Things we want to see be announced at PAX/WvW
Server/Tier Balance NA Servers:
Huge, huge YES to this. This is a major problem. I don’t necessarily agree with all the points you made on the topic but in general, this needs to be fixed.
New Maps: We have obviously had the same home borderlands maps since day 1. Edge of the Mists was an awesome looking map, so why cant we get something new like that for each home borderland? Please do not copy and paste the same map 3 times over for every home borderland either.
I think if an expansion is released as is being widely rumored, new WvW maps is a foregone conclusion. New scenery & “microstrategy” will definitely be refreshing.
I disagree on not copy-and-pasting. It might be nice for flavor in WvW, but different maps will be a huge point of contention because invariably one server’s home location on a particular map will be considered better or worse than the others. This happened in a WoW PVP map called Alterac Valley. The Alliance side was, in the opinion of a lot of people, more easily defensible than the Horde’s leading to a lot of dissatisfaction. Whether AV was or wasn’t imbalanced isn’t really the point, and neither is the fact that all the servers would rotate through these new starting points. The point is that three brand new maps would be absolute hell to balance. It would absolutely lead to huge amounts of dissatisfaction.
Siege Disablers: People absolutely hate them and despise disablers with a passion. I personally think they need to be removed, but if there was a way to make it so character #1 could not repeatedly throw down disablers until they ran out of supply, and had some kind of long cooldown, I think that would be acceptable.
There’s already a 45-second cooldown. (Ctrl-F “disabler”). IMO that’s sufficient. Siege disablers are ok in my book now.
Arrow Carts: We know arrow carts hit extremely hard, but the siege cap limit for them is not enough. People laugh and call it siege wars 2, because we all know the amount of arrow carts that can be used on 1 gate is ridiculous.
I can’t tell if you’re asking for more ACs or less.
Overall I think you touched on the big ones, since we’re not talking about class balance.
Coverages is more the problem and its not dependent on world pop. number but more of time zone verily. Simply put if i play at 7:00 am est and you play as 7:00 am est too that dose not mean we are going to cover a full 24hr but we will have very good coverages at 7:00 am est and the time after. What you need is one at 7:00 am est and another at 7:00 pm est.
The only thing Anet could do is make EU ppl play on NA worlds and make NA player play on EU worlds in a relatively even amount. Simply put there is NOTHING that Anet can do to balance out world populations.
A new map would make things even worst when it comes to coverages and world populations.
Siege Disables are a hard counter to siege and your AC problem if any thing you should be asking for more ways the attker to use siege disables on AC.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA