Titan Alliance
Huh….so it seems Anet’s naivety of thinking people will balance the servers out pulled through after all. That is, this seems to be an initial sign of that happening anyway.
Well if this is indeed true, I encourage all potential transfers to check out good ol’ Crystal Desert as a home. We’re very eager to get going hard again. Many of us are still on the server fighting the good fight and haven’t given up, despite many posts that may make their way around here.
There is also a new initiative forming to get better server cooperation going in order to improve our ability. If anyone is looking for a fun challenge, lower queue times, and being part of an awesome big time come back, then Crystal Desert is the place for you!!!
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan
(edited by Gofr.5794)
was fun guys gl in all your endeavors
I hope you guys can spread out and help a number of the medium ranked realms to help even out WvW overall. I would look forward to seeing more competitive realms and less “tiers”.
Thanks for all the battles guys, especially WM, THAI (you never give up attacking Golanta, EVER do you? :P) and RUIN for never giving up Has been good.
Sea of Sorrows
If any oceanic or EU guilds are looking for a good server, check out Yak’s Bend.
(edited by Deecee.2748)
Thanks for all the battles guys, especially WM, THAI (you never give up attacking Golanta, EVER do you? :P) and RUIN for never giving up
Has been good.
If you think green has it bad with Golanta, blue is worse with red coming after umberglade all the time. And it’s a trap, any time blue recaptures umber, it’s STRAIGHT TO THE OGRES!
lol @ ARMA…thanks for the free badges fellas
Going to laugh when HoD continues to have same results due to population.
Lame… You can’t play a month of a bracket and claim being undefeated.
80 ~ Thief/Guardian
Going to laugh when HoD continues to have same results due to population.
There were very few, if any WvW groups that were run this week by TA. Most WvW were led by random commanders and HOD still did extremely well.
Lame… You can’t play a month of a bracket and claim being undefeated.
Agree. Not much of an achievement really. While I respect TA for the way they set up and ran for the initial period….. This is like turning up to the olympics, dominating your first couple of heats and going home.
Yes, TA were an unstoppable force while they were in the game. Yes, they were well organised both before and after launch. Yes, they dominated for a month. But what did they achieve? Being the best alliance for a month? Wow, that’s a record that will never be broken.
Hey Some Members of Titans alliance. If you are looking for a new home Sorrows Furnace Could use some new guilds. Mind you we dont want to flood SF. Just 1 or 2 guilds to help us out. We are growing quite organized and will be rising, why not show other server/guilds what you got by joining a low ranked server and making it better? Contact me, im sure we can work something out. (We also have more commanders than players. Or at least we stand 1:1)
see you guys on kaineng!
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi
I also agree with the other users you can’t play a month and say your undefeated.
It just makes the OP look like he’s praising himself that’s how I see it anyways.
JQ is going to dominate now, they have alot of DAOC vets from the start, and a zerg of daoc vets is going to beat a zerg of WoW players who dragged on the coattailes of TA
Looks like i was right, Henge is geting dominated, time to return to my home server
@Yorda, we lost 0 games. What other word than “undefeated” would you call our track record?
No one can question that you guys were exceptionally successful.
next stop.. Beastgate or Kaineng or EU server :P
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior
I have found the members and leaders of TA to be respectful, fun to play with and overall friendly people. There is no doubt the 24/7 coverage had a significant impact on win ratings, but the natural leadership exhibited by the alliance was a major factor as well.
I sincerely hope some of those wonderful people are staying on HoD even as others transfer off.
I dont see this move as a way for them to avoid future defeats (e.g. quit while ahead simply to maintain a winning record). Instead, I see this as yet another classy move – a voluntary action by a major force to make the game more fun for everyone. Having one overwhelming dominate server isnt good for the game. Having seen the way the way the different guilds in the alliance approach the game, Im sure that was the driving force behind the dissolution of TA.
I wish them the best and look forward to continuing to play alongside those who stay on HOD and against those who transfer.
Again, very classy move. It would have been easy to stay intact and, probably, continue to dominate due to a number of factors. Other large alliances should look to this move as inspiration. Think about the health of the game long term and what makes the game fun.
Singular, large alliances, while a great idea from a domination point of view, may not be the best thing when it comes to keeping the game healthy and fun.
Some people complained TA should have transferred or broke up and yet when the wish comes trust the complaints still roll. Trying to avert a win would have been doing it mid-week or when HOD was losing. This was simply probably one of the better times to have done it when the match was assuredly a victory for HoD and the next match was to start.
