To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


I know that Anvil Rock is going through some difficult times right now, and that everything feels hopeless, and imagine that it feels similar for the members of Ferguson’s that WvWvW. I just wanted to say, never falter, never surrender, do not give up on your server. No, you are not going to control the whole map, and yes, you are probably going to lose that supply camp you just captured, but get in the fight. Get out there and at the very least cost your enemy a little silver, and a little pride. Flip those camps, flip those towers. Do whatever it takes to dig in and entrench for the rest of this match up. Don’t try and rule the whole map, find yourself a little corner and hold it like the die hard warriors I know are.

While it’s true, over the last few weeks, AR has lost 2 very active WvW guilds, and a lot of great players/strategists (TFO then ANV) this is not the time to just say all is lost, everything is hopeless.

Yesterday, I took 2 guild members into WvW that had done little to no WvW and you know what, we had a blast, score or no score. We killed caravans, flipped NPC camps, took supply camps, It was a great time, while occasionally aggravating to be run down by 3-4 times your number with the orb bonus, but, as it turns out, the other players bleed just as well with the buff on as they do with it off, and the people we finished… what a great feeling. Knowing that regardless of score, we could do great things in the small scenarios, and it felt really good to push just 5 more points up, not because it’s going to make us win, but because so many feel like it cannot be done.

Never surrender, even when all hope seems lost, keep fighting to your last.

And for the love of all that is good and pure, stop running into fortified keeps with full siege, it’s embarrassing.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: aNTarTis.2561


TFO and ANV left Anvil Rock?

Commander of [XO] Xtreme Online –

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Well I have been raiding camp for 1 month at least. I’m getting bored of doing that. Can’t remember the last time we didn’t get outzerged when we tried to push.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@aNTarTis Yes, they did indeed
@Kardiamond I completely understand that, I feel you, really I do. Sometimes taking new people into the WvW does help make me resee why I do it in the first place.
@Sess Staying put? Good, not that I don’t understand why people would transfer to an easier situation. But remember, you don’t get better at something by going down to an easier situation. People are going to be hardened veterans on the lower tiered servers long before most other players. We will adapt to survive, because we have to, and that will pay off in the long term.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Godfather.8217


Not all guilds have left.

You will be seeing more and more of SoS running around, infact yesterday we conducted operation Ferguson. We attempted to help ferguson yesterday by keeping our enemies occupied in defending bluelake, and with help of others that saw us making our siege zone we fought hard, I earend alot of badges in that operation, all my guild members had a blast. They pushed us and destroyed our siege zone 3 x’s but I kept rebuilding our siege gear, but after witnessing several speed hacks and immune to dmg for longer than my own ability of 6 seconds on my own ranger it was defintily a sign that they were determined to win at all cost. Ferguson did great at the begining, and infact we saw that they took the supply camp from the enemy, and they came around the corner, saw my guys at the siege gear, and with the exception of one ferguson player the rest of them ran back the other way leaving us alone. Once that happened we noticed their push up north which was great, splitting the forces between us and them. Later down the evening, it seems ferguson went to bed, because lol, we felt the brunt of darkhaven forces, and after a while we figured the DH nightshift zerg fest arrived. It was a glorious fight, but shame on you DH players using speed hacks, and those warriors using every skill of every class. Shame for ruining an otherwise awesome battle.

I want to thank everyone involved in that fight and supporting the operation, keep your eyes and ears open, because there will be more to come.

Syndicate of Shadows

Syndicate of Shadows, Anvil rock
Darksavage – 80 Ranger Shadowena – 80 Thief
Darkside Syndicate – 80 Mesmer

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


That is a shame if DH players are using speed hacks. It explains why DH owns the entire map.
I can’t wait till the server resets and we can have a battle like we did this past Friday Friday.

Come on AR and FC show us what zerg means.

To all hackers and cheaters Grow a set and play like a hero not a coward. WE DON’T THINK YOUR COOL, we are laughing at you, not with you.

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Pangie.3217


That is a shame if DH players are using speed hacks. It explains why DH owns the entire map.

I don’t like cheaters, they ruin the game for everyone. I am an honest player and most players on our server are honest. However, we are plagued by a few members that are cheaters. We don’t condone their behavior and if we had the chance we would kick them out of our server and have them banned. Saying it explains why we own everything sounds like you’re saying our server is filled with hackers and we hacked our way through everything. Which is unfair.

The plain and simple fact is that we out number FC and AR, this is the first time in a while that I’ve seen queues to get into WvW. It seems as though more people are participating in WvW now that we are winning. I can’t help but wonder where all these numbers were when we were losing last week and needed them. Or where were they when we were only 1k behind from taking the lead and asked people in open world to come help out in the last hours of the match up two weeks ago.

And in keeping with the theme of this thread, I really hope AR and FC doesn’t give up and push us back. I hate that we’re spawn camping, it’s so stupid. I don’t even bother with wvw right now because I know when I go in that would be what I find.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Sals.9534


It only takes one or two hackers to ruin a game. For me to pigeon hole an entire server based on a select few would be closed minded.

Colegate / Selos Song Kaineng-DE Guild

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


“@Sess Staying put? Good, not that I don’t understand why people would transfer to an easier situation. But remember, you don’t get better at something by going down to an easier situation. People are going to be hardened veterans on the lower tiered servers long before most other players. We will adapt to survive, because we have to, and that will pay off in the long term.”

We didn’t move to an easier situation. We left because we were sick of being in a completely unbalanced matchup every week, and because there was no organization on the server. ANV had a 200 slot TS set up for all the guilds of the server so we could coordinate and become organized, and barely anyone used it. We had multiple commanders in our borderlands that had no clue what they were doing other than zerging, and pugs that did nothing but follow said zerg without defending one bit. (To put this in perspective, friday night we had a queue on AR BL, and still lost everything on that map, because people do not know how to defend.)

When anyone that wasn’t Nom (and people even argued with him as well) tried telling them what needed to be done to keep our keeps/towers/camps the general attitude was horrible and led to fights in Team/Map chat. The whole situation was nothing but frustration, and sorry but what is the point of arguing with your own teamates while trying to do something all of us enjoyed.

As far as an easier situation? No. It isn’t like we moved to DH for the week to spawn camp. We moved to a much more equal playing ground, where you still have to fight tooth and nail to take/keep points on the map, but also the investments you put into the map are actually worth it instead of wasting multiple gold to take/defend a keep only to lose it to numbers 2 hours later.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


@Bash : Farewell, myself I’m not leaving this server until we get merged!

@DarkSavage : You did a wonderful job, we tried everything we could to take this tower. Too bad we weren’t enought people and the ennemies had infinite supply from owning the map. They just fully repaired the tower each time.

Don’t give up SoS, we need more guild like you. Guild that won’t give up! I will fight at your side until the end!

By the way, I didn’t really see speed hacking. I saw a guy that kept warping around, so hard to hit. But since I don’t know every class, I thought it was normal.

Don’t give up AR and FC, we might owns a Tower for 30 minutes before Friday!!

By the way check this :

We currently have the worse match up NA/Europe.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


@Bash Wouldn’t that be a text book definition of an easier situation. I am not saying easy, just easier.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


@Bash Wouldn’t that be a text book definition of an easier situation. I am not saying easy, just easier.


Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


No, because the fight still exists. ANV was able to take keeps/towers while in AR, using pretty much the same tactics we have to use currently. Just now we can actually invest in them instead of leaving them empty due to there actually being people left to defend them in the end. It Is a difference is the organization not difficulty. The only thing you could really say that would be easier is that people actually listen and defend key points, but the overall epic battles are pretty much the same as what we had in DH BLs on friday. You take a place, you defend it, and wait until the time is right to try to expand.

Hell this was shown the first day we were on the server. We had the outmanned buff on an enemy borderlands, yet we still had our southern corner and a keep under control, and were pushing off zergs and constant attacks on our points. The only thing that made AR more “difficult” were the people on it that refused to work together. Hell if people had worked together in the first place i doubt TFO and ANV would have left. What got us in the end was the horrible attitude in WvW more than anything else.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: True Seeker.3682

True Seeker.3682

“@Sess Staying put? Good, not that I don’t understand why people would transfer to an easier situation. But remember, you don’t get better at something by going down to an easier situation. People are going to be hardened veterans on the lower tiered servers long before most other players. We will adapt to survive, because we have to, and that will pay off in the long term.”

We didn’t move to an easier situation. We left because we were sick of being in a completely unbalanced matchup every week, and because there was no organization on the server. ANV had a 200 slot TS set up for all the guilds of the server so we could coordinate and become organized, and barely anyone used it. We had multiple commanders in our borderlands that had no clue what they were doing other than zerging, and pugs that did nothing but follow said zerg without defending one bit. (To put this in perspective, friday night we had a queue on AR BL, and still lost everything on that map, because people do not know how to defend.)

When anyone that wasn’t Nom (and people even argued with him as well) tried telling them what needed to be done to keep our keeps/towers/camps the general attitude was horrible and led to fights in Team/Map chat. The whole situation was nothing but frustration, and sorry but what is the point of arguing with your own teamates while trying to do something all of us enjoyed.

As far as an easier situation? No. It isn’t like we moved to DH for the week to spawn camp. We moved to a much more equal playing ground, where you still have to fight tooth and nail to take/keep points on the map, but also the investments you put into the map are actually worth it instead of wasting multiple gold to take/defend a keep only to lose it to numbers 2 hours later.

You did move to an easier situation, however. Instead of investing the time/energy/leadership to rally the server together or forge alliances to cover our weaknesses, you decided to leave where those things were already done for you. We are outmatched due to server population issues and timezone coverage… changes which can possibly be fixed over time assuming organized guilds don’t leave the server during the growing pains.

I’ve been in WvW with a small raiding party and as some of those zergs as well, and many times Nom or others would generally tell us not to bother defending keeps due to overwhelming numbers within our own Borderlands. You require numbers in order to defend keeps while still going on to capture more. A skeleton crew won’t do much when the zerg is following you around recapping everything, and they STILL have numbers to spare to split off and take the few supply camps PUGs and small guilds are capable of taking. This is all a debate over strategy, however, and the issue is based on organization at its root.

People are going to argue in map/team chat when we are losing by as much as we typically are. It’s stressful. The reason we are losing I feel is a lack of night presence, and only way to do that is to forge alliances (which only one of the more organized guilds is going to be capable of doing that) to cover the time gap, as has been seen on the more successful servers.

Here is the thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s Anvil Rock, Ferg, wherever. If you are in a lower tiered server right now with low population and no timezone coverage you have 3 options:

1) Be the change. Help forge alliances. Organize the server. Power through the kitteny weeks and make the server better.
2) Rely on someone else to do it and listen to them and execute their strategies.
3) Leave because it’s too hard.

You opted for the 3rd. Seeing as this is a game, in the end it doesn’t matter. It’s up to you to enjoy the game you are playing, and if that means abandoning the server you are on instead of powering through it, then that is your prerogative.

Just don’t expect the people you abandon to like you for it.

On a personal note, I really don’t give a crap what guilds leave. The weak willed will be culled and eventually we will build our way up. I hope to be when we crush them in the future.


To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


Did you not read the part about ANV having a 200 slot TS server FOR OTHER GUILDS TO USE and no other guilds used it? Also there WAS an alliance called the Anvil rock coalition (ARC) which did have meetings but pretty much went nowhere, again because nobody communicated? ANV TRIED to organize the server and got nowhere with it. We tried organizing the server, twice, before TFO had left, and then again after. We also tried recruiting guilds to our server, once again to no avail. atm we still have TS rooms for the guilds of SoS, TIAZ, TRT ATX, TAC, OTBT. we also had a room for TFO until they left. So please, do not just group us into jumping ship and saying we didn’t try.

And as far as #2 who else was there to follow? And why should we wait for someone to finally step up when we had been for a month to no avail.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

(edited by Bash.7291)

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: True Seeker.3682

True Seeker.3682

Did you not read the part about ANV having a 200 slot TS server FOR OTHER GUILDS TO USE and no other guilds used it? Also there WAS an alliance called the Anvil rock coalition (ARC) which did have meetings but pretty much went nowhere, again because nobody communicated? ANV TRIED to organize the server and got nowhere with it. We tried organizing the server, twice, before TFO had left, and then again after. We also tried recruiting guilds to our server, once again to no avail. atm we still have TS rooms for the guilds of SoS, TIAZ, TRT ATX, TAC, OTBT. we also had a room for TFO until they left. So please, do not just group us into jumping ship and saying we didn’t try.

I’m not saying you guys didn’t try. I’m saying you either didn’t try hard enough, or your attempts failed in some way. There is no shame in that, as it’s hard work and I personally wouldn’t be up to the task. I’m also not sure how well advertised the guild channel was but that is probably my own fault for not really looking for it.

Sorry if my comments were a bit crude/angry sounding. Still bitter after a group of ANV players told us it was essentially pointless for any of us to bother going into WvW and then left.


