The downward spiral of inefficient match making

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Caliber.2987


Well, tonight’s foray into true long term WvW combat was exciting. Apparently our opposing server is comprised entirely of Fire Elemental bosses.

The amount of skill and organization of our opposing team vs my server’s utter lack of teamwork (with a dash of “Thanks Anet for making grouping expensive or impossible”) has made the only sane decision to transfer off.

I don’t really follow how our server is ranked so high when we’ve consistently lost the last two weeks worth of matches. We were great during beta, but well, guilds left and the pop changed.

In closing, I leave you with this screenshot and hope Arena Net will take the time to actually see the differences in WvW vs. using an obviously imperfect scoring system to rate each server.

He who gets the siege weapon count right in the screenshot wins a cookie.

Cur/Trc/Draftpunk | The Kindred Guild[TKG] | SBI

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Lasica.5068


What server are you on Sea of Sorrows or Isle of Janthir?

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Caliber.2987




Cur/Trc/Draftpunk | The Kindred Guild[TKG] | SBI

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Same problem with Tarnished Coast. We are matched against Dragonbrand (4 ranks above us), and Maguuma (2 ranks above us).

The two opposing Borderlands are like the return of the first few nightmare days of 24 hour matchmaking – - just completely zerged by the opposition. There is no point even zoning into them. Not only is the enemy camping our spawn with siege weapons, they are camping the back door out to the supply camps.

Our Borderland is at a stalemate, so at least there is some action. And the Battleground appear to be fine.

But, a week of this is just going to be useless. Being matched against Maguuma, and another server a rank or two above us would have been fine. But throw in one four ranks above, and it is the scale is tilted too much against us.

This seems like a screw-up to me.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: joejean.6842


And how much fun can it be to roll the map unopposed because all the other players just to log in to WvW? So the winning side will soon quit also due to boredom and no ennemies to fight…

Another MMO that didnt get it right, ho well, move along, another 100 games coming out in the next year… I had hopes for these guys, nice graphics, poor game mechanics…

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Lasica.5068


Having a look around the other servers tonight. As bad as the SoS/IoJ vs ET matchup is at least we are holding our own. On some other servers it’s complete domination from one team, they hold the entire map.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


It is currently Dragonband 455 > Tarnished Coast 135 > Maguuma 105

It is going to be a long, long week.

Time to farm Orr.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


Should be server vs server with a strong ladder. 1st vs 2nd, 3rd vs 4th, etc. It will be balanced because of the ladder and you eliminate the need for a third server which then also just turns into 1 server getting teamed.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Dragonband 485 > Maguuma 150 > Tarnished Coast 60

Thanks ArenaNet! What a great week this is going to be.

(As an aside, it looks like TC dropped back because we took SM and lost the rest of our forts in the process. Let that be a lesson to you kids).

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

(edited by Thrumdi.9216)

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: addexfoe.9364


Eredon Terrace 560 > Isle of Janthir 70 > Sea of Sorrows 65
Beat that!

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Sathure.1562


It’s not the matchmaking. It’s the number of servers and there cosmology. There’s only 24 NA servers to be paired up with each other in 3 way matches. The problem we have is there’s a select 4 servers that have massive guild alliances spanning across multiple timezone. This puts them at a despairing advantage to all other servers.

To put it bluntly the Guild Alliances are harming WvWvW substantially and may possibly be the end of it there isn’t some sort of remedy.

There needs to be a mechanic place to help keep matches from getting out of hand. Obviously you can’t go and break up the alliances. But there should be a mechanic in place to help prevent one server from just owning the entire match.

(I’m gona keep bloody linking this till some one actually reads it. :P)

(edited by Sathure.1562)

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: djoeb.2053


while i feel for you guys, it shouldnt be 560 > 70 > 65 on a Sat afternoon. Nothing anet can do about that .. that is on the servers to be better at what they are doing as I imagine you all have queues .. unless everyone has given up already?

when its 560 > 70 > 65 from 2 am to 11 am on a Tuesday .. that is where this system is flawed as one server that has 100 more unemployed than others is able to run rampant.

with all servers having queue times thing should be much more competitive.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Lasica.5068


From what I can see Eredon Terrace has a strong team 24/7 which is why they had a full crew in all the borderlands last night when the two oceanic servers (in their peak time) were unable to push them back. I was in a 3 hr battle to take Greenbriar last night while at the same time Sea of Sorrows was hitting Dreaming Bay from the north and ET was able to hold both of us off.

That said we did ok in EB for most of the night and pushed ahead of SoS to pick up some points, but IoJ has very few people online during the US day time so we’ve been pushed back to holding almost nothing now. SoS also seem to have slipped behind.

The overall score atm is 51.5K (ET) v 21K (IoJ) v 15.6K (SoS) and the current potential points is 570 v 85 v 40 (IoJ being the 40).