So what is ANet going to do about the rankings for next week? It’s sort of a mess without TA.
You act like this was an accomplishment. Nothing more then abusing a flawed system, all this guild bromance is cute though <3
hates gona hate .. as always
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior
Same thing happening on our servers. Guilds are either quitting or transferring. We had a great matchup..but because of ANet’s either lack of experience or naivety in letting servers transfer free for SUCH A HUGE PERIOD OF TIME..when it should have been max 1 week, it literally destroyed servers. F
rom our actually awesome and well balanced wvwvw, where all 3 teams where something like 2-3k max score between eachother, a conglomerate of guilds moved to one of the servers last day and now it’s total domination by them. I do not blame them for this..if u see an advantage (server transfer), u take it. It’s all on ANet’s shoulders. They allowed this to happen. It’s tough enough to play against 99% invisible armies….now we have to play against server transfers in the last 2 days of the matchup.
I honestly lost literally every motivation i ever had to play the game. Even if u are a hardcore PvPer…how can u even continue having a positive mentality, after u get a great matchup…organize and coordinate long length’s of wvw time….work for your lead (even if small) …just so u can see it all crumble in the last 2 days because of the free iWin app ANet willingly introduced and fully protects.
I am sorry to say this but even for me the game is dead. The only ppl still enjoying this are the ppl who haven’t finished the “single player”. Other then that…the game is almost nonexistent.
@ANet..u haven’t listened even once to your hardcore pvp community. U still trying to fix skillpoints and dungeons but i have some news for u….for 3-4 patches u have been fixing them and they are still broken. We have said server transfers if kept alive for to long, it will kill WvW and whole servers, since the beta. U didn’t listen. U killed your own game. The only possible way to PARTIALLY fix this, when u activate pay2transfer, will ONLY be server merging. Whatever fix u will try to sugar-coat this major mistake u did, will never work on the long run. Big servers will remain big..while servers that got ditched will remain small (after pay2transfer). The real end-game of GW2 (wvwvw and sPvP, but mainly wvw) is nonexistent.
This was my last tip to u guys, but i am sure u will throw it in the recycle-bin like the rest, and add a very robotic answer like “we listen to every word u say”…yea….every company in the world (not just gaming) does that. Let’s be real for atleast 1 min…then we can go back to the pony land.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
Same thing happening on our servers. Guilds are either quitting or transferring. We had a great matchup..but because of ANet’s either lack of experience or naivety in letting servers transfer free for SUCH A HUGE PERIOD OF TIME..when it should have been max 1 week, it literally destroyed servers. F
rom our actually awesome and well balanced wvwvw, where all 3 teams where something like 2-3k max score between eachother, a conglomerate of guilds moved to one of the servers last day and now it’s total domination by them. I do not blame them for this..if u see an advantage (server transfer), u take it. It’s all on ANet’s shoulders. They allowed this to happen. It’s tough enough to play against 99% invisible armies….now we have to play against server transfers in the last 2 days.
I honestly lost literally every motivation i ever had to play the game. Even if u are a hardcore PvPer…how can u even continue having a positive mentality, after u get a great matchup…organize and coordinate long length’s of wvw time….work for your lead (even if small) …just so u can see it all crumble in the last 2 days because of the free iWin app ANet willingly introduced and fully protects.
I am sorry to say this but even for me the game is dead. The only ppl still enjoying this are the ppl who haven’t finished the “single player”. Other then that…the game is almost nonexistent.
To answer your question, they have a positive mentality because they forget about winning entirely, It’s a game, It’s meant to be fun and as for the game being dead? okay that’s your opinion, but going on to talk about why others play is blasphemous, they have their reasons, don’t act as if you know.
Absolutely hilarious and I called this a few weeks ago.
Congratulations HoD on going undefeated in the easiest least competitive time of the game.
And to those complaining that it was to Boring and no competition….
The answer was in front of you the entire time…
Transfer your guild to another server. One of the Many who needs you.
Congratulations HoD on proving you can destroy the game for yourselves while others that have lost to you continue to have fun.
It takes a lot less work to get a group of guilds together for 1 month then to keep a community running for a long period of time.
Go onto your next game so you can claim victory over all for the first month then quit again.
The Victor of a War is not the winner of many battles but the last man standing on the field. TA Has lost the game within 1 Month while managing to win every match, congratulations.
(edited by Zagz.6402)
@Cloud on what server are u and why do u play?
Dude has a point. Going undefeated before we get to the 2 week matches, during the time server transfers are still free, the ladder system only having a couple weeks of work… not really much to brag about.
Also JQ was a joke. We punished SBI this week for saying they were tough last week and here come Jqq Thinking they are good when we dont even attack them… Grats?
With the way WvW is going in a majority of matches, the winner is guaranteed pretty much after Wednesday. The only thing 2 week matchups will change (if there ever will be 2 week matchups, which I don’t think will happen) is a bigger number on the scoresheet, just like how 1 week matchups changed almost nothing.
Sea of Sorrows
In a Half a year the only people who will even know who TA were are the egotard Ex-TALeaders and Players whom think they actually accomplished something.
There will be servers who Dominate for far longer in the future and make a much larger Impact.
You guys Left during the Pre-season. Never even made it into the season of actual play.
Again Congratulations… on nothing to brag about.
With the way WvW is going in a majority of matches, the winner is guaranteed pretty much after Wednesday. The only thing 2 week matchups will change (if there ever will be 2 week matchups, which I don’t think will happen) is a bigger number on the scoresheet, just like how 1 week matchups changed almost nothing.
Yup. That exactly. I do hope that they don’t make two week long matches. What’s the point? The server that is ahead will continue to be ahead, and the other two will battle it out for second. Meh, I’d personally rather have one week long battles, and get to face a new opponent (hopefully) every week than battle the same people for a whole other week when the outcome has already been determined in a mater of several days.
P.S. Also, I find it incredibly ironic that a guy who’s completely giving up on the game…is called Rebound…
I have to say, this is probably the best course of action to take. It’s not all TA’s fault for making too big an alliance or being too serious about WvW scoring/rankings. A lot of it is actually the fault of all the other regular players in GW2.
Yes, even YOU out there, YOU who are reading this, are probably at fault, especially if you have been on Henge this entire time. The mentality of the playerbase in GW2 (and, in general this new generation of gamers) is very disappointing to say the least.
You see a huge alliance going to a server. What do you do, instead of joining servers that get matched against them? You FOLLOW THEM and bandwagon/team stack the ever-living crap out of one server. Do you have any sense of sportsmanship at all? Do you enjoy actual challenge in games?
Or are you here to watch an interactive movie where you hit random buttons in the middle of your superior zerg and take orders from players that know what to do? Instead of knowing what to do yourself, instead of wanting to fight the better players, to learn and to become one yourself?
Time and time again, I see this pattern, this horrible mentality of “I just want to win, so I’ll join the winning side, popular trend, the side with the most players that want to win, that care about winning. Who cares if that leaves nobody to fight that actually also cares/understands the system, RIGHT??”.
So, all you people blaming/berating TA, as much as part of me hates to say it, it wasn’t ALL their fault (just a significant portion of it was). And if you’re going to berate them and look down on them (even after this kind of decision), please 1st prove you’re allowed to be taken seriously. Do something like what I did. Beat a few of their guilds in a 1v2+ first, beat some of their 80s on the field, while obviously outnumbered. And not just once, but repeatedly. Then you can talk to them the way I sometimes talk to them. Until then, kindly be quiet and thank them for dispersing to balance a flawed system with flawed-minded players.
(edited by Slic.2406)
Thanks to everyone at TA for making Henge #1. It’s been a fun ride
Lame… You can’t play a month of a bracket and claim being undefeated.
Actually they can because they did dominate. What makes it really impressive is that they did this despite their queues. They did not tuck their tails and run. They toughened it out.
And to TA. You guys are truly (and I hope you get this reference) the Ender Wiggins of the game. I almost rolled HoD day 1 because of a friend from another game who was running with one of your guilds. Had a friend from the Marine Corps talk me in to going with him to NSP though since he is in Ruin (lol won’t hold that against him). It ended up working out for me since I’ve got zero queus. However I still would have liked to have been involved in some of those epic battles I’ve read about here and at guru.
What you guys are now doing is worthy of every players respect. You are taking the initiative to do your best to balance out the servers. I doubt anyone has to tell you guys this but don’t listen to the haters. They hated you before you decided to disburse because you would not, now they are hating you for doing the opposite.
I imagine that all the guilds from TA have already decided where they will take residence, but just in case any have not then I’d like to insert a plug for NSP. We need an off hours guild! It would be awesome to have a sizable group to run with during that time frame. Those of us who play in the off hours tend to get ronnery.
Well anyways, wherever the different guilds of TA end up, wish ya nothing but luck!
