Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Silverstone.4539


Just one man’s misguided belief that what he did mattered.

Been WvWing for years. Was on and off the first year of lurch mixed with PvE and PvP, after that is was pretty much all it did when I logged in. The last 3 months have been the tipping point. This story might be how others feel, I’m not sure.

I guess I’m what lots would call a PUG, though I am in a guild with a few that are almost never on. I get all my own siege. Sometimes follow a Tag on TS. I do Tag up from time to time when I feel something can be done, or when something should be done and no one else is doing it. But it’s often in the down time, when hardly anyone else is online on our server. I try. I see something that needs to be done, like getting a camp so supply can keep coming in, or back capping a tower, or building a ballista to take out the enemies siege before it’s too late. Yet 80% of the time no one else does it…. it’s the Classic, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Now.. this is where it can get hard and draining. I feel like I have to do everything myself and be everywhere at once. There is the odd time where some good soul will help out building that ballista or capping that tower. But it is happening less and less. I drop siege I have to man it, ask map chat for someone to cap a camp, 5 minutes later I’m the one over there capping it. I give up asking.

The game/people just take take take. Time, siege, personal wellbeing due to anger at my fellow man. I had to ask, why am I doing this. Would anyone care if I stopped? I don’t think so. The truth hurts, I thought I was helping.. for what?

Maybe this big “WvW rework” will be the silver bullet. I’m not sure. It will be the peoples attitude that will need fixing, now my own included. In the last week I have helped less, said less in chat, why should I try when so few others are? it’s taken awhile but I’m becoming what I hate in WvW, just another mindless drone. So I should to get out now, before I become that guy that never man’s siege, never carries supply, only helps tag when he feels like it. I don’t want to be that guy, but I think it might just be the evolution of WvW players. Destroyed heartless zombies piggy backing on the few that are trying to keep their heads above water.

I’ll take a break, maybe that will help.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: PabbyGaul.9682


Lol guys you just are getting bored of the vanilla. Yall need to join a guild that uses ts and you need to run a profession that has a critical skill like water or mightvfor starters. If your a commander learn to use ts to your advantage. Commanders are leaders, goir job is to motivate, rally, and succeed. People are naturally lazy, mon commital, easily demoralizes, and happy to sit in the background. If you want to motivate people you have to bebthe opposite. Your job as a tag is to make the game fun and people will follow. Treating wvw like a job is the opposite of fun so you arent going to motivate anyone by appealing to their sense of reaponsibility.
1. Use TS
2. Win dont wipe.
3. Make it fun.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


mmm. i think this attitude shift in wvw has been going on for a long time, and part of why i stopped commanding. there’s only so many times you can call on map chat for people to come defend a keep from a small amount of attackers when you KNOW there are others on the map because you SEE the camps flipping before you just feel like just ragequitting the whole dang thing. i still love WvW, tho. so i still run... i just mostly solo roam now. :-/

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Commanders are leaders, goir job is to motivate, rally, and succeed. People are naturally lazy, mon commital, easily demoralizes, and happy to sit in the background.

Which would be the whole reason why people are getting tired across the spectrum. So many WvWers have a fixed view on what people should be. They put commanders on a high piedestal and pugs somewhere between a wet towel and last nights moldy sandwich. This leads to more casual commanders getting scared away and it makes the more independent players annoyed because all they will hear is get on the commander stack stack stack if you dont stack you are an idiot.

And before you say “omg organized guilds is the answer you noob!” that’s like saying pfff who needs a body when everybody knows that the real cool things are going on in the head? Of course a guild is great to be part of and I would highly recommend anyone that hasnt at least tried to be part of one to give it a go, but the game need to maintain everyone.

But I digress. WvW hasnt destroyed me yet, I’m just feeling a little tired.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: STIHL.2489


I enjoy WvW, I go out there for the fun (because it sure ain’t the money moving me), I solo what I can if no one else is on or responding. I have heard that people even turn off their map chat in WvW!?. So I’ll often just give a cursory call out to see if anyone is about, and then go to doing what I can do.

If I see a tag, I’ll follow it like a good little lemming, Unless everyone following it is in the same guild, then I’ll back off, and because I don’t want to disrupt their vibe.

I build siege, man siege, and suicide run into Zergs to buy time for my team. It’s all fun for me.

But I don’t have a tag, I have been struggling about the idea of getting one, and too often, I’ll call out if anyone is around, and not get an echo back, even as I see camps flip, and towers change.

Somehow, everyone moved internally, and it feels like the era of the Pugmanders has come to an end.

I could be wrong, but I often play on the Borderlands, not EB, so it could be just a current map issue and I am not imagining things, I really am alone.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: katz.8376


oh yeah. runnin in the BLs right now... solidarity *fistbump*

i’ve always disliked EB. dunno why, just do. so even now, in the convoluted PITA that the current DBLs are, i still run them anyway... and more often than not... i’m 99%-100% alone during the day.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Vavume.8065


I’ll take a break, maybe that will help.

It will help, take a break, go do some spvp or pve, or even play a diff game for a week, I’ve taken many breaks from it over the years, your passion for it will return then.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Lord of Rings.5371

Lord of Rings.5371

Just one man’s misguided belief that what he did mattered.
… I give up asking.

The truth hurts, I thought I was helping.. for what?

The answer could be in our gene as explained by Richard Dawkin in his The Selfish Gene and it is summarized on wiki

There are many parts of this gaming experience that are our genes are not programmed for, like siting for a long time, only moving figures and helping others repetitively on the same activities. As a result most players only have a limited time in the game to explore new experiences rather than repeating them over and over again.