To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


I think somewhere I have a screenshot of Nom stating that ANV will never transfer off Anvil Rock.

Though to be honest, I kind of doubt we will actually see a difference now that they are gone. Well aside from a drastic reduction in guild recruitment span in battlegrounds.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: HeroForHire.6843


I think the biggest thing that bugged me about when ANV was leaving was the fact that I saw them say something to the effect of “good luck when we go to the lowest tier bracket next week” and as Anvil rock keeps holding onto second place it’s not going to happen yet.

I’ll admit though after seeing the other sever match ups ( I jumped severs for now to at least try to find out what they’re doing differently…

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Morpeth.5318


Kiviar.7063 I was online with Nom about 3-4 days ago when he explicitly said they are moving to a new server — though he didn’t want to say which one.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: HeroForHire.6843


@Morpeth, the day they were transferring off they said which one they were going to

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: True Seeker.3682

True Seeker.3682

So now Nom is also transferring? Figures.


To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Naxxus.7230


@ heroforhire you can drop down to final bracket still. Dont count it out.
We at Anv tried everything we could to get the server to work together. Nothing worked.
We made a choice as a guild to leave so that we many enjoy the game more.
At the end of the day this is a game and all that really matters is are we having fun. Some will still have fun on Anvil. But as for me personally i was tired of taking a point and 5mins later losing it. Also tired of the randoms not playing as a team. One day you will prob rise up and i hope Anvil does.
Dont condone us because we left. We stayed while mvp and Tfo left. We tried and well as a server we failed to rally up. So we left.
Wish all of anvilrock the best. Maybe down the road anvil rock with vs us and it will be a grand battle.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


Not sure who told you not to bother with WvW then left, but yeah that does suck. On the last day I was there we made a decent attack on DH’s BL again and took over bay but lost it shortly after. So personally I was fighting until I left. But can’t say I speak for everyone in that matter.

And as I said before the biggest thing was just the lack of communication, egarding trying to organize the server. I know at some points we did give the TS info out in Team/map chat but nobody ever did bite on it, and it was always talked about during meetings and stressed. The two people I know that ever really used it were Shugknight (TFO’s leader) and Darksavage (SoS’s leader) and of those two I think Dark was the only one that actually communicated to us on it. Shug mostly used whatever his guild was using and was just kinda idle on it.

I have no hard feelings towards those still on AR. I honestly didn’t want to leave at first but when it came down to it I just was not having fun anymore. WvW is the biggest reason I personally play this game, and fighting over team/map chat to try to get people to organize just became tiring. I understand people on the server may not like us for our choice, I know we were not very happy with TFO when they left (granted we still had somewhat of a fighting chance then, compared to what we were facing when we left) But I am not a fan of people saying we just moved to a winning server without trying. And as I said in the other AR thread, we actually moved to a server who is currently in second place in their tier and their current matchup, so we didnt even move to a server that is winning more than we are now, we just moved to a more organized one with less stress.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


, we actually moved to a server who is currently in second place in their tier and their current matchup, so we didnt even move to a server that is winning more than we are now

I have to admit, I find it hilarious that people from ANV think that since they are ‘only’ moving to a server in 2nd place of its tier it’s somehow less of a slap in the face.

But really, it’s not their fault for wanting to hit b and see a pie chart not full of someone else’s colour. Its Arena Net’s fault for letting them, and others, leave our deserted server for higher pop ones.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: HeroForHire.6843


Last I heard Anvilrock was up by 10,000 points and both AR and Ferg only had a camp so it would be hard to drop a bracket unless the entire sever tried to at this point…

As for the ANV guild no hard feeling, I know while you were on the sever you did lots to help like dropping feasts, upgraded rams, and actually tried to hold nodes on the map. I saw Nom try and get people to say in advance who would like to place rams then pick a few to drop them so we did not waste them, though I saw a few times where people ignored him and dropped extras.

I look forward to someday fighting against your guild ^.^

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Bash.7291


@Kiviar: I only say that because of the whole “winning server” arguement. Fact is, we still aren’t winning, but we are having more fun at not winning.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


To those saying that without ANV we are going to the bottom, well since ANV left, Ferg didn’t get more points then usual. It still feel the same for me. The change might be harder next week during reset, but new people will come and a new guild will take their place.

Yesterday I saw a new guild created from old ANV members that was recruiting, so not all of them left.

I’m pretty sure we will keep the same pace now then before, just with differente people.

