Tough matchup

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Damsel Delilah.9084

Damsel Delilah.9084

Isle of Janthir and sea of sorrow is seriously stuck in a match with eredon terace for a full week? Please do something about your matching system so that it cannot be manipulated to get this kind of pairing…

Current point gains:

Demise – Elementalist/Warrior
We Have No Creativity [FML]- r.i.p. 2013

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Shinzou.1534


It is not a joke, and since Anet hasn’t responded if there is an issue.. it must be intended.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: NoobieOne.4167


We don’t like this either we were really hoping for a matchup vs HoD trust me this type of match isn’t fun for anyone.

Noobie One
member of [RISE]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


I am on eredon terrace in this match right now.

We we have 30 people at each gate keeping you bottled up, and another 70 elsewhere farming or doing jumping puzzles. We never see more then 30 of you leave your spawn.

Where is your other 100 players?

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Oshtoposh.2540


It’s going to be a rough week boys and girls. Brace yourselves.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


We have boycotted WvW this week until ET are out of this bracket, whoever is in charge of putting them down there needs a serious talking to.

Even if the rumors are true that ET threw some games to get dropped a bracket, whoever is in charge of matching them up should have half a brain to realise that they are one of the top ranked servers not down in this bracket.

Way to go on ruining WvW for 3 servers for a week

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Scynthetic.1236


We have boycotted WvW this week until ET are out of this bracket, whoever is in charge of putting them down there needs a serious talking to.

Even if the rumors are true that ET threw some games to get dropped a bracket, whoever is in charge of matching them up should have half a brain to realise that they are one of the top ranked servers not down in this bracket.

Way to go on ruining WvW for 3 servers for a week

I know how bad it sucks getting matched up with one of the mega servers, but what is Anet supposed to do? There’s 4 servers that match up fairly well with each other, so what happens with the 4th? They sit out for a week until they can play in the top tier again so other servers don’t have to face them?

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


We have boycotted WvW this week until ET are out of this bracket, whoever is in charge of putting them down there needs a serious talking to.

Even if the rumors are true that ET threw some games to get dropped a bracket, whoever is in charge of matching them up should have half a brain to realise that they are one of the top ranked servers not down in this bracket.

Way to go on ruining WvW for 3 servers for a week

I know how bad it sucks getting matched up with one of the mega servers, but what is Anet supposed to do? There’s 4 servers that match up fairly well with each other, so what happens with the 4th? They sit out for a week until they can play in the top tier again so other servers don’t have to face them?

Except Isle of Janthir are ranked 8th on the official rankings list.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


Boycotting shouldn’t work if the teams are forcibly even. Obviously that is not the case.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


We have boycotted WvW this week until ET are out of this bracket, whoever is in charge of putting them down there needs a serious talking to.

Even if the rumors are true that ET threw some games to get dropped a bracket, whoever is in charge of matching them up should have half a brain to realise that they are one of the top ranked servers not down in this bracket.

Way to go on ruining WvW for 3 servers for a week

I know how bad it sucks getting matched up with one of the mega servers, but what is Anet supposed to do? There’s 4 servers that match up fairly well with each other, so what happens with the 4th? They sit out for a week until they can play in the top tier again so other servers don’t have to face them?

This is incorrect. ArenaNet is not matching servers within the same bracket. They are matching servers one or two brackets away from each other.

For example, my server Tarnished Coast was matched against Dragonbrand (4 ranks ahead of us) and Maguuma (2 ranks ahead of us).

If we had been fighting 2 servers of Maguumas rank (+2) we probably would have had a relatively fun match-up, though they would have had the overall advantage.

