The reward for winning season 1 is....

The reward for winning season 1 is....

in WvW

Posted by: Aethilmar.3951


…winning season 1. Seriously, those of you complaining about the rewards must have never played on any youth sports teams when you were growing up (or haven’t yet while you still are).

You win your league and you get a cheap plastic trophy, maybe a plaque. You don’t get money and you don’t get some special ball that lets you beat the other teams in your league even more easily.

You train and sacrifice just to win….that’s it. And if that’s not enough you go play something else. Same deal here.

The reward for winning season 1 is....

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Yip, I think many are just mad because they spent upwards of 100 gold to transfer to a “winning server” and received junk ….
