Thief = Meh not that important

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Pooka.3420


Roll a Necro..

I’m level 24 on my necro and crushing lv 80/exotic thief..

Balance is balance..they hurt my ranger sorta.. but they don’t even damage my necro..

the culling issue = gone

Thief = LOL

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Gladiat.6278


Depends on the build for thief, and what your build is for necro. If you can blind tank a thief then they’re pretty much screwed unless they daze/break fear before you can get wells and conditions out.

If you’re fighting a full burst thief then they take out about 40-45k HP in about 3-4 seconds, and if they manage to daze you then there isn’t much of a counter except for deathshroud.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Pooka.3420


yea.. the counter is.. go into haze mode and life tap while they hit all your aoe.. they die.. cant stealth and say….. why oh why did i roll this class : )

yea.. the counter is.. go into haze mode and life tap while they hit all your aoe.. they die.. cant stealth and say….. why oh why did i roll this class : )Enjoy your meal FOTM = Destroyed

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Pooka.3420


If you’re fighting a full burst thief then they take out about 40-45k HP in about 3-4 seconds

As long as people still spout this nonsense the Thief rage isn’t going to end.

it ends when more people play the counter class..

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Gladiat.6278


If you’re fighting a full burst thief then they take out about 40-45k HP in about 3-4 seconds

As long as people still spout this nonsense the Thief rage isn’t going to end.

Full “1” chain with sword (15k average damage), 6k+ C/D, 6k+ Steal, Haste, Assassin’s Signet, Flame Blast. This is without full might stacks. Assuming you build a thief around pure damage it’s entirely possible.

This is done with a Sword/Dagger build (should be obviously from sword chain and c/d).

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


the culling issue = gone

Since when?
It’s still been around all day today.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Gladiat.6278


yea.. the counter is.. go into haze mode and life tap while they hit all your aoe.. they die.. cant stealth and say….. why oh why did i roll this class : )

yea.. the counter is.. go into haze mode and life tap while they hit all your aoe.. they die.. cant stealth and say….. why oh why did i roll this class : )Enjoy your meal FOTM = Destroyed

I’m assuming this “haze mode” you’re talking about is Death Shroud, correct? You’d have to kill them before haste ends to avoid being kicked out of it.

Also, stealth works as long as they haven’t stealthed within 3 seconds and aren’t hit by an AoE. You’d have to lay down your AoE first, and a sword thief can easily daze you for 2 seconds while doing over 7k damage with steal+c/d+daze. Again, your counter is not guaranteed to work and the thief isn’t guaranteed to burst out enough damage to kill you before they are downed.

Also culling still hasn’t been removed.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Zplus.4217


Also, stealth works as long as they haven’t stealthed within 3 seconds and aren’t hit by an AoE.

Stopped reading from there. Sorry but stealth does not work that way, thieves can still stealth even if hit by aoes and chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, no 3 sec gap needed.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Gladiat.6278


Also, stealth works as long as they haven’t stealthed within 3 seconds and aren’t hit by an AoE.

Stopped reading from there. Sorry but stealth does not work that way, thieves can still stealth even if hit by aoes and chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, no 3 sec gap needed.

It’s 4AM so I should rephrase. You’re forced out of stealth if you’re hit by an AoE. Correct me if I’m wrong on this. When you say chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, I’m assuming you do not mean attacking after you enter stealth as that is not possible.

This may or may not be the case I’m not entirely sure, but Guardians have removed me from stealth several times in the past with their symbols and I didn’t use any skills at all and simply tried to run away, which led me to the above assumption.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


Also, stealth works as long as they haven’t stealthed within 3 seconds and aren’t hit by an AoE.

Stopped reading from there. Sorry but stealth does not work that way, thieves can still stealth even if hit by aoes and chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, no 3 sec gap needed.

It’s 4AM so I should rephrase. You’re forced out of stealth if you’re hit by an AoE. Correct me if I’m wrong on this. When you say chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, I’m assuming you do not mean attacking after you enter stealth as that is not possible.

