The five stages of grief: WvW and sPvP
I don’t really want to feed this thread, but there’s a lot of accusations being thrown around for no good reason.
1. Anet is not “pushing” for esports. That implies they are spending significant time and resources on getting GW2 into the esports scene. That’s not happening, so I can’t take this accusation seriously.
2. Anet isn’t ruining WvW balance with PvP. As an example, take the revealed debuff. When it was increased to four seconds across the board, thieves were awful in PvP. There was a lot of moaning on the PvP forums because there was no real need to nerf thieves there. The only reason it got reverted to three seconds in WvW is…PvE. It is true that the three modes sometimes conflict with each other, but the conspiracy theories are not useful.
These 2 are completely wrong, anet were spruiking the esports before launch, sacrx talked about how focussed they were on spvp as an esport in his interactions with them, and finally look at how they are promoting it as an esport even now.
As for the second point there have been many balance changes that impacted on classes in WvW for the worse, and very few for the better.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Highly rated article I saw tossed around over MMO PvP/Development right here:
It sounded like the Author really went through all the Stages first hand and really learned something from them all. A great read for any public creator IMO.
I found it inspiring and a fair deal better than the hastily scrawled venting I contributed to this thread (no offense to those who upvoted it, it’s very much appreciated but I have no place here anymore…I have to find a new approach)