However, add a +4 rank and the scale is just tilted too far against those in the lower bracket. The deficit is just too much to make up, and this creates the ultimate in unfun.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


that pie chart looks exactly like ours yesterday night, everything was ours (millers sound, yes, the BEST of the three worst servers ;-) until about noon today. now we only get 30-40 people into each borderland/battleground so it evens out. I believe by now we’re even a bit behind because dzagonur can form multiple zergs of 50+ players per map which we can’t kill (because we don’t have enough people) and are getting every keep.. not that I wouldn’t join such a zerg for my server, they’re doing it absolutely right =)

don’t boykott wvw, the tides can still turn very quickly, as long as the player cap isn’t fixed (just hope your server gets the manpower-advantage for a while)..
once that bug is finally solved, your enemies won’t have enough people to defend the whole map – the more they have, the easier its to take some piece away again. even having built waypoints it still takes time to get to an attacked keep, multiple simultaneous guerilla style attacks are rather effective (where should the zerg go, how many times may he split before becoming vulnerable etc)

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Lasica.5068


We don’t like this either we were really hoping for a matchup vs HoD trust me this type of match isn’t fun for anyone.

No you weren’t. It’s common knowledge that your threw the last matchup before the 1 week battles started specifically so you didn’t have to face HoD and got a nice easy match for this week.

The main problem with this is that it isn’t going to get any better for IoJ/SoS unless both of them do so bad as to drop down to the next tier. Once reset comes again we will still be up against one of the top 4 servers.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Shinzou.1534


I am on eredon terrace in this match right now.

We we have 30 people at each gate keeping you bottled up, and another 70 elsewhere farming or doing jumping puzzles. We never see more then 30 of you leave your spawn.

Where is your other 100 players?

We don’t have the population of hard core PvPers you do, hell we don’t have your population period. We can’t keep the WvWvW population capped out 24/7, and even then most people see the current score and say screw it and don’t join WvWvW.

Plus, even when we do push forward just a bit you have your reserves just teleport to us to push us back.

This is a battle of server populations, nothing else. The outmanned buff is a joke of epic proportions.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Xenos.1072


Well, if you look here..

A few days ago the scores were
2132.171 Henge of Denravi
1952.644 Stormbluff Isle
1940.189 Eredon Terrace
1934.638 Jade Quarry

As you can see, an even match up would be Storm, Eredon and Jade, but because Henge is there, it means they get to stomp on 2 of us, while the 4th server is stuck fighting the 5th and 6th.

Basically, if you want an even match up, find some way for Henge to play with themselves that Anet will accept while the rest of us have fun with one another.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Lasica.5068


Except Isle of Janthir are ranked 8th on the official rankings list.

Not correct. It was 8th on Thursday, but zoomed up the rankings after the last 1 day matchup because we slaughtered the opposition on Dragonbrand/Gates of Madness. That then put us at the top of the 2nd tier servers, leaving us to face the last of the 1st tier servers.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Zelthios.5902


We don’t like this either we were really hoping for a matchup vs HoD trust me this type of match isn’t fun for anyone.

No you weren’t. It’s common knowledge that your threw the last matchup before the 1 week battles started specifically so you didn’t have to face HoD and got a nice easy match for this week.

The main problem with this is that it isn’t going to get any better for IoJ/SoS unless both of them do so bad as to drop down to the next tier. Once reset comes again we will still be up against one of the top 4 servers.

Basically this, IoJ is always stuck fighting the loser from the previous top 3 match up and frankly it’s getting to be quite annoying to be constantly overwhelmed. We really have no chance against any of them. At least with ET we can gain some foothold but against Stormbluff they literally take the entire map.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


We don’t like this either we were really hoping for a matchup vs HoD trust me this type of match isn’t fun for anyone.

No you weren’t. It’s common knowledge that your threw the last matchup before the 1 week battles started specifically so you didn’t have to face HoD and got a nice easy match for this week.

The main problem with this is that it isn’t going to get any better for IoJ/SoS unless both of them do so bad as to drop down to the next tier. Once reset comes again we will still be up against one of the top 4 servers.

As has been said, organized alliances have too much power. The one on ET throwing their match is an example of this. The result is almost a form of griefing.

No doubt this will happen again and again and again in the months that follow. ArenaNet has to address the problem, or WvW will end up niche like Eve Online.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: ajpearman.2586


Seriously… I’m sitting at the entrance for Sea of Sorrows on the Eternal Battlegrounds and we’re just being spawn camped. Eredon Terrace completely destroyed us the SAME DAY the servers switched over to week-long matches.

