The counter to stealth no one uses.
ahaha.. not funny.
A thief is not worth 15 badges +500 karma +10 supplys, I would prob run out of badges in 1 night, but nice try.
I know just pointing out they’re there, even if they are totally over the top in price
… So pointing out that the counter no one uses because it’s too expensive…. is… too … expensive?
Your point was?
I know
just pointing out they’re there, even if they are totally over the top in price
their cost is not so high …
funny to make those waypoint taggers die on the guards with the spare i have from rankup chests.. but yeah, too expensive to use for your own good. 15 badges to get maybe 1-2 back? no.
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sight
and, so on. Need I say more?
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
A member of my guild once used it against a single thief out of boredom.
It was really funny!
He didn’t realized it right away and used Shadow Refuge and just stood there while being bashed.
As a thief (and I know, as soon as you say that, you kind of screw yourself), I think Rangers should be able to have a skill that does what the stealth disruptor does that requires a grandmaster skill in either Beastmastery (if it was pet based detection) or Wilderness Survival.
Stealth needs a hard counter, and Rangers could use the love
Ooooh, placing stealth disruptor against a keep tagging rogue. Excuse me, I have some rogues to catch. Ho ho.
need I say more?
Yes, please do, since it’s gibberish..
You can’t expect people to invest karma, badges, coin just to counter stealth.. How would you feel as a thief if you had to pay all that stuff to get conditions cleansed from you?
Indeed, condition —> condition removal (utility)
BUT, stealth --> stealth disruptor trap (karma, badges, coin)
So yeah, please do say more..
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
as a thief that spends 90% of his time not even using stealth….meh
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Those are more for protecting a stairwell from a veil rush than for protecting against thieves. Although they’re a nice investment if you have a perma-stealth thief running around in a keep with a dead mesmer.
IMO i don’t know why the supply disruptor trap isn’t used more. That one is a game changer when used correctly.
He didn’t realized it right away and used Shadow Refuge and just stood there while being bashed.
he probably didnt realize it, because thats what happens 99 times out of 100 when you use it, anyway
I would be good if these were cheaper. Traps for badges have a lot of potential beyond stealing supply and trapping stealthers but they have to be more accessible.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sightand, so on. Need I say more?
Anet has created a class w/ very little Risk vs Reward mechanic and the Dev’s who created this should be fired.
As a thief (and I know, as soon as you say that, you kind of screw yourself), I think Rangers should be able to have a skill that does what the stealth disruptor does that requires a grandmaster skill in either Beastmastery (if it was pet based detection) or Wilderness Survival.
Stealth needs a hard counter, and Rangers could use the love
Hear hear Brother!
Back stabbing thieves who can near perma stealth are over powered. Damage capability people stealthed should be reduced or give us an effective counter to deal with them.
JQ Ranger
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sightand, so on. Need I say more?
Anet has created a class w/ very little Risk vs Reward mechanic and the Dev’s who created this should be fired.
No no no, they’re just innovative :P
Those are more for protecting a stairwell from a veil rush than for protecting against thieves. Although they’re a nice investment if you have a perma-stealth thief running around in a keep with a dead mesmer.
IMO i don’t know why the supply disruptor trap isn’t used more. That one is a game changer when used correctly.
Let me guess you never used it before. Theory crafting is nice.
For you info:
1)It is expensive
2)It has a cast time(2sec)
3)You lost the trap if interrupt
4)Anyone include enemies pet can activate the trap
5)It only apply debuff to “stealth” target within the trap range. Any unstealth who step it can stealth. ANYONE
6)Trap dont last forever, It last less than a minutes.
7)The only people who used it has it from reward/loot
Ayumu-lvl 80 Necromancer
Tsu-lvl 80 thief
What use is the trap when thief has highest mobility in the game.
Gets stuck with stealth debuff, just IA or 2 spam out of range & /laugh
P.S. Got one of those in bag, random drop (wouldn`t waste my time/coins to buy one) & I know it`s still a waste of a bag slot.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sightand, so on. Need I say more?
They did something similar in GW1 with bloodspike builds. Unlike every other damage mechanic in the game, lifesteal didn’t have a hard counter.
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sightand, so on. Need I say more?
They did something similar in GW1 with bloodspike builds. Unlike every other damage mechanic in the game, lifesteal didn’t have a hard counter.
Neither did spirit weapons.
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sightand, so on. Need I say more?
Now don’t go all logical all of a sudden
Last week I was roaming with one of my guildmates and we were taking a sentry when a perma stealth thief rocks up. S/he wasn’t doing that much damage to us but was clearly taking delight in remaining out of stealth juuuust long enough to stop the sentry cap again and again and again. I noticed that I had a stealth trap and 10 supply on me so I thought, “why not?” While my guildie was keeping the thief busy I placed the trap in the middle of the cap circle and then stood on it and waited for the thief to go after me. S/he did and then couldn’t stealth and was very quickly killed.