Northern Shiverpeakes
None of this matters, what everyone really wants to know is…which servers are your Euros transferring to?
@Anti, TA has only ever had ONE Euro guild… o.O
Sea of Sorrows
As an SBI player that never gave up even when hardly outnumbered, I wanna say thank you TA for the great fights and thank you for this decision that surely is for the good of the game. I am curious to see how servers will balance now.
I just hoped to win against you guys one day in the future but now you are splitting up.
My guild {Rage} even if a small guild, has never given up against you.
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
Mass Exodus starting in 3….2……1……….HoD empty !!!
Ashame TA pulls the plug so fast, game isnt even 1 month old and already 1 major alliance falls apart.
Many reasons why WvW aint optimal, but calling it quits when other servers are still building up community’s and WvW alliance’s doesnt show the real strenght of servers yet.
Iam HoD player and i realy dont wanne discredit any members of TA as you guys have a excelent record and its realy impressive what you and we the millitia has done.
But war is fought in many battles and while we have won many the war has not even started yet.
Make sure you change guildnames or each server you guys tranfers to becomes the next HoD magnet for scrubs and noobs we are left with now.
Lame… You can’t play a month of a bracket and claim being undefeated.
Actually they can because they did dominate. What makes it really impressive is that they did this despite their queues. They did not tuck their tails and run. They toughened it out.
I can say that the Holocaust didn’t happen too, but I’ll just get laughed at on the way out the door. Saying you’re undefeated a month into a bracket before the game balances is just absurd. This month is only a fraction of the bracket; I’m just stating the facts.
80 ~ Thief/Guardian
So basically, the bandwagon killed TA ?
Lame… You can’t play a month of a bracket and claim being undefeated.
Actually they can because they did dominate. What makes it really impressive is that they did this despite their queues. They did not tuck their tails and run. They toughened it out.
I can say that the Holocaust didn’t happen too, but I’ll just get laughed at on the way out the door. Saying you’re undefeated a month into a bracket before the game balances is just absurd. This month is only a fraction of the bracket; I’m just stating the facts.
And so am I. They dominated and based on what some of my friends on JQ and ET told me, that was not going to change anytime soon. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this. The most important thing here is that they are spreading out. This is good for the NA servers. I’m hoping this causes a domino effect and we get server balance reaching further than tier 2. Yeah I’m glass is half full kinda guy. Cheers.
Northern Shiverpeakes
Looking in WvW now already shows HoD has broken their back and is not realy able to fight JQ / SBI.
The score
SBI 305
JQ 225
HoD 165
Jump off the bandwagon people HoD has officaly died.
Dear TA guilds. Come to Sorrows Furnace. We only want like 1 or 2 of you. More will give us Que times.
Yours Truly,
Tired of getting stomped
I called Condemned quitting early well before the game launched, but I’m surprised TA could not survive without Condemned.
While I think the redistribution of the Guilds is a great thing the declarations of being undefeated is laughable. They often chastise other servers for quitting early in a week, but then they themselves quit before the game actually balances out, majority of players get to 80 and get comfortble with their gear/classes. Alliances get to form and catch up.
You know what was going to change in two week match ups? The 2nd weekend. Something to fight through the week for.
And saying you only had “one” euro guild. That’s enough. I mean honestly one group of players running around in the wee hours of the morning is enough to cap everything and upgrade everything.
Sure NA Primetime HoD was competitive, but were beaten. I often remember on Red Borderlands vs HoD they often only owned just one keep during 24 hour match ups, and often won because of mechanics/reset abuse of stonemist. (which actually caused stonemist to be corrected)
Just as other servers are catching up to actually be competition for HoD, the major alliance folds.
Not surprised at all with Condemned being involved.
I keep hearing about other servers catching up, still yet to see it.
Now most will X-fer to JQ, SBI, and possibly ET. Nothings will really change other than server names. Oh and major que times for the new FotM server set. Heh.
I guess on plus side: my que tonight was instant at prime time on HoD.
we cant win.
we get kittenon for being too dominant.
we split up so that the competition gets evened out despite out best interests, and still get chewed out.
you kents will never be happy eh?
Titan Alliance, Henge of Denravi
Looking in WvW now already shows HoD has broken their back and is not realy able to fight JQ / SBI.
The scoreSBI 305
JQ 225
HoD 165Jump off the bandwagon people HoD has officaly died.
or should i say, people at HoD has already concluded that the match result is already decided, therefore no need to waste much energy…. let SbI and JQ fight for 2nd….
Archeage = Farmville with PK