There should be more incentive for WvW.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Radiology.3597


There are so many great things about PvE that keep a player attached to it, that there really is no reason to WvW. I don’t know about everyone elses server, but this has significantly dropped the player population in WvW for Ehmry Bay. On top of that, even though we fall 3rd every week, we still keep getting boosted in the rankings. Are you trying to kill my server?

My suggestions for starters:
- Add WXP for defending dolyaks. You give WXP for killing them, there should be a reward for defending them. I get the nerf for karma and exp, that’s fine, but bring back the WXP for it and reward people.
- Add WXP for upgrading camps, towers, keeps, accordingly to each upgrade (the more it costs to upgrade, the more WXP you get to complete the upgrade). It’s already hard enough to make money in WvW when you play it standalone, it’s more expensive to upgrade a structure just to lose it to some zergball from a higher tier. It’d be nice for some compensation, knowing I’m not just burning my money away.
- There should be some sort of better reward system for defending. WvW is based on how many points you can keep and take away from the enemy. You practically get nothing for defending anything.
- How about some ‘EXCLUSIVE’ incentives for playing WvW? Playing PvE, you get all sorts of perks, from running dungeons, to fractals, world bosses who spawn a daily chest, and you are able to get things ONLY from these sources. Armor and weapons are exclusive to farming PvE content, there is no exclusivity for WvW. There is an argument that you don’t want to force PvE’rs to play WvW, but you are forcing WvWer’s to play PvE.

I appreciate the updates, all the WvW traits, the new flame ram mastery, the new chest meta (who knows if it’ll even be worth it), the living story for WvW to tend to the Achievement Points issue, I think they’re great additions, but when you look at the whole picture, with playstyles aside, WvW is nowhere close to the appeal of PvE. You can make much more money PvE’ing from dungeon rewards giving exclusive armor tokens and gold, numerous daily world boss chests w/ a higher chance at a precursor, fractal rewards w/ a daily chest giving a chance at ascended rings, even the number of ascended mats are biased to PvE, as well are high tier gathering nodes.

I normally don’t post on these forums but there has been a huge downfall in the interest of WvW in my server in the past 2 months. I personally think your new league system may kill it if there really are no significant changes made.

Thanks for your time.

(edited by Radiology.3597)

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’d recommend them making a loot bag that can only drop from player kills that randomly gives some of the items you need for ascended gear, I think it would promote running proper teams in wvw and less unorganized zerg blobing (even though zergs have the numbers) we have all seen how effective a small organized team can do versus a blob, people would actually have incentives to go do proper PvP in wvw instead of blobing

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Blanche Neige.7241

Blanche Neige.7241

I’d recommend them making a loot bag that can only drop from player kills that randomly gives some of the items you need for ascended gear

Forcing PvE players into a style of play they dislike is a bad idea.

The reverse is also true. PvP players should not be forced to do PvE either.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


I’d recommend them making a loot bag that can only drop from player kills that randomly gives some of the items you need for ascended gear

Forcing PvE players into a style of play they dislike is a bad idea.

The reverse is also true. PvP players should not be forced to do PvE either.

It’s not a WvW exclusive mat, it’s just a chance to get mats that already exist.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Lurch.9517


I’d recommend them making a loot bag that can only drop from player kills that randomly gives some of the items you need for ascended gear

Forcing PvE players into a style of play they dislike is a bad idea.

The reverse is also true. PvP players should not be forced to do PvE either.

WvW is PVPVE tho, pure PVP players do not have to touch it and pure PVE players do not have to touch it either.


There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


The incentive for WvW should be the ability to kill something that isn’t programmed.

It would be nice to not have to do champ loops or farming in pve in order to get money and crafting materials. That doesn’t seem to be in the plans.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Radiology.3597


The incentive for WvW should be the ability to kill something that isn’t programmed.

It would be nice to not have to do champ loops or farming in pve in order to get money and crafting materials. That doesn’t seem to be in the plans.

That’s because there is no incentive to defend. You get NOTHING to defend except spare change-like wxp and karma. There literally is no reason to defend, there is more reason to let the ball drop and recap. And for a game where keeping the points you have is equally as important as gaining points from other sources, they sure do a bad job of rewarding the defense.

