Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
SoR vs FA vs DB
These 2 servers are only 3 and 4 slots away from SOR and look at the matchup. The devs CANNOT be so ignorant of the situation as to see this as a fun matchup in any way. So it only leads to one option… they WANT this… this is what they want out of the WvW game.
Im aTCer….a WvW regular who almost lived in the BLs for the past year….. since the map changes and the buff addition I have barely had an interest in playing WvW for more than a few minutes at a time now…. I posted on this Trainwreck before it was rolled out to the live servers, but many said how wonderful this will be! Now on TC and on many other servers it seems a lot of the core players are either leaving GW2 all together or at the very least doing more PVE stuff….. its a shame but in SPITE of the few who say otherwise this drag on to the WvW players has just begun to take its toll and if not addressed this will be a very destructive trend……
For the record I do not mind servers we are against… in fact prior to this patch I actually Looked forward to the “Against All odds” weeks against the Big Guns! Not only was it always School in Session, but it was also quite exciting…… but now with this sPVP map plunked down into the center of the map along with the buffs it just isnt really as much fun.
(edited by saratoga.4872)
take a look at this guys signature and then decide whether you wanna feed this thread or not
take a look at this guys signature and then decide whether you wanna feed this thread or not
Thanks for that!
Considering how I feel about the “Manifesto-breaking” Ascended Weapon implementation as well as the horrible implementation of Bloodlust and incoming Leagues/Seasons I felt I had to support this thread now!
Hearts and minds. Why try hard when you can forum warrior and beg Anet for wins.
My point is that lower tiers get their morale broken quickly by tier 1 and skip the week. The score was close for the first 4 hours.
WvW needs a individual and guild leaderboard. This will give the losing side something to play for.
It’s mostly because DB just imploded and FA has nearly ZERO non North American coverage
I have my own stalker in Spehss! I feel loved.
prime. We can blame all the lower tiers for being cowards and weak… or we can blame all the upper tiers for stacking to win and being weak and shallow…
or we can see this is a problem and make Anet do something about it finally. The simple fact that ANYONE says these are “ok” kind of matchups proves they are just
stacking to win some stupid chest thumping kitten contest.
Can’t wait until my server at rank 12 gets to play against Blackgate, JQ, SOR, TC…
We’ll be lucky to make it out of spawn to do their achievements, let alone hold any towers or keeps. It makes me even more worried about how many people might exodus the server, potentially making the problem even worse.
The devs CANNOT be so ignorant of the situation as to see this as a fun matchup in any way.
Fun fact: they are, or at least pretend to be.
The only thing missing in this equation is what are the “secondary” objectives and rewards for the new league. The finisher won’t pull the pve only folk in.
The orbs won’t bring the pve in.
So, what IS the master plan?
The league system might even help NA in the long run. I played in NA t1 for a while and have to say that it was probably my worst wvw experience. There were very few skilled guilds and it was rare to find a group with less than 40 people. Sometimes the skill lag was so bad that it was literally impossible to move. This kind of stacking in one tier is not healthy for the game and the league system will make sure that either the guilds of the top 3 servers move or they will get boring match ups almost every week.
If you look at the EU, wvw players have spread much more evenly across the servers. Skill lag is pretty rare unless you are fighting viz or sfr and most groups run with 15-35 people. And you get good fights every week.
If you look at the EU, wvw players have spread much more evenly across the servers.
What garbage are you spewing here? It only takes 4 ranks difference before EU servers start getting rolled, and many of us have 5 and 6 ranks difference in our match up.
Skill lag is pretty rare unless you are fighting viz or sfr and most groups run with 15-35 people. And you get good fights every week.
Again, more garbage. I get skill lag all the time in EB. That’s why I don’t play there anymore. I haven’t had the large problems with buff recalc lag this week but we aren’t getting “good fights”. We’re getting blobbed and run over which really isn’t much fun.
If you look at the EU, wvw players have spread much more evenly across the servers.
What garbage are you spewing here? It only takes 4 ranks difference before EU servers start getting rolled, and many of us have 5 and 6 ranks difference in our match up.
Skill lag is pretty rare unless you are fighting viz or sfr and most groups run with 15-35 people. And you get good fights every week.
Again, more garbage. I get skill lag all the time in EB. That’s why I don’t play there anymore. I haven’t had the large problems with buff recalc lag this week but we aren’t getting “good fights”. We’re getting blobbed and run over which really isn’t much fun.
