Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Crazy.6029


Ok let’s make it super simple and just list 5 things you want or don’t want in WvW. No reasons or rationalizing or criticizing… Just a simple list for Anet to read.

1. Oasis event gone
2. Fire/Air spitting out of keeps gone
3. Banners gone
4. Shield Generators gone
5. Bring Back the old way stability worked.

Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Norbe.7630


Duterte Death Squad [DDS]
Gate of Madness

Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: erKo.9586


1. Old maps back.
2. Stability the way it were.
3. Banners gone.
4. Auto-loot for WvW(should have been added long time ago)
5. No gliding in WvW.

[WvW] Thanks Anet for listening to your players during 2016.
Far Shiverpeaks – EU – Since release.

Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: vana.5467


I have only one. I want the gamemode to actually be considered in balance patches.
A reversion or buff (icd) to stability.
A damage reduction across the board and functional changes to certain skills that give too much benefit for their required effort.
A significant nerf to boon uptime (might, fury, protection in particular).
A rework of damage reducing effect so they no longer stack (e.g. frost aura + protection would only give -33%).
A hard-cap of 3000 for any one stat (including boons and sigils).

Why? Because from a fight perspective, the game is in a disastrous state. There’s an abundance of extremely high damage which is also very easy to land. In a group setting, this is the kind of damage you realistically cannot outplay, either because the cds are too short to bait (e.g. CoR) or because the skills themselves don’t require much timing (e.g. Test of Faith).
Because so much of this damage is unavoidable, you’re forced to design your composition in such a way that you’re able to ignore a large part of it. This is done by stacking damage reduction effects. At this point, when glass and bunker are pushed so far away from each other, your success depends more on your builds and composition than your ability to outplay your opponent. This is bad. This is boring. This makes players quit.

By pulling the two extremes closer together, you’ll get a much healthier gamemode with more dynamic fights. Any work they put into “fixing” population imbalance and rewards is going to be pointless if no one enjoys the actual fighting.

But also, the new BL sucks. So does the new upgrade system. Of all the things they could have reworked, they picked ones that were already working fine. When you think about it, it’s actually impressive that they managed to alienate the entire playerbase of this gamemode (which encompasses players with many different priorities) at the same time.

So I guess:
Upgrade system

Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


1: Appoint a Forum Specialist for WvW, an Anet employee that has direct communication with the Dev team. This person will relay information both ways.
2: Communication…
3: Formally establish what format Anet wants to use for said Communication so we are all on the same page.
4: Communication
5: Did I mention Communication?

Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.

Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nundar.9701


1. Old maps back.
2. Stability the way it were.
3. Banners gone.
4. Auto-loot for WvW(should have been added long time ago)
5. No gliding in WvW.


Top 5 Things you Want for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


What I put in the other thread:

Just a few from the top of my head:

1. Reward WvW currency that can be used for purchasing all sorts of things that can be found at various vendors throughout PvE (HoT insignias/inscriptions I’m looking at you.) Use Proof of Heroics, WvW Tournament Claim tickets, or whatever. The amount of personal credit you get throughout the week for the things you do translates to your “end of week” reward currency. The winning server gets a slight bonus.

2. Reward match points based on PPT/PPK earned during three 8-hour time frames. Something like 8am to 4pm, 4pm to 12am, 12am to 8am. Winner of each time frame gets 5 points, 2nd place is 3points, 3rd place is 1 point. Total up the points at the end of the week to see who wins. This allows servers with a strong overnight presence to directly compete with a server who has a strong daytime presence and vice versa.

3. Make the server buffs (Power of the Mists) gained through WvW only apply to those of us who are actively engaged in WvW. The buffs still carry over to PvE, but you must participate and get credit for “xyz” number of things in WvW. The “Power of the Mists” buff should show up on your buff bar and be “awarded” at the end of every match where your contribution can be totaled and should last until the end of the next match where your participation will be weighed again and the appropriate “Power of the Mists” buff can be applied again (or not).

4. WvW-specific skins/outfits/etc that can be purchased with the stuff I mentioned in #1

5. New things to earn with rank-up WvW xp levels (like autoloot, etc.)

Honorable Mention: Ditch Edge of the Mists.