The fall of IoJ
So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.
In January many guilds left IoJ, CRIT and FIST I believe were the some of the first to leave, Followed by Iron, This caused a huge amount of smaller guilds to leave, We quickly fell into a free fall and this again caused even more people to leave We stabilized at T6 (While having far less numbers then the other two servers, constantly being outmanned on every map, At this point we were a T8 Server in T6 but held our own and our loyal Oceanic guilds kept us afloat.) March we began to slowly rebuild and by June we had a solid player base again. Recently we have gotten many transfers over to IoJ and are continually recruiting more players to our ranks and getting organized guilds going again.
This week we arent any happier then you are, We were hoping to go up and test our new strength against some of the servers that stomped us in the past. I can say im sorry for you guys, I’ve been on that end of the stick before and it majorly sucks. The best you can do is hope for the best and have fun, Work hard and recruit people to your ranks. Make WvW enjoyable for those new people that come in, Its not about the PPT in the end, I stay for the community and people around me in the server, Think thats how everyone should feel.
Best of luck to your server (DR or ET) I know you both have very strong roamers and can pull out amazing numbers if need be. Keep rebuilding and growing stronger
~IoJ Commander, [AR] WvW Master, Survivor of the IoJ Exodus
So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.
In January many guilds left IoJ, CRIT and FIST I believe were the some of the first to leave, Followed by Iron, This caused a huge amount of smaller guilds to leave, We quickly fell into a free fall and this again caused even more people to leave
We stabilized at T6 (While having far less numbers then the other two servers, constantly being outmanned on every map, At this point we were a T8 Server in T6 but held our own and our loyal Oceanic guilds kept us afloat.) March we began to slowly rebuild and by June we had a solid player base again. Recently we have gotten many transfers over to IoJ and are continually recruiting more players to our ranks and getting organized guilds going again.
This week we arent any happier then you are, We were hoping to go up and test our new strength against some of the servers that stomped us in the past. I can say im sorry for you guys, I’ve been on that end of the stick before and it majorly sucks. The best you can do is hope for the best and have fun, Work hard and recruit people to your ranks. Make WvW enjoyable for those new people that come in, Its not about the PPT in the end, I stay for the community and people around me in the server, Think thats how everyone should feel.
Best of luck to your server (DR or ET) I know you both have very strong roamers and can pull out amazing numbers if need be. Keep rebuilding and growing stronger
~IoJ Commander, [AR] WvW Master, Survivor of the IoJ Exodus
i dont think you know what it is to be a t8 server. you have oceanic guilds.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.
In January many guilds left IoJ, CRIT and FIST I believe were the some of the first to leave, Followed by Iron, This caused a huge amount of smaller guilds to leave, We quickly fell into a free fall and this again caused even more people to leave
We stabilized at T6 (While having far less numbers then the other two servers, constantly being outmanned on every map, At this point we were a T8 Server in T6 but held our own and our loyal Oceanic guilds kept us afloat.) March we began to slowly rebuild and by June we had a solid player base again. Recently we have gotten many transfers over to IoJ and are continually recruiting more players to our ranks and getting organized guilds going again.
This week we arent any happier then you are, We were hoping to go up and test our new strength against some of the servers that stomped us in the past. I can say im sorry for you guys, I’ve been on that end of the stick before and it majorly sucks. The best you can do is hope for the best and have fun, Work hard and recruit people to your ranks. Make WvW enjoyable for those new people that come in, Its not about the PPT in the end, I stay for the community and people around me in the server, Think thats how everyone should feel.
Best of luck to your server (DR or ET) I know you both have very strong roamers and can pull out amazing numbers if need be. Keep rebuilding and growing stronger
~IoJ Commander, [AR] WvW Master, Survivor of the IoJ Exodus
i dont think you know what it is to be a t8 server. you have oceanic guilds.
True, But seeing how the T7 servers are now, and GoM, NSP, SF and HoDs numbers, They would have completely dominated us then.
Our fall was months ago, we’re getting stronger now.
I’m sure we’re wanting this match up to end as much as you guys do too, fun fights at least regardless of the score.
Charlie Prince caused the downfall of IoJ.
Beast mode
So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.
We had a 50 Omega Golem rush/stomp across our BL against Borlis tier 4. Four golems not so bad.
Charlie Prince caused the downfall of IoJ.
I can’t think of any other single individual who worked so hard to ruin the reputation of his own community then actually ruin it from the inside.
