To the S1 reward complainers

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Solstice.1097


I`d be happy if reward was a single thing unique to WvW – a cosmetic weapon/armor skin or something.

This much “rewards” as we got, i earn in evening playing WvW. Dolyak, tome of knowledge etc. are completely useless for not new players. Every single Living World event had better rewards.

So basically the only thing worthy of doing the achivement was title. I understand the idea of not having too great rewards so that it does not turn into necessary grind/transfer race – but this is just plain silly. All excitement of multiple months nullified in instant.

For those who say we should WvW for WvW sake – we do. But neverless its normal to be insulted and tricket when you open a christmas present and find a pair of socks after being told to behave and be a good boy for the months before Christmas so that Santa would come.

You should have been a good boy anyway without bribery

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Aitadis.8269


Only ones complaining are people who haven’t wvw’d before leagues came out or people who bandwagoned to JQ in hopes of getting first and an easy reward at the end. I’m glad the reward chest is bad because all it would do is encourage bandwagoning to the top servers come Season 2 and would kill off several of the smaller servers like my own. I’ve complained about decisions Anet has made in the past but this certainly wont be one of them.

Illusionary Mesmer
[oof] Crystal Desert

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


I`d be happy if reward was a single thing unique to WvW – a cosmetic weapon/armor skin or something.

This much “rewards” as we got, i earn in evening playing WvW. Dolyak, tome of knowledge etc. are completely useless for not new players. Every single Living World event had better rewards.

So basically the only thing worthy of doing the achivement was title. I understand the idea of not having too great rewards so that it does not turn into necessary grind/transfer race – but this is just plain silly. All excitement of multiple months nullified in instant.

For those who say we should WvW for WvW sake – we do. But neverless its normal to be insulted and tricket when you open a christmas present and find a pair of socks after being told to behave and be a good boy for the months before Christmas so that Santa would come.

You should have been a good boy anyway without bribery

Next time Santa comes, i`ll kick him in the nuts and steal the bag with presents then set his beard on fire. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.9018


Only ones complaining are people who haven’t wvw’d before leagues came out or people who bandwagoned to JQ in hopes of getting first and an easy reward at the end. I’m glad the reward chest is bad because all it would do is encourage bandwagoning to the top servers come Season 2 and would kill off several of the smaller servers like my own. I’ve complained about decisions Anet has made in the past but this certainly wont be one of them.

Only people complaining about people complaining are people that did not WvW when WvW was not profitable and huge money sink.

We were promised a reward. The requirements for this reward were higher than any other game activity or living story. We got screwed over. Thats it.

People will not stop WvWing because of this, but you cant take from them being legitimely kitten ed about being taken for a fools. – Seafarers Rest Server community website

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Toumai.4812


I’m on jade sea server (2° with SFR of gold league).

Rewards are just a big joke. Moreover Arena forgot to give us the dolyak finisher ……..

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


I don’t know what everyone here is complaining about; I found my s1 rewards to be quite unique!

As soon as I opened the Season 1 Rewards Chest, an Anet Dev personally hopped out of the chest, kicked my character in the nuts, and then a laugh track played for about 10 minutes while he made “yo momma” jokes at my expense! Oh, and I got a temporary Dolyak Finisher. Great job, Anet!

It’s going to be an extra kick in the nuts when you realize you won’t even be able to use your limited use finisher on SoR since we’re now in T2.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


I play for fun, but also i play for rewards.
Tell me if you do a 4 hours event for 5 greens. Fun? Well… maybe, but you gain nothing…

You gain nothing…? Really? You had fun. Is having fun not a reward in itself?

Who taught you that you were entitled to having fun AND being rewarded for having fun??

Had less fun during the league than I had before the league.

This 1000×.
I play WvW for fun. If Mr Carver and his team decide to bait PvE players into WvW with rewards, causing queues and make matchups even more boring than before season, I at least expected the rewards to have something…unique. A simple weapon skin could have made it (if it was WvW only). RIP season 2, I hope you had a painful death.
Basicly WvW was completly unfun the first 6 weeks of the league. Queues and coverage wars arent really “fun”. The 7th week was really cool thanks to no/short queues like pre season and a really nice matchup for fights. And now Anet made sure that the same thing wont happen again by scaring people off.

Or maybe this is some kind of poll: “What kind of bull…. will you like more, the Scarlet Living Story or the WvW rewards?”

~ Gandara

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Righteous.4307


Do you want even more non-WvW players in WvW chasing rewards?

Do you play WvW for the rewards or for the game mode itself?