P.S : DarkSavage guild is taking over ANV role, and he is doing a fairly good job. We had really fun fight yesterday thanks to him.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


To those saying that without ANV we are going to the bottom, well since ANV left, Ferg didn’t get more points then usual. It still feel the same for me. The change might be harder next week during reset, but new people will come and a new guild will take their place.

Yesterday I saw a new guild created from old ANV members that was recruiting, so not all of them left.

I’m pretty sure we will keep the same pace now then before, just with differente people.

P.S : DarkSavage guild is taking over ANV role, and he is doing a fairly good job. We had really fun fight yesterday thanks to him.

Well like I said above, I don’t think its going to change anything. Next week we will get stomped by whoever loses the tier above us, and we will probably once again come in 2nd place to whoever stomps the servers worse than ours below us.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: mOOnRaBBiT.8913


You did move to an easier situation, however. Instead of investing the time/energy/leadership to rally the server together or forge alliances to cover our weaknesses, you decided to leave where those things were already done for you. We are outmatched due to server population issues and timezone coverage… changes which can possibly be fixed over time assuming organized guilds don’t leave the server during the growing pains.

I’ve been in WvW with a small raiding party and as some of those zergs as well, and many times Nom or others would generally tell us not to bother defending keeps due to overwhelming numbers within our own Borderlands. You require numbers in order to defend keeps while still going on to capture more. A skeleton crew won’t do much when the zerg is following you around recapping everything, and they STILL have numbers to spare to split off and take the few supply camps PUGs and small guilds are capable of taking. This is all a debate over strategy, however, and the issue is based on organization at its root.

People are going to argue in map/team chat when we are losing by as much as we typically are. It’s stressful. The reason we are losing I feel is a lack of night presence, and only way to do that is to forge alliances (which only one of the more organized guilds is going to be capable of doing that) to cover the time gap, as has been seen on the more successful servers.

Here is the thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s Anvil Rock, Ferg, wherever. If you are in a lower tiered server right now with low population and no timezone coverage you have 3 options:

1) Be the change. Help forge alliances. Organize the server. Power through the kitteny weeks and make the server better.
2) Rely on someone else to do it and listen to them and execute their strategies.
3) Leave because it’s too hard.

You opted for the 3rd. Seeing as this is a game, in the end it doesn’t matter. It’s up to you to enjoy the game you are playing, and if that means abandoning the server you are on instead of powering through it, then that is your prerogative.

Just don’t expect the people you abandon to like you for it.

On a personal note, I really don’t give a crap what guilds leave. The weak willed will be culled and eventually we will build our way up. I hope to be when we crush them in the future.

i think it’s not easier, the server ANV picked to transfer is maybe organized and have population but so are the server they are up against with. and getting the outmanned buff and having no queues also. it’s a hard battle just to win a place on the map.

as far as i remembered, the time that ANV pick the server, the server was at 3rd place not 2nd. it was just the recent days that the server went 2nd and last time i checked it don’t have orb.

so i think no it is not easier and no it is not winning.

and believe me ANV did tried hard, i was on WvWvW the whole time last week. low morale and people boycott WvWvW, TFO left. even though, ANV was still there, making use of the time trying to learn, teach and organize while trying to have some fun.

“1) Be the change. Help forge alliances. Organize the server. Power through the kitteny weeks and make the server better.”

ANV already tried that on previous weeks.

(edited by mOOnRaBBiT.8913)

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Thraize.9608


2cents from ferg’s crossing

I like how my server claims that they are good but just outnumbered. I say they are delusional. If only i can spell that out in caps arial font 40. We are bad. We deserve our spot in the rankings.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


This is not a thread to bring up bitterness about a guild leaving. ANV left, an indication of their commitment to their server, maybe. As far as ANV TS, and ARC I know I personally asked on more than one occasion for that info, and never got a response. If that is trying hard, then I can understand why you failed.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Caliburn.1845


In regards to DH players using hacks, I know we have some who do.

But that behavior is not condoned or endorsed by any of our guilds or leaders. Next time you see someone from DH hacking, note their guild tag, and send me a mail in game with the details. Odds are I know their guildleader and or officers. I want them off my server more than you want to never deal with them again.

But be careful about labeling something as a speed hack. With the render issues, bugs, and lag(you getting a lag spike will make players move super fast across your screen sometimes), it makes certainty really hard. I have seen orbs and keeps hacked, with absolute 100% certainty. I have never seen a speed hack that I was 100% sure was a speed hack.

Caliburn.1845, Monsters Inc.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Libalaw.5218


This is a little late for the discussion but this is what I want you all to understand about what happened and why we’re planning the move.

I read all the posts up to me typing this so I could give you all a stronger understanding overall as to why there was a move. To begin, when we were in the WvW we played to win, we organized strategies to make the server what it could be. We held meetings to do what we could to make things work. Did TFO leaving make us choose to move, it did play a part but that wasn’t it completely. AR has several guilds across the server but out of the people in those guilds about (estimated statistic) 75% of the server was either PvE or SPvP. When it came to a world vs world presence we just didn’t have the numbers.

I logged on Monday night to check out the status of WvW but before I went into one of the borderlands, I opened our map and saw 5 commanders rolling around in PvE. That means we have people who bought the book just for the icon. They don’t want to help out in the alliance, they don’t try to communicate, they just do their own thing. We try to organize the people and it doesn’t always work.

Our moral did get hit hard when there was the initial orb hacking. But what hit it harder was the fact that we didn’t have people who wanted to help out in WvW. Sure we have the smaller guilds (of which I do appreciate still) who help out and go where we need them but overall we have people who want to do their own thing and not help out the server. When we began the alliance we wanted it to be in WvW we followed one rule for the server. When we started recruiting other guilds, you’d be amazed how many stated, no we’ll go in with our organization and do our own thing.

What am I suppose to say to that? There is nothing we can do for the server when a vast majority of guilds don’t want to help the server. So while we may be moving to another server, that server is more WvW oriented than our server is. A lot of people in our server are out for self and not for the betterment of the cause. Some have posted that we would take keeps and just move on with no defense? Yes that’s because we knew that within 5 hours from taking them they would be taken back again. We were doing it solely for the xp / karma and nothing else. I myself haven’t transferred yet but from what I’ve heard, you don’t get xp runs going because WvW is what it was meant to be at higher ranks. It’s a constant battle at all hours, no break, to add to that, the pie chart isn’t lop-sided either. It’s pretty even, meaning the Server itself want’s to work together.

So on my end, my moral got shot when the guild itself felt we couldn’t do anything more because we didn’t have the support of the server itself, just a few people in it. To those I haven’t responded to over the last week or so, yes that’s my fault, I’m sorry but there has been a lot going on within our guild as you can see. If you’d like to get more information overall from me feel free to PM me and I can setup a talk time with you.

Xirilic – Defenders of Heroism (Hero)
Leadership is the capacity to transform vision into reality.

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


Thanks, Libalaw.

Your post is a good closing. I think this probably gonna be my last post in Anvil Rock thread.

For the rest of the ex-ANV that staying at Anvil rock, I wish you luck. For those that came together with us, please lets move forward, and don’t look back. I suggest to avoid opening Anvil Rock thread, and If curiousity won out, I suggest avoid writing in it.

We have found more recruits and more friends, our guild has started to gain name, in a few days we will get a 2nd commander book, More importantly we are in the world where our action have chance of affecting the result of the match. Let the old home go, we choose a decision, and for me personally, I think it’s the right one.

As a note : We have fun, this is a great game, and because it’s a great game you can be trapped. Don’t get drown in this immersive world, swim. Play the game, have some fun. Don’t make it trap you into the doing something that drain your emotion day after day, You have enough of that in your real life. But I admit that people are different, so for those that stay at Anvil rock, and manage to have some fun, I said congratulation and more power for you.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Not really sure blaming the rest of the server for not letting you win is the way to spin this. Especially considering how ANV condemned every other major guild for leaving our server.

But please don’t make this out as some great catharsis. I’m sure its really nice that you are finally on a populated server, but now the people on Anvil have less of a chance of winning in wvw, and there fore less chance at fun.

(edited by Kiviar.7063)

To Anvil Rock and Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Xorn.6079


i left desolation and came to AR when my lvl is about 70 and now im 80 with full exotic stuffs. from what i see, there are still many of newbies in AR which dont even know what wvw is. fortunately, i do realize that this server still has hope and more organized guilds emerged. i do hope more people will join those wvw guilds because its really fun. last week i joined Darksavage in his fight for fun and glory. i will make my stand here till the end. godspeed to our comrades fighting with us. thanks.

Character : Xorn Crossfire (Engineer)
Guild : Organization Zero (Zero)
World : Crystal Desert