If you give incentive to defend, you will have the opportunity to kill something that isn’t programmed.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370


WvW Coordinator


That’s because there is no incentive to defend. You get NOTHING to defend except spare change-like wxp and karma. There literally is no reason to defend, there is more reason to let the ball drop and recap. And for a game where keeping the points you have is equally as important as gaining points from other sources, they sure do a bad job of rewarding the defense.

If you give incentive to defend, you will have the opportunity to kill something that isn’t programmed.

I said this in another thread, and I’ll repeat what I said here for clarity, the issue with rewarding defending currently is a problem with a way the content is built and how it determines participation. Until we solve that problem, we won’t be increasing the rewards for defending because it is far too easy to game the system. That is why escorting Dolyaks is not very rewarding. Once we do solve that, we will make big moves to incentivize defending so that people who are helping out, whether it be escorting yaks, or defending objectives will see more rewards for doing that.

(edited by DevonCarver.5370)

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

That’s because there is no incentive to defend. You get NOTHING to defend except spare change-like wxp and karma. There literally is no reason to defend, there is more reason to let the ball drop and recap. And for a game where keeping the points you have is equally as important as gaining points from other sources, they sure do a bad job of rewarding the defense.

If you give incentive to defend, you will have the opportunity to kill something that isn’t programmed.

I said this in another thread, and I’ll repeat what I said here for clarity, the issue with rewarding defending currently is a problem with a way the content is built and how it determines participation. Until we solve that problem, we won’t be increasing the rewards for defending because it is far too easy to game the system. That is why escorting Dolyaks is not very rewarding. Once we do solve that, we will make big moves to incentivize defending so that people who are helping out, whether it be escorting yaks, or defending objectives will see more rewards for doing that.

Maybe make the Dolyaks move faster per nearby ally, increased by up to ten allies. There would be incentive to guard them since it is helping your team overall even if you are not participating in big fights/being in other areas.

Conversely there would be more incentive for the other team to split up into small teams to stop these faster dolyaks

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Stice.5204


You could increase rewards for defending by simply increasing rewards for killing enemy players, since defending logically implies fighting off enemy players. That would be less subject to abuse than increasing the rewards for the current “defend” events where you can get full participation credit by using 2 supply to repair a section of outer wall while the enemy is already beating on the inner door.

WvW in general should be more rewarding to try and even out the wealth disparities for players who spend most of their time there, and making it even more lucrative to attack and capture objectives would just incentivize trading, so why not shift more rewards to actual PvP combat?

I realize there is still potential for abuse with players simply trading kills back and forth, but at least it would encourage battles and that seems like the right direction to move WvW.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator


Maybe make the Dolyaks move faster per nearby ally, increased by up to ten allies. There would be incentive to guard them since it is helping your team overall even if you are not participating in big fights/being in other areas.

Conversely there would be more incentive for the other team to split up into small teams to stop these faster dolyaks

The issue is not about an in-game reason to defend them, it is about the way we actually determine who has defended them. Currently, you can get credit by standing near them when they finish. That is clearly not a good platform for delivering rewards.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Maybe make the Dolyaks move faster per nearby ally, increased by up to ten allies. There would be incentive to guard them since it is helping your team overall even if you are not participating in big fights/being in other areas.

Conversely there would be more incentive for the other team to split up into small teams to stop these faster dolyaks

The issue is not about an in-game reason to defend them, it is about the way we actually determine who has defended them. Currently, you can get credit by standing near them when they finish. That is clearly not a good platform for delivering rewards.

And another issue is that back when you could escort yaks for rewards, you had whole teams of bots AND players walking around in your borderlands doing nothing but escorting dolyaks from north camp to the towers for exp.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: DevonCarver.5370



WvW Coordinator

You could increase rewards for defending by simply increasing rewards for killing enemy players, since defending logically implies fighting off enemy players. That would be less subject to abuse than increasing the rewards for the current “defend” events where you can get full participation credit by using 2 supply to repair a section of outer wall while the enemy is already beating on the inner door.

This only works when and if players are actually there. Currently, defending a dolyak can mean fighting off a wave of enemies or escorting them without seeing anyone. It should provide a reward either way, but we can’t do the latter in any good way currently.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: KokoroPixie.3786


You could increase rewards for defending by simply increasing rewards for killing enemy players, since defending logically implies fighting off enemy players. That would be less subject to abuse than increasing the rewards for the current “defend” events where you can get full participation credit by using 2 supply to repair a section of outer wall while the enemy is already beating on the inner door.

This only works when and if players are actually there. Currently, defending a dolyak can mean fighting off a wave of enemies or escorting them without seeing anyone. It should provide a reward either way, but we can’t do the latter in any good way currently.

So, for supply escort missions, transform the supply guards into Guard Dolyak’s. If they stray too far from the supply Dolyak, they lose the transformation, and lose the supply run ‘event’. It also opens the door to possibly allow player transferred supply runs, so rather than waiting for the Dolyaks to run, a group can have some transform into supply Dolyak’s, and they take the same path, so would limit griefing possibilities.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: vanzan.1250


That’s because there is no incentive to defend. You get NOTHING to defend except spare change-like wxp and karma. There literally is no reason to defend, there is more reason to let the ball drop and recap. And for a game where keeping the points you have is equally as important as gaining points from other sources, they sure do a bad job of rewarding the defense.

If you give incentive to defend, you will have the opportunity to kill something that isn’t programmed.

I said this in another thread, and I’ll repeat what I said here for clarity, the issue with rewarding defending currently is a problem with a way the content is built and how it determines participation. Until we solve that problem, we won’t be increasing the rewards for defending because it is far too easy to game the system. That is why escorting Dolyaks is not very rewarding. Once we do solve that, we will make big moves to incentivize defending so that people who are helping out, whether it be escorting yaks, or defending objectives will see more rewards for doing that.

Have a random guy walking the keeps which you have to click after a defend event is triggered to get participation credit

This stops people afk’ing and gaining reward, bots because he is walking around randomly.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Award a “wvw bundle” for every player or guard killed while escorting dolys and defending keeps. You’d use the same “bubble” that determines participation at the end of an event, or the moving escort bubbles like they have in pve. If an enemy player dies within this bubble, and you are in the bubble, award the “wvw bundle”, which when opened awards wxp, karma, xp, and coin.

The “wvw bundle” could be called ‘lifeforce’, or ‘soul essence’, or for more variety, call it ‘<servername> soul’ or ‘<servername> essence’. Wait, I want a necklace of “Darkhaven ears”.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

(edited by Neeho.3859)

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Proven.2854


You could increase rewards for defending by simply increasing rewards for killing enemy players, since defending logically implies fighting off enemy players. That would be less subject to abuse than increasing the rewards for the current “defend” events where you can get full participation credit by using 2 supply to repair a section of outer wall while the enemy is already beating on the inner door.

This only works when and if players are actually there. Currently, defending a dolyak can mean fighting off a wave of enemies or escorting them without seeing anyone. It should provide a reward either way, but we can’t do the latter in any good way currently.

But then if that’s the case, is it a such good idea to go into the league system now?

Call me Smith.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Zackie.8923


why not get rid of all individual event rewards, and tie rewards to the ppt?

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Why not implement cooldowns for Defending Events? 15m for towers, 30m for keeps and reward players with a small bag of loot containing possible Asc mats/Fine+ Armor-Weapons/siege or small chance of 1k WXP thimbles.

Also, make it that you have to do “x amount of damage” to those attacking? Wouldn’t that signify that you actually defended the objective rather than just being near the event when it ends.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

This only works when and if players are actually there. Currently, defending a dolyak can mean fighting off a wave of enemies or escorting them without seeing anyone. It should provide a reward either way, but we can’t do the latter in any good way currently.

what if the dolyak drops some rewards along it’s way? (like the skritt-burglar event)? This way everyone who’s there at the time will get the rewards. The dropped bag will be for everyone of course.

another question: can the system track heals to a npc/player? – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


You could increase rewards for defending by simply increasing rewards for killing enemy players, since defending logically implies fighting off enemy players. That would be less subject to abuse than increasing the rewards for the current “defend” events where you can get full participation credit by using 2 supply to repair a section of outer wall while the enemy is already beating on the inner door.

