The death of T1 PPT play (an obituary)
The game mode of T1 died. Not recently, but a few months ago. It is hard to place the exact day, but likely somewhere in the aftermath of season 2. As a big fan on T1 WvW, I feel it deserves a proper obituary.
A garrison defense music:
Let me start with a personal success story, which happened just 2 days ago. As usual, I was pinned up during EU times, trying my best to defend JQ BL from the enemy. A big (for EU times) group of about 30 BG appeared at NE tower. However, they passed NE tower and went for our garrison. As it happens, garrison had reinforced gates, no waypoint, plenty of supply, and 2 defenders: me and one pug. While BG worked their way through the outer gate with 3 superior rams, I build a trebuchet for the north inner gate. A minute later, BG dropped 3 superior rams on north inner gate. Of course I disabled the rams, and started trebbing. After the second disabler, BG used the \cry emote and ported out. JQ garrison was saved.
A big personal success. But was it really? Garrison had no upgrade running. There was 0 siege build up. I was pinned, but only had one follower (who was not in teamspeak). Clearly, JQ did not care about defending garrison. Bad enough, but was BG any better? I know how to attack garri via NE, and putting all your supply into rams at north gate is not the way to do it. You build catas in the back. Or you go for west inner. Or, at least, you keep some supply in reserve for a cata in case the rams are destroyed.
And even after I had killed the rams, BG still outnumbered us 30 to 2. They could have man-moded the door down. Or sent away 15 people to run for new supply. Hidden a mesmer. Plenty of options. BG chose none. In the end, they cared just as little about who owned that garrison as JQ. All that was going on was a big karma train, which I, as the single person on the whole map who cared about PPT, rudely interrupted. Note that this happened early in the week. Not a Friday or Thursday.
The death of PPT
Now, a single incidence may not be enough to convince you. In that case, just compare your WvW experience today with the experience 18 months ago. Remember spawn camp scouting? If you ran into a spawn camp on reset, you could bet on a 40 person zerg appearing 30 seconds later to squash you. Remember siege teams who ran supply to keeps to build up defences, while the zerg was away fighting? Remember coordinating pushes on several maps? Remember map politics and sustained 2vs1’s against one server to break a WP? Remember the time when you did not have to coordinate pushes on several maps, because all maps were nearly queued?
When was the last time you saw all that? A long time ago. Granted, every now and then, you might catch a glimpse of what T1 WvW was, but it is usually isolated and short-lived. All-in-all, T1 now resembles what T2 was a while ago. Guild groups looking for fights; roamers duelling; a frustrated back-bones crew scouting. T1 WvW is dead.
Who killed PPT WvW?
The short answer is, BG overstacking. The longer answer, ANet’s design choices.
WvW T1 was inherently instable. It was instable because the game was designed in a way that makes strong servers stronger and weak servers weaker. Once you are stronger, you can take and downgrade the weaker servers keeps and towers, making them even weaker. The karma training ensures that the weakest server’s BL is the main place of action (keeping everything papered), not the strongest server’s BL. Players on outmanned servers have to put in more hours than players on strong servers to keep up. They also face defensive play rather than the more fun offensive play most of the time. Due to both facts, burnout is considerably higher on servers with less players, increasing the disparity in numbers.
That is, WvW with 3 servers is bound to produce an uneven outcome and “kill” weaker servers.
So why did T1 WvW work for so long? The reason was the untapped pool of WvW players in lower tiers. Whenever a server’s numbers thinned out to much, there was a replacement. This could happen in two ways: Either by the weak server recruiting additional players from lower tiers. Or by the weak server collapsing, and being replaced by an up and coming lower tier server, who now had a great positive story of reaching T1 and could use that to recruit (for example the players of the collapsed server).
This refreshing of T1 via lower tier players kept T1 WvW alive. Whenever the situation became too unbalanced, either a server was replaced, or a server mass recruited.
By now, that pool of lower tier players has dried out. Everyone with an interest in PPT WvW already plays in T1. No T2 or lower server comes even remotely close to the numbers of T1 servers. We have reached the final imbalance, which will not be fixed this time.