The beauty of current scoring system
We know this since nearly 4 years, and some of us complained against it for several years, but the few that do it, cry very loud to defend their decisive role in scoring and ANet gives a sh**.
So: If you are interested in scoring, you are in the wrong game.
I know it has been cried about basically since release. For some reason it feels good to point it out sometimes, especially now when we seem to have accurate kills/deaths.
Hope dies last right? :P
Hope dies last right? :P
Mine (with respect to this topic) is dead, so WvW make it slightly longer than my hope.
Hide during EU prime time,
Come out at night/early morning to get them pointz.Yawn.
The game mode is more then killing each other in full map zergs on EB.
The game mode is more then killing each other in full map zergs on EB.
Lol, Full map zergs? I knew a comment like that would come sooner or later tho…
There are no full map zergs in T5 right now friend. We’re not talking overstacked T1 Piken Square here …
(edited by samo.1054)
The game mode is more then killing each other in full map zergs on EB.
Lol, Full map zergs? I knew a comment like that would come sooner or later tho…
There are no full map zergs in T5 right now friend. We’re not talking overstacked T1 Piken Square here …
We all know from which server those overstackers were coming arn’t we? :p
And that relates to the topic… how exactly? :P
Does it prove your point about FSP running full map zerg in EB?
(edited by samo.1054)
And that relates to the topic… how exactly? :P
Does it prove your point about FSP running full map zerg in EB?
regardless of being stacked or not, if you ignore a relevant part of the game mode you don’t need to wonder to drop down the ladder.
And that relates to the topic… how exactly? :P
Does it prove your point about FSP running full map zerg in EB?
regardless of being stacked or not, if you ignore a relevant part of the game mode you don’t need to wonder to drop down the ladder.
What makes you think anyone is ignoring a relevant part of the game?
Or better yet, is staying up through the night, from 00.00 to 06.00 a relevant part of the game?
Are you really so sure of your assumptions that you can conclude that someone is ignoring a relevant part of the game instead of the fact that maybe a server just doesn’t have a night crew?
Those numbers speak volumes there…
Are T9 servers also just ignoring a relevant part of the game?
(edited by samo.1054)
Hide during EU prime time,
Come out at night/early morning to get them pointz.Yawn.
The game mode is more then killing each other in full map zergs on EB.
Haha… Dont talk about that when you dont know how kittening bonkers this matchup is. During the weekend we had periods of no commander on EB in the middle of primetime. Why? Because it wasnt needed. There where no enemies. Both Abba and Viz only nightcap. FSP has probably had 5x the commanders on borders.
Hide during EU prime time,
Come out at night/early morning to get them pointz.Yawn.
The game mode is more then killing each other in full map zergs on EB.
Haha… Dont talk about that when you dont know how kittening bonkers this matchup is. During the weekend we had periods of no commander on EB in the middle of primetime. Why? Because it wasnt needed. There where no enemies. Both Abba and Viz only nightcap. FSP has probably had 5x the commanders on borders.
You noticed which match up we have this week?
Hide during EU prime time,
Come out at night/early morning to get them pointz.Yawn.
The game mode is more then killing each other in full map zergs on EB.
Haha… Dont talk about that when you dont know how kittening bonkers this matchup is. During the weekend we had periods of no commander on EB in the middle of primetime. Why? Because it wasnt needed. There where no enemies. Both Abba and Viz only nightcap. FSP has probably had 5x the commanders on borders.
You noticed which match up we have this week?
What matchup you have you mean? I’m not on Piken so I neither know nor care to judge it.
I posted this idea on another topic, about a way to stop night-capping, or exploiting coverage-gaps, over server population imbalances.
4: Balance PPT/PPK. Or more Accurately put, dealing with Capping during gaps in Coverage, and being Outmanned.
This would require a massive overhaul in how PPT worked, but I think it would do wonders for the game.
4-A Borderland PPT. Each Team, on their own Borderland, would get 5 PPT for any Camp They Controlled, 10 for Towers, 20 for Keeps.
On an Enemy’s Borderland, they would get 1PPT per Camp for each Active Defender on that Borderland. , 2 for a Tower, and 3 for a Keep. (Note: You can only be a Defender on your OWN borderland) up to a max of 20 Defenders Counted (IE: Max Gain for a Camp would be 20 PPT, if there were 20 Active Defenders On the Borderland) this number would be Divided by the Number of Invaders on that Borderland that Controlled said Camp/Tower/Keep.
IE: (Point Value* Defenders (max 20)) * (Defenders / Controlling Invader)
Note, every Borderland would have by Default 1 Active Player counted at all times. So, no one could get Zero Points. IE: If no one was on the Borderland, it would sill count as if there was 1 Active Player from all Sides.
To explain that: If Red owned one of Greens Keeps, they would get 3PPT per Active Green Player on Greens Borderland, Divided by the Number of Active Red players on Greens Borderland.
IE: Red Owns Greens Keep, Green has Default 1 Active Player, on the Borderland (No one), but Red, has 4 Active Invaders on the map. 3*(1/4) is what they would get for the keep, put another way, 3*.25 = 0.75 PPT.
Using another Example.
Red owns a Camp on Greens BL. There are 10 Active Green Defenders, and 2 Active Red Invaders. That camp is worth 10 (1PPT per Defender) *(10/2) = 5. Now that camp is worth 5 PPT to the Red Team, but they are also 2 people defending against 10 Defenders, it stands to reason that camp is not going to last long.
