Tonight we dine in Hell !

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


what about Singaporeans ? Italians ? Norwegians ? And so many more… ?
In fact everyone but English/American have a claim to unfairness ^^

Its not even arena net fault but their own country fault
You aren’t allowed to sell or advertise a game in germany or france if there isn’t a version of the game and a manual in german and french.
So Anet is forced to localize their game and spend buck to earn some more and since half of european buyers are french and german they do FR/DE servers. gamer community is quite large in these countries so you end with13 FR/DE in europe..its more than half of europe or us servers

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: eiennnoai.9870


Because you see advertisments in the streets and all ? Really ? For a game you advertise online where country’s rules have no power. So the rules never gave more power to the FR or DE communities, it’s only because FR and DE are large communities (66M for france add to this part of belgium, swiss, lux, … and 82M+ for deutch speaking land — germany + some neighbours). Both communities have a lot of players, and a lot of big guilds.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


As a NA player I lol at Desolation.

These guys post images how there is a 2v1 going on while conveniently ignoring how there is a fight on the other side of the map too. IE, earlier someone posted pictures of VS and AB pushing west and circled it and made fancy arrows, but then conveniently ignored the east side of the map and how there is a contested supply camp.

Silly how you are looking for an excuse that you aren’t #1.

Just play and shut up.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


A contested supply camp? Whoa! That’s some serious business!

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


Maybe you have no grasp on strategy whatsoever, but usually you’ll tag the supply camp before attacking the keep… so supplies will dry out faster, you know ?

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Tombs.3952


Nice fight this week. Vizunah, dont you feel good that you earned a real win? Congratulations.

Im going to link a video tonight when I get home from work that shows some of the fighting from Vizunah borderlands last night between 30 Ruin and a similar amount of VS and a similar amount of Arborstone. Provided the footage came out well it shows some nice effort by Vizunah and Arborstone working together to prevent the Western Keep and later Bluebriar from falling (although we got both eventually even though they were heavily defended – which sucks for the RuinVSDoor pundits hehe).

All in all a great fight. Whatever you brought this week for us you may need to bring a little more to win it next week, because we certainly will .

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473


I was on the map when the screen was done and i can tell vizunah attack our castle many times. Seems desolation player cry for 2vs1 when both server try to take an orb back and he didn’t tell we were using siege weapon from the green keep even after VS took it but that’s 2vs1.

tonight while DS attacked garnison we were attacking vizunah’s so AS and DS must be allied’s so easy to talk about alliance when you d’ont even understand the different situation possible in a 1v1v1.

1v1v1 can turn to 2v1 for each server according to the situation. last week during day we AS lose almost all maps against ER and VS because both were focusing us but we didn’t tell VS and ER were allies that’s part of the game.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Its not even arena net fault but their own country fault
You aren’t allowed to sell or advertise a game in germany or france if there isn’t a version of the game and a manual in german and french.
So Anet is forced to localize their game and spend buck to earn some more and since half of european buyers are french and german they do FR/DE servers. gamer community is quite large in these countries so you end with13 FR/DE in europe..its more than half of europe or us servers

No, you’re wrong. You are allowed to sell games in other languages in Germany, you are even allowed to show movies in original language. There is now law that says otherwise. The problem is that you, as a company, would be a total idiot if you don’t sell a localized version. Many Germans wouldn’t buy that game because they don’t speak English that well. Sure, everyone learns at least basics of foreign languages at school, but this is really basic knowledge. If you don’t keep on learning and talking another language you will forget most of it.

And English is the most important language in the western culture, it’s spoken in science and most countries schools teach it. But if you go back 70-80 years, the science language was German.

It would be nice if everyone on the planet would speak the same or understand it at last, but there will be always a native language.

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Tombs.3952


@ Liriel You are right. As a Desolation member we don’t care how you play. All is fair in love and wvw. In fact, I think you guys kinda got screwed by VS far more than you did by us. When you guys would log off at night VZ stopped pushing us and went for the points from your undefended keeps. Immediately. So you dropping from 1st to 3rd had more to do with them than us.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Tombs.3952


@ Liriel. Also, I dont know if you have been reading all the threads that were closed but it was some leader of some big French guild that started a thread saying something like “The biggest guilds from Vizunah and the biggest from Arborstone are forming an ALLIANCE to crush the non-French.” So any mentions of “alliance” came from you guys because you made a formal announcement of it LOL.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Tombs.3952


Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


Yes an alliance seemed about right on paper. Although sadly – or fortunately, both opinions being valid – it didn’t last pas Saturday.

