Time for WvW AMA from developer

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359



Both PvE and SPvP have received their developer AMA (in the case of spvp, a state of game discussion) in the last couple weeks. Yet despite being mentioned by Chris Whiteside, we haven’t heard any plan for a developer AMA for WvW yet.

So I am wondering should we expect to see a WvW AMA soon? Is there a time frame we can expect this to happen? Thank you!

Blackgate Engineer

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Habib Loew.6239

Habib Loew.6239

Gameplay Programmer


This is something that I’d very much like for us to do and we’ve already had some discussions internally about the best way to set it up. Once we get a little closer to February we’ll have more that we can talk about publicly, so that’s going to inform our timeline as well. Sorry I don’t have a more specific answer for you but we’re still working out the details.

ArenaNet Gameplay Programmer

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Good grief, the implication in your statement is dreadful.

Don’t you all have someone in charge of managing the message?

I didn’t realize it had gotten this bad.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


In other words 8 more weeks of the same thing.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


In other words 8 more weeks of the same thing.

And then once Feb rolls around if the head developer sees his shadow it’s another 6 months of no updates.

In other news, saying you have something to say but that you won’t say it is hardly inspiring news man. I’m sure you’re aware of that. And that this is annoying treatment is more a matter of policy than personal grudge-work, but it’s still almost as bad as no news at all.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


February!!! I am not sure what I expected, I guess december is a right off for the holidays, but February before they even have a message ready to start talking…. let alone actually getting it into the game… way, way to far away, imo.

~ AoN ~

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


Yay!! we got confirmation that there will NOT be any updates to WvW until February!


Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Aeden.5896


I love WvW, but I’m a little worried that the changes are going to be something like this:

“Get ready for a one time WvWvW event that will change the borderlands FOREVER!!!

BEHOLD, orbs are back, guarded by a new terror in a previously unseen underwater objective point! Explore these new realms, and you might even find hidden treasures! We’ve added more, stronger monsters to the war lands where agony will kill all but the strongest of hero’s!

You spoke, we listened! One time events. More underwater combat. More jumping puzzles. More exciting dungeon combat. Coming FEBRUARY 15th!"

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: aaron.7850


pve and spvp are the least popular activities on GW2 so naturally they will adress them first

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Jabtangs.9251


pve and spvp are the least popular activities on GW2 so naturally they will adress them first

wait what? I understand spvp being not popular enough but pve? lol

When I see JQ and SBI being FULL all the time and being outmanned on almost everywhere, wonder how pve is the least popular.

Jophiel Jabtangs – Mesmer
War Machine [WM] | Stormbluff Isle

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


February!!! I am not sure what I expected, I guess december is a right off for the holidays, but February before they even have a message ready to start talking…. let alone actually getting it into the game… way, way to far away, imo.

Not what he meant.


[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


I love WvW, but I’m a little worried that the changes are going to be something like this:

“Get ready for a one time WvWvW event that will change the borderlands FOREVER!!!

BEHOLD, orbs are back, guarded by a new terror in a previously unseen underwater objective point! Explore these new realms, and you might even find hidden treasures! We’ve added more, stronger monsters to the war lands where agony will kill all but the strongest of hero’s!

You spoke, we listened! One time events. More underwater combat. More jumping puzzles. More exciting dungeon combat. Coming FEBRUARY 15th!"

This was priceless… All of it.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


I love the fact that a PvP based game is catering to PvE players… fun fun

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


If I interpret this correctly, it means that there is a LOT of work being done on WvWvW, and it is so large that it won’t be finished until February.

What this specifically means:
- No major updates for WvW until February.
- Balance and bug fixes will continue as usual in the meantime.
- Once we get to February, we will either get some new maps, a new reward system, or at least a major overhaul of SOMETHING. Who knows, perhaps even a solution to nightcapping imbalances.
- Everything they are working is still subject to change until it goes live, so they won’t announce anything to avoid a situation where they promise things they end up not delivering.

So what’s so bad about this? They apparently see several ways to significantly develop WvW further (or a single way but BIG), and it will likely be done in about 2 months time.

Also, I expect formal communication about this to happen around the second half of January, because novelty of the January update will likely need to have died down a little before they start promoting the February update.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Quenta.2978


Trials of Atlantis.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

“Once we get a little closer to February we’ll have more that we can talk about publicly, so that’s going to inform our timeline as well”

To me, this sounds like hes saying.. In February we will announce our plans for a wvw change, but nothing will be ready or available IN February.

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


“Once we get a little closer to February we’ll have more that we can talk about publicly, so that’s going to inform our timeline as well”

To me, this sounds like hes saying.. In February we will announce our plans for a wvw change, but nothing will be ready or available IN February.

He probably doesn’t know yet man. I think there goal is to release in February but it’s not set in stone, because well anything could happen between now and then.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

He responded. He didnt have to.

Just a man doing his job.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Dubious.7901


I love the fact that a PvP based game is catering to PvE players… fun fun

Let’s pretend for a moment that “Guild Wars 2” is not the name of this game. What makes you think it’s a PvP based game?

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: The ID.3824

The ID.3824

Sounds like they have content planned but its still in concept/alpha. Its reassuring to know that changes are coming, even if there arent specifics. Thanks Habib

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


I would like to see dolyaks and guards with christmas hats and candy cane, of course.

And i hope a Norn santa will give out a cool christmas stocking, preferably a 25-slotter.

What else do we need for PVE hmm lets see…

How about more shtty zones like Sunrise Cove with gray Karka webs everywhere? Hey be like Rift and bring out raids for 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 30-, 35-, 40-, and 45-man squads. And together we can defeat Keep Lords.

One thing Rift and GW2 have in similar is the endgame zones, all the pretty zones are in hoelbrak or early zones, and then you get to endgame, and everything is death and it looks really shtty. (Who would want to go there?) Rift failed because it was a PVE-centric game. Guild Wars 2 should’ve had more beta weekends.

And what is up with your gem shop? I cannot believe it is still the same shtty sht in there — like really?!?

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


I’d love to hear about concrete new improvements to WvW, instead of usual cop-outs and PR-vetted ambiguous statements about the distant future. If it takes until february to figure out what that is thats fine, its not like there’s a sub running.


Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


I love WvW, but I’m a little worried that the changes are going to be something like this:

“Get ready for a one time WvWvW event that will change the borderlands FOREVER!!!

BEHOLD, orbs are back, guarded by a new terror in a previously unseen underwater objective point! Explore these new realms, and you might even find hidden treasures! We’ve added more, stronger monsters to the war lands where agony will kill all but the strongest of hero’s!

You spoke, we listened! One time events. More underwater combat. More jumping puzzles. More exciting dungeon combat. Coming FEBRUARY 15th!"

This couldn’t have been said better!

You must have relatives at Anet

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


February!!! I am not sure what I expected, I guess december is a right off for the holidays, but February before they even have a message ready to start talking…. let alone actually getting it into the game… way, way to far away, imo.

Not what he meant.


Maybe I missed it, but I see nothing from Anet in that thread.

~ AoN ~

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


February? Getting a consensus for a MESSAGE?

Yeah, wvw is pretty much dead…

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Mirage.2597


The new Darkfall will be out well before Feb , good luck holding onto the wvw players

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Just adding a suggestion for you guys to think about, Arenanet:

After a while, servers are going to fall into one of two rhythms without exception. Either they will maintain their place and their presence in their tiers (with little change to the top 5), or players will get burned out and servers will dip down slightly before rebounding.

This is not unhealthy from a mechanical point of view, but it does cause many servers to see too much of each other too often. That can lead to rage and arguments more quickly than it might foster competitive rivalries. We’re seeing that already.

One way to get around this would be to design a season seeding system. Every 6 months, reshuffle W3 matchups based off of seeding, similar to how sports teams get paired up during playoff season. Even though it will more than likely reestablish the status quo on its own within a couple of months, for a while servers will be seeing each other for the first time.

That would give the lower servers an opportunity to observe the tactics of higher ranked servers and possibly improve. It’d give any guilds in the higher servers looking to transfer a better feel for the servers they might transfer to. Most importantly, it’d give people fresh faces to play against for a few weeks and break things up.

This is just a raw idea so it’s going to need work, and I know some people will find it unpopular, but it’s something that I’d like ArenaNet to consider and roll around in their heads. Players I’ve talked with in-game have been worried about W3 stagnating as things become more set-in-stone/rigid, and this would be a way to help prevent that.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: kanikani.2430


“Get ready for a one time WvWvW event that will change the borderlands FOREVER!!!

BEHOLD, orbs are back, guarded by a new terror in a previously unseen underwater objective point! Explore these new realms, and you might even find hidden treasures! We’ve added more, stronger monsters to the war lands where agony will kill all but the strongest of hero’s!

You spoke, we listened! One time events. More underwater combat. More jumping puzzles. More exciting dungeon combat. Coming FEBRUARY 15th!"

Its like you read my mind.

Ishionna (80 Ele)

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


I used to work in the Games industry so let me translate this for you

“We are planning major improvements to WvW with a lot of new additions. However, we are not yet certain if all the new additions will be ready to be released on time in february so we will not anounce anything yet until we have something more solid from the programmers of what features will be ready to launch in february.”

Things don’t usually go as planned when you propose something too far ahead so its best to be tight lipped until you have something solid to give to the community. If they anounce something and only for it not to be ready on time, there would be a massive cry for developer blood 100%

Just picture how many whiney little kitten there are already. Now imagine if they were told they will get a new toy then they didn’t get it, how they will react to it.

Minimising the damage by not giving away too much. Unfortunately it is the best thing to do in such iorcircumstances.

Just be patient. I am sure they will anounce it in January. The programmers should have something more solid by then.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Kraken.7514


Sorry English is not my native language.

Does this answer mean they are not even gonna start TALKING about WvW untill February?

They will be lucky if anyone is playing WvW by then lol

Kraken – Guardian / Pretty Meris – Engineer.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


Sorry English is not my native language.

Does this answer mean they are not even gonna start TALKING about WvW untill February?

They will be lucky if anyone is playing WvW by then lol

It means that they MAY talk when it´s closer to february.
I´d say propably at the end of january or start of february. But i don´t really have all that high hopes for it…

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Amins.3710


You kidding? ToA for DAOC was awesome. Bring on the lowering of cast times!

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: globe.7238


I love WvW, but I’m a little worried that the changes are going to be something like this:

“Get ready for a one time WvWvW event that will change the borderlands FOREVER!!!

BEHOLD, orbs are back, guarded by a new terror in a previously unseen underwater objective point! Explore these new realms, and you might even find hidden treasures! We’ve added more, stronger monsters to the war lands where agony will kill all but the strongest of hero’s!

You spoke, we listened! One time events. More underwater combat. More jumping puzzles. More exciting dungeon combat. Coming FEBRUARY 15th!"

Priceless lol! You must be a ninja anet dev because I have a feeling thats exactly what type of update they’ll announce and I wouldnt be surprised at all.

Imminent Demise » [iD] « Blackgate

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


I used to work in the Games industry so let me translate this for you

“We are planning major improvements to WvW with a lot of new additions. However, we are not yet certain if all the new additions will be ready to be released on time in february so we will not anounce anything yet until we have something more solid from the programmers of what features will be ready to launch in february.”

Things don’t usually go as planned when you propose something too far ahead so its best to be tight lipped until you have something solid to give to the community. If they anounce something and only for it not to be ready on time, there would be a massive cry for developer blood 100%

Just picture how many whiney little kitten there are already. Now imagine if they were told they will get a new toy then they didn’t get it, how they will react to it.

Minimising the damage by not giving away too much. Unfortunately it is the best thing to do in such iorcircumstances.

Just be patient. I am sure they will anounce it in January. The programmers should have something more solid by then.

I think you missed the point of people’s disappointment. By all means they shouldn’t talk before they are ready and things are solidified enough that they can.

The concern is why the kitten are they not already far enough along to do that now?

~ AoN ~

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


Rift failed because it was a PVE-centric game.

I was thinking the other day, ‘If only Rift had WvW something like GW2 it might have done so much better.’

There are a lot of things I like better about Rift than GW2. If Rift had WvW I’d probably still be playing Rift.

I am still amazed it took so long for a dev to finally make a game with a system similar to Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot with its RvR (WvW). Not even Mythic had the brains to copy their own system in Warhammer. Guess they all looked at DAOC numbers in 2002 when maybe they had 300K users max, and then look at WoW’s millions and think they have to keep making WoW clones to try to get the millions.

‘Since DAOC only had a few hundred thousand, it must not be what players want’ must be what they are thinking. I think Anet has been surprised how successful and loved WvW by a lot of their players. Hope they keep making it better.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Taldren.7523


You kidding? ToA for DAOC was awesome. Bring on the lowering of cast times!

Sorry, but it is pretty much universally accepted that Mackey’s Trials of Atlantis is what killed DAoC because it forced an EQ-like focus on players that were obviously choosing not to play EQ. In fact, I know a lot of x-DAoC devs and they have told me this personally.

