The five stages of grief: WvW and sPvP

The five stages of grief: WvW and sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Looking at Whiteside’s buying-time “Collaboration push” in the General forum…
…makes me believe they’re already on the Bargaining stage.

Especially when looking at Josh’s followup in it about what they consider to be useable feedback where it becomes clear that they only care about how opinions are worded rather than how factual they actually are. …. I know there’s hundreds of us here who get infracted every month on the slippery slope of “rude/cynical” posts that they (Anet) want to imply is just a bunch of Slander because they are out of touch with the facts. … they get all their facts from datamining which if you look at similar models in the USA with regards to public polling …. you instantly see just how useless that sort of data gathering really is. (Mathematical paradox: congress having a 10% approval rating … but a 90% incumbancy for instance).

This thread itself will likely see deletion on the grounds of “character attack” even though all we’re doing is trying to figure when we can start taking all of this seriously and actually do what they claim they want us to do…. (give nothing but positive-worded feedback). ….Before we can take it seriously, there has to be some trust. When they tell us our feedback will be ignored b/c they think any one part of it might be Slander, then the discussion is no longer about collaborating. It’s about keeping score and “It’s my way, or the highway”.

And they CAN do that…. It’s their forum. It’s their Servers. It’s their ball… But when all they have left is a bunch of yes-men… When they either turn away or outright ban their most passionate fans by constraining the discussion to a point where they never have to apologize for any of the mistakes THEY MADE… they quickly lose the brightest and most creative contributors the ever had. And the product’s overall potential takes a huge hit until it becomes so inbred that it stops attracting any new playerbase —- Just like City of Heroes before NcSoft pulled the plug on that game…

…and yes…

I made a similar post in the vein of this one on their Forums about 2 years before it shut down. (just as it was hitting its death spiral). And 4 years before that… I called Jack Emmert out on his shenanigans and misappropriation of resources right before he got pushed out of lead Dev … he replied to my post with so much denial and deflection it makes that Tagged up Dev who squatted on the GvG’ers look like miss congeniality. Granted I may be a ADHD scrub in Arena, terrible at minmaxxing in general, and even mathematically dyslexic at times. But as far as prognosticating trouble ahead goes, my track record is pretty good…

…I don’t foresee Anet going down that road in the next 5 years b/c for right now, there isn’t that level of Hubris. Mike OBrien still holds the reins on this horse (I hope!). This isn’t even a nose dive yet. It’s a snag at best…. And all they have to do is just get over it. Do things that actually rebuild respect from us long-timers who’ve been with them since April 2005. Focus on bug fixes and skill splits like they used to do in good old Gw1. … don’t write off everyone with negative comments as a LOST CAUSE. Stop building Carnival Attractions and start building Trust.

Strong commentary. I agree.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

The five stages of grief: WvW and sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I don’t really want to feed this thread, but there’s a lot of accusations being thrown around for no good reason.

1. Anet is not “pushing” for esports. That implies they are spending significant time and resources on getting GW2 into the esports scene. That’s not happening, so I can’t take this accusation seriously.
2. Anet isn’t ruining WvW balance with PvP. As an example, take the revealed debuff. When it was increased to four seconds across the board, thieves were awful in PvP. There was a lot of moaning on the PvP forums because there was no real need to nerf thieves there. The only reason it got reverted to three seconds in WvW is…PvE. It is true that the three modes sometimes conflict with each other, but the conspiracy theories are not useful.

These 2 are completely wrong, anet were spruiking the esports before launch, sacrx talked about how focussed they were on spvp as an esport in his interactions with them, and finally look at how they are promoting it as an esport even now.

As for the second point there have been many balance changes that impacted on classes in WvW for the worse, and very few for the better.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

The five stages of grief: WvW and sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: ilr.9675


Highly rated article I saw tossed around over MMO PvP/Development right here:
It sounded like the Author really went through all the Stages first hand and really learned something from them all. A great read for any public creator IMO.

I found it inspiring and a fair deal better than the hastily scrawled venting I contributed to this thread (no offense to those who upvoted it, it’s very much appreciated but I have no place here anymore…I have to find a new approach)