Not trying to whine or complain here…I’m just saying that wvwvw is a heck of a lot more fun when the 3 servers are a little more evenly skill…and that includes the ones on the bottom of the ranking list like us =)
We managed to gain some of our territory back 2 days ago, but even the commander said afterwards, “It’s only a matter of time before IoJ wakes up”.
And wow to 50 omega golems? lol…
Who’s Charlie Prince?
Not trying to whine or complain here…I’m just saying that wvwvw is a heck of a lot more fun when the 3 servers are a little more evenly skill…and that includes the ones on the bottom of the ranking list like us =)
We managed to gain some of our territory back 2 days ago, but even the commander said afterwards, “It’s only a matter of time before IoJ wakes up”.
And wow to 50 omega golems? lol…
Who’s Charlie Prince?
Kind of an inside joke from the early GW2 WvWvW days. You kinda had to be there :P
Beast mode
I know how you feel bro. We were also getting stomped 3-4 months ago.
As Banzie stated, we are not happy with this current matchup either. I played 8 dungeons for 3 night straight and I don’t do dungeons. Just because I have nothing to cap in WvW anymore.
Hopefully we get better matchups next week.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
I was in IoJ a very long time ago. I have many memories of the server being a decent home for a long time. The server had a lot of oceanic guilds and was struggling in NA time slot but even so the guilds became tightly close and familiar with one another.
Eventually IoJ became a server with a tier 3 population which made it into tier one. I was one of the players who went to IoJ when they needed more NA guild and eventually started Twilight Daze there as a small guild running five man parties.
I enjoyed the server and when we finally got to tier 1 so many players left WvW and entered the Halloween event, forgetting that we earned our tier 1 spot. We held our own for three to four days in tier 1. Once guilds saw we were not serious as a WvW server, they left to other servers. This started a downward spiral.
Towards the very end, paid server transfers were coming and before falling into tier four, around 12 WvW guilds transferred to FA including my own. However, it wasn’t what it was meant to be..
…while I felt happy for a while, I saw the IoJ spirit fall apart. There were different mentalities and attitudes to deal with on FA and the IoJ guilds offered a lot of help to the FA guilds but I saw the FA top guilds and opinions dominate a lot of attempts to move forward. While FA grew stronger, the combination of FA and IoJ guilds and their gameplay never allowed them to legitimately achieve what IoJ managed to achieve alone, to enter into tier 1 and fight a match at that level legitimately and not by random deviation matching at WvW is.
IoJ earned its tier 1 match and I enjoyed every second of it, along with the long nights and months of WvWing and getting to know many there. However it was due to the FA attitude that some former IoJ guilds left FA and went to other servers.
I still feel today that I am one of the few who even as TC player still retained the early, friendly IoJ spirit that I learned in that server. I feel a lot who exist on FA from that server lost their spirit that today its like if those players have become different people.
I would give a lot to see IoJ recover itself, get a handful of new guilds, recover their old guilds as well in an “Enough is Enough” message and knock FA out of the water. I found my home in Tarnished Coast but I would start a second account and pitch in my own way if anyone spearheaded (myself included) a recovery of that server.
It was great while it was good before its full decline into the ground. Next to Tarnished Coast, it was my favorite server, while I can say that out of eight servers I’ve spent time in, FA was by far the worse server experience of my life….both times I was there.
Be thankful you’re not in a server with an average of 10-20 people in WvW total.
Edit: Probably a little more than that, in the 30s total. That might be oversight though
I was in IoJ a very long time ago. I have many memories of the server being a decent home for a long time. The server had a lot of oceanic guilds and was struggling in NA time slot but even so the guilds became tightly close and familiar with one another.
Eventually IoJ became a server with a tier 3 population which made it into tier one. I was one of the players who went to IoJ when they needed more NA guild and eventually started Twilight Daze there as a small guild running five man parties.
I enjoyed the server and when we finally got to tier 1 so many players left WvW and entered the Halloween event, forgetting that we earned our tier 1 spot. We held our own for three to four days in tier 1. Once guilds saw we were not serious as a WvW server, they left to other servers. This started a downward spiral.
Towards the very end, paid server transfers were coming and before falling into tier four, around 12 WvW guilds transferred to FA including my own. However, it wasn’t what it was meant to be..
