The perfect match length would be 4 days

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: neverborne.4736


Title says it all. We’ve had the 1 day matches, they were too short obviously and didn’t give any value to upgrading. We’ve had the week long matches. I think the vast majority would agree that they are too long. All matches I’ve participated in/seen/heard of have been essentially decided by Tuesday or Wednesday and then WvW populations drop off sharply as people get “battle fatigue” and give up on games they know they have little to no chance of winning.

Bonus to this change would be that match restart day would rotate every time. This would take some of the current strength away from certain servers who get 5 nights of weeknight population imbalances. Sure, some matches they would have all weeknights, but others they would have to contend with mostly weekend prime time populations.

Slightly shorter matches would keep WvW more fresh and reduce the pain inflicted in mismatched games (such as the recurring situation in tier 2).

Am I right? Or am I right?

Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I’ve actually suggested a 3.5 day match up previously. 3.5 days would give us two different start times a week which would cater to more than a singular time slot and give us a decent size match without resorting to the 24 hour speed dating that we had at launch.

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


I like the week long format, I’m worried if we go to two it will be too much, and four seems too short, at least for servers in close matchups with a lot of participation from all sides, such as our current top 3 matchup.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Daish.6139


longer matchups force people to work togeather to take down upgraded buildings instead of waiting for a restart

shorter matchups cause people to move to the higher population servers

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Saerith.2015


With 2 week matches, WvW could end up dying after the first few days if the top server in each tier builds up an insurmountable point lead. The same thing is happening sporadically now, but in those matches, we only have to wait a couple of days for WvW resets. With 2 week matches, we might have to wait around for 10 days at a time for the action to pick up again.

I personally like the idea of a 4 day match with rotating starts.

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


If it doesn’t run a full 7 days some servers will also bounce all over the rankings, as many have most of their players on the weekend. Maybe that wouldn’t be a terrible thing, but it would be a bit odd.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Eihder.8961


longer matchups force people to work togeather to take down upgraded buildings instead of waiting for a restart

shorter matchups cause people to move to the higher population servers

They are already stacking servers like this and 4 days is about the perfect time. Day 1 most participate as scores are even. Day 2 one server will nightcap most of the map but theres still hope. Day 3 most will have moved on barring any big organization. Day 4 most give up as scores are now insurmountable. Day 5 + see Day 4, maybe a few pockets of resistance here and there. I agree with this idea, tho i still think a static point system would handle the issues.

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


longer matchups force people to work togeather to take down upgraded buildings instead of waiting for a restart

shorter matchups cause people to move to the higher population servers

They are already stacking servers like this and 4 days is about the perfect time. Day 1 most participate as scores are even. Day 2 one server will nightcap most of the map but theres still hope. Day 3 most will have moved on barring any big organization. Day 4 most give up as scores are now insurmountable. Day 5 + see Day 4, maybe a few pockets of resistance here and there. I agree with this idea, tho i still think a static point system would handle the issues.

exactly. i haven’t been in a matchup yet that wasn’t decided by the 2nd or 3rd day. but i’m not convinced simply resetting the matchups faster is the solution. i’m still blaming the scoreboard.

not a bad idea though, i can support anything that at least tries to fix the staleness that happens after that first day or two.

-Desirz Matheon

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Eihder.8961


Well for me a static point system would work well in a fair manner. Keeps can be worth as examples btw 10 points. A server takes all 3 maps lets say they now have 300 points. BUT they wont get that every 15 minutes or whatever thus giving the other 2 servers a chance for a comeback. If they defend said keep then they get another 10 points. Thus skill actually determines the lead not just jumping in when there is no players. Without of course hampering such tactics. As an additional tactic player kills could be worth 1 point.

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: neverborne.4736


I definitely think there might be better scoring methods, but I think we are less likely to see A net change that in the near term. This isn’t a perfect solution to the existing WvW problems, but I do think it would mitigate those problems pretty significantly, and match length seems like something they are willing to tweak.

Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: JAX.8347


4 or 5 days seems perfect and then give everyone 2 or 3 days off, 1 week is WAY to long. We are end of day 4 and board to death . We all know the winner and most servers seem to clearly see who victor will be


Ruin on Desolation

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: neverborne.4736


I definitely think there might be better scoring methods, but I think we are less likely to see A net change that in the near term. This isn’t a perfect solution to the existing WvW problems, but I do think it would mitigate those problems pretty significantly, and match length seems like something they are willing to tweak.

They’ll never do “days off”. WvW is meant to be 24/7. 4 day matches would rotate the start day though, which I think would have a lot of potential benefits.

Wraath – [DDH] Darkhand
Ranger of Blackgate

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Dgtlreaper.4109


I really like the 4-day rotation idea. This will add more dynamics to the system. Currently having a week rotation means you know when each server will be strong/weak. Things won’t change from week to week. Having W3 resets not happen at the same on the same day each week will make things unpredictable.

The total score isn’t a problem, I don’t mind playing if my server is up 20k points or down 100k points. When I don’t want to play is when I log on and one server controls all but 2 supply camps. Once this happens it’s not worth playing because the repair bill is going to be more than I can gain trying to take back one tower. With a 4 day rotation weekend crews will shine sometimes and other times won’t, same with weekday crews.

In addition to this having a random reset time on the 4th day would be a great way to and more spontaneity to it as well. If you are someone that can play in the morning but not at night then you never get a chance to do the initial rush because it always resets during primetime. This doesn’t seem like a great time to have a reset in the first place because that’s when you are going to have your worst cases of queues, only to be compounded on the night of reset.

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

The perfect match length would be 4 days

in WvW

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


4 days give no sense of accomplishemnt and people wont try because the reset is too soon