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: JeroenXP.5364


You know what is worse imo they you need 100% map completion in WvW maps for the 100% map completion overall. Really it brings people who only come for that and it is also impossible when 1 server is dominating your server and the other server to even complete that sp it actually hurts both PvP and PvE folks.

Also why oh why did this became into a week cycle when the point system is so flawed because those on the top actually getting buffs ( 15% health and such ) and those outnumbered don’t. Really what is the philosophy behind this thinking?

Kemy Support ele – Kesia Berserker War – Miruto Wolfhowl Berserker ranger:
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Fantom.9217


Eredon Terrace 560 > Isle of Janthir 70 > Sea of Sorrows 65
Beat that!

No problem…

Northern Shiverpeaks 650, Devona’s Rest 25, Kaineng 20


The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Vorsar.6138


I used to like WvW. Alot. Then we get paired up with the top team who caps every point with a giant zerg in around an hour. Then, we are trapped in spawn. And it’s GG. But this time, it doesn’t just last a day. It lasts a week. It’s incredibly boring, and I wish I could do something about it, but I guess it’s whatever. Just know I will no longer use WvW while we are matched up so ridiculously.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: LeCreaux.3087


Same problem with Tarnished Coast. We are matched against Dragonbrand (4 ranks above us), and Maguuma (2 ranks above us).

I was there, Dragonbrand pretty much had everything so there wasn’t much to do on team Tarnished Coast but hit and run.

But on the positive side, I won my first 1v1 battle while upscaled (don’t have any level 80s yet). I was trying to reach a battle spot and a Maguuma elementalist jumped me. Instead of spamming keys and hoping he died (like I usually do) I used a bunch of CC tricks while spamming keys and hoping he died (and it worked).

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


And how much fun can it be to roll the map unopposed because all the other players just to log in to WvW? So the winning side will soon quit also due to boredom and no ennemies to fight…

Another MMO that didnt get it right, ho well, move along, another 100 games coming out in the next year… I had hopes for these guys, nice graphics, poor game mechanics…

This is the tactic some people on my server (IoJ) are using. Don’t enter WvW and the server who is smashing everyone will get bored and have nothing to do. It’s a really pathetic way to avoid feeling defeated.. although funny. Whenever my server is outnumbered and getting gamed like we are now I usually run 25% speed buff with thief and shortbow and run around the map harvesting nodes and killing some mobs because @ the huge difference that we are losing by there’s no reason at all to even bother. WvW has a ton of potential but it feels like they just put the idea in the game and hoped it would work out.


The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


This is why it’s absolutely critical for Arenanet to remove retaliation damage from arrow carts.

May sound flippant, but arrow carts are what allows 5 people to hold a tower against 30 for a fair amount of time. Currently, 30 people show up, bang on the door, and there’s nothing that can be done to slow them down. Retaliation wipes out arrow carts and none of the other siege is terribly viable for defense. (“Ballista Surprise” inside the door is good for a laugh but only works the first time.)

Siege engines not taking retaliation damage will change the face of the game more than I think anyone appreciates. It will make it far more viable for a down-on-their-luck team to take something and hold it for more than 5 minutes. With no retaliation damage, 5 arrow carts creates a massacre.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Gomly.6128


You want to see bad match making?

Underworld is currently up against 2 French servers … guess what happened to us.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: deapee.7516


I’m IOJ and we’re currently being farmed at spawn from all 3 sides.

We stand in invulnerability and shoot at them, it’s pathetic honestly.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Lethminite.7912


i think one huge problem is orbs.
they just snowball the game, winners win more.

there are also no catch up mechanics, which there really should be to have a fun game.

free transfers are also being detrimental to WvW, because people just leave if they are losing, and go to the winning side.

maybe having some type of ritual to disrupt the orbs effects on a map, and then if both servers do the ritual, invert the orbs effects for an hour or something would help.

if one server has all 3 orbs, just have both opposing servers run the ritual, turn it into -150 to all stats, and -15% hp, then cap it all back and take back the orb.

or a reinforcement event, that gives you 100 NPCs, but they spread evenly over what you own, so if you have only one keep, you get all reinforcements there, making that location basically impossible to cap, but if you own 30 places, it only adds 3 to each.

or even something simple like a “management debuff” that lowers your teams stats based on how much of the world you own, the more you own, the more points you get, but the weaker you are, and harder it is to hold it all.

once games are playable for an outmatched team, people would go back to low pop servers to avoid the queues, then add gem costs on transfer to seal up the servers maintain balance, maybe make it cost more gems the higher poplulation the server is, with going to a lowpop server staying free, or trivially costed.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: kriegerdeath.2053


In a perfect world, with 3 faction wars, the lesser two teams are supposed to team against the bigger team. This is why the checks/balances of 3 faction are far superior to 2 faction or 1v1. Unfortunately you don’t really see this happening, or if it does, people come crying on the forums like some huge injustice has occurred (makes me laugh everytime). With all of the transfers ongoing, the current ELO standings of the servers mean NOTHING, and therefor your 2v1 strategies are not taking place as they should.