I understand that ET is far more organized for WvWvW, but this is not fun. There is literally nothing we can do.

THIS ^ should not be possible.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Shinzou.1534


@ajpearman, they are doing the exact same thing to us here on Isle of Janthir. Every so often a splinter from us will break through, but there are still plenty of ET out in the field that get called in on us. Once we get killed it is back to being camped.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Tweek.4715


I don’t believe much can be done with the match ups. If WvW only supports 3 servers at a time and there are 4 servers that are better than the others, someone is going to get shafted. It’s just basic arithmetic. They could close transfers to higher tier servers and offer better incentive to transfer to lower tier servers, but that’s just one step in the right direction.

However, I do believe something should be done so that you can not camp spawns with siege equipment.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: GaiusJuliusCasear.7253


This is really hurting us on the Isle of Janthir mixed with the free server transfers. A guy I just recruited went right on over to ET. IoJ shouldn’t be matched up like this. It isn’t a good match at all. I can’t even get the majority of the remaining people to get onto WvW. There is very little point being that we have nothing and don’t have the man power to fix this. I really can’t understand how we were 8th. We lost very often. If your into sports and your team loses constantly they are at the bottom and not in the middle. WvW was a great idea now gone bad.


Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


We have boycotted WvW this week until ET are out of this bracket, whoever is in charge of putting them down there needs a serious talking to.

Even if the rumors are true that ET threw some games to get dropped a bracket, whoever is in charge of matching them up should have half a brain to realise that they are one of the top ranked servers not down in this bracket.

Way to go on ruining WvW for 3 servers for a week

I know how bad it sucks getting matched up with one of the mega servers, but what is Anet supposed to do? There’s 4 servers that match up fairly well with each other, so what happens with the 4th? They sit out for a week until they can play in the top tier again so other servers don’t have to face them?

Except Isle of Janthir are ranked 8th on the official rankings list.

Much has changed in the 2 or 3 matchups since that was posted.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


we haven’t seen a response from Anet on this topic yet. Which is actually surprising, considering how well they’ve done so far keeping us players in the loop. This either means they are looking into fixes and too busy to respond (god i hope it’s this) or they don’t intend to do anything about it.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


According to the rankings posted Crystal Desert is facing servers +3 and +4 above us, yet we are winning.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Kalafax.9185


According to the rankings posted Crystal Desert is facing servers +3 and +4 above us, yet we are winning.

Yes, your beating Gates of Madness, the server that has been doubled teamed for the past 3 matchs, and doesnt have nearly the PvP population to face the higher up tiers that we get faced with constantly. We get points because we have certain peak times where we have a sizable PvP population, but after about 4 or 5 hour window we are back to a very small force while the servers we face literally cover the entire field, and not just EB, all the borderlands aswell.

Sorry but when you can cover basicly all of all of the borderlands and the eternal battlegrounds, there is a huge issue.

One server shouldnt be allowed to have more in a match then anotherif this kinda crap is going to continue.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: DooJoon.8240


We don’t like this either we were really hoping for a matchup vs HoD trust me this type of match isn’t fun for anyone.

No you weren’t. It’s common knowledge that your threw the last matchup before the 1 week battles started specifically so you didn’t have to face HoD and got a nice easy match for this week.

The main problem with this is that it isn’t going to get any better for IoJ/SoS unless both of them do so bad as to drop down to the next tier. Once reset comes again we will still be up against one of the top 4 servers.

ET won their last 24 hr match (thur-fri) against BG and SoS with a big big lead, so obviously et didnt throw that match.

also the rankings is not updated yet, they did not update it after the last 24 hr match.
so youre goin to see confusion on match ups like rank 8 vs rank 4 etc etc..
BG got pushed down to tier 3 to go against CD,GoM.. I.J got pushed up to tier 2 against ET and SoS and DB got pushed down to 4.
idk why ET didnt get pushed to tier 1 tho after a blow out win.