…while I felt happy for a while, I saw the IoJ spirit fall apart. There were different mentalities and attitudes to deal with on FA and the IoJ guilds offered a lot of help to the FA guilds but I saw the FA top guilds and opinions dominate a lot of attempts to move forward. While FA grew stronger, the combination of FA and IoJ guilds and their gameplay never allowed them to legitimately achieve what IoJ managed to achieve alone, to enter into tier 1 and fight a match at that level legitimately and not by random deviation matching at WvW is.
IoJ earned its tier 1 match and I enjoyed every second of it, along with the long nights and months of WvWing and getting to know many there. However it was due to the FA attitude that some former IoJ guilds left FA and went to other servers.
I still feel today that I am one of the few who even as TC player still retained the early, friendly IoJ spirit that I learned in that server. I feel a lot who exist on FA from that server lost their spirit that today its like if those players have become different people.
I would give a lot to see IoJ recover itself, get a handful of new guilds, recover their old guilds as well in an “Enough is Enough” message and knock FA out of the water. I found my home in Tarnished Coast but I would start a second account and pitch in my own way if anyone spearheaded (myself included) a recovery of that server.
It was great while it was good before its full decline into the ground. Next to Tarnished Coast, it was my favorite server, while I can say that out of eight servers I’ve spent time in, FA was by far the worse server experience of my life….both times I was there.
Our NA presence has been complimenting our Oceanics presence quite well recently. Feel free to come back, community is still around
After the free server transfers closed, we had lost a lot of the people who brought knowledge, talent, leadership, and manpower to WvW. We only had a handful of people that where WvW veterans and even fewer WvW commanders.
Once we finished assessing the situation we where in, we came to the conclusion that in order to recover ANY hope of becoming a WvW server we need a solid community foundation. We started the long road to rebuilding our community by encouraging people to try out WvW, learn and prefect group skills used in higher tiers, community events like training sessions for WvW, encourage people to join our VoIP services and talk with people in WvW, and always show praise even for the smallest thing even in failure to boost moral.
At the end of the day the higher the servers moral was, the more people we fielded. The more a person gave to the community, the more the community grew. The North American people know how valuable our Oceanic’s are and will fight tooth and nail to not have the Oceanic’s effort be in vain.
As of now we have our PvE community support our WvW community, by offering siege, money, and food for the people who fight everyday in the mists. We welcome any guild or person to our server who subscribes to our servers culture and when able set aside a bit for our WvW crew.
Just last week we got a few guild transfers from Gate of Madness and have offered what ever we can to make them feel at home and welcomed. That same week we held a gold drive for getting new commanders for WvW. People on the server gave enough gold to promote one person to commander status in 20 minutes, then two others in a few hours just by asking in Lions Arch and after a Invasion event. I hope that the people who left our server a year ago will see that we have grown as a community and will once again want to part of the IoJ community that is of today.
Now that we have tones of commanders of varying levels of experience that we can call upon, we can almost at all times of the week have a commander in Eternal and our borderlands leading people in defending or capturing objectives. We still have a long way to go if we ever want to reach the top but at least we have a direction and motivation. I am proud to be an Isle of Jantharian, and so is everyone on our server!
Laspo Yorick – Mesmer
Samson Longshanks – Warrior
So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.
In January many guilds left IoJ, CRIT and FIST I believe were the some of the first to leave, Followed by Iron, This caused a huge amount of smaller guilds to leave, We quickly fell into a free fall and this again caused even more people to leave
We stabilized at T6 (While having far less numbers then the other two servers, constantly being outmanned on every map, At this point we were a T8 Server in T6 but held our own and our loyal Oceanic guilds kept us afloat.) March we began to slowly rebuild and by June we had a solid player base again. Recently we have gotten many transfers over to IoJ and are continually recruiting more players to our ranks and getting organized guilds going again.
This week we arent any happier then you are, We were hoping to go up and test our new strength against some of the servers that stomped us in the past. I can say im sorry for you guys, I’ve been on that end of the stick before and it majorly sucks. The best you can do is hope for the best and have fun, Work hard and recruit people to your ranks. Make WvW enjoyable for those new people that come in, Its not about the PPT in the end, I stay for the community and people around me in the server, Think thats how everyone should feel.
Best of luck to your server (DR or ET) I know you both have very strong roamers and can pull out amazing numbers if need be. Keep rebuilding and growing stronger
~IoJ Commander, [AR] WvW Master, Survivor of the IoJ Exodus
I feel you, I am on SoS and we’ve had a lot of similar circumstances. We’ve been insulted and complained about on the forums because our NA is so weak and we get carried by our oceanics, however there is nothing we can do about it. We are trying our best to recruit and improve, but we have to deal with the hand we received and yes we are blessed to have an awesome Oceanic presence, but we are trying to re-build so we can support our Oceanics, like they have supported us.
I hope your recruiting and growth goes well IoJ, I think it would be fun to see you guys on the battlefield again.
If IoJ and SoS got paired on a regular basis, your oceanics might have more to do than pvdoor! I’m not trying to be insulting. It’s probably what happens when you get matched up with servers that don’t have any oceanic coverage.
If IoJ and SoS got paired on a regular basis, your oceanics might have more to do than pvdoor! I’m not trying to be insulting. It’s probably what happens when you get matched up with servers that don’t have any oceanic coverage.
Sad thing is, Most servers do have at least 5 ppl that play at night. Generally around 10. They are just idiots though and never use cannons or oil. If you ahve 5-10 smart people at night you can hold things for a long time. Even on a golem rush, 5 sup. ACs will knock those golems right out. I solo held Langor Against 30 HoD for 20 minutes before someone finally came to help during a PvE patch day. So its possible for ppl to hold other things just as well lolol
The fall of IoJ is something we tend to refer to as ‘The Exodus’
as previously stated, it was effectively 90% of our WvW (and subsequently PvE) population leaving just before guesting was put in. IoJ had a hugely bloated ranking as we stayed t1 for a while and then dropped to t2. Because of the old ranking system, we were stuck. We had guilds constantly complaining about losing and so they left.
For a while, we dropped. We fell… fast and hard. We dropped tiers almost weekly. As Karn stated, we kind of stabilized around t6 and stayed there. This is around the time a few of us stepped up to the plate and bought a tag. WvW became a job, basically. There are some on the server who will be able to recount it far better than me, but it was hard work.
To be in the position we are today is amazing. A few months ago I’d have never imagined winning THREE WEEKS IN A ROW (Go IoJ!!). We’ve come along way and it’s been tough. We’ve had wins and loses and some weeks we’ve almost even tied with servers (looking at you DR).
I’ve enjoyed this week, but it hasn’t been a challenge. I hate to say it but I’d rather be getting my kitten kicked. We get more of a turn out those weeks.
Honestly DR, you’re in for a tough ride. You lost a few WvW guilds (from what I’ve heard anyway) and it’s gonna suck, but you’ll come back from it. Hopefully as IoJ builds it’s strength, some day you can recover and come beat our kitten as pay back for this match-up.
If IoJ and SoS got paired on a regular basis, your oceanics might have more to do than pvdoor! I’m not trying to be insulting. It’s probably what happens when you get matched up with servers that don’t have any oceanic coverage.
I think our Oceanics would be ecstatic if we got paired up with IoJ, they actually liked our early mismatches when we faced SoR, TC and DB during the first few weeks of the new match pairing algorithm. Hopefully we’ll have something for them to do during their prime time, we’ve been starving them lately
Not trying to whine or complain here…I’m just saying that wvwvw is a heck of a lot more fun when the 3 servers are a little more evenly skill…and that includes the ones on the bottom of the ranking list like us =)
We managed to gain some of our territory back 2 days ago, but even the commander said afterwards, “It’s only a matter of time before IoJ wakes up”.
And wow to 50 omega golems? lol…
Who’s Charlie Prince?
Kind of an inside joke from the early GW2 WvWvW days. You kinda had to be there :P
If you were on IoJ early on you might have heard of Team Legacy (Prince was the supposed leader of it.)
Basically he, and a handful of other IoJ residents, were so toxic on GW2 forums (Pot and I remember him from the guru forums) that no one wanted to join IoJ even after the ET and HoD collapsed. If IoJ had had a better rep, IoJ with it’s Oceanics would have been a more attractive choice and probably would have taken the place of SoS and could have been number one for a long time.
Sounds like those folks are long gone and a new IoJ is being built.
I hope you do well and go up to the point where you can fight us on SoS. You have some work ahead of you (SBI, CD, YB, BP, and EhmBay are all in a fight for for #9).
Good luck.
I was in IoJ a very long time ago. I have many memories of the server being a decent home for a long time. The server had a lot of oceanic guilds and was struggling in NA time slot but even so the guilds became tightly close and familiar with one another.
Eventually IoJ became a server with a tier 3 population which made it into tier one. I was one of the players who went to IoJ when they needed more NA guild and eventually started Twilight Daze there as a small guild running five man parties.
I enjoyed the server and when we finally got to tier 1 so many players left WvW and entered the Halloween event, forgetting that we earned our tier 1 spot. We held our own for three to four days in tier 1. Once guilds saw we were not serious as a WvW server, they left to other servers. This started a downward spiral.
Towards the very end, paid server transfers were coming and before falling into tier four, around 12 WvW guilds transferred to FA including my own. However, it wasn’t what it was meant to be..
…while I felt happy for a while, I saw the IoJ spirit fall apart. There were different mentalities and attitudes to deal with on FA and the IoJ guilds offered a lot of help to the FA guilds but I saw the FA top guilds and opinions dominate a lot of attempts to move forward. While FA grew stronger, the combination of FA and IoJ guilds and their gameplay never allowed them to legitimately achieve what IoJ managed to achieve alone, to enter into tier 1 and fight a match at that level legitimately and not by random deviation matching at WvW is.
IoJ earned its tier 1 match and I enjoyed every second of it, along with the long nights and months of WvWing and getting to know many there. However it was due to the FA attitude that some former IoJ guilds left FA and went to other servers.
I still feel today that I am one of the few who even as TC player still retained the early, friendly IoJ spirit that I learned in that server. I feel a lot who exist on FA from that server lost their spirit that today its like if those players have become different people.
I would give a lot to see IoJ recover itself, get a handful of new guilds, recover their old guilds as well in an “Enough is Enough” message and knock FA out of the water. I found my home in Tarnished Coast but I would start a second account and pitch in my own way if anyone spearheaded (myself included) a recovery of that server.
It was great while it was good before its full decline into the ground. Next to Tarnished Coast, it was my favorite server, while I can say that out of eight servers I’ve spent time in, FA was by far the worse server experience of my life….both times I was there.
Daze is the only IoJ guild to leave FA (all five of you?). The rest were glad you were gone.
I was in IoJ a very long time ago. I have many memories of the server being a decent home for a long time. The server had a lot of oceanic guilds and was struggling in NA time slot but even so the guilds became tightly close and familiar with one another.
Eventually IoJ became a server with a tier 3 population which made it into tier one. I was one of the players who went to IoJ when they needed more NA guild and eventually started Twilight Daze there as a small guild running five man parties.
I enjoyed the server and when we finally got to tier 1 so many players left WvW and entered the Halloween event, forgetting that we earned our tier 1 spot. We held our own for three to four days in tier 1. Once guilds saw we were not serious as a WvW server, they left to other servers. This started a downward spiral.
Towards the very end, paid server transfers were coming and before falling into tier four, around 12 WvW guilds transferred to FA including my own. However, it wasn’t what it was meant to be..
…while I felt happy for a while, I saw the IoJ spirit fall apart. There were different mentalities and attitudes to deal with on FA and the IoJ guilds offered a lot of help to the FA guilds but I saw the FA top guilds and opinions dominate a lot of attempts to move forward. While FA grew stronger, the combination of FA and IoJ guilds and their gameplay never allowed them to legitimately achieve what IoJ managed to achieve alone, to enter into tier 1 and fight a match at that level legitimately and not by random deviation matching at WvW is.
IoJ earned its tier 1 match and I enjoyed every second of it, along with the long nights and months of WvWing and getting to know many there. However it was due to the FA attitude that some former IoJ guilds left FA and went to other servers.
I still feel today that I am one of the few who even as TC player still retained the early, friendly IoJ spirit that I learned in that server. I feel a lot who exist on FA from that server lost their spirit that today its like if those players have become different people.
I would give a lot to see IoJ recover itself, get a handful of new guilds, recover their old guilds as well in an “Enough is Enough” message and knock FA out of the water. I found my home in Tarnished Coast but I would start a second account and pitch in my own way if anyone spearheaded (myself included) a recovery of that server.
It was great while it was good before its full decline into the ground. Next to Tarnished Coast, it was my favorite server, while I can say that out of eight servers I’ve spent time in, FA was by far the worse server experience of my life….both times I was there.
Daze is the only IoJ guild to leave FA (all five of you?). The rest were glad you were gone.
And he still writes books on forums…dude never learned to tldr his own posts lol.
Daze is the only IoJ guild to leave FA (all five of you?). The rest were glad you were gone.
And he still writes books on forums…dude never learned to tldr his own posts lol.
This is probably the poor attitude he was talking about, Regardless of if he angered or annoyed you he and his guild were apart of your community and tried to fit in and it seems you guys weren’t anything but rude, Judging by these posts at least.