Lvl 80 Human Ranger / Dark Prophecy / Stormbluff Isle

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Narathkor.8541


Matchmaking was determined during a period of a crap ton of server hopping to the higher ranked servers. Further detrimented by server hopping at the beggining of this week long match. Arenanet we beg you, reset your matchups to a more proper system, stop this week match now, redo it tomorrow night, and KILL FREE TRANSFERS. Also on top of that, fix it so the borderlands owners can not set catapults and trebs on the cliffs where only people on the home team can get to making it impossible to hold the two top keeps like longview and cliffside. And ban the people that have exploited this.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Lasica.5068


In a perfect world, with 3 faction wars, the lesser two teams are supposed to team against the bigger team.

This is happening. Eredon Terrace was still holding off both Isle of Janthir and Sea of Sorrows during their peak times. At one point last night Sea of Sorrows was pushing Dreaming Bay and we were pushing Greenbriar but we couldn’t take either. So ET was able to hold off two complete servers attacks on two separate locations at the same time.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: GaiusJuliusCasear.7253


I do believe home server map advantage is a must. It should always be harder to invade than defend.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Thalantyr.2856


(this post is in regards to IoJ vs SoS vs ET)

I don’t think inefficient matchmaking is to blame here. There are FOUR servers that are in a different league than the next ‘block’ of servers. The current setup of WvWvW, meaning THREE servers, is awesome. I’m tired of two-faction games, and no-one is creating FFA-PvP games these days.

So what we’re left with here is ONE server that is always going to drop down into the tier-2 bracket against, at the moment, Isle of Janthir, Gates of Madness, Maguuma, Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Blackgate. None of the these servers really have a chance against Jade Quarry, Eredon Terrace, Henge of Denravi or Stormbluff Isle. They’re too organised, have too many players, great alliances, and 24/7 coverage.

Whose job is it to fix this? I don’t know. Maybe ours, maybe Arenanet’s. Either way it has to change because once we realised we (IoJ) were up against one of the top-4 sides our morale just dropped through the floor. At the 24-hour mark people were exhausted from banging their heads against the wall over and over again.

In no way am I saying that the top-4 servers should be nerfed or that we should receive some sort of buff in order to make us more competitive, and I’m reguarly trying to recruit US/EU servers to our server to bring us up in the rankings as we usually do quite decent in the Oceanic timezone, but there’s a definate problem at the moment and unfortunately I’m not naive enough to realise that if it’s not fixed within the next fortnight the game will suddenly see a drop in active players immediately (timeframe judged off the fact that we receive a spanking this week, drop to Tier-3 next week, hopefully win the T3 bracket, move back into the T2 bracket and go up against one of the top-4 servers again).

Can anyone confirm what the actual population limit is per map, and whether it’s locked to say 500/500/500 per team, or whether you can stack 1400/50/50? I’d love to know if one server got to 500 players on a map if they got capped but the server still allowed the other servers the ability to get up to 500 players, which I think is the fair way to do it. I might add that I believe in your home map it should be 40%/30%/30%, just to make it a touch easier to defend against two servers at once.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


None of the these servers really have a chance against Jade Quarry, Eredon Terrace, Henge of Denravi or Stormbluff Isle. They’re too organised, have too many players, great alliances, and 24/7 coverage.

SBI, ET and JQ are all very close and competitive. But because of the huge HoD zerg we end up in the same situation as the lower queues, with HoD dominating and whoever isn’t facing them stomping some lower pop realms in what should be its own bracket.

Just lock Henge out of WvW for a week or so, give them full bonus and say to them “Ok, you win for now”.

Then the rest of the matchmaking brackets will actually end up being fun for a change.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Pilgrim.2185


I think the hardest part here isn’t the way it’s paired, but the fact that Arenanet decided in all their wisedom to make EU and US servers. Thus making the need to recruit others harder. Now combine that with a guild transferring and losing all their guild bonusses will make any guild reluctant to move to another server. So that is a bit of a downer.

As for the bonuses being applied, it’s a pain once you are down, it will be so hard to get back up there and be on equal grounds. Once a World has the full map and can dominate all Timezones, good luck with those who cannot do it and have social stuff going as well. As it stands, I love Wv3 but there are moments that I am just going ugh. This morning, woke up and saw we had a whooping 5 and Whiteside Ridge (EU and home of Reddit’s) had the rest. Disheartening to know esp. considering we wipe them when we are fighting them (held a tower for a good 45 minutes with 10 people against 50+ of them). But then sleep hits, people need to log and the other TZ’s come in and we can start all over. This will go on for us for the rest of the week and in the end it will be hard for me to keep my guys going there with that crap.