Now the issue is, according to DS players, they have been gang-banged buy those bad French, very bad French allying all week long, never attacking each other…

So yes, any mention of an alliance past Saturday underlines misunderstanding of basic WvW action.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


Haha well good luck to GC to bring a US guild over ! Won’t be easy I guess

Now as it has been said before, the way VS managed to win this week can’t be sustained for a long time. So they are trying to find a solution.

I think DS players if anyone wouldn’t be in a position to complain…

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


I’m getting tired of the unfairness that FR/DE/ES can’t speak english… what about Singaporeans ? Italians ? Norwegians ? And so many more… ?
In fact everyone but English/American have a claim to unfairness ^^


some of our core players and commanders played an average of 18-20 hours per day this week… this is our 24/7 coverage….

Some of these 20 hours per day could have been used, like, I don’t know… to learn another language maybe?..

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473



Yes the alliance was announced at the start of the match, but she didn’t last long as on the first night on arborstone borderlands vizunah player were attacking us and i believe that some of arborstone did the same to vizunah on other battleground. i’m just tired that some people cry for 2v1 all week when it’s part of the game .
Even the biggest alliance of any server can’t control an entire serve, and so the alliance last 1 maybe 2 days. After most people who didn’t want desolation to win at all cost move from AS to VS because VS was ahead in the score.

(edited by Liriel.1473)

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Some of these 20 hours per day could have been used, like, I don’t know… to learn another language maybe?..

Maybe they already do ? what does it have to do with the topic ?
It can go the other way around : Do your commanders speak french fluently ?
(It bothers me that many people with English as native language assume it’s up to the others to speak their language without even think about making the effort themselves :/)

Vizunah Square [FR]

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Some of these 20 hours per day could have been used, like, I don’t know… to learn another language maybe?..

How many languages do you speak fluently?

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


Maybe they already do ? what does it have to do with the topic ?It can go the other way around : Do your commanders speak french fluently ?

It’s not the other way around, that’s the whole point./ English is far more universal language. Oh, and btw, it is not my native. Russian is.

How many languages do you speak fluently?

Two, as you have probably guessed already.

What bothers me is something like this:

If everybody was able to speak English I would agree..
But it’s not the case, so yeah, this situation (EU ladder becoming Worldwide) is totally unfair to DE/FR/ES because there is no big GW2 community oversea that speaks their language :/

In this time and age of computerization somebody still doesn’t know even basic english (most don’t have to be fluent to coordinate at www)? Really?! Please remind me, what is this language we are using right now here on official game forum?

This is not an excuse, this is weakness.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Quartz.3462


as a desolation player from head start I will have you admit that Viz were the strongest server thus week. They had great coordination and excellent time coverage. arbor were also fantastic. iI think allsides deserve their place in T1. It’s far more challenging than FS. im glad all three servers are willing to keep fighting even when the outcome for the week was decided. its great to see such fighting spirit.

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


except it’s the other way around : it’s not a matter of people speaking english, it’s about finding big out of EU community that speaks FR/ES/DE.
I think nowadays many people in EU speak basic english.
I’m french, live and work in Spain, speak fluently 3 language, and perfecting a 4th, and And I know I’m not an isolated case, many of my co-workers from Czech, Portugal, Germany have similar profiles.

problem isn’t about us speaking English, it’s about convincing people to come to FR/DE/ES servers. That’s almost impossible to find any oversea community that will migrate to a localized language server : conclusion : they can only count with their local pop.

And those server are not a minority : FR+DE+ES servers represent more than 50% of EU ladder.

If there were localized [RU] servers, it would go the same way :
It would be impossible to find people willing to play on those, except Russian players

Vizunah Square [FR]

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Yaro.3251


That’s understandable, but it is an obvious consequense of localized server. Personally, I wouldn’t go to [RU] server. No way. For the same reason. Sure you’ll probably have “tighter” community, but will be limited by its nature. And I like variety.

If you prefer localized servers -fine, but it doesn’t mean there should be some preferences in the game mechanics that level you out with multi-national servers that will have probably less of a “community” due to language barriers (that will allways exist to some extent) but a better presence around the clock.

Team Aggression [TA] – Golden Horde [GH]