ToDo List WvW in HoT

ToDo List WvW in HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


I didn’t post here for a very long time.
Because it felt like no one of ANET cared.
I just stopped playing for PPT.

But since you are going to fix WvW I made a little to do list of biggest problems in WvW at the moment:
1. Karma training, large groups running around from border to border only taking things.
2. Night capping/having the biggest group during off hours = win
3. Weakest server get focused instead of strongest. Its easier to take objectives from the weakest server.
4. Combat rezzing, giving a to large advantage to large group.

Some simple solutions to the problems:
1: Change the PPT system and reward system. Combine the reward you get to the PPT in that zone.
You will get reward for every objective (so PPT count) you own when being active.
You will be active when you kill someone or take an objective during the PPT period.
So you don’t need to be part of the taking but you will get rewarded for the objectives you own every PPT period.
The PPT (and reward) will be calculated by a formula that takes into account the number of enemies in the zone compared to number of your players.

2: Lock and Freeze all borders when one of the servers have less then X players playing in or wanting to play WvW.
So for example if there are less then 60 players in EotM, the borders, Eternal Battlegrounds and queues of one of the 3 servers.
All borders will be locked. All upgrades and PPT will be frozen. And all players still in it will be kicked out.
So EB will always stay open.
As soon there are again more then 60 players on each server playing WvW or in queues the borders will open up again and unfreeze.
Dolyaks will start moving again. Workers continues working. And the PPT will start adding score to the total score.

3: When you take an objective from the top server you will an increase in PPT the first few ticks.
For example when your server is in 3th place you get 3 times the normal PPT the first few ticks.(so also 3 times more reward)
When your server is in 2nd place you will get 2 times the normal PPT.
Same counts for points you get on player kills.

4:Add an incombat buff that you will get when you get in combat.
That will be removed after 1 minute being out of combat.
Players with the buff can’t rezz or be rezzed.

ToDo List WvW in HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Bran.7425


2. Night capping/having the biggest group during off hours = win

2: Lock and Freeze all borders when one of the servers have less then X players playing in or wanting to play WvW.
So for example if there are less then 60 players in EotM, the borders, Eternal Battlegrounds and queues of one of the 3 servers.
All borders will be locked. All upgrades and PPT will be frozen. And all players still in it will be kicked out.
So EB will always stay open.
As soon there are again more then 60 players on each server playing WvW or in queues the borders will open up again and unfreeze.
Dolyaks will start moving again. Workers continues working. And the PPT will start adding score to the total score.

Just wanting to say right there that the solution for your number 2, would be 10. bias to play times. 2). Probably cost the mode more players than in could afford to lose, and 3). Lead to potential abuse as a losing server could boycott the mode to freeze the match.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

ToDo List WvW in HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Why play on borders if there are no enemies to fight? EB will always be open without queue.

2) Freezing means no point thick so no abusing possible. and organizing your server to have less then 60 people in EB and EotM when you cant see that number.. good luck All you could do is ask no one to go to do any WvW and you will loose lots of points in EB

ToDo List WvW in HoT

in WvW

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

If you freeze PPT while all other BL are running the frozen server will lose and be plummeting down the server ranks anyway.

ToDo List WvW in HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Freeze all borders PPT not a server.

ToDo List WvW in HoT

in WvW

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

Freeze them all because 1 server doesn’t want to play? That’s not a solution – that’s a punishment to all other server players.