Thieves in WvWvW

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: hharry.1967


They are already a bit stupid in sPvP where they can nearly perma stealth as well, but here, oh god, they gain like 2 seconds for each stealth plus an aditional 1 second to even ‘load’ their names after they go visible. They are just impossible to fight in WvWvW, 100% stealth time. Try to fight 3 thieves against 3 of any other class, it will be pain! Either increase the stealth debuff to 5-10 seconds or fix culling.

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


there’s a feedback thread in the thief forum. I encourage you to post there and send complaints to anet.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Frenk.5917


We actually have 3 seconds of stealth +1 for a minor trait +1 for culling.

Frenk – EU
All is vain

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


Earlier tonight, I had a thief down me, got rallied, and then almost downed again, and at no point during this was he visible on my screen. It really is ridiculous.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Wise.8025


Thieves with massive burst, killing from the shadows the age old problem, or is it?

100% stealth up time is truly ridiculous. Had a friend make a WvW pvp video recently where he was able to take on sometimes 5 or 6 people without pretty much any risk to himself. He even stops and waves at people in some of his videos. Highly amusing.

Thief in tPvP and sPvP is very strong, and their perma stealth builds are not counterable for several classes and builds. Will this be addressed? I doubt it. Personally I think thief class should have to give up a lot to be stealthed all the time.

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Stealth is just a horribly broken mechanic in general. No other method of escape is so undeniably strong.

Even as an elementalist with perma swiftness, ride the lightning, and several slows, knockdowns and immobilizes, players still find ways to catch up to me. But as a thief? Pop stealth and just waltz on out of there. Anyone who thinks you can accurately predict where a thief is running is fooling themselves. At best you know the general direction, but not how far left or right he’s moving. Oh and ofc by the time you see him and can even catch up to him he can just stealth again and you’re back to square one.

Hell it’s rarely even damage. I’ve yet to be 100%‘d by a thief, it’s just beyond obnoxious to watch them jump in, damage me, realize they wont win, and then have a garunteed escape because they can stealth away. No other class has such an easy to use and strong “get out of kittenup free” card. If a warrior jumps me and finds he isnt winning there is straight up nothing he can do to get away. Same for a wide majority of the classes. But a thief? Lolstealthchaining is all they need.

Thieves should be punished more for engaging in fights that they wont win. Im not saying stealth needs to be useless, but I think it should either A. end immediately upon taking damage or B. be delayed when taking damage, for example each time you are hit delays the activation of your stealth for a period of time, perhaps with diminishing returns.

This way stealth can remain a way for thieves to initiate combat, as well as move around unseen to position themselves during a fight, as well as be used as an escape, barring that they use it wisely instead of just popping it inside 4 AoE’s without consequence.

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

One suggestion I thought up was that there’s increasing penalties to stealth, and movement speed the longer a thief remains in combat. So his first few stealthing’s are free, but after that with compounding interest the cooldown before being able to stealth again increases exponentially (note: not skill CD’s, just any stealth effect attached).

The next problem is that the thief can use his “lol, im gonna stealth now and run away” trick, reset the fight (and the stealthing penalty) and come back. So to counter this, the longer the thief stays in the fight, using his stealth, and increasing his stealth cooldown, the more movement speed penalty he takes to a maximum effect (-33% for arguments sake). So he can pop his last stealth and make a run for it, but he’s not going to get far and can be chased down reasonably well.

That way thieves get to have their cake, but other players get to eat it too.

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Thieves with massive burst, killing from the shadows the age old problem, or is it?

100% stealth up time is truly ridiculous. Had a friend make a WvW pvp video recently where he was able to take on sometimes 5 or 6 people without pretty much any risk to himself. He even stops and waves at people in some of his videos. Highly amusing.

Thief in tPvP and sPvP is very strong, and their perma stealth builds are not counterable for several classes and builds. Will this be addressed? I doubt it. Personally I think thief class should have to give up a lot to be stealthed all the time.

The deal is that with culling they give up nothing for perma stealth and they can max their dps. It really is sad that anet hasn’t addressed this.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Earlier tonight, I had a thief down me, got rallied, and then almost downed again, and at no point during this was he visible on my screen. It really is ridiculous.

Sorry, d/d eles aren’t allowed to complain about thieves. Only the rest of us are.

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Hospis.4607


d/d eles have great mobility and escape skills but don’t have great burst. Thieves have all three!

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kinglette.4906


More QQ as a thief I kill people including thieves. As my war or guardian I kill thieves all the time.
Don’t want to die in two seconds wear toughness items.
but really try a thief and watch how people kill you, then repeat on next thief that jumps you

80 Guardian, 80 Warrior, 80 Thief

Thieves in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone,

Thanks for your feedback. However there is a feedback thread in the thief section. Please post there so we can keep track of everything.

Thanks for your understanding. This thread is closed.