So, either give an incentive for guilds to move to another server to help balance out. Get all servers to be internation, and have the US / EU servers to be mixed. Biggest fail from Anet was to have it split.

Sort it or you are going to lose people. I don’t see myself farming Orr for 2 weeks in a row if Wv3 / servers get a look after.

Pilgrim Guild Council of Mystical Awakening

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


I just want to say, I’m on Tarnished Coast. Currently it’s at Dragonbrand 295, TC 235, Maguuma 165. We at TC have Stonemist, and our home borderlands are, at this moment, almost fully under our control.

A horrible start is not the end of the game. We may be fairly far behind in the points, but we’re pulling ahead.

Don’t write everything off yet.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: djoeb.2053


yea, isn’t blowing GOON faces off with a cannon fun?

that being said .. there was an amazing unity on friday night on DB .. its been typical pug zerg stupidity ever since .. amazing we are still in the lead.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Chessrook.8643


Turns out djoeb, there’s actually been a group who’s been trying to take control and act as commanders in TC. The AWC, or Alliance War Council. It’s an alliance of guilds who intend to fight in WvW and prove that TC isn’t a pushover just because it’s an RP Server. It’ll be a hard-fought war, but we’ll make them fight for it.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I just want to say, I’m on Tarnished Coast. Currently it’s at Dragonbrand 295, TC 235, Maguuma 165. We at TC have Stonemist, and our home borderlands are, at this moment, almost fully under our control.

A horrible start is not the end of the game. We may be fairly far behind in the points, but we’re pulling ahead.

Don’t write everything off yet.

And in the 40 minutes since this post, DB has wiped our local Borderlands and pushed scoring back to 395/160/140. Doesn’t really feel good to have an entirely blue map turn green in the blink of an eye.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

(edited by Sarrs.4831)

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Xercisis.9768


yea, isn’t blowing GOON faces off with a cannon fun?

that being said .. there was an amazing unity on friday night on DB .. its been typical pug zerg stupidity ever since .. amazing we are still in the lead.

READ WE only have to really fight on 2 shards.

LOL then you should really advise people not to talk about it since server transfers are free and we have been camping Magumma and Dragonbrand all day compiling video and chat, cause you know it didnt happen………right.

Correction it was happening on one shard maguuma borderlands and yes we will get the screens and video up shortly so the guilds can be identified. God i Love this game Espionage, warfare, sexy women…… just gets better every day.

Xercisis, Guild Leader of Defiance(RUN)
Sanctum of Rall

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Azreal.2753


You want to see bad match making?

Underworld is currently up against 2 French servers … guess what happened to us.

Yeah im from underworld as well. We somehow appear to have been matched up against Arborstone and Jade sea. According to following thread :

Arborstone are rank 4 in terms of wins, jade sea are rank 19 in terms of wins are we’re 26. How is that even remotely fair or possible. Currently they have all the main keeps in the borderlands reinforced and locked down around the clock. It just feels like theres absolutely no point trying to do anything, not that we havn’t already tried and just hoping for better luck in next weeks matchup.

WTB explanation please.

EDIT: Correction, apparently Arborstone are rank 12 based on newer information. But still, how are we being matched up with a server 12-13 ranks above us. Doesnt make any sense.

(edited by Azreal.2753)

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: djoeb.2053


Turns out djoeb, there’s actually been a group who’s been trying to take control and act as commanders in TC. The AWC, or Alliance War Council. It’s an alliance of guilds who intend to fight in WvW and prove that TC isn’t a pushover just because it’s an RP Server. It’ll be a hard-fought war, but we’ll make them fight for it.

good luck with that! (not sarcasm) i like you TC guys, whenever we need to go somewhere, you guys give us a lift ..

yea, i just quoted reefer sutherland .. but hey, the world’s ending soon, so hopefully no one in the afterlife will remember

srsly tho, good luck with your guild alliances, thats what this game should be about.

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: Xercisis.9768


I would guess something in the matchmaking blew up when the bumped it up to a week. On TC we are fighting a 4+ and a 2+ who decided to carebear up on a shard. however a 12+ is crazy cmon Anet end this farce and get back to 24 hr where at least we were in the correct brackets.

Xercisis, Guild Leader of Defiance(RUN)
Sanctum of Rall

The downward spiral of inefficient match making

in WvW

Posted by: defrule.7236


Eu and Us server split was ASKING for population problems at certain hours.

US servers have less europeans and all it takes is a few servers that have a larger Eu presence and your balance goes out the window.

Eu and Us server split was a poor decision. It might work for PvE but not in WvW which are 24/7 battles. WvW needs to be fought by international servers but at the moment only a handful are international.