It’s a shame, because Labyrinth of the Minotaur was so good … but came too late to really save the game.

I really wish that ANet would take some more idea from DAoC for WvW …

1. WvW “Realm Rank” system would be nice. Have 80 WvW levels where WvW XP would be granted from player kills. XP amount would be based on the rank of the killed player and be split equally between group-mates, but proportionately between multiple groups based on how much each group contributed to the kill. Probably be best if this was character specific.

2. WvW “Bounty Point” replacement for Badges. Convert current badges into a consumable that would give WvW Karma. Allow armor, weapons, siege, ect to be purchased by WvW Karma points. You can even allow the purchase of badges for WvW Karma as to keep the current Legendary requirements if you wish. Bounty Points should be based on killed players WvW Rank and like WvW XP be split equally between group-mates, but proportionately between multiple groups based on how much each group contributed to the kill. This could be account bound to allow you to use your more familiar characters to equip out new characters you create.

3. WvW “Realm Point” system. Each WvW Rank should grant a WvW specific WvW Skill Point that would allow the purchase of WvW specific Utility and Elite abilities. These abilities would only be usable in WvW zones.

4. Map wide Death Spam. Player X was killed by Player Y.

5. Put enemy players names in the combat log. I agree with not being able to see player names in targeting … but after the fact it is important to know where damage came from and who did what to you. It be really nice to have a sPvP-like kill chart that showed you what abilities did what too.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

(edited by Taldren.7523)

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


I love WvW, but I’m a little worried that the changes are going to be something like this:

“Get ready for a one time WvWvW event that will change the borderlands FOREVER!!!

BEHOLD, orbs are back, guarded by a new terror in a previously unseen underwater objective point! Explore these new realms, and you might even find hidden treasures! We’ve added more, stronger monsters to the war lands where agony will kill all but the strongest of hero’s!

You spoke, we listened! One time events. More underwater combat. More jumping puzzles. More exciting dungeon combat. Coming FEBRUARY 15th!"

This was priceless… All of it.

hahaha,don’t forget we gonna add a ne feature where pve players simply can knock on the door of a keep to go in and get his last vista and poi for the world completion.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: spiritus.7983


Well, every time anet tough this game is getting from bad to worst. This week I retired my engenier after in 2 months they nerf his dmg of 40% and practicaly kill an entire proffestion forever.

Probably in february they put the final nail in the coffin for WWW too because “dedicated players” ask them too. Good thing in march two games what I waith for will be released (I wont write them coz my post will be deleted… but you know wich I’m talking about)

So anet… be carefull what you do in february with www.

Evil, GH -Charr rule.
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.

Time for WvW AMA from developer

in WvW

Posted by: Sansarah.3076


You kidding? ToA for DAOC was awesome. Bring on the lowering of cast times!

Sorry, but it is pretty much universally accepted that Mackey’s Trials of Atlantis is what killed DAoC because it forced an EQ-like focus on players that were obviously choosing not to play EQ. In fact, I know a lot of x-DAoC devs and they have told me this personally.

It’s a shame, because Labyrinth of the Minotaur was so good … but came too late to really save the game.

I really wish that ANet would take some more idea from DAoC for WvW …

1. WvW “Realm Rank” system would be nice. Have 80 WvW levels where WvW XP would be granted from player kills. XP amount would be based on the rank of the killed player and be split equally between group-mates, but proportionately between multiple groups based on how much each group contributed to the kill. Probably be best if this was character specific.

2. WvW “Bounty Point” replacement for Badges. Convert current badges into a consumable that would give WvW Karma. Allow armor, weapons, siege, ect to be purchased by WvW Karma points. You can even allow the purchase of badges for WvW Karma as to keep the current Legendary requirements if you wish. Bounty Points should be based on killed players WvW Rank and like WvW XP be split equally between group-mates, but proportionately between multiple groups based on how much each group contributed to the kill. This could be account bound to allow you to use your more familiar characters to equip out new characters you create.

3. WvW “Realm Point” system. Each WvW Rank should grant a WvW specific WvW Skill Point that would allow the purchase of WvW specific Utility and Elite abilities. These abilities would only be usable in WvW zones.

4. Map wide Death Spam. Player X was killed by Player Y.

5. Put enemy players names in the combat log. I agree with not being able to see player names in targeting … but after the fact it is important to know where damage came from and who did what to you. It be really nice to have a sPvP-like kill chart that showed you what abilities did what too.

+ this. Any day of the week this would totally rule the current system.