I don’t think he’s spewing garbage at all. When I joined Piken in June (after playing NA since beta) it was rank 16 (14? can’t remember but it was firmly mid tiers). At one point at rank 9 it was thrown into tier1, with the 2 & 3 servers.. It is now rank 3. The reason for that? Aside from some tough guilds, the ranking difference in EU vs NA is much more marginalized and mobility within the ranking tiers more fluid compared to NA. And those tier ranks are constantly changing, meaning more variety of matches — I think six servers have held the third place rank since June. And the shuffling goes on downstream as well.
What this translates into is competitive matches and game play (outside of Viz and SFR, but even those two big boy servers are a ton of fun to fight — I was dreading Viz from all the idle forum gossip, but it turned out to be just that — gossip — and they were actually a lot of fun to fight). It means that if there’s that much volatility in the EU ranking system that each server there can give each other a decent fight each week.
In NA the top six servers (and downward to some extent as well) have been pretty much locked in where they’ve been for a long time — meaning the same RNG variance and subsequent opponents. And the disparity in population from Tier 1 to Tier 2, even T2 to T3 is significant to be reflected in those ratings non-movement.
As for the lag, my experience (having two accounts — one in NA and one in EU), is it’s similar — big blob in NA, big blob in EU, going to get the same kind of lag (friends in Oceanic have actually reported having less lag in EU than NA, which I found surprising, but I guess it makes sense proximity-wise). Oh and i play EB about 90% of the time and I’m East Coast NA. But I think Saiyr figured out that I live on a boat that paddles somewhere in the Atlantic ocean for maximum connectivity.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
If you look at the EU, wvw players have spread much more evenly across the servers.
What garbage are you spewing here? It only takes 4 ranks difference before EU servers start getting rolled, and many of us have 5 and 6 ranks difference in our match up.
I didn’t say that all the servers are equal but that the gaps between tiers aren’t nearly as large as on the NA ladder. Take a look at the scores of last 4 weeks:
Only vizunah and sfr have stomped other top 10 servers so badly that the game isn’t enjoyable. Last week #9 server, AR, finished 100k behind #2 server and 50k behind #3 sever. It’s not even 3 whole days since NA reset and SoR have already ~85k more points than FA and DB. You can only imagine the results of 2 NA t1 servers vs a t3 server. Also, the rating difference between #1 and #9 server is ~580 on NA and ~260 on EU which clearly tells that the servers are much closer to each other.
Skill lag is pretty rare unless you are fighting viz or sfr and most groups run with 15-35 people. And you get good fights every week.
Again, more garbage. I get skill lag all the time in EB. That’s why I don’t play there anymore. I haven’t had the large problems with buff recalc lag this week but we aren’t getting “good fights”. We’re getting blobbed and run over which really isn’t much fun.
I forgot to mention that I never play on eb either because the 3 way fights indeed cause a lot of skill lag. But overall there’s much less lag than on NA tier 1 and you can find groups that don’t blob much more often than on NA.
WvW is broken. Look at the leaderboards. The problem is not solely with t2. There is not one single match this week that isn’t a complete blowout. Last week, the T1 matchup I think was the only even relatively close matchup.
It’s a couple big problems they have no fixes for, and in fact the players fight them on.
For example… they’d love all the servers to have about the same number of people but the players all jumped to create mega-servers before they started charging for transfers, remember that?
In order to help counter zerging more of the rewards needs to come from fighting players and winning those fights instead of sieging and zerging structures. But again, I think movement toward that would cause outrage….
It’s a whole pile of problems with no easy solutions, the worst part is how both the designers and the players seem to be in denial and all pretending that the scoreboard has meaning or is about “skill” in any way. I mean, they are setting up “seasons” tournaments for crying out loud….
It’s mostly because DB just imploded and FA has nearly ZERO non North American coverage
You couldn’t be more wrong.
Guess what – Anet dont care. They are clearly trying to kill WvW and force people into its joke of a mode that is S/TPvP. I seriously hopes that when WvW finally dies that the game dies as well – i think that is what it would take for them to go back and undo all the stupid things they have done.
anet is trying to cater to the vocal majority, which is 3 servers of people desperate to win and have an unfair advantage.
Lock them in their own fights and ignore them.
anet is trying to cater to the vocal majority, which is 3 servers of people desperate to win and have an unfair advantage.
Lock them in their own fights and ignore them.
You’re ignorangce is overwhelming. I use “ignorance” instead of the other word because I rahter not have my post deleted.
If you listen to my server’s voip, you’ll know that we rather not inflate our populations. Quantity is nice, quality is better.
It wont be long now…I have foreseen it…
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