To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Emboric.6578


First off, let me say this loud and clear:

Congratulations on your very first victory!

Seriously, congratulations on a hard-earned victory. Excellent use of every possible / available tactics that you had at your disposal: Propaganda, Inspiration, Recruitment, Night-time raiding (Yes, I know a lot of you don’t approve of this tactic and I am in no way speaking for those of you who dislike it), Attack Manoeuvres, ect ect.

A big cheer to Fubuki and everyone else involved in rallying up Kaineng’s fighting spirit and rising their server up!

I would also like to add a lot of respect to Denova’s for putting up just as fierce a battle as everyone else, even while sitting in 3rd. Kudos, gentlemen!

And finally, an amazing fighting effort from the lads back home at Ferguson’s! Keep your blades sharp, guys. There’s plenty more blood to be had!

Looking forward to a new match-up, and a new week of hard fighting. And again, grats on the win Kaineng!




Emboric, Defender of Dolyaks!
-Ferguson’s Crossing-

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Yup I wanna say… lotsa respect to DR as well.. they are defintely not the 3rd wheel here… they are just as well in the fight as the other 2 servers… i constantly see thier borderlands locked down.

Looking forward to a great matchup again!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

DR’s efforts are something that cannot be overlooked. They were like Kaineng last week, who finally breached 100k mark in score, who knows what this week would be like in WvW. I’m seriously looking forward to it

Let’s have a nice and fun fight

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Has certainly been fun thus far, though I find myself asking at times, “Why is Kaineng doing that?”

The 10+ seige at the astralholme supply camp made little sense to me. But its been a ton of fun, I can only hope for such an evenly matched game this week.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

Ahh, I’m liking all the pleasantries in this thread. Great match for everyone. Good luck to all this coming week.

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


First off, let me say this loud and clear:

Congratulations on your very first victory!

Seriously, congratulations on a hard-earned victory. Excellent use of every possible / available tactics that you had at your disposal: Propaganda, Inspiration, Recruitment, Night-time raiding (Yes, I know a lot of you don’t approve of this tactic and I am in no way speaking for those of you who dislike it), Attack Manoeuvres, ect ect.

A big cheer to Fubuki and everyone else involved in rallying up Kaineng’s fighting spirit and rising their server up!

I would also like to add a lot of respect to Denova’s for putting up just as fierce a battle as everyone else, even while sitting in 3rd. Kudos, gentlemen!

And finally, an amazing fighting effort from the lads back home at Ferguson’s! Keep your blades sharp, guys. There’s plenty more blood to be had!

Looking forward to a new match-up, and a new week of hard fighting. And again, grats on the win Kaineng!



“A big cheer for Fubuki…” uuummm dude…Fubuki quit posting a while back when the server was in last place…I’ll post the reasons why he said he quit posting in the screen shot off his website below. Why not cheer for the people who were actually active and got guilds to transfer from other servers? Oh maybe…because some of us aren’t as “gentlemanly” in our approach….as others. lol


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: MetalPanda.1293


Hey kaide I am interested in moving to Kaineng. Why? I got no clue maybe its your spirit man. I only WvWvW and it seems like its something you take pride in.

Before I move there, how many players are usually on at say around 8-12 pm EST.

I plan on making a 15-20 man guild on kaineng and just wrecking in wvwvw. Like I plan to gather 15 people who will play actively every night and be feared on that server.

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


“A big cheer for Fubuki…” uuummm dude…Fubuki quit posting a while back when the server was in last place…I’ll post the reasons why he said he quit posting in the screen shot off his website below. Why not cheer for the people who were actually active and got guilds to transfer from other servers? Oh maybe…because some of us aren’t as “gentlemanly” in our approach….as others. lol

I think someone is jealous. Man this thread was lookin good until you showed up. You’re more of a buzzkill than Buzz Killington.

Moving on. I’m with ya OP! Congrats to Kaineng for their journey upwards! The last week was downright crazy in our matchup, and I look forward to another week of it!

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Brimwood.7963


I just have to say one thing about the whole night capping thing:

Kaineng is NOT night capping. Their biggest guild SoS is from Taiwan. The whole server, having a Canthan (and Chinese sounding) name attracts a lot of people from Asia as well as some from Australia who like having other people on when they’re on.

All in all there are probably at least as many people from Asia / Oceania or living there on Kaineng as there are Americans.
What exactly do the people complaining about night capping (not the OP in this thread I know) expect? That people playing on Kaineng are just going to not play during their daytime?

If FC wants to win, what they have to do is very simple. Score more points during their daytime than Kaineng can score in their own.
Thanks to the original poster for the congratulations and sportsmanship shown by the way, this comment was in no way aimed at you

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


This thread is one giant, veggie loving disappointment.

I look forward to killing you soon.

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Oshuma.6438


Yea, great job my Kaineng comrades. Shouts to [Salt] and especially Vakat. Let’s give ‘em hell this week and maybe we’ll move up!

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I’m am member on DR. And wvw officer in my guild. And even though I love to see kaineng blood at the end of my staff. Good job guys.

And as far as this match up goes this week. You will see allot from DR more than you ever had. We are rallying together allot more. Last night was one of the first nights everyone worked together on are map. And after being attacked bye ferg’s and kaineng at the same time. We where able to hold off the both of you. And gain ground.

Here’s to a good clean fight.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: micron.5369


Overlooked in much of this was Devona’s large point score. I could be mistaken, but I think it might have been their highest point score to date? At either rate, you guys put up a heck of a fight, and part of the reason why there was a new “winner” this bracket was because Fergs finally had two active teams to fight against.

Looking forward to another week! I’m sure Fergs will (and from what i’ve seen last night, has) come out fired up and looking for some revenge!

To Kaineng, From Ferguson's:

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


This week’s DR score was pretty much the total of the last two weeks combined. We’re getting are stuff together and more guilds are participating now that they’re getting their first 80’s done. How’d you guys like when DR took that castle in the last 5 hours of the match last night and not only fought off the Ferg defenders but wiped out a Kain crew that thought they’d get an easy steal? I know Kain took that castle literally in the last 10 mins of the event, but still it took a dual effort of two servers with more WvW population to take out most of our crew. I guess what we lack in numbers we’re starting to make up for in quality (kinda like the old US vs USSR thing about the tanks years ago during the cold war years).

I know a lot of people keep saying that Kain is the least population server in the entire game, but I don’t believe that’s the case any longer. When loading up from the world selections most nights during primetime you will find Devona still has the ‘lowest’ population at Medium, whilst everyone else is High. Devona also has the lowest WvW population yet we manage to stay in force during primetime hours. Anyone looking for a challenging server may apply within with any of the currently active WvW guilds or bring your own and coordinate with the guilds that are already here (hence why we’re getting together far more often). We’ve had a few bad moves to this server and some commanders that are a joke…don’t come here if you don’t have your A game on because we don’t need anymore jokers, we need people that can listen and that can lead.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

(edited by ktith.6197)