This only works when and if players are actually there. Currently, defending a dolyak can mean fighting off a wave of enemies or escorting them without seeing anyone. It should provide a reward either way, but we can’t do the latter in any good way currently.

dole out bronze participation to any player spending 15+ seconds in the vicinity of a yak

give silver when players are in the vicinity of an in-combat yak

let gold participation be silver requirement + kill something with a red name in the yaks vicinity

make gold award some kind of 15-30 minute cd chest containing.. idk, a champ bag or a couple t7 ores, whatever.

what are the abuse cases? the game as it is now doesnt exactly stop 50 bots from autoing a gate while 50 other bots run supply for repairs… but we dont have that happening. im not sure wed need to worry about bots so much if youre introducing elements that require intelligence or only occur in the most populated areas (pve mobs attack dolys in eb, but tons of people are in eb… bots that are in populated areas get reported quickly. bots couldnt really get more than bronze participation without player intervention in borderlands)

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


That’s because there is no incentive to defend. You get NOTHING to defend except spare change-like wxp and karma. There literally is no reason to defend, there is more reason to let the ball drop and recap. And for a game where keeping the points you have is equally as important as gaining points from other sources, they sure do a bad job of rewarding the defense.

If you give incentive to defend, you will have the opportunity to kill something that isn’t programmed.

I said this in another thread, and I’ll repeat what I said here for clarity, the issue with rewarding defending currently is a problem with a way the content is built and how it determines participation. Until we solve that problem, we won’t be increasing the rewards for defending because it is far too easy to game the system. That is why escorting Dolyaks is not very rewarding. Once we do solve that, we will make big moves to incentivize defending so that people who are helping out, whether it be escorting yaks, or defending objectives will see more rewards for doing that.

In my opinion if there is one thing in WvW that doesn’t fit well with the Guild Wars 2 universe it is the solo Dolyak bringing supplies to towers and keep. It’s like WvW is happening in “once-upon-a-time-land”. The new modified map is VERY welcomed, but replacing the yaks and camps with something more stylish and modern would certainly revitalize WvW.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


How about you have a repeatable achievement for different things that rewards you when you do enough, like the current wvw achievements but on a much smaller scale like 100 supply spent on repairs get you a reward (loot bag with ascended mats preferably) and then just remove the drops from wvw npcs so people focus on the things they can get done and not farming champions, this means you get rewarded no matter what you do, how many people do you think would split from zergs just to go defend a base because building some seige or repairing a wall/gate wwhile still rewarding them and not taking anything away from the rewards they could get if they were still with the zerg

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


Up contest timers to 10 mins each. Give out real rewards to defenders as a result of this. 10 mins is plenty of time. It takes less than 10 mins to kill some world bosses… (fire ele, shadow bee, etc)

Make it so that doing 5% worth of damage to a gate or wall contests waypoints (to stop people from locking down waypoints for 10 mins at a time by just Fireing one arrow akitten.

[ seriously Anet, why can’t I say ‘at-it’ on these forums, it’s sad]

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Maybe make the Dolyaks move faster per nearby ally, increased by up to ten allies. There would be incentive to guard them since it is helping your team overall even if you are not participating in big fights/being in other areas.

Conversely there would be more incentive for the other team to split up into small teams to stop these faster dolyaks

The issue is not about an in-game reason to defend them, it is about the way we actually determine who has defended them. Currently, you can get credit by standing near them when they finish. That is clearly not a good platform for delivering rewards.

Checkpoints? Small reward per checkpoint… adds up to big reward overall, standing at one point gives only 1 small reward, so… no biggie, right?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Basharic.1654


Best I’ve got is for every successful Yak trip/defense your team completes it adds to a map-wide buff for your faction while taking some away from your opponents. Then for every event your faction loses you lose some of the buff.

To mitigate an overly dominant faction you could even have the buff gains tied to map control. Basically the more territory your faction controls the less benefit you see from successful event completions (in terms of the map-wide buff). Then you could weight offense/defense/yaks to tilt interest in the direction you want.

By tying the benefit into an inverse relationship with map control it could lead to a dominant faction gradually losing interest in defending yaks or points giving the non-dominant factions breathing room and encouragement to expand. A non-dominant faction with no points controlled could focus on killing yaks to build up their buff. Then once sufficiently strong (while having weakened their opponents) they roll out and take some stuff.

Only potential problem I can see (besides having to program all that mess :-P) is that the players may figure out a happy spot in the map control and stagnate the map while trading a few key points to churn events and farm. But I don’t really see how that would be worse than having one faction crush the other two beneath it’s heel for a week. In a farm situation we are at least still all clobbering each other.