This may or may not be the case I’m not entirely sure, but Guardians have removed me from stealth several times in the past with their symbols and I didn’t use any skills at all and simply tried to run away, which led me to the above assumption.

Nope, stealth doesn´t break unless you yourself break it, period.

You can be damaged when in stealth, but they don´t see you.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Gladiat.6278


Nope, stealth doesn´t break unless you yourself break it, period.

You can be damaged when in stealth, but they don´t see you.

Strange. I’ve been forced out of it a few times but it was only from Guardians. Ah well, thanks for the tidbit.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Rissou.7213


I dont know what you hit your head on, but it must be something hard. There is no thief that gets killed by a necro.


Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


there are a lot of bad thieves out there …
i think you found them.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Camagee.5391


Op finds a bad thief and thinks he’s solved the mystery of mankind….

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Spacchiuso.5230


necro and rangers my easy targets

Dark Ganasso [OSC]
Thief 80 – SFR

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Static.9841


Nope, stealth doesn´t break unless you yourself break it, period.

You can be damaged when in stealth, but they don´t see you.

Strange. I’ve been forced out of it a few times but it was only from Guardians. Ah well, thanks for the tidbit.

You must be talking about shadow refuge, whereby you have to stay within the circle until it fades or you will lose stealth the second you break it. Guardians and Mesmers have the ability to push you out of it, a Warrior or Necro can also fear you out of it. This is the only time stealth can be broken for a thief.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


I love when people posting they can own thief easily.

I have this feeling sometime, when a DD thief Glass cannon open on me and miss, and I 2 shot him. I’m proud and I think : Meh Thief aren’t that bad.

Then I fight an average skilled one or a P/D one.

Yeah, Thief are the worse.

Not even talking about elite player playing thief. You won’t get them.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


If you’re fighting a full burst thief then they take out about 40-45k HP in about 3-4 seconds

Just pointing out how big of a lie this is. I don’t even play a thief (in full disclosure, I have a lvl 10 thief “alt”, so yeah), but this is just plain wrong.

You’re forced out of stealth if you’re hit by an AoE. Correct me if I’m wrong on this.

as others have pointed out, you’re very wrong on this too.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


If you’re fighting a full burst thief then they take out about 40-45k HP in about 3-4 seconds

Just pointing out how big of a lie this is. I don’t even play a thief (in full disclosure, I have a lvl 10 thief “alt”, so yeah), but this is just plain wrong.

It is definitely mathematically doable by several thief builds, just not very likely. Even the burstiest thieves aren’t usually prepared to do 40K during one Haste activation. Pretty much any glass cannon spamming their highest damage abilities with Quickness can get into the realm of 10K/second though, especially if the necromancer isn’t running much toughness.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Adam.4103


I can’t recall ever being killed by a necro in a 1v1 with any profession, those thieves must have been terrible.

Adam The Vanquisher

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


Necros built properly can be a counter to every single ‘guide’ builds out there. Unfortunately I can’t share the build, but necros are a nemesis to glass cannons.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


Necro does beat melee thief, p/d is another story though.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Pooka.3420


or I’m just that good : )

Thief = Wallmart

Pooka = Nordstroms

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


To be fair, the answer to Thieves has always been Guardians. I may not always kill Thieves in 1v1, but that’s because the ones I don’t kill run away.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


or I’m just that good : )

Thief = Wallmart

Pooka = Nordstroms


Your taste = bad

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


I noticed that a lot of Necro rely on conditions and a vit/healing thief will always get the better of a Necro in this case. SoM, Healing and Condition removal on stealth, and Might on Dodge/Stealth will wear down the Necro. I’m a P/D condition thief myself and I haven’t had too much trouble with necros.

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


To be fair, the answer to Thieves has always been Guardians. I may not always kill Thieves in 1v1, but that’s because the ones I don’t kill run away.