One more analogy to understand the Math a Bit More.
Green Owns Red’s Camp. There are 5 Red Defenders, and 1 Green Invader
Blue Owns Red’s Keep. There are the same 5 Red Defenders, but there are 12 Blue Invaders.Camp = 1 PPT / Per Defender, Total Base 5
Keep = 3PPT/Per Defender, Total Base 15Green gets 5*(5/1) = 25. So that Camp is worth 25 PPT to the Green Team
Blue gets 15*(5/12) = 6.25. So that Tower is worth 6.25 PPT to the Blue Team.That means that the Camp to Green is worth 4 times what the Keep is worth to Blue. This means the game changes from sheer capped points to playing a game of strategic capping.
This would eliminate the whole problem of winning through coverage gaps, or winning by sheer volume of players. Which is really the main problem with PPT, is how it can be exploited, and doing this would close that loophole in the PPT problem we have right now, especially with the low and mid population server, that simply don’t have the coverage.
4-B Eternal Battlegrounds.
The Battle grounds are divided up by 3 sections and Stone Mist castle. This creates a very special situation.
To do this, Each Team would have Declared “Home Lands” that would provide them a Flat PPT if they Control it, exactly like their own Borderland. This would include their 20 for their, Keep, 10 for their 4 Towers, and 5 for their 2 Camps.
If they took another Teams Homeland, it would function as if they entered their Borderland. IE: (Value) * (Defender/Controlling Invader).
IE: If Green took Blues Keep. They would get (Keep*Active) * (Defenders/Controlling Invader) in this, Red’s active players do not come into play.
So, the Same Keep could be worth a lot More to one team over another.
For Example, if there are 20 Red, 27 Blue, and 7 Green.
Blues Keep is Worth 81 PPT to Red but worth 231 PPT to Green.
The Keep is only worth so much, because of the 27 Active Blue Players on the map, giving the Keep a value of 3PPT* Active Blue, Max 20. So only 20 of the 27 Players are counted, but the Keep is still worth 60PPT Base.
In Contrast, Geens’s Points are not Worth as Much, since there are only 7 active players, their Keeps base is a Paltry 21 PPT.
And Since they are vastly outnumbered, Greens Keep is only worth 7.3 PPT to Red, and 5.4 PPT to Blue.
It works pretty much the same as if you tied to take a Borderland, just in a smaller scale, but we can see how smart play, over simply brute force and capping can win the day with this kind of system.
Moving on.
The Mack Daddy – Stone Mist!
Stonemist, would and should be a prize. As Such Stonemist would Net a flat 100 PPT * (Both Active Teams/Controller)
IE: If there were 20 Blue Players, 35 Red Players, 40 Green players, and Green owned Stonemist.
100 * ((20+35)/40) = 137 PPT.
Now Imagine, if Blue Flips it.
100 * ((35+40)/20) = 375 PPT.
This idea would remove the sting of Night Capping, or Coverage Gaps, as well as the whole issue of getting rolled by a larger servers. It would reward smart play vs what we have now.
Now, Notice I have said Active Players this needs to be a way to distinguish between active and just on the map. Which happens, IE: What about the people there for crafting or banking, or whatever.
Any player with the “invulnerable” buff you get for being in the “Safe Area” would NOT be counted as Active.
I believe that PPK should be 1PPK, unless the outmanned buff is up, and then it’s 0 PPK to kill an Outmanned Opponent, but they get 2PPK for killing someone with an Outmanned buff on.
Always nice to see some thorough ideas STIHL. Will try to take some time to study your proposal closely this evening
Haha… Dont talk about that when you dont know how kittening bonkers this matchup is. During the weekend we had periods of no commander on EB in the middle of primetime. Why? Because it wasnt needed. There where no enemies. Both Abba and Viz only nightcap. FSP has probably had 5x the commanders on borders.
That’s because there are no people left on Aba. The few remaining just don’t want to get farmed by servers that massively outnumber them and squeeze what little fun they can still get from wvw while being as efficient as possible.
What are those 4k kills vizu has ? All the npc’s and tower lords they meet at night ?
Told in another thread npcs don’t total into the kill count. They do in the death count though (go figure).
careful no one say nightcap.
someone might get triggered.
There is quite simple solution for this. We can all agree that fighting is as important in WvW as capping objectives so why not just multiply PPT score of each server by kill/death ratio of that server?
In this case we would went from:
AM (de): 188.041
VS (fr): 187.808
FSP: 175.722
AM (de): 105.302 (188.041 * 0.56)
VS (fr): 93.904 (187.808 * 0.5)
FSP: 351.444 (175.722 * 2.0)
Always nice to see some thorough ideas STIHL. Will try to take some time to study your proposal closely this evening
Thanks, Let me know what you think.
There is no beauty to the current scoring system. It doesn’t reward fights but does reward PPT’ing on an empty BL.
Hide during EU prime time,
Come out at night/early morning to get them pointz.Yawn.
The server with a 2.00 k/d ratio is 3rd in score while 1st and 2nd have on average 0.51 k/d. Seems legit.
Meanwhile on NA, guess which server has been capturing +500-600 ppt while everyone was asleep for the 18th time in a row:
Sea of Sorrows needs some in-game rewards or something. Clearly this is how WvW should be played. Why win fights when you can hire some EU/Asian players to go for that objective win? On another note; Maguuma is hiring some Asian/EU players. Will pay for transfer with gold, whisper Xushin or Wikedtik
(edited by Ogre.3124)