Fire Water Air

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: TheGrimm.5624


Agree, take a quick break. Been were you were and understand that. Use to be worse when you spent a pile of time and funds on upgrading a structure just to have a zerg come and wipe it out while you asked TS for back up that never came. Sometimes that was the right call, and sometimes it wasn’t.

Your actions do matter but they have to matter to you before they matter to others else you will be left with that all is vain feeling. Secondly you need to re-find what you find fun. If you are doing an action because you feel it needs done but it isn’t entertaining then step away, this isn’t a job for you, don’t let it become one. You have to find satisfaction in your actions else don’t do them.

And agree, try and find more people to hunt with, banter goes a long way out there. Good hunting!


De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: FogLeg.9354


My advice is to find nice and friendly WvW Guild and run around with them, even if its only small guild like 10 people. So many things are better with nice group of friends, but specially WvW.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


My advice is to find nice and friendly WvW Guild and run around with them, even if its only small guild like 10 people. So many things are better with nice group of friends, but specially WvW.

The truth.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I think the mode has degenerated to the point where many people are only finding fun because of who they play with and thus tend to retreat into cliques. Being the player who looks for dependable map support and interaction is becoming less viable because well, people don’t care. Either take a break or make some friends that you can run with.

Whispers with meat.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Dana.8721


ive been there. even felt addicted for sure. trust me- take a break. go live life, go for walks, do some real life roaming and get some perspective and then you will realize its just a silly game. best wishes.

Golden-DR/SoS/NSP (thief/mesmer)

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


It can be difficult but those of us who play in PvP enabled areas have to adapt. This may include taking a break. I get grumpy now and then myself.

For a very long time I have been involved in WvW, First with MERC on SoS and then another co-ordinated guild group but I have also always been a scout/ solo roamer when online alone.

I personally do not believe in moving servers so I have adapted to the game play my choice leaves me. Nowadays I am still a scout roamer who plays during periods we are out manned and tends to farm flax while the PPT is 350+ in SoS’s favor.

Please do whatever you have to do to enjoy this or any other game. I thank you for your efforts in WvW.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Silverstone.4539


My advice is to find nice and friendly WvW Guild and run around with them, even if its only small guild like 10 people. So many things are better with nice group of friends, but specially WvW.

The truth.

Sadly this is not really an option, as there are no guilds around with 10 people on at the time I mainly play, or even 5 for that matter. And I do.. did play a lot. Like I said, I do run with other tagged guilds on TS, but its only for an hour, then they all log off, and that’s if I log in early, Then I’m left for 5 more hours with almost no one around. Watching anything that was archived crumble away. ( I’m a kiwi on a NA server btw) I have even tried building up a guild, but that’s a problem in its self. hard to build a house where there are no solid building materials around. And I understand, a lot don’t want to commit to a WvW guild, it can feel like a trapping in its self.

Thanks for your support and ideas. I will take a break till the next big patch is out.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Lady Sapphirah.6234

Lady Sapphirah.6234

Im sad now too and feel like asking you to change servers (not sure where u are) as we still have people in wvw pretty much 24/7. The guild Im in always has ppl in wvw… I also dont believe in transferring servers (hate all that stuff) but thats another rant lol

I sort of think its no point transferring atm with this patch coming up, think it would be a waste of gold for a start, as we dont know what Anet is planning really…. its only a few days wait hopefully. You could take a break and do some pve… haha had to go pve recently to get some stupid runes, havent been to pve for a while and actually quite enjoyed it briefly but then just wanted to get it over with to get back to wvw :P I know how u feel….

I blame my GL for making me go there * points finger * haha lol

Keep smiling

(edited by Lady Sapphirah.6234)

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: STIHL.2489


Sadly this is not really an option

Play for fun. Really, I used to care about the numbers and what have you, but, WvW becomes so much easier when you don’t think about it. The loot is an atrocity, so if you are not having fun, not to sound cliche’ but, let it go.

There are two kinds of gamers, salty, and extra salty

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Yup. Take a break.

Then come back and offer to teach siege clinics to new people on map. There’s always new people. . Engage other community members by asking for help testing out new placements. Try really absurd placements. Laugh. Rejoice when you discover, together, an effective way to thwart proxy catas. Laugh like a lunatic at the next blob that tries that.

Don’t stress if the entire map flips, concentrate on sticking your hands to your ears and Nya nya you can’t get this tower.

Just make it fun for you.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Davey.7029


You’ve become a WvW vet, now you’ll either start roaming alone or with a group, or/and become a dueler who does nothing else than gank footmans and raiders. It’s the WvW evolution that we all go through.
But seriously, if your server doesn’t want to help you do stuff, then they don’t deserve to win the matchup anyways.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Mokk.2397


Don’t take the game to heart to much.I understand how you feel but just remember, It’s only a game.Stressing over it or what people say isn’t healthy.Its just a game.Their are many people on many servers that are really nice.You just have to get out there and find them.Even on servers that I might dislike in the game play, many of those people are really nice.

Too much WvW destroys you, case and point

in WvW

Posted by: Norbe.7630


Maybe this big “WvW rework” will be the silver bullet. I’m not sure.

I’ll take a break, maybe that will help.

yes for me the WvW overhaul is the final nail in the coffin
the deciding factor for me to retain gw2 as my main game or uninstall it for good

“all games must end….”
-some quote from Stonehearst Asylum

Duterte Death Squad [DDS]
Gate of Madness

(edited by Norbe.7630)