D/D Ele’s also eat them for breakfast.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Static.9841


To be fair, the answer to Thieves has always been Guardians. I may not always kill Thieves in 1v1, but that’s because the ones I don’t kill run away.

D/D Ele’s also eat them for breakfast.

Don’t agree with this at all, the second the Ele misses their opener (yeah some of us understand what dodging is), they’ll try churning earth, and when that fails, it’s run away time for the Ele until they can do it again. Ele’s are great at running away.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Also, stealth works as long as they haven’t stealthed within 3 seconds and aren’t hit by an AoE.

Stopped reading from there. Sorry but stealth does not work that way, thieves can still stealth even if hit by aoes and chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, no 3 sec gap needed.

It’s 4AM so I should rephrase. You’re forced out of stealth if you’re hit by an AoE. Correct me if I’m wrong on this. When you say chain stealth right after they come out of stealth, I’m assuming you do not mean attacking after you enter stealth as that is not possible.

This may or may not be the case I’m not entirely sure, but Guardians have removed me from stealth several times in the past with their symbols and I didn’t use any skills at all and simply tried to run away, which led me to the above assumption.

Stealth has client side graphical glitches that sometimes make it appear as though you’ve left stealth. For example if a mesmer decoys and then blinks stealth will appear to end after the blink, but it the enemies still cant see you. And yes there is a 3sec revealed debuff if you leave stealth by doing damage, but only if you do damage. Skills by themselves dont break stealth making it possible for correctly speced thieves to chain stealth combos endlessly.

With dagger+pistol/Shortbow black powder+HS+HS+HS gives you a smoke field leap finisher to rack up stealth. And smokescreen+clusterbomb gives a smokefield+blast finisher to chain it to allies.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Gladiat.6278


If you’re fighting a full burst thief then they take out about 40-45k HP in about 3-4 seconds

Just pointing out how big of a lie this is. I don’t even play a thief (in full disclosure, I have a lvl 10 thief “alt”, so yeah), but this is just plain wrong.

It is definitely mathematically doable by several thief builds, just not very likely. Even the burstiest thieves aren’t usually prepared to do 40K during one Haste activation. Pretty much any glass cannon spamming their highest damage abilities with Quickness can get into the realm of 10K/second though, especially if the necromancer isn’t running much toughness.

Food, bloodlust and might all make the 40k/haste more possible. Thrill of the Crime also gives that 10 second fury that helps with getting the crits needed. I think this damage is more common with Elementalists and Mesmers since most of the ones I fight don’t seem to be running anything more defensive than full Valkyrie. Same applies to Warriors; a lot of them don’t do more than full Valkyrie.

The spamming highest damage abilities isn’t exactly accurate though (I guess it may be true for other builds depending on what those builds are); other than the first C/D you don’t use any other weapon skills so you still have about 10 initiative to use at the end of haste (of course, this is in the best case scenario but it really depends).

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Gladiat.6278


Stealth has client side graphical glitches that sometimes make it appear as though you’ve left stealth. For example if a mesmer decoys and then blinks stealth will appear to end after the blink, but it the enemies still cant see you. And yes there is a 3sec revealed debuff if you leave stealth by doing damage, but only if you do damage. Skills by themselves dont break stealth making it possible for correctly speced thieves to chain stealth combos endlessly.

With dagger+pistol/Shortbow black powder+HS+HS+HS gives you a smoke field leap finisher to rack up stealth. And smokescreen+clusterbomb gives a smokefield+blast finisher to chain it to allies.

I’m guessing Shadowstep has the same effect as mesmer’s Blink, which may have been why I thought Guardians were removing me from stealth.

