Tips for running with the Militia

Tips for running with the Militia

in WvW

Posted by: Fatherbliss.4701


(This is a growing and successful list elsewhere on the internet. I figure this group would have even more relevant suggestions.)

Acquire booze. If that doesn’t strike your fancy, acquire something else that may or may not alter your consciousness. Like Ramen or White Castle.

Next, follow these easy yet lucrative steps towards success:

1. Bring your own Buffs and Stability.

2. Dispense with all forms of pants

3. Follow the Commander. Even off of that cliff. If you are laying dead next to them once they go down, you win.

4. Always have supply

5. Always have a Yak tonic or some way of showing that you are indeed “Of the Toast”

6. You will be outnumbered. Deal with it.

7. Figure out how to survive. Then work on tactics.

8. Do not backseat command. Ever.

9. Engage the Buttlust at the earliest opportunity, for thy stomps shall count for more than just bragging rights.

10. Wear tights in real life, so that you shall know you are mighty and full of cowbell.

11. Fashion a beard from the leg hair of your opponents. Be selective.

12. Understand that people actually take vacation days to PvD in order to win matches. It is known.

13. Listen to Justin Timberlake songs while doing a particularly awesome three way…defense.

14. Sentry. Just do it.

15. Get in the ring.

16. Thy shalt not PvD unless explicitly required to do so.

17. Swim at the lowest point when underwater.

18. Equip some kitten Exotic underwater weapons.

19. Never, ever go to the Skritt place.

20. If you come upon a group of people, naked, by the windmill – you should move on.

Leader of Goats of Thunder [GOAT]
Tarnished Coast: Bringing the Butter to you (no pants allowed)

Tips for running with the Militia

in WvW

Posted by: kash.9213


Get in where you fit in.


Tips for running with the Militia

in WvW

Posted by: Vonmanstein.3645



Tips for running with the Militia

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


(This is a growing and successful list elsewhere on the internet. I figure this group would have even more relevant suggestions.)

Acquire booze. If that doesn’t strike your fancy, acquire something else that may or may not alter your consciousness. Like Ramen or White Castle.

Next, follow these easy yet lucrative steps towards success:

1. Bring your own Buffs and Stability.

2. Dispense with all forms of pants

3. Follow the Commander. Even off of that cliff. If you are laying dead next to them once they go down, you win.

4. Always have supply

5. Always have a Yak tonic or some way of showing that you are indeed “Of the Toast”

6. You will be outnumbered. Deal with it.

7. Figure out how to survive. Then work on tactics.

8. Do not backseat command. Ever.

9. Engage the Buttlust at the earliest opportunity, for thy stomps shall count for more than just bragging rights.

10. Wear tights in real life, so that you shall know you are mighty and full of cowbell.

11. Fashion a beard from the leg hair of your opponents. Be selective.

12. Understand that people actually take vacation days to PvD in order to win matches. It is known.

13. Listen to Justin Timberlake songs while doing a particularly awesome three way…defense.

14. Sentry. Just do it.

15. Get in the ring.

16. Thy shalt not PvD unless explicitly required to do so.

17. Swim at the lowest point when underwater.

18. Equip some kitten Exotic underwater weapons.

19. Never, ever go to the Skritt place.

20. If you come upon a group of people, naked, by the windmill – you should move on.

Those are some good tips, especially on the self stab, slef stun breakers and survival in general, after all, you ain’t gonna be a part of any tactic when you’re dirtnapping or running back from the waypoint, so yea, survival definetly before tactics.

But as far as the tonics go, lately and for quite a while now I prefer to use kites instead.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Tips for running with the Militia

in WvW

Posted by: Teon.5168


(This is a growing and successful list elsewhere on the internet. I figure this group would have even more relevant suggestions.)

Acquire booze. If that doesn’t strike your fancy, acquire something else that may or may not alter your consciousness. Like Ramen or White Castle.

Next, follow these easy yet lucrative steps towards success:

1. Bring your own Buffs and Stability.

2. Dispense with all forms of pants

3. Follow the Commander. Even off of that cliff. If you are laying dead next to them once they go down, you win.

4. Always have supply

5. Always have a Yak tonic or some way of showing that you are indeed “Of the Toast”

6. You will be outnumbered. Deal with it.

7. Figure out how to survive. Then work on tactics.

8. Do not backseat command. Ever.

9. Engage the Buttlust at the earliest opportunity, for thy stomps shall count for more than just bragging rights.

10. Wear tights in real life, so that you shall know you are mighty and full of cowbell.

11. Fashion a beard from the leg hair of your opponents. Be selective.

12. Understand that people actually take vacation days to PvD in order to win matches. It is known.

13. Listen to Justin Timberlake songs while doing a particularly awesome three way…defense.

14. Sentry. Just do it.

15. Get in the ring.

16. Thy shalt not PvD unless explicitly required to do so.

17. Swim at the lowest point when underwater.

18. Equip some kitten Exotic underwater weapons.

19. Never, ever go to the Skritt place.

20. If you come upon a group of people, naked, by the windmill – you should move on.

Perfect list!!! LOL…..alcohol or mary jane(it’s legal in our state) are the brain modifiers of choice here. And classic rock instead of JT. I’m too old for Justin Timberlake.

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Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.

Tips for running with the Militia

in WvW

Posted by: Fatherbliss.4701


21. You gonna die. Players born under the sign of Gemini, you gonna die twice. (Compliments to Chris Rock)

Leader of Goats of Thunder [GOAT]
Tarnished Coast: Bringing the Butter to you (no pants allowed)