley no idea WTF you are talking about…please lay off the paint chips

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Three Dee.2394

Three Dee.2394

This is how the game works now – you gather everyone inot one uberblob and charge round as one chain capping.

We just lost a fully upgraded and sieged up keep in < 2m to a blob of around 120. Nothing you could do to stop them now.

Game is officially broken. GG ANET you really screwed this one up.

Nothing has changed with the zerg, except now you can see them.

Haters gonna hate.

thank you for understanding, the guy you quoted has a healthy dose of lead each night for dinner

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Anthrage.2519


Tried that – does not work. Even if it did, it is the differently-colored titles that re the problem, not the existing red enemy name. This should have been forseen as a likely issue, and hopefully it will be addressed in short order.

however I curse ANet for completely ruining that effect by adding these unwanted and unnecessary titles displayed on enemies that cannot be disabled. Incredibly horribly bad, especially if you are color-blind

Disable names?

Show All Enemy Names — Enables displaying enemy names above their heads even if they are not targeted.
Show All NPC Names — Enables displaying NPC names above their heads even if they are not targeted.
Show All Player Names — Enables showing all player names above their heads even if they are not targeted.

Ranger Anthrage Stormrider – Sanguine Wild Guild [SW]
sPvP BuildWvW Build
Tarnished Coast Server- Anthrage Stormrider on Youtube

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


This is how the game works now – you gather everyone inot one uberblob and charge round as one chain capping.

We just lost a fully upgraded and sieged up keep in < 2m to a blob of around 120. Nothing you could do to stop them now.

Game is officially broken. GG ANET you really screwed this one up.

All you do is complain in barely readable language, you Sir have absolutley no idea WTF you are talking about…please lay off the paint chips

Well clearly you are either lying as you read it, or have a poor reading age and got someone to read it to you.

You may well be able to see the 100 man blob, but you sure as hell cant do anything about it as the ability lag is so severe it makes siege nigh on useless. defence is no longer possible, leaving chain rolling zones with max sized blobs the way to play now.

Its very very very bad. Sir.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: sil.4160


Some issues I have with it
- the “new” wvw armor/weapons are pretty disappointing, they’re actually old skins you could get from pve and they’re ugly. You can get these skins at karma vendors or trading post very cheaply, 1k karma or a few coppers. No point wasting badges on these
- what happened to map queuing system? Did they remove it?
- You now have to click three times to enter WvW instead of 2? Reminds me of Windows 8, forcing you to click more to get anywhere
- beside the rabid/invader thats, no point in wasting badges on the other sets as you could buy them in trading post for a few gold more

-I think they purely added these skins to WvW for players who don’t want to PvE at all, so they can still be able to get these weapons/skins.
-The queueing system is bugged as stated by devs, they are working on a fix for this problem
-I personally wouldn’t know about clicking 3 times, I just have to click twice I think (press B, press World vs world orso and then select the borderlands)
-I agree with this point, maybe it’s for those players who don’t have transmutation items (because of no PvE —> No world completion and no dailies) to get the skins on their weapons they would like to have.

- I would be happier if they included the dungeons skins, not the uglier pve skins that you could get very cheaply. Even if you don’t want to PVE, some of those skins can be bought from trading post
- you forget to count the B that you have to type, which is 3 clicks in total. Its still one extra step than before

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


I’m pretty happy about this patch too, for weeks I’ve been thinking how bad can Anet kitten up WvW by turning culling off!
The WXP and rankings system is a nice little touch to give players a slight sense of progression, albeit that the abilities could do with a little touchup.

Mesmer quickness was only a matter of time before it got nerfed, plus they did get a GS buff.

Had some really epic fights tonight, nice threeway in GH garrison against a good 30-40 from each server there, sure in massive fights its more like Frames Per Minute but thats they way its always been!

Ty Anet!.. some new gear skins would be nice though!

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Some issues I have with it
- the “new” wvw armor/weapons are pretty disappointing, they’re actually old skins you could get from pve and they’re ugly. You can get these skins at karma vendors or trading post very cheaply, 1k karma or a few coppers. No point wasting badges on these
- what happened to map queuing system? Did they remove it?
- You now have to click three times to enter WvW instead of 2? Reminds me of Windows 8, forcing you to click more to get anywhere
- beside the rabid/invader thats, no point in wasting badges on the other sets as you could buy them in trading post for a few gold more

-I think they purely added these skins to WvW for players who don’t want to PvE at all, so they can still be able to get these weapons/skins.
-The queueing system is bugged as stated by devs, they are working on a fix for this problem
-I personally wouldn’t know about clicking 3 times, I just have to click twice I think (press B, press World vs world orso and then select the borderlands)
-I agree with this point, maybe it’s for those players who don’t have transmutation items (because of no PvE —> No world completion and no dailies) to get the skins on their weapons they would like to have.

- I would be happier if they included the dungeons skins, not the uglier pve skins that you could get very cheaply. Even if you don’t want to PVE, some of those skins can be bought from trading post
- you forget to count the B that you have to type, which is 3 clicks in total. Its still one extra step than before

-I think they want dungeon items to be unique, knowing that certain players (like myself) will never achieve them so they will be relatively exclusive. I would like them to add WvW specific gear which actually has a really good skin and is something to be proud about while wearing it.
-I think it has always been 3 clicks then, at least for me there was always a large bar which you had to click first and then the actual borderlands (after pressing B ofcourse)

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

The WvW patch is actually good.

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.6837



There is already a dedicated thread about the recent changes made to WvW here : Discuss WvW patch notes- march 26 here!.

Therefore, this one is now closed to avoid duplicates.

Thank you.