This might be a good application for the Bloodlust buff but I haven’t read up enough on it yet.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


defence score: Make a defence circle like the Flag Guards to capture. In that zone the the damage dealt/taken will be logged and after the defence is succesfull it will reward you according to the scoring list. It’s like a mini game. Then you can choose how to reward players. Minimal 5 defender to trigger this event and reward the top 3 with good stuff and till a max of 25 for /camp/outpost, 50 keep and 100 for castle or whatever.
Then you will fight to defend! and not staying and looking how
Maybe a different reward for defending a supply camp or other types of outpost/keeps/castles

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


i’m not sure if it’s possible, but how about if a player contributes to building a piece of siege, they get get a small dividend each time it kills a player or siege, whether they’re the ones firing it or not? something like 2 WXp and 20 copper. so if i set up 5 carts in a tower, and it gets attacked, and 3 people hop on the carts and start firing and kill 10 players, i’d get 6 silver and 60 WXP. then cut the dividend in half for those who tick the siege. so 3 silver and 30 WXP for all those that ran through the tower and ticked it. make it so the ticking bonus resets every hour, so it needs to be done regularly.

it wouldn’t reward siege griefers that set up troll rams, since they’re just a waste of space, but would reward people for setting up and maintaining defenses. worst case scenario, people set up useful defenses and keep them maintained, and encourage others to make use of it.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Maybe make the Dolyaks move faster per nearby ally, increased by up to ten allies. There would be incentive to guard them since it is helping your team overall even if you are not participating in big fights/being in other areas.

Conversely there would be more incentive for the other team to split up into small teams to stop these faster dolyaks

The issue is not about an in-game reason to defend them, it is about the way we actually determine who has defended them. Currently, you can get credit by standing near them when they finish. That is clearly not a good platform for delivering rewards.

Because standing in a circle of a camp/tower/keep is SO different.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


Because standing in a circle of a camp/tower/keep is SO different.

Well, yeah. That circle lasts like 10 seconds. Yaks stay on the field for 4 minutes.

Nalhadia – Kaineng

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


You are completely missing the point.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: SpeciesNL.7685


its the same with killing the champ of a keep. If you are attacking players and you are not on time in the circle you missing your reward.
so everyone rushes to the top and then the clean action begins.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Be in the circle will give you only WXP and stuff. You need to tag Lord to have T7 material. So everybody now ruch to LR and try to tag lord.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Holy moly this is not about t7 mats or tagging players. It’s about standing near a yak to get credit for the event is the same as just standing in the circle to cap. While it takes other players to do the work you can do nothing but just look pretty and still get credit. What they don’t want happening with defense has been happening for months with karma trains.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Tonaius.6712


Possible Pack Yak, supply solution
These are the 2 possible solutions I have to suggest in regards to rewarding players for escorting supply to a tower/keep.

1. Scrap the yaks, it doesn’t make sense to send a lone animal out from a supply camp to a tower/keep with essential supply. Sure it’s the whole dynamic of having a crucial commodity that needs to be defended to it, but the system isn’t rewarding players and because of that, players don’t like doing it. No one likes to spend any time in a game not getting something out of it. There’s massive risk with escorting a yak and no reward, it’s absurd to keep that sort of system in place.
If we aligned the lore of the game with WvW then wouldn’t it be golems conducting the supply delivery, or wouldn’t the Asurans have devised a method of transporting the supply instantaneously?
Why not change supply camps so that supply is delivered instantaneously to the tower and keeps via a series of ‘relay nodes’. If a ‘relay node’ is interrupted(by being destroyed) then a player has to go out and fix it before they can use it again. The ‘relay node’ network could be upgraded via the supply camps, but you could also upgrade it further from the servers ‘main’ keep. To help players determine if the ‘relay node’ network is still up, a console in the towers and keeps would be near the entrances indicating if the ‘relay nodes’ are green(working) or red(requiring maintenance). This method enables players the ability to be able to be rewarded for either repairing the ‘relay node’ or for defending it, if it’s attacked. The risk is that they could be going out to check the ‘relay node’ by themself and get rolled by superior numbers.

2. The creation of Specialised yak deliveries, that players have to activate, which require them to escort the yak through checkpoints to get to their delivery location, if they succeed they get a reward, the keep/tower gets a boost in supply and the mission is on a short cool down before it can be done again. If it’s failed, they get no reward and the mission is put on a longer cool down. The risk is having enough people to complete the mission, the reward is more supply for the tower/keep and the individual reward. There would still be the normal yak deliveries that a player could speed run if they chose to, but the availability of an alternative could help encourage players to do the escort mission and deliver crucial supply when it may be needed the most.

Just some ideas I thought I’d throw out there

Agens Leti – Cmdr
Wolves Vs Worlds [WolF]

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


That’s because there is no incentive to defend. You get NOTHING to defend except spare change-like wxp and karma. There literally is no reason to defend, there is more reason to let the ball drop and recap. And for a game where keeping the points you have is equally as important as gaining points from other sources, they sure do a bad job of rewarding the defense.

If you give incentive to defend, you will have the opportunity to kill something that isn’t programmed.

I said this in another thread, and I’ll repeat what I said here for clarity, the issue with rewarding defending currently is a problem with a way the content is built and how it determines participation. Until we solve that problem, we won’t be increasing the rewards for defending because it is far too easy to game the system. That is why escorting Dolyaks is not very rewarding. Once we do solve that, we will make big moves to incentivize defending so that people who are helping out, whether it be escorting yaks, or defending objectives will see more rewards for doing that.

Since the introduction of the ascended materials dropping from keep lords and supervisors you have made wvw even less rewarding for players who Scout/Defend/Escort Dollies. WvW has become even more of a zerg fest with people desperate to get those drops, It’s just not fun anymore.

If your not in the zerg you get nothing.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Maybe make the Dolyaks move faster per nearby ally, increased by up to ten allies. There would be incentive to guard them since it is helping your team overall even if you are not participating in big fights/being in other areas.

Conversely there would be more incentive for the other team to split up into small teams to stop these faster dolyaks

The issue is not about an in-game reason to defend them, it is about the way we actually determine who has defended them. Currently, you can get credit by standing near them when they finish. That is clearly not a good platform for delivering rewards.

This is no different then me running into the camp when the circle’s up and getting full credit for flipping it even though I did nothing…

If the upside is people get rewarded for doing things they should be doing and the downside is some people may try to find a way to abuse the system, I would think the upside would outweigh the downside….personally I don’t see a problem with people being in the area getting credit at this point…I know one of the previous issues was with botters abusing the system…but hopefully at this point…you’ve managed to advance your botter detecting capabilities? Maybe not tho I dunno.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


This is no different then me running into the camp when the circle’s up and getting full credit for flipping it even though I did nothing…

Well, you can completely afk and get yak credits if what Devon says is true. Just find a nice spot behind the gate and go study or whatever, maybe put yourself on auto-run into the corner. Free WXP!

Nalhadia – Kaineng

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Smitten.3076


I had a decent response to this thread but I’ll sum it up, Rewarding players for WvW with items has and will always be a recipe for failure. You need only look at Warhammer for all the evidence you need on this. Experience is fine , items are not. Go PvE for your items.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


This is no different then me running into the camp when the circle’s up and getting full credit for flipping it even though I did nothing…

Well, you can completely afk and get yak credits if what Devon says is true. Just find a nice spot behind the gate and go study or whatever, maybe put yourself on auto-run into the corner. Free WXP!

Not if your dead… and that’s IF you don’t get booted for inactivity. I agree there is a chance for abuse there, but I don’t think the abuse will be so bad as to outweigh the positives of rewarding the smaller groups for doing these things.

As I recall, I believe the real reason that they had to stop was that botters and scripts were automating the paths walked by the yaks and so they could basically just let the scripts go and they would auto-follow yaks for exp around the maps….but I don’t know if since then they have improved their detection methods.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Evernessince.8035


Might as well give some suggestions on how to properly reward defenders.

Let’s start off with defending keeps / forts.

First of all get rid of the defense event time, it will never be able to properly allocate rewards for defending.

Next Implement a defense contribution system.

This would entail:

- During an attack, all defending players have a contribution bar appear at top-mid of their screen
- This Bar indicates the amount the player has added to the defense
- Things like killing players, repairing, healing allies(with a cd timer), and holding out will increase this bar.
- The given reward will be scaled based on those factors. In other words, the more you do, the more you get.
- Leaving the area does not reset this bar. You can go pick up supplies and come back to it.
- The bar will reset when there are no attackers near the area or when the fort/castle is taken.
- Rewards are given out when the bar resets, regardless of whether your side won or lost.
- If possible: The player with the highest contribution gets a bump in their reward.
- This system could also be used for the attackers as well.

Now onto dolyaks:

- Dolyak rewards will only be rewarded on a successful escort.
- Similar to my previous suggestion, you will have a bar indicating how much you have contributed.
- Points are accrued by killing enemies THAT HAVE TARGETED THE DOLYAK. This will prevent players from gathering enemies and farming them for better rewards. Enemy players only need to be around it to count for points
- Points are also given for how long you defended the dolyak. You need to be around the dolyak for at least 30 seconds to receive a reward, pending that you didn’t kill anything attacking it.
- Killing attacking creatures/players rewards much more than just escorting.

If anyone has anything to add, I’m open to suggestions.

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: ilr.9675


I see the problem here….
They’re trying to apply { (Boolean) Conditions; } to everything.

We see this a little too often in PvE too… Some things they “scale”, but most things are still Binary b/c (I suspect…) their Event Tools simply weren’t built with the expectation that there would be Gray-Areas. Case in point there: Animations & Telegraphs don’t scale, but DEFIANCE does…. HP’s scale, but AOE sizes do NOT.

It could be even more complex in WvW… like: How many Flame Rams were placed at the door and then destroyed? How long was the gate/wall constantly under siege and how many total aggressors were supporting that Seige? How large was the attacking force, versus the size of the defending force? …Is there proper diminishing returns for holding the same Tower that the Timer has counted down to Zero multiple times on? (ya gotta move on eventually!). And what about the players who kept it up simply by constantly running supply to it themselves from other camps or even other BL’s?… Repairing needs to count for something

(edited by ilr.9675)

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


It’s already been said how it’s better to just let them cap and then go in behind them to back cap after. More rewarding, but why?

After all if you have two opposing forces at a keep with one attacking and one defending, each side can collect loot bags by killing the players of the opposing side. Both sides get either an ‘event successful’ or ‘event failed’ reward. Where’s the difference?

The difference is with the tower and keep lords and the reward you get for killing them.

We already have siegerazer for the southern towers. Why not, not only have them for all towers and keeps, but require them to even take the towers and keeps?

As it is now;

Break in,
Kill Lord,
Stand in Ring,
Keep enemies out of ring, and

Change this to;

Break in with siegerazer,
Kill Lord,
Have siegerazer stand in ring,
Keep enemies out of ring, and

If the defenders kill the siegerazer npc, a ring appears around the body. The defenders then stand in the ring, keep the enemy out, and cap it. By capping this ring, it returns the dead siegerazer back to its starting point and the defenders get the exact same reward as they would’ve if they simply went to cap something instead of defending.

(edited by Deamhan.9538)

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

how about: bring back sea turtle (or something similar, doesn’t have to have the actual gw1 turtles) like npc’s that players can ride / use (camp upgrades possibly) as they escort, that way you (the game) know who’s escorting it. they’re harder to take down or fight back while moving solo, bring more supply are heavier equipped for ppl escorting them and multiple players can use them against a zerg / mini zerg.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

There should be more incentive for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Zylonite.5913


That’s because there is no incentive to defend. You get NOTHING to defend except spare change-like wxp and karma. There literally is no reason to defend, there is more reason to let the ball drop and recap. And for a game where keeping the points you have is equally as important as gaining points from other sources, they sure do a bad job of rewarding the defense.

If you give incentive to defend, you will have the opportunity to kill something that isn’t programmed.

I said this in another thread, and I’ll repeat what I said here for clarity, the issue with rewarding defending currently is a problem with a way the content is built and how it determines participation. Until we solve that problem, we won’t be increasing the rewards for defending because it is far too easy to game the system. That is why escorting Dolyaks is not very rewarding. Once we do solve that, we will make big moves to incentivize defending so that people who are helping out, whether it be escorting yaks, or defending objectives will see more rewards for doing that.

I truly don’t see how difficult that can be.

You already have an afk kick system plus you can simply put a timer for when a zerg attacks a camp/keep until they cap it. If the timer expires by the time that the invader zerg caps it then the defenders will get some wxp or reward.

Also for scouts you can have a system where if a zerg attacks the camp or the bay and the allies get there before it is capped then the scout gets a reward and wxp.

easy and done….

Betrayed by the gods of ANet