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Art.9820


geez ppl you don’t know how to identify a troll…

1) Flame Title “Thief = Meh not that important”

2) Flame Statement “I’m level 24 on my necro and crushing lv 80/exotic thief..” which may not even be true lol…

3) Flame closing “Thief = LOL”

Seriously chill out :P just beacuse he/she claims finally beat a thief is not end of the world

All classes

(edited by Art.9820)

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


Don’t agree with this at all, the second the Ele misses their opener (yeah some of us understand what dodging is), they’ll try churning earth, and when that fails, it’s run away time for the Ele until they can do it again. Ele’s are great at running away.

A good ele will not mindlessly go into Churning Earth simply because they missed their RTL opener (due to a dodge). Hell, a good ele might not even use RTL as the opener! I try to steer clear of Churning Earth when fighting a D/D thief cause it’s basically inviting a CnD/backstab combo (since i’m standing perfectly still for almost 4 seconds). ALthough sometimes it’s fun to bait them into that combo by starting the CE channel, then switching to air and putting up lightning shield. They’ll stun themselves on it and then be a sitting duck for my furied churning earth. This is a dangerous proposition however.

And they have tons of AOE to hit the theif when stealthed. I don’t have any trouble whatsoever with most thieves on my ele, save P/D thieves and those can be handled sometimes as well.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Static.9841


Don’t agree with this at all, the second the Ele misses their opener (yeah some of us understand what dodging is), they’ll try churning earth, and when that fails, it’s run away time for the Ele until they can do it again. Ele’s are great at running away.

A good ele will not mindlessly go into Churning Earth simply because they missed their RTL opener (due to a dodge). Hell, a good ele might not even use RTL as the opener! I try to steer clear of Churning Earth when fighting a D/D thief cause it’s basically inviting a CnD/backstab combo (since i’m standing perfectly still for almost 4 seconds). ALthough sometimes it’s fun to bait them into that combo by starting the CE channel, then switching to air and putting up lightning shield. They’ll stun themselves on it and then be a sitting duck for my furied churning earth. This is a dangerous proposition however.

And they have tons of AOE to hit the theif when stealthed. I don’t have any trouble whatsoever with most thieves on my ele, save P/D thieves and those can be handled sometimes as well.

I hate to tarnish everyone with the same brush, it’s just 99.9% of Ele’s I fight in WvW seem to follow some kind of flowchart.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.4561


Don’t agree with this at all, the second the Ele misses their opener (yeah some of us understand what dodging is), they’ll try churning earth, and when that fails, it’s run away time for the Ele until they can do it again. Ele’s are great at running away.

A good ele will not mindlessly go into Churning Earth simply because they missed their RTL opener (due to a dodge). Hell, a good ele might not even use RTL as the opener! I try to steer clear of Churning Earth when fighting a D/D thief cause it’s basically inviting a CnD/backstab combo (since i’m standing perfectly still for almost 4 seconds). ALthough sometimes it’s fun to bait them into that combo by starting the CE channel, then switching to air and putting up lightning shield. They’ll stun themselves on it and then be a sitting duck for my furied churning earth. This is a dangerous proposition however.

And they have tons of AOE to hit the theif when stealthed. I don’t have any trouble whatsoever with most thieves on my ele, save P/D thieves and those can be handled sometimes as well.

I never, ever use churning earth, time is better spent keeping pressure on your target and keeping the slowed/CC’d. D/D Ele’s try CE on me all the time I just dodge it and carry on killing em. Churning Earth is only good for nuking lowbies who have no idea it’s coming :P

I also open with Lighting Flash then Magnetic Grasp, just to mess with people lol

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: cannedflame.3597


or I’m just that good at trolling : )

Thief = made up because I’m trolling

Pooka = Immature Troll

Fixed that for you.

Human Necromancer Marrow Doomherald – Charr Guardian Karn Aegispaw
Norn Warrior Teun Vallensson – Human Thief Roland Whelan
Guild Creator of Born of Ice and Fire [BIF]

Thief = Meh not that important

in WvW

Posted by: Pooka.3420


or I’m just that good at trolling : )

Thief = made up because I’m trolling

Pooka = Immature Troll

Fixed that for you.

This is success : )

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend