Thoughts on the Silver League
NA should have had 4-league.
League 1 – T1 & T2
League 2 – T3 & T4
League 3 – T5 & T6
League 3 – T7 & T8
How will the match up should be, you may ask. Well, there will be 6 team in each league, we name them server A B C D E F, with server A being the top rank in the league and server F being the lowest rank in the league, we will have the following match up :
Week 1 – ABC , DEF
Week 2 – ABD, CEF
Week 3 – BCF , ADE
Week 4 – ACE, BDF
With this :
1) You’ll have a not very long season. 4 weeks should be just fine.
2) Each of the top 3 servers (ABC) in each league get a fair share of “easier” match up (assuming bottom 3 (DEF) of the league are weaker). no more the case like JQ having more easier match ups.
3)Each of the weaker servers get to face 2 stronger servers in a match up. no more weak server claim “omg we get to fight strong ones always !”
Archeage = Farmville with PK
(edited by azizul.8469)
Silver league was pretty much steamroll or be steamrolled. I didn’t like the organization for Season 1, and I hope they will come up with something better if there is a Season 2.
It’s pretty clear from what we’ve seen over the past few weeks that Gold League should have had the 3 tiers, and Silver the two tiers. Yaks, SBI and FA pretty much facerolled everyone else by about 100-200k points in every match up where they were not fighting each other. Something to probably keep in mind if ever this league misfortune is to be foisted on us again. As much as I like a challenge, I don’t think any of us wants to spend another 2 months helping one or two servers level their alts.
The Irony is that SBI rolled YB by almost 200k the first time we faced them, and then lost to them the next time.
NA should have had 4-league.
Completely agree with this.
Silver league was pretty much steamroll or be steamrolled.
That is exactly how I felt that the league went.
Borliss Pass here.
We had good match ups when we didn’t face SBI, Yaks, or FA. The other matches came to the wire. The bottom of the league fully capable of beating us even in prime (and we can have serious issues where bronze servers can beat us off prime).
Devon and the Devs need to think about solving server stacking before another league season.
@azizul suggestion above probably would not have put Yaks in the right league. Some of the servers were improperly ranked/seeded going into the leagues.
just want to point out that if it REALLY is that horrible in NA. Why don’t you move to an EU server?
Given the fact that the vast majority of forum whining is done by NA players, i have come to the realization that the american WvW community is horrible, something that was seconded by a few NA players that moved to my server. That being said.
If it really is that horrible in NA, go to EU. Why? because at the times you play, you will find even numbers, few blobs, the ability to roam/duel and the ability to run strategic mini-blobs (15-25 players). Best of all, the EU server benefits from getting a nightcrew, and you benefit from not being stuck in whatever horrible bog you apparently are in now.
Win Win Win.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Its not really as simple as snapping your fingers and saying “transfer”. In the case of my own server (Borlis pass) Many of us have been on it for over a year. Transferring is just not really an option. Besides, we like being able to play for the North American prime time.
Things that need to be fixed though, Anet needs some Asian/Oceanic servers. They also need to realize that net world population does not equal WvW population.
Things that need to be fixed though, Anet needs some Asian/Oceanic servers. They also need to realize that net world population does not equal WvW population.
There are already multiple servers with established oceanic/asian communities and anet cannot force them to relocate. Anet also realizes that world population doesn’t equal wvw population but they cannot ignore the fact that pve population contributes to world population. If a server is filled with pvers but has barely any wvwers they can’t magically allow more people to transfer to it. The caps are there for a reason.
just want to point out that if it REALLY is that horrible in NA. Why don’t you move to an EU server?
Given the fact that the vast majority of forum whining is done by NA players, i have come to the realization that the american WvW community is horrible, something that was seconded by a few NA players that moved to my server. That being said.If it really is that horrible in NA, go to EU. Why? because at the times you play, you will find even numbers, few blobs, the ability to roam/duel and the ability to run strategic mini-blobs (15-25 players). Best of all, the EU server benefits from getting a nightcrew, and you benefit from not being stuck in whatever horrible bog you apparently are in now.
Win Win Win.
Way to fish for a night crew. By the way how do you know that it all NA players whining on the forums.
They also need to realize that net world population does not equal WvW population.
They definitely know this. They have all the metrics at their disposal. They are however, choosing to use world population as their measure of server size. Why? Not sure. Maybe they’d feel embarrassed if they released real WvW numbers.
The silver league is a big problem because there are gold vs. bronze servers fighting against each other. At least at EU because a lot of people transferred and the servers in the middle which are silver got either stronger or weaker and are misplaced in the ranking(cause of that last minute transfers – transfers shoudl have been disabled weeks befor starting season).
If they really make a 2nd season then only 2 leagues. Or 4 leagues. Not 3 leagues… because it also will be boring for servers at top(bronze) or bottim(gold) of leagues to always pwn(gold) or get pwned(bronze). With a different numbers of leagues the people that were on top or bottom would be in a different position.
But I still hope they abolish leagues. Old system was much better. Just lets make the tier system again lol. Was same as leagues only that you hat (number of servers)/3 leagues instead of only 3 leagues.