To the Gommies
Hey Ty we had some really good fights with u guys it was fun linking with you guys we wish u the best and good luck in matchups -Odd
Ty Rekz
As part of the Madness, I came to appreciate SoS very much. If we get to partner again, we’ll be fighting alongside loyal friends, but if we meet on opposite sides of the battlefield, it will be with much respect.
Allow me to echo Smid’s sentiments: thanks to everyone on GoM who fought alongside us! I know there were a few of you that always seemed to have my back on our home BL this last week in particular. Thanks and good luck!
All the best, GoM. It was fun fighting with you all!
Rx would like to thank all of our battle buddies on GOM. you guys are the cat’s Pjs in all the pretty colors with all the really cool patterns.
I’m going to miss being a part of the Sea of Madness! It was Hella-Fun being paired with you, GoM!
Take care! And may the earth behind you always be soiled with the blood of your enemies! o7