The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Direwind.8409



Well, in regards to the most boring class to fight, in my opinion it would have to be



When fighting a thief, or being attacked by one, one of two things usually happen;
You die in 3 seconds flat;
You get the upper hand, they run away and reset.

You cannot chase a thief, you cannot run from a thief, they hold all the cards, in a one on one you are at their beck and call, if they want to stay and fight to win or lose they can chose to, if they want to get away they can do that too, you have no choice or course of action, you can only flow with the battle and hope he does some thing really stupid.

There is nothing in this game more annoying and boring than you being attack by a thief, perfectly counter his attack, get him to 20% health, he then evade super sprints stealth’s resets and comes back to own you because you have none of your cooldowns up, and no means to counter their insane speed or mobility and stealth.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067



Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I thought the Topic was “boring”, not “annoying”. Because thief fights are anything (keyboard smashing from frustration at times included) but boring.

Back on topic – bunker guardians are boring to fight.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Evilek.5690



Warrior use all CD→burst you→warrio without CD run away and w8 on CD→warrior CD ready→turn around and running back→ use all CD and burst you again.

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Contrary.4036


Was going to say Warrior too. Because I suck at PvP still so it goes: Attack —> Kill —> Done.


The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318




Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


The 9th class, WvW only: Vizuna.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Thobek.1730


thieves are the worse just because only bad ones die, average-good ones just run away and reset. You can never catch them either, too much stealth and it seems to be endless.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345





The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Thieves are anything but boring.
They might be frustrating sometimes,
But when you find a good thief that actually wants to fight and not just cheese around the map all day, they are some of the better, more active fights I’ve had.


The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I always have a chance against a thief. D/P can be annoying but still beatable. Most boring has to be up arrows though. They die FAST.

As for classes/builds that are boring Alt Healing Guardian for me is the worst… good ones get a bow and I go on my merry way in 1v1. In a skirmish group they are even harder to kill until their friends are dead and in a zerg they are almost always the last to die.

Next up would be a toss up against clone tank mesmers, running warriors and bunker elementalists. Several builds fall into the most boring category.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Eddem.8421


Any back-line builds. Opportunists that die if you sneeze on them.

However they do provide some light comic relief and if the **** hits the fan an easy rally.

But boring none the less.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: TyPin.9860


Another Thief QQ thread. Seriously? This one is hidden as a question thread, but seriously?

My experience is, it depands on the player u fight. There are thiefs, who die within seconds against my necro (usually full burst backstap theives) and there are those, who last a longer fight and there ore those one can not catch. But the last category deals an insanely low ammount of dmg. They are like an annoying fly, nothing more.

As it goes for the other classes: I have fought from every profession good players and bag players. So the boring fights are playing against bad players, no matter what class they run.

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Kaputsid.5169


The most boring class to fight (WvW only)?

My fights against thief in 1 vs 1 are always boring, irritating, insipid, unpleasant and annoying. I play enginner and yes, i know the drill to deal with them but i won’t switch my support build only to deal with a design eccentricity so i run to the nearest tower.

Anyway it’s not pvp against thief, they can’t lose : No exp, wxp, drop, nothing… They run away as soon as they get in troubles.

By far the the worst pvp experience in all mmo i’ve played.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: awge.3852


Well, in regards to the most boring class to fight, in my opinion it would have to be



When fighting a thief, or being attacked by one, one of two things usually happen;
You die in 3 seconds flat;
You get the upper hand, they run away and reset.

You cannot chase a thief, you cannot run from a thief, they hold all the cards, in a one on one you are at their beck and call, if they want to stay and fight to win or lose they can chose to, if they want to get away they can do that too, you have no choice or course of action, you can only flow with the battle and hope he does some thing really stupid.

There is nothing in this game more annoying and boring than you being attack by a thief, perfectly counter his attack, get him to 20% health, he then evade super sprints stealth’s resets and comes back to own you because you have none of your cooldowns up, and no means to counter their insane speed or mobility and stealth.

I think thieves are super easy to fight against but they aren’t boring. Most of them play cowardly because they may be up leveled and thus fail against experienced players.

IMO the most boring class to fight against are elementalists… why? Because they can push a fight to the point of boredom. You can’t simply just kill them, they can’t simply just kill you quickly either, but they wont stop spamming survival skills and you won’t stop scratching your head at how the heck 10+ people can’t properly coordinate to bring one of them down.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Am I the only Thief that fights to the death? If I am legitimately losing a fight on my Thief, I’ll keep going at it. I like to reward my opponents when they out play me.

Signed… Good guy Thief :S
It’s not bad play If you don’t run away

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Warrior, they tend to do one of 2 things: Run or Die.
Thief, They tend to do one of 2 things: Win or Run.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Loading.4503


I don’t think any fight is boring, cause I wouldn’t play something that’s boring, but are annoying would be the right word IMO. While some would think a thief fight is annoying, I think it’s pretty fun, especially when you know how to read a thief and they just give up which is a lol for me. The most annoying fights are those bunker healing guards , and people complain about warriors running, I’ve literally chased guardians across the map while all they did was heal and not attack back

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I had a ten minute 1v1 fight between my engineer and a roaming mesmer about a week ago. It was fun for the first three minutes or so but after that it was just rinse and repeat on the same skills and counters. We ended up parting ways with no clear winner. That was probably the most boring fight I have had in the game so far.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: peter.9024


I’m surprised no one mentioned guardians… At least the warrior dies fast


The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I honestly thought this thread was going to be about guardians. I find them the most boring. Particularly mid skilled bunker guardians. You can’t kill them. And if you play perfectly you will be there forever. On the other hand a high skilled bunker guardian, its just a matter of time before they get you. Too much time.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Yerffejy.6538


Rangers. Always rangers.

Either they never move until at about 3% health, or they kill me in 5 seconds.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: jalmari.3906



the ones who daze+instagib you in less than 2 seconds if you blink eyes in wrong way

far less annoying in spvp where gear is limited to sane levels.

Guardian 80 Necromancer 80 Ranger 80 Mesmer 80 Elementalist 80 Warrior 80

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


P/D Thief vs anything with condition cleanse. The fight isn’t over till one person decides to leave or someone else shows up.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: jeatsen.2378





but by this logic, Trebs (not open field) are more boring

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Thief is the most frustrating and the reason we have so many zergs. Semi-skilled invis-burst thieves will absolutely destroy a new WvWer and they will feel helpless. They then either just leave wvw or join the zerg for protection.

I know how to survive against them with my builds now, but they dictate so much of what happens in wvw just through their existence.

I say buff their support capability and nerf their stealth (specifically non-skill stealth like BP+heartseeker which can be used at will and build up a good 9 s of stealth.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Thinly veiled thief complaint thread is thinly veiled.

IMO… A bunker guardian… they won’t kill you, you won’t kill them and there is nothing you really need to react to quickly. At least with a warrior I gotta worry about being 100b-ed etc.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Daaron.2897


Well, in regards to the most boring class to fight, in my opinion it would have to be



When fighting a thief, or being attacked by one, one of two things usually happen;
You die in 3 seconds flat;
You get the upper hand, they run away and reset.

You cannot chase a thief, you cannot run from a thief, they hold all the cards, in a one on one you are at their beck and call, if they want to stay and fight to win or lose they can chose to, if they want to get away they can do that too, you have no choice or course of action, you can only flow with the battle and hope he does some thing really stupid.

There is nothing in this game more annoying and boring than you being attack by a thief, perfectly counter his attack, get him to 20% health, he then evade super sprints stealth’s resets and comes back to own you because you have none of your cooldowns up, and no means to counter their insane speed or mobility and stealth.

You can run from a thief, however you need to achieve one of these points:
1. Most common one, only if you are a norn, any class is ok. Use your race elite skills – bear form or snow leopard, use their charge…..or leopard stealth. You will find there is nothing can chase you once you use that charge skill. Remember to press charge skill for a long time, dont release.

2. You are an ele. Use your Fiery Great Sword elite skill. Ok now use RTL first, then use FGS, press 3, and once correct your face press 4, repeat. And you have Lightning Flash as well:) Only if a initiative regen + 15 full initiative thief MAY have a chance to chase you. However the majority thieves wont have 15 initiative trait in WvW. Meanwhile FGS has 60s up time.

(edited by Daaron.2897)

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


Well, in regards to the most boring class to fight, in my opinion it would have to be



When fighting a thief, or being attacked by one, one of two things usually happen;
You die in 3 seconds flat;
You get the upper hand, they run away and reset.

You cannot chase a thief, you cannot run from a thief, they hold all the cards, in a one on one you are at their beck and call, if they want to stay and fight to win or lose they can chose to, if they want to get away they can do that too, you have no choice or course of action, you can only flow with the battle and hope he does some thing really stupid.

There is nothing in this game more annoying and boring than you being attack by a thief, perfectly counter his attack, get him to 20% health, he then evade super sprints stealth’s resets and comes back to own you because you have none of your cooldowns up, and no means to counter their insane speed or mobility and stealth.

You can run from a thief, however you need to achieve one of these points:
1. Most common one, only if you are a norn, any class is ok. Use your race elite skills – bear form or snow leopard, use their charge…..or leopard stealth. You will find there is nothing can chase you once you use that charge skill. Remember to press charge skill for a long time, dont release.

2. You are an ele. Use your Fiery Great Sword elite skill. Ok now use RTL first, then use FGS, press 3, and once correct your face press 4, repeat. And you have Lightning Flash as well:) Only if a initiative regen + 15 full initiative thief MAY have a chance to chase you. However the majority thieves wont have 15 initiative trait in WvW. Meanwhile FGS has 60s up time.

I’d like to add a Sword/Warhorn Warrior can really hightail it too if needed, they can be a pain to catch up to even with a shortbow. I’ve also found my Engie rather slippery, even without speedy kits.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Guardian. The fight takes way too long and isn’t worth the badge or two you might get. At least with Thief if you get them to run away they usually give up, or even if they do try to come back you can usually exit the area if you went the opposite way.

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: pacifist.1703


the reset in thief is the most boring , not the stealth itself
its the fact that they get a lot of health just by going stealth and come back at u ,
i fought many thief and some was fun until they coward and stealth to reset their health , so if u nerfing anything , nerf the amount of hp they gain while in stealth that’s all

The most boring class to fight (WvW only)

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Yes, plox nurf permuhstulf!

CC them. You dont have CC in WvW? My bad, get a new build.
Thief trying to HS out of his smokey circle? Let me shieldbash you inflight and eviscerate you for 16k.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer