The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Ness.3846


FS dominate only when big Russian bus/zerg are present, when the Russian leave three hours before French the other players of FS begin to lose and leaves the WvW (while your server shows always complete).

On VS at the beginning of the evening, the French guilds are in sub-numbers, because many players are outside of the WvW to wait for the invitation… And little by little the players of french guilds receives the invitation for WvW, improving the level of the server.

And for Desolation, them bottom that to lose at any time.

(edited by Ness.3846)

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kuroin.1703


Need moar topicz!

EDIT: Honestly though, isn’t there another topic where this could be posted?

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018



Just admit you are just a night cappers and loose in prime time. No one respects Vizunah by now anyway, so whats the point of another thread? – Seafarers Rest Server community website

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Who cares to be respecting by people who prefer to whine on forum, rather than trying in game.

PS : who creates next topic? :p I think Anet should close that WvW section, this is becoming such a trashplace these days.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


I find the whole drama amusing – one overpopulated server that is on “top” only because of numbers whining about other overpopulated server thats on “top” because of population, about being dominated in off-time because of difference in population playing at that time.

FS is a winner in this topic though, since they do beat you when it matters: prime time and weekends.
This whole thing is a farce and arena is the one to blame. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Well yeah some people made it clear, they think Anet is to be blamed, because they choose to ignore facts bothering them, like the fact, when nightcapping happen, they have about the same number of players and sometime more than the server nightcapping.

How is Anet responsible if these players prefer to PVE?Or do other things?Should Anet ban these people cause they dont go WvW?

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


Give it up with your false logic. Vizunah might be better pve`ers. Better metagamers.

Better PvPers? Nah. Thats the guys that beat you in prime time with equal numbers and participation. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


How about we stop creating disrespectful threads? Personally I respect the grand cross from VS as nice opponents and they behave nicely on our Far Shiverpeaks Forums.
I see both servers as decent Opponents, and it is fun fighting Desation too.
The only problem at hand, is that VS has higher late night population, because yojr server is more focused on WvW then ours. We can not stay till 4-5am on weekdays to provide decent defence against VS late-night krew.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


I made a post already, but you never bother to read. Winning WvW has nothing to do with individual pvp skills.

As I already said, you can be a god able to win 1 vs 5 fight, if you are in dungeon, you are useless.

While you can be the most useless player ever, if you are in WvW, you follow your commander orders, you will help.

In that regard I have no doubt Vs is better, because they have more WvW fans right now. We never said anything about skills, only you keep claiming you are more skilled

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

I find the whole drama amusing – one overpopulated server that is on “top” only because of numbers whining about other overpopulated server thats on “top” because of population, about being dominated in off-time because of difference in population playing at that time.

FS is a winner in this topic though, since they do beat you when it matters: prime time and weekends.
This whole thing is a farce and arena is the one to blame.

my exact thoughts

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Btw you beat us in equal number and situation only in your dreams. It isn’t one sided during prime time, as you would like people to believe.

Who is disrespectful here?

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


Your logic is akin to being called a victor of Sports Tournament, because a plane with all other contesters was delayed thus you, as an only participant was declared victor.

You probably was smarter than them by using a train instead of plane, so obviously you deserve that victory!

You can keep whatever illusion you like for yourselves, but its not the “1st place” that give peoples respect to winers, its the recognition of enemies and achievement.

I have fought against other servers having night advantage on us, that we totally destroy on prime time – so can understand the FS situation and only laught at VZ being better organized wvw`ers when the organization is only seen when everyone else is asleep. You are just an overpopulated server that litterally drained everyone from other french servers, suffering from huge queues and attributing your “skill” to your victories lol – Seafarers Rest Server community website

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Tellerion.8102


Russians are carrying FS at the moment. No other guilds has brought the amount of people they bring to WvWvW consistently during the first few weeks.

From what I can understand the “french” has a big alliance that is made up by quiet a few guilds, who moved to an empty server at release, so they were able to fill most spots with guild members and people who are a part of their alliance, while Far Shiverpeaks remain as one of the most populated EU servers, filled with a bunch of randoms etc. (This isn’t mean’t as an excuse at all, since the FS alliance(s) could easily have decided on another server, I’m just pointing out the obvious.)

I don’t begrudge the french at all, as they would easily be top-two regardless of the night capping. They posses skill/dedication/commitment etc. and obviously deserve the top spot. But to say that their massive lead(s) hasn’t been due to “night-capping” is completely wrong. If you honestly believe that you have no idea what your talking about.


The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Your logic isn’t better, you offer no arguments, except lies about FS domination consistently during prime time.

All your argumentation revolves about that lie, that and the fact that everyone in the world know you are better for some reason.

When all the facts show it isn’t that simple.

So you can try to convince yourself you deserve to win all you want, instead of trying to actually win. but I have the feeling this isn’t goin to change much.