The thing is even if it was Stormbluff or Jade Quarry in tier 2 against SoS and IoJ
it would be most likely the same, sb/jq will dominate it.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: maximumpanda.5178


ET here.

there are several reasons why you guys are having such a terrible time, most of which arena net doesnt have control over.
1. coordination: our server is ment to be a dedicated WVWVW server. every guild who is here, its here solely for WVW.
2. 4 wvw focused servers: right now there are 4 servers who are dedicated to WVW in this way, because of this there will always be 1 server not in the top bracket who will be placed against lower population, lower coordinated servers.
3. free transfers: i can not stress this enough. FREE TRANSFERS DURING WEEK MATCHES IS A BAD IDEA. i scouted every bracket this morning and it is the same story on every one. 1 server is rofl stomping the other 2. the reason for this is because when the 1 server started winning early on due to other factors, EVERYONE jumped ship and transfered onto that server for the week, for bonuses or god know what else. arena net needs to stop this if they hope to keep server balance alive.

as of right now there are only a few things you can do.

1.start working together with your server. communication between guilds is absolutely mandatory. this isnt wow and the tribal c**k slapping isnt going to help you. either definitively set 1 guild as your grand puba, or agree that no one guild is better then another (this is the hardest step and inevitably diplomacy crashes and burns at this point, coz the internet is for big kids and big kids dont play nice)
2. if your really want to win. work for it, dont just roll over and die when you get beaten up. learn from your loses and use them to your advantage. i can tell you that before ruin became the dominant force in every game it plays, it spent 2/3rds of its existence fighting as the underdog and losing MANY MANY battles. its not the wins that define your force, its how you learn from your loses. use this time to study our strategy (and trust me we have them), from there find ways to break up that strat using class mechanics, siege, leet skillz.

wvwvw is not ment to be fair, and while yes ET is beating you guys remember WE ARE STILL ONE OF THE LOWEST POPULATION SERVERS IN THE GAME, if you concentrated your players you could be fighting us toe-to-toe all it takes is a little coordination and determination.

*edit: on reading this it does sound condicending as hell, and i really dont mean it that way. arena net needs to make some changes but overall imo the game has a pvp solution to all your pvp problems, you just need to understand that wvw requires much more information/communication/work to be successful. this isnt something that happens over night, it takes weeks of diplomacy, months of leadership training and in our case years of practice to get to the point we are today.

Maximumpanda – Director of – Ruin Gaming [Ruin]
Desolation [DESO]

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Sivorick.1674


We have boycotted WvW this week until ET are out of this bracket, whoever is in charge of putting them down there needs a serious talking to.

Even if the rumors are true that ET threw some games to get dropped a bracket, whoever is in charge of matching them up should have half a brain to realise that they are one of the top ranked servers not down in this bracket.

Way to go on ruining WvW for 3 servers for a week

I know how bad it sucks getting matched up with one of the mega servers, but what is Anet supposed to do? There’s 4 servers that match up fairly well with each other, so what happens with the 4th? They sit out for a week until they can play in the top tier again so other servers don’t have to face them?

Well currently we have 2 servers sitting out because of it. So, yes let the other mega server sit out vs. allowing ET a week to farm while the other servers sit out and get little to no rewards/advancement. Not that this is a realistic solution, but the problem is very real and will hurt the overall game population in the end.

My guild took 10-15 in friday night and took and held some points. We defended and were able to hold ET off for a while, but once the second shift from ET came in it was a wrap. IoJ did ok, but it’s wasn’t long before ET just swamped the whole map. This is like a week long premade vs pug situation.

Sivorick Andrathi
The Guardians – Isle of Janthir

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: buzzkapow.8465


The problem with the way the current setups have it is that it is nearly impossible to retake positions that have been in the hands of the enemy for a while. As we have been pushed back to our spawns, where ET has setup siege to keep us hemmed in (god forbid anybody should take the side routes), it’s difficult to move a group out without having a much larger zerg from ET come wipe that group out. Meanwhile, the front of our spawn is no easier to get out of. We cannot hold onto a camp or tower for any length of time, just on sheer numbers. Our group