Things that make you *Facepalm*

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Harmonizer.4210


Stuff that makes you facepalm in WvW….

Players that hide in the invuln area…

<Attachment Pic>


Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


You being in a group with what I believe is Quecc’s baby Necro.

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


3.20 am. Are you french or something?

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Players that keep hitting players that hide in the invuln area.

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Heh, it’s hard to “disengage”. Sniper ram positioning is what makes me facepalm ( also it’s conter-part, extreme close range trebuchet ).

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


Yarr, players that be tryin ’ta attack people in ’da spawn, aka “invuln” area, and then commin ’ta ’da forums to complain about it.

Also, glass cannons who attack group stacking retaliation. If brings tears ’ta me eye ’ta see them suffer.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Seeing 5 players of my server run up to kill 3 of the other server only for them all to end up dead.

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Players that stand there wailing on gates, especially when they have been told not to attack it to avoid orange swords coming up while siege is being deployed.

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


I auto-facepalmed the other night when the commander asked for a cata and I dropped a treb instead… and everyone went hammering away. XD

In my defence, it was 3AM…

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Things that make you *Facepalm*

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Placing a bally behind the pitched battle and asking for supplies to complete it in all forms of chat, being ignored until the enemy pushes the lemmings back past the bally AT WHICH POINT they start to try and build it as it gets nuked….and then they complain no one told them about it!!!!

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)