You know, saturday morning when were behind, we could do like you now, pretend it is pointless, whine whine, we are behind and log off. You woul have now a 50K lead.

Instead we did our best to fight back, and sorry we reduced the gap, despite you always winning during prime time :p

We did it because we like WvW. All you are saying make me think you dont really like WvW, you just like to win?

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: LiliOups.5327



Just admit you are just a night cappers and loose in prime time. No one respects Vizunah by now anyway, so whats the point of another thread?

there is nothing to admit…they DO loose during peak and week ends we all know we own them.

the only reason they win all the time is because they wait UK to go sleep so they can be in paradise mode

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


“did our best to fight back”

You mean, set up alarm clock at 4AM monday morning? WvW implies fighting other enemies, not zerging NPCs. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Thank you, perfect illustration of what I said just 1 post ago

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Russians are carrying FS at the moment. No other guilds has brought the amount of people they bring to WvWvW consistently during the first few weeks.

From what I can understand the “french” has a big alliance that is made up by quiet a few guilds, who moved to an empty server at release, so they were able to fill most spots with guild members and people who are a part of their alliance, while Far Shiverpeaks remain as one of the most populated EU servers, filled with a bunch of randoms etc. (This isn’t mean’t as an excuse at all, since the FS alliance(s) could easily have decided on another server, I’m just pointing out the obvious.)

I don’t begrudge the french at all, as they would easily be top-two regardless of the night capping. They posses skill/dedication/commitment etc. and obviously deserve the top spot. But to say that their massive lead(s) hasn’t been due to “night-capping” is completely wrong. If you honestly believe that you have no idea what your talking about.

FS and VS have the same problem with queue and high populated server. And it will be worse while the transfer is free.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: LiliOups.5327


I find the whole drama amusing – one overpopulated server that is on “top” only because of numbers whining about other overpopulated server thats on “top” because of population, about being dominated in off-time because of difference in population playing at that time.

FS is a winner in this topic though, since they do beat you when it matters: prime time and weekends.
This whole thing is a farce and arena is the one to blame.

my exact thoughts

well said homey

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Just confirm like the trolls whining here, arent actually doing WvW, as we reduced the gap sunday afternoon, from 10K to 7K despite your “superiority”.

And 3 replies from Fs, 3 times " we are best lolz :p"

See, I think I was right.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Stop arguing with this guy Elvy. The real actors from FS and Deso during the last week-end know about what is going on. Frustration blinds people and bad faith too. Let him in his ignorance and think he rocks everything. Soon, he will talk about canadian army again.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


We actually need CaSu to come do another troll post, they are fun at least.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


I am reading the “real actors” inner forums, so i bet i know about their real though a bit more than you do and than what they say to your face :_) – Seafarers Rest Server community website

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Even if what you say is true, they are at least respectfull enough not to post their hate on forum

And I dont know, but I think it is a bit arrogant to pretend to know their opinion and talk for them. I think they can come here themselves if they feel the need

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Lol nice, you read it. Well, next week-end participate even reading and then you will be legit to come arguing here. But right now, you can come back to the “real actors” forum. Thank you.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Tellerion.8102


FS and VS have the same problem with queue and high populated server. And it will be worse while the transfer is free.

I still stand by my statement that FS is “one” of the most populated EU servers, I think Vizunah is close, but not quiet there. VS guilds might be more eager participating in WvWvW, as I see a lot of french with the same guildtag going together, while as I stated, only russians has really made an impression on me from FS.


The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


Elvy, if you think that play on weekend is the same as on weekday – I have nothing to explain to you. During weekend we have all people from all major alliances queueing to BGs all day long, trying to provide as good fight as possible.
We can not do it during weekdays, since we have to go to work, sleep, etc. Eg. when I come home from work I join the queue to BG. I spend 3-4hours in the queue, get in at 12-1am my time. But I have to go to sleep soon, since I hwve to go to work in the morning. During that time a lot of unorganized ayers are in BGs running around in zerg. We can not get our alliance online together on the same BG. That is why sometimes you see us (and any other server) more organized and some times not. But saying, that whole server is bad because your server steamrolls it during nighttime is kinda disrespectful. The same goes to saying that server is caried by a given guild. There are always dedicated guilds on each server. Russian DL are really nice guys, they are organized and can get decent numbers in BGs since they start queueing earlier. But there are lots of great players.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Elvy, if you think that play on weekend is the same as on weekday – I have nothing to explain to you. During weekend we have all people from all major alliances queueing to BGs all day long, trying to provide as good fight as possible.
We can not do it during weekdays, since we have to go to work, sleep, etc. Eg. when I come home from work I join the queue to BG. I spend 3-4hours in the queue, get in at 12-1am my time. But I have to go to sleep soon, since I hwve to go to work in the morning. During that time a lot of unorganized ayers are in BGs running around in zerg. We can not get our alliance online together on the same BG. That is why sometimes you see us (and any other server) more organized and some times not. But saying, that whole server is bad because your server steamrolls it during nighttime is kinda disrespectful. The same goes to saying that server is caried by a given guild. There are always dedicated guilds on each server. Russian DL are really nice guys, they are organized and can get decent numbers in BGs since they start queueing earlier. But there are lots of great players.

That’s the same on all overpopulated servers, especially for WvWvW dedicated ones.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

So VS wins cuz of Canadians and FS cuz of Russians .
What about Desolation ? Are ’em koreans by any chance ?

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Mithrilendil.4713


But saying, that whole server is bad because your server steamrolls it during nighttime is kinda disrespectful.

Elvy never said that.
He only said that during the prime time it wasn’t as one sided as a lot of FS would like to believe.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

It isn’t one sided , is balanced and fun .
Fun , the magic word that keeps people playing one game or another .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


I never thought it is onesided, it is fun to play and fair fights during primetime.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Most of the Far Shiverpeaks players doesnt even bother anymore.
Keep scoring those points when 95% of the WvW players sleep.

Leet skillz them French inz ze nightz, hardcore WvW guilds versus gate’s <3

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


only thing i saw this weekend was 5k and 10k earlymorningcap somewhere between 5am and10am (never get up before 10am on weekend) for only a 10k advance on sunday end of primetime. looks like a weekend day 5K PU win for VS

didn’t get the chance to play before sundays night so i played till 10am before leaving for work.
Even had the undermanned buff for a time and was able to go from map to map without queue around 3am before huge ennemy army dissapeared around 5 or 6.

It isn’t difficult and its very fun to keep a renforced gate with 15 guys even if they are 50 attacking. But only if you dn’t flee and you have to do more than staying behind walls. Thats what we did from 3 to 5 am but when situation is reversed, ennemy 15 guys goes puzzle jumping.
They are 15 against 30… half flee and the remaining ones give up fastly. Its a pity for the 8 last cause they knew it was possible but there is not a lot they can do with such mates

All i do on weekend is waiting in queue and exploring map, crashing after 4h queue or missing the no sound invitation cause doing something else near pc :x

Plz Anet give us a sound alert when WvW invitation pop.

(edited by Exewre.2837)

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Ness.3846


Why on FS when the Russians are disconnected of WvW we see a player of FS leaving little by little the WvW? Nevertheless your server is indicated complete to has the 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning…

The only reason which I see is that on your server, only the Russian guilds manage to compete with guild of VS. Later you abandon the fight, because you lose without the Russians

I do not want to make of troll, but it is that I notice

(edited by Ness.3846)

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


Thanks mithrilendil, but I gave up, I honestly think that the people whining here :

a) Dont even bother to read what is written, they just want to whine
b) They aren’t even the one we face in WvW anyway

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


I can’t say for the entire server, but I have to go to sleep at 2am my time. If it is the same time DL disconnects – that is surprising coincidence. I mean, people going to work in the morning is really strange, but that is what we do

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


people going to work in the morning is really strange, but that is what we do…

So? i can go to work at 8 or 10am after 8h of gw2.. where is the problem?
Must have did it 3 times last week. Will do 2h nap after work and a good 12h sleep on weekend

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Sinoby.8945


Good for you. My day job requires concentration, i can not allow myself to sit thete sleepy. Not to mention, that two hour sleep is bad gor the health

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


You are really hard-hearing.

How can you explain that FS and Desolation have population tagged at high or even full sometimes during nightime and there is nobody in WvWvW from your servers?

Listening to you, you are the center of th world. Ok, you you need to go to sleep because you have to work on morning. Alright, but what about all players on your server staying late at nightime?

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753



This VS – FS feud is almost making me regret my server choice….. almost.
Brings memories back to forum fights in DAoC. Good times.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

Its just a server indication its not the current population playing it seems.

But its ok we know you have people that love to bash keep doors for 5 hours on end without any resistance.

Your repuation is damaged so bad already, not that you guys care but still.

You cant beat yourself on the chest saying we are the best…..we will never know do wo ?

Let those french enjoy their night shifting player versus gate day in day out untill they get matched (hopefully real soon) versus other servers that do the same.

Cant wait to see some server that doesnt depend on night shifters.

We just lost Durios, total players that wanted to assist 20….20 real pvp’rs paying attention…
Dunno where all the others are in Eternal but it seems 140 dont care anymore and just take up slots to afk and do whatever they are doing except doing pvp.

Hope Desolation wins second place so we can see something else then those cheesy french

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: zarg.1853


You know how to do something other than come to cry on the serious, 9 comments on 10 is tearful one nameless to go to play the barbie

otherwise made as for JO…… cheating…

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Typical answer when you have any valid argument.

Next time, use the magic mirror one. At least it will be funnier.