Being able to counter troll a troll? Effing priceless.
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sightand, so on. Need I say more?
They did something similar in GW1 with bloodspike builds. Unlike every other damage mechanic in the game, lifesteal didn’t have a hard counter.
Neither did spirit weapons.
True, but spirit weapons were slightly different in that they generally didn’t deal direct damage. You could still kite or prot a lot of the spirit weapon effects (I’m assuming you’re referring to ritualist weapon spells), but you couldn’t really do that with bloodspike.
I posted a HUGE rant once on Guild Wars Guru about how Anet was blatantly favoring necromancers. My two big grievances were with Soul Reaping and lifesteal. I like to think someone at Anet read it, since shortly afterward they did finally nerf Soul Reaping—which was hugely broken as an energy battery with spirits, at least in HoH.
(edited by Arkanfel.8403)
It is actually not a counter as besides the reasons pointed out the deployment time is to long. And any enemy can trigger it with the potential for no stealth class being in range of it when triggered.
Why did Anet even add stealth disruptor traps to the game if they’re going to be far too expensive to counter annoying thieves?
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP
that no one uses… because it’s an absolutely terrible option.
Read the prerelease of patch (from DEV not player in general), pets for rangers can now detect and use reveal.
The problem with stealth detection unlike all the other games listing stealth revealers is that no class has perma stealth in GW2. Thieves can maintain it for quite awhile, but it is by no means perm. That’s a huge overlook for people complaining about it.
The question is, making a change for ranger pets, not that rangers didnt need some love, makes other classes stealth a bit less useful in group dynamics.
Wait and see i guess.
yes please waste your time with it on an annoying thief so he can just switch to his shortbow and warp 1800+ in 2 seconds.
or better yet he can just heartseeker his way out of your range and kite you around until the trap wears off.
so please tell me how its a counter?
I think it would be neat if characters in stealth could be seen by characters in stealth.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
October 15th
Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.
The problem with stealth detection unlike all the other games listing stealth revealers is that no class has perma stealth in GW2. Thieves can maintain it for quite awhile, but it is by no means perm. That’s a huge overlook for people complaining about it.
I’ve never played another game like this that gave anywhere near as many opportunities to turn invisible in the middle of a fight as GW2 does.
For instance, DAoC had permanent stealth, but the only way to enter stealth in combat was the Vanish ability, which had a 15 minute cooldown and disarmed you for 30 seconds when used, meaning it was completely useless as anything but an escape tool.
In-combat stealth in GW2 is extremely powerful by MMORPG standards.
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP
The thing is, the fix is incredibly easy. All they have to do is give some classes a UTILITY that helps to counter stealth. That way they have to make a choice and have to sacrifice something if they want to be a stealth-hunter.
This would create a new dynamic in WvW, where you have the traditional stealth gank group and groups that hunt the gankers. These kinds of dynamics are GOOD for the game, Anet.
Many people play thieves, and to some extent mesmers, in order to remove the risk from the risk versus reward model. To keep things balanced, EVERY playstyle should have a counter available to the players.
There you go, Anet. Some more FREE development advice from me to you. Swallow your pride and start listening to your players. Some of whom know what the hell they are talking about.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
I think it would be neat if characters in stealth could be seen by characters in stealth.
I believe that Camelot Unchained is headed in that direction. Stealth takes you into another plane where other stealthers can see you and where an anti-stealth class has abilities that allows them to see you.
Now, that’s good development right there. Risk vs. reward. Wow – what an amazing new concept to put into a PvP game.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
So…concussion shot, no effect, crippling shot, no effect, my elite..entangle, no effect. Tell me thieves are not over powered. Near perm invis… massive damage…near one hit one kill. I hates them.
JQ Ranger
Risk vs. reward.
It’s a two edged sword, keep that in mind.
Many people complaining about stealth are talking particularly about thieves, even though 3 other classes use stealth as well, just not nearly as much. Asking to get free kills because they break a mechanic is also not going to do the game any good.
Thieves are not the only class to use stealth.
When the pendulum swings one way it eventually swings in favor of it’s opposite, so be careful what you wish for.
Reveal on hit would change the dynamic quite a bit. Rather silly that I can hit some in stealth but they are not revealed.
I have to ask, is the thief the most dangerous class in the game right now?
I know these days, I actually prefer seeing a thief over a necro, engi, warrior or guardian. If they D/P, I just ignore them because frankly they have little chance to kill me.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
October 15th
Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.
As a ranger that would suck more than two dollar who er it would suck. Lets pigeon hole the range even more….to even be useful we do not have room for other skills on the bar.
Let Guardians Judges Intervention Light the character up giving them the 30 second no stealth like the anti stealth trap. Since a lot of guardians already use it. Or let pets passively apply it to any they are attacking.
(edited by Bailey.6892)
I have to ask, is the thief the most dangerous class in the game right now?
I know these days, I actually prefer seeing a thief over a necro, engi, warrior or guardian. If they D/P, I just ignore them because frankly they have little chance to kill me.
The problem is when you can totally outplay a person but they can practically disengage and reset the fight at will. Thieves can do this and mobility warriors can do this. Both are stupid and should have never been allowed to happen.
A necro, engi, and a guardian don’t have a very good chance of escaping a fight they are going to lose. There is much higher risk running solo with those classes than there is for a thief or a cheese-mobility warrior.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Every game, except this one, actually gives the players abilities that counter stealth.
SWTOR – Stealth Scan
WoW – Hunter Flare
DAoC – True Sightand, so on. Need I say more?
Because other games has counterplay to it, then GW2 should have it too? Why do you use that logic? Not trolling, just curious.
Because other games has counterplay to it, then GW2 should have it too? Why do you use that logic? Not trolling, just curious.
How old are you?
We can balance this, just need a way to see thru stealth…………………and dispel clones, drain adrenalin, dispell pets, drain life force, lock out kits, lock out elements, etc.
think before you talk, you want a hard counter to one classes ability then we need them for all.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I have to ask, is the thief the most dangerous class in the game right now?
I know these days, I actually prefer seeing a thief over a necro, engi, warrior or guardian. If they D/P, I just ignore them because frankly they have little chance to kill me.
The problem is when you can totally outplay a person but they can practically disengage and reset the fight at will. Thieves can do this and mobility warriors can do this. Both are stupid and should have never been allowed to happen.
A necro, engi, and a guardian don’t have a very good chance of escaping a fight they are going to lose. There is much higher risk running solo with those classes than there is for a thief or a cheese-mobility warrior.
and some classes are way better at bunker condition build and some classes are better at group support and some classes are better in large scale fights, should they not be allowed? Should we make all the classes the same?
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I have to ask, is the thief the most dangerous class in the game right now?
I know these days, I actually prefer seeing a thief over a necro, engi, warrior or guardian. If they D/P, I just ignore them because frankly they have little chance to kill me.
The problem is when you can totally outplay a person but they can practically disengage and reset the fight at will. Thieves can do this and mobility warriors can do this. Both are stupid and should have never been allowed to happen.
A necro, engi, and a guardian don’t have a very good chance of escaping a fight they are going to lose. There is much higher risk running solo with those classes than there is for a thief or a cheese-mobility warrior.
and some classes are way better at bunker condition build and some classes are better at group support and some classes are better in large scale fights, should they not be allowed? Should we make all the classes the same?
Tankiness and health will only let you live so long when you find yourself in a 1v4. Reusable stealth (thief) and reusable mobility (warrior) don’t run out. Which would you rather be playing when jumped by four players? A bunker condition build with no stealth or mobility or something that can actually get away?
Of course, I’m talking about pure PvP here, not the objective-based PvP that people have been fooled into thinking is real PvP.
And, again… not every class should be the same. But, everything a class can do should have a counter somewhere. That actually means more class diversity, not less.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
(edited by Oozo.7856)
Read the prerelease of patch (from DEV not player in general), pets for rangers can now detect and use reveal.
The problem with stealth detection unlike all the other games listing stealth revealers is that no class has perma stealth in GW2. Thieves can maintain it for quite awhile, but it is by no means perm. That’s a huge overlook for people complaining about it.
The question is, making a change for ranger pets, not that rangers didnt need some love, makes other classes stealth a bit less useful in group dynamics.
Wait and see i guess.
I beg to differ on the perma stealth. A former guild mate of mine could do just that, and taught me how. He could get four heart-seekers inside a blinding powder, rinse and repeat when stealth about to run out. I could only manage 3 when I made a thief to try it out in pvp but even that will do the trick. He would then run full zerker with other little tricks and the 100% critical in stealth and hit people for 15K and re-stealth if they didn’t die after the next couple of dagger slashes. Is that not over powered or what?
@ Fiddle
Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.
To help Rangers support allies, we increased the ability ranger pets have to support allies. For instance, the Bear condition removal isn’t strong enough, so we’ll be improving that. Moas and Fern Hound will also be improved.
There will also be # changes to some of the Ranger weapons.
Also I’ve never been hit for 15k with a backstab… but I don’t run full glass or WvW on an upleveled. Full zerk thieves also go down a lot faster than I do… but I use things like prot/invuln/block/cc/dodge etc. etc. instead of just standing there like a sheep (aka why it’s not OP).
Also if he’s running hidden killer + full zerk he’s wasting a lot of stats on pre just to crit a little more on the auto attacks…
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Other rarely used counters:
I know
just pointing out they’re there, even if they are totally over the top in price
Price is hardly the issue. These traps aren’t meant to be used against theifs, but those sneaky mesmers. No theif will give you the time to build one. Most probably you will just get back stabbed while trying to build it.
New bunker meta sux