Yes, I feel that the motivating people to participate in WvW is a great thing. While people begin WvW as PvE players eventually they learn how to better participate in WvW in a constructive way.

I play for both the fights as well as the sense of accomplishment in battle. Currently the reward is too insignificant. Despite winning Season One I am feeling like my time investment is inadequately rewarded compared to many other aspects of the game.

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Mogar.9216


Yep a unique skin would have done it, weapon or armor. They could have easily made the skin different colours to represent how well your server did in the season. That is really all you need to keep most people happy. It wouldn’t have upset any game balance at all.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Yep a unique skin would have done it, weapon or armor. They could have easily made the skin different colours to represent how well your server did in the season. That is really all you need to keep most people happy. It wouldn’t have upset any game balance at all.

Pretty much… look at living story. It has been the same old recycled content every 2 weeks for the past several months but players do them and enjoy it because they get a reward equivilent to the work they put in.

A simple weapon or armor skin would have been plenty to keep players happy.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I’m grateful for the Tomes of Knowledge, personally.

Less time wasted leveling my new Elementalist, more time in WvW.

A lot of my guildies already have all their slots filled with level 80’s what good is a tome? I don’t plan to every make another 80 in this game, so a tome is useless to me. Personally speaking.

Tomes = skill points
skill points = gold
gold = one of the things lack of which WvW players continually complain about

I personally can’t believe how many people do not see this. It doesnt take a PVE player or WvW player, or anything, you dont have to grind for anything either, its a very quick and fast way to make gold in this game. No grinding or max crafting whatsoever required. All anyone has to do is check TP once in a while, run cursor over things and read the descriptions, come to correct conclusions, insta profit. That simple.

I personally can’t believe that there are people in this game that are stupid enough not to see this.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I’m grateful for the Tomes of Knowledge, personally.

Less time wasted leveling my new Elementalist, more time in WvW.

A lot of my guildies already have all their slots filled with level 80’s what good is a tome? I don’t plan to every make another 80 in this game, so a tome is useless to me. Personally speaking.

Tomes = skill points
skill points = gold
gold = one of the things lack of which WvW players continually complain about

I personally can’t believe how many people do not see this. It doesnt take a PVE player or WvW player, or anything, you dont have to grind for anything either, its a very quick and fast way to make gold in this game. No grinding or max crafting whatsoever required. All anyone has to do is check TP once in a while, run cursor over things and read the descriptions, come to correct conclusions, insta profit. That simple.

I personally can’t believe that there are people in this game that are stupid enough not to see this.

If the intent was to give wvw player gold they could just do that “gasp” GIVE US GOLD. You know like when you do pve stuff you get something called “A BAG OF COINS”…. While I don’t care much about the reward but I can’t help pointing out the flaw in your logic, Feels like you are trying tOo hard to defend Anet.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Dan.2940


I’m grateful for the Tomes of Knowledge, personally.

Less time wasted leveling my new Elementalist, more time in WvW.

A lot of my guildies already have all their slots filled with level 80’s what good is a tome? I don’t plan to every make another 80 in this game, so a tome is useless to me. Personally speaking.

Tomes = skill points
skill points = gold
gold = one of the things lack of which WvW players continually complain about

I personally can’t believe how many people do not see this. It doesnt take a PVE player or WvW player, or anything, you dont have to grind for anything either, its a very quick and fast way to make gold in this game. No grinding or max crafting whatsoever required. All anyone has to do is check TP once in a while, run cursor over things and read the descriptions, come to correct conclusions, insta profit. That simple.

I personally can’t believe that there are people in this game that are stupid enough not to see this.

Woah woah, are you honestly calling other people stupid after making that comment? How much gold do u make from 10 level ups and 10 skill points? I also believe i can level up 10 times in a matter of hours, so please explain how i’m going to make 7 weeks worth of cash from doing these achievements rather than dungeoning.

I personally can’t believe how people can see this reward as being deemed “fair”.

I pat Anet on the back for the way they have shaped this game but when they make stupid decisions like this, to skimp out on a reward that won’t even harm the economy, IN A GAME, makes me lose hope in them.

| Siynn – Lvl 80 Thief | Jaata – Lvl 80 Engineer |
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


Do you want even more non-WvW players in WvW chasing rewards?

Do you play WvW for the rewards or for the game mode itself?

First we complain about too many PvE players chasing rewards and then we complain about not good enough rewards. There is no right answer and so we the WvW community look like a bunch of whiny jerks and then we wonder why Anet doesn’t want to give us more attention.

I agree the rewards are lame but I honestly can’t think of anything that would have made me excited that would NOT have also had a more detrimental effect in filling WvW with more rally-bait carrot-chasers.

My point is – no matter how correct or justified you are, know what you want to accomplish and be constructive towards it because right now we’re just solidifying our place on the back burner.

You realize there are multiple opinions within the WvW community right? I for example never bemoaned having more PvE players in WvW and i am devastated that the rewards for the season are so insulting. Others hate that pve players came into WvW and don’t care about the rewards. Which one of us is a true WvWer? The answer is both of us. This community is made up of individuals with varied and at times conflicting opinions.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


As I posted in the other thread investing 7 weeks of time in WvW was just not worth the reward. Think about how much you would gain if you did Jormag once per day for those 7 weeks and look at the League first place rewards. Now compare the two! I would confidently state that the average WvW player put in more time daily in WvW to try and win the season, then it takes to defeat Jormag each day.

Theftwind (HoD)

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I think what’s got people irked is that there appears to be very little thought put into the fact that this was the longest achievement meta of anything Anet has put out — and even the two or three week living story achievements got unique back items, something to commemorate one section of one living story or another.

I’m not a reward-motivated person. I spend 90% of my time in WvW doing all the non-reward based jobs. I felt we needed something thoughtful and representative, particularly since it went on a very long time and was the inaugural season. And particularly for those who won the leagues (my server didn’t, but that doesn’t matter to me). The greens and rares and RNG feels like it took very little thought for something a lot of people put a ton of time and effort into.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I’m grateful for the Tomes of Knowledge, personally.

Less time wasted leveling my new Elementalist, more time in WvW.

A lot of my guildies already have all their slots filled with level 80’s what good is a tome? I don’t plan to every make another 80 in this game, so a tome is useless to me. Personally speaking.

Tomes = skill points
skill points = gold
gold = one of the things lack of which WvW players continually complain about

I personally can’t believe how many people do not see this. It doesnt take a PVE player or WvW player, or anything, you dont have to grind for anything either, its a very quick and fast way to make gold in this game. No grinding or max crafting whatsoever required. All anyone has to do is check TP once in a while, run cursor over things and read the descriptions, come to correct conclusions, insta profit. That simple.

I personally can’t believe that there are people in this game that are stupid enough not to see this.

If the intent was to give wvw player gold they could just do that “gasp” GIVE US GOLD. You know like when you do pve stuff you get something called “A BAG OF COINS”…. While I don’t care much about the reward but I can’t help pointing out the flaw in your logic, Feels like you are trying tOo hard to defend Anet.

No, I’m just not as closed minded and not trying to intentionally fail as you do. Being mostly a WvW player and having 6 80s in ascended, 1 of them with double weapon sets for WvW and PvE, I just do not understand the complaints. Ascended simply happens via game play unless you intentionally fail at some aspect of it. I can sort of understand teh weapons bit from a super casual point of view, as if someone only plays 2-4 hours per week it will take them several months to get there. Otherwise there is no excuse.

Same as ascended, figure it out man, it really isnt hard and you dont have to be hardcore or elite player. Again, running a cursor over things and coming to simple conclusions via simple math is a human skill, not an elitist or PVE skill.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


The people complaining need to engage their critical thinking skills a bit more. WE (myself included) complain about everything in this game. No one has a good suggestion for a reward that wouldnt cause some part of the playerbase to revolt on these forums. Until everyone stops with the sky is falling crap everytime something happens ANet will not change what they do. Learn to let other people have their cake and eat it and then you can have some of your own.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Righteous.4307


The people complaining need to engage their critical thinking skills a bit more. WE (myself included) complain about everything in this game. No one has a good suggestion for a reward that wouldnt cause some part of the playerbase to revolt on these forums. Until everyone stops with the sky is falling crap everytime something happens ANet will not change what they do. Learn to let other people have their cake and eat it and then you can have some of your own.

With the current rewards nobody gets cake.

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Dan.2940


The people complaining need to engage their critical thinking skills a bit more. WE (myself included) complain about everything in this game. No one has a good suggestion for a reward that wouldnt cause some part of the playerbase to revolt on these forums. Until everyone stops with the sky is falling crap everytime something happens ANet will not change what they do. Learn to let other people have their cake and eat it and then you can have some of your own.

Actually, if you have been reading the comments, there have been suggestions made, and some which i would be totally fine with. Unique Skins, weapon or armor, a UNLIMITED finisher (and maybe one a little more creative than dolyak? we already have a pvp dolyak finisher), to name a few. All of which have no effect on the economy, they are just rewards to say “HEY, I DID THIS, LOOK AT MY COOL STUFF”.

| Siynn – Lvl 80 Thief | Jaata – Lvl 80 Engineer |
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


The people complaining need to engage their critical thinking skills a bit more. .

