Thx Anet Blance NA T1 Match- BG/JQ/TC
Funny you made that claim only looking at the weekend yet the blow away during every timezone is obvious.
TC have Good Coverage than Mag "
isn’t ?
i think im having a deja vu
the clairvoyance is too stronk for the matchup stagnation again…….static balanced match > rotating blowout match
Beg to differ on that. Rotating blow out matches brought more people back to wvw. static matches of t1 put wvw in the decline it was before links.
Rotating Variety>Static matches
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
i think im having a deja vu
the clairvoyance is too stronk for the matchup stagnation again…….static balanced match > rotating blowout match
Beg to differ on that. Rotating blow out matches brought more people back to wvw. static matches of t1 put wvw in the decline it was before links.
Rotating Variety>Static matches
Rotating blowout matches makes players take breaks from WvW so there’s less burnout, but then it also leads to players stacking on the winning servers to make things worse and worser.
Their will be NO balance in WvW with the current transfer system PERIOD.As long as people/guilds can shift from server to server without penalty or restriction this will go on and on . These guilds that continue to move from server to server are NOT looking for good fights , fair fights or any skilled fights just easy wins.And if you say your not looking for easy wins your full of it. Otherwise you wouldn’t keep moving to over stacked over populated servers.
The transfer system as it is now is only effecting WvW since transfers are not required for PvP or PvE.The current system has destroyed WvW completely. Fix it or you’ll never get new players or guilds in WvW.
The last mass transfer was a brutal blow for WvW, Mag is a close second but BG still heavily out populates them. What we currently have is 1 T0 server (BG) 1 T1 Server (Mag) and I don’t even know at this point 5 T2 Servers? (SBI, YB, TC, FA, JQ). Anet really needs to man up admit their Formula/Algorithm is flat out wrong. I don’t even think there is a reasonable way of fixing this disaster at this point.
It’s not the algorithm that’s the problem. It’s the fact people deliberately manipulate it.
Which means it’s the Algorithm, if it can be so easily manipulated it should not be used because it obviously is giving incorrect information, and yet they still believe it to be gospel. It’s not like it’s a best kept secret that certain servers have been manipulating population counts for quite sometime now. The Algorithm is failing due to this, therefore it is not a properly functioning tool that populations should be based off of.
Without it being made public, there’s no way for us to know what the Algorithm is measuring. One thing is for certain, it’s easy to manipulate an opponent’s status.
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