My WVW Fun (The ramblings of an IOJ madman) -your results may vary-.
TS (Teamspeak) with a group of people having a good time Fighting, capping, defending and lots of joking around.
Stealing a cap or beating back a group trying to take your stuff or their stuff back (even better), while being as big pain in the kitten to the enemy servers as possible.
The Merge “my observations”.
The Good:
JQ has been welcoming to IOJ
It’s been nice having a reason to defend again. Toward the end prior merge IOJ just didn’t have a cavalry coming to help (NA time anyway) if you were defending. So there was no reason to defend because nobody was coming to help.
The Loot (I’m working toward the new WVW armor right now)
The BL changes, not as good as the old BLs but better none the less.
The Challenges: (first world problems)
JQ seems to be going thru some restructuring
For some of my fellow IOJ folks it feels like the sense of community is going. For them it’s like well I don’t see IOJ on any of the maps so… and I get it, it’s a loss of identity for us for sure.
Two TS severs. I bet almost all the servers are having this same issue.
Coverage issues; seems like little if any thought was given to this prior to pairings
The short term nature of the server combo: If this is a merge just call it that and move on. Then we as players can work to make it a community.
If not, well… I just don’t see how it will work out in the long run. My guess is the smaller severs will move into a bigger communities that have kept their names. Right now it feels like we as smaller severs are just going to be moved around kinda like the farm team. Sometimes it will work out and sometimes it won’t.
If you’ve read this far God help you. So here is part of my fix and wish list.
What Anet can do: (I do appreciate the work so far)
Sever merge: is only a short term fix but if it’s the new normal make it a permanent merge and move on. None of this changing every 3 month stuff
New Player Pipeline is a 1000% must: (then you wouldn’t need server merges because new blood could fill open spots)
It used to be map completion. I’m sure more than a few of you like me found wvw when we did map completion. I know the arguments for and against and I’m not saying the only way to get new people into WVW is map completion. There needs to be some draw for new people to come and stay at least for a few hours over a few days. It would also be helpful if they needed to interact with the community and get help etc… I can remember a bunch of times we helped someone take a tower or keep just because they needed it for map completion.
Skill Balance and gear balance: My Pet Peeve
Would be great if armor helped with those condies, Just saying. Nothing like having around 1k gold in PVT armor and getting 1 or 2 shot dead when you light up like a Christmas tree from condies. Large groups can handle the clears but small groups it sucks unless you run the cheese builds or constantly switch your build around.
Stacks. My other Pet peeve
This isn’t PVP, players who have been in world for a while should 100% have an advantage. Bring back stacks.
Make them spendable on something for those who have maxed out. How about guild cats or omega golems or something good like that. Or even an increase in WVW magic find. How about every 10 ranks is 1% increase.
And remember pay no attention to the man sitting in the corner in Garri mumbling to himself about how things used to be. Sooner or later I’ll get over it or they’ll put me
in a home whichever comes first.
With Love Asher Zar
Cmdr for Lost Guild runs, Tag for Pugs, general Havoc and pain in the kitten for enemies and friends alike.