Well let us use a bit of critical thinking. You love your job and you do not really care about your pay cheque, you do the work for the sheer enjoyment of it so you put in your 40 hour weeks and are happy. Now management comes along and tells you that if your company finishes on top for the next quarter that you will be rewarded handsomely. So rather then your 40 hour weeks you put in 80 hour weeks over that time period and when you get that reward it is less then your regular pay cheque.

Would you still love your job as much?

I am not holding out much hope for WvW or for season 2.

Theftwind (HoD)

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


The people complaining need to engage their critical thinking skills a bit more. WE (myself included) complain about everything in this game. No one has a good suggestion for a reward that wouldnt cause some part of the playerbase to revolt on these forums. Until everyone stops with the sky is falling crap everytime something happens ANet will not change what they do. Learn to let other people have their cake and eat it and then you can have some of your own.

Actually, if you have been reading the comments, there have been suggestions made, and some which i would be totally fine with. Unique Skins, weapon or armor, a UNLIMITED finisher (and maybe one a little more creative than dolyak? we already have a pvp dolyak finisher), to name a few. All of which have no effect on the economy, they are just rewards to say “HEY, I DID THIS, LOOK AT MY COOL STUFF”.

The problem is that “HEY, I DID THIS, LOOK AT MY COOL STUFF” means every one else who did wvw and pushed the meta ap will have them too. If you truly want something to look like you did well in wvw then it needs to be a much harder skin to get. Its like the old legendary when ppl where first getting them finished in wvw you would not go near that person knowing they played a lot now its not so much because more ppl have legendary.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Seeing how unbalanced and beta-staged WvW is, would it really be fair to drop game-changing rewards into these chests?

-Winning servers were the ones that had large populations.
-Pugs and farmers use WvW for leveling instead of overall server gain.
-Being skilled and/or strategic doesn’t get rewarded in WvW.
-Several unbalanced matchups over the weeks.
-Transfers skew players to the ‘best’ servers.

These achievements were generally easy. Most finished theirs in 2-3 weeks tops. It wouldn’t be hard to get it in 7 weeks. It should be obvious that the rewards are just the ‘frosting’ and not the ‘cake’.

Honestly, what was everyone expecting? Ascended armor? A legendary precursor?

Rewards for abandoning your home server in its time of need to leech off the winnings of a stronger server? Why would Anet promote that? The whole point of WvW is a competitive PvP-war against servers. Not a big map of little-effort, low risk, easy access powerleveling on exp/karma/levels/rewards obtained by mindless, grind-like, boring, zerging. It becomes focused on personal gain instead of a server community effort.

At the very least I was hoping for a new weapon skin, or rares I can salvage for ectos. but until WvW is more balanced, I’ll settle for a cute mini dolyak.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Righteous.4307


The problem is that “HEY, I DID THIS, LOOK AT MY COOL STUFF” means every one else who did wvw and pushed the meta ap will have them too. If you truly want something to look like you did well in wvw then it needs to be a much harder skin to get. Its like the old legendary when ppl where first getting them finished in wvw you would not go near that person knowing they played a lot now its not so much because more ppl have legendary.

I still wield my legendary with pride. It stands out and says, “Hey, I did this.” I dont have one but I always notice the people with the Karka Backpiece. It stands out as an accomplishment and that the person accomplished something by being around for that meta achievement. Same with the gas mask. I could keep throwing out examples…

But instead I think its safe to say that the current rewards provide nobody with a sense of accomplishment.

[MU] Barnabas Hale
HoD Commander

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


Well isn’t PvE where you farm rewards and WvW where you go to fight? Or am I missing the point of WvW?

Indeed this is the point of W3. W3 has never and will never be as financially rewarding as PvE in any MMO. I wish they’d have told us ahead of time what the rewards were going to be, because many people have had a sub-par W3 experience during season 1 due to some anticipation of some great reward at the end by hordes of people flocking to top-of-tier servers.

Anyone that has ever gotten into RvR in any game knew the rewards wouldn’t be game breaking in any way shape or form.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Dan.2940


The people complaining need to engage their critical thinking skills a bit more. WE (myself included) complain about everything in this game. No one has a good suggestion for a reward that wouldnt cause some part of the playerbase to revolt on these forums. Until everyone stops with the sky is falling crap everytime something happens ANet will not change what they do. Learn to let other people have their cake and eat it and then you can have some of your own.

Actually, if you have been reading the comments, there have been suggestions made, and some which i would be totally fine with. Unique Skins, weapon or armor, a UNLIMITED finisher (and maybe one a little more creative than dolyak? we already have a pvp dolyak finisher), to name a few. All of which have no effect on the economy, they are just rewards to say “HEY, I DID THIS, LOOK AT MY COOL STUFF”.

The problem is that “HEY, I DID THIS, LOOK AT MY COOL STUFF” means every one else who did wvw and pushed the meta ap will have them too. If you truly want something to look like you did well in wvw then it needs to be a much harder skin to get. Its like the old legendary when ppl where first getting them finished in wvw you would not go near that person knowing they played a lot now its not so much because more ppl have legendary.

I really don’t see the problem with everyone who did the achievement getting the unique reward, they had to contribute X amount of sentries, X amount of dolyak kills, X amount of keep captures…. Etc. They helped, they had to have helped, how much they helped is questionable, but if they took their time to complete the achievements, they deserve it just as much as anyone else. Having a certain skins doesn’t make you a better player at all, and if you think only real WvWers should be getting the skin, that’s greedy.

The achievements easily clocked people at 40 hours, I think anyone that played for that long deserves something unique that nobody else can get unless they also did the achievements.

| Siynn – Lvl 80 Thief | Jaata – Lvl 80 Engineer |
| Smitê – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


tip: never play any game for achievements / rewards. They have no weight or value in life or the game. The dude who just fights players has a lot more time in killing, the bro who unlocks all the achievements and flashy rewards has less time fighting. Life is about time don’t waste it on pointless features that don’t involve killing other players. Killing dragons was 2003

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


i think the people that think the rewards are fair are people from losing servers that are glad that the winners didnt get anything good. well i think that even the losing servers deserve way way way better than what we got now. i think al;so losing servers should get some sort of perma finisher.
pve events that last for 2 weeks reward at least skins, we had an event for 7 weeks and all we get is this terrible insulting reward chest.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


The problem is that “HEY, I DID THIS, LOOK AT MY COOL STUFF” means every one else who did wvw and pushed the meta ap will have them too. If you truly want something to look like you did well in wvw then it needs to be a much harder skin to get. Its like the old legendary when ppl where first getting them finished in wvw you would not go near that person knowing they played a lot now its not so much because more ppl have legendary.

I still wield my legendary with pride. It stands out and says, “Hey, I did this.” I dont have one but I always notice the people with the Karka Backpiece. It stands out as an accomplishment and that the person accomplished something by being around for that meta achievement. Same with the gas mask. I could keep throwing out examples…

But instead I think its safe to say that the current rewards provide nobody with a sense of accomplishment.

I am not saying that you should lose pride i am just trying to say humans valuable items though scarily that why gold is worth so much and other things because there is not a lot of it. The accomplishment in wvw is not about the items its about barging rights for wining or being able to take down bigger groups then what your running or out smarting ppl or hell trolling ppl by ganking ppl. These rewards are greater then any item could be.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


OP’s post in a nutshell. “Let them spit on us, so they won’t spit on us as hard later on!”

Honestly there was a million different things they could have done, gave us a perma finisher with our servers rank. Passed us Laurels like a proper monthly. Maybe somthing cool like a random, unlimited blueprint depending on how our server did.

This game is ENTIRELY about cosmetics, it’s why we don’t have a gear treadmill.

The current rewards are farmable in around an hour

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiser.9873


i think the people that think the rewards are fair are people from losing servers that are glad that the winners didnt get anything good. well i think that even the losing servers deserve way way way better than what we got now. i think al;so losing servers should get some sort of perma finisher.
pve events that last for 2 weeks reward at least skins, we had an event for 7 weeks and all we get is this terrible insulting reward chest.

I’m from BG, and I am not angry at the reward.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.3290


I think they should have given out precursors so that everyone transfers to winning servers. Those who can’t make it in, quit in discuss.

Then we’ll be on another game’s forums in two years talking about how GW2 was killed off by it’s own creators.

Moral of the Story: be happy with your greens and essence of luck; transfer less.

this makes no sense, everyone who completed the meta got the chest. No matter what server you where on.

Exactly, 2nd in Gold League got the same reward as 9th in Bronze League.

I was using satire to say that they should have made the rewards REALLY big in order to make Season 2 a frantic transferring madness that would devour the game from in the inside.

To the S1 reward complainers

in WvW

Posted by: Tietus.8013


Didn’t read all the thread, but I noticed a few people whinging about the “uselessness” of Tomes of Knowledge.

Levels = skill points = superior siege

Not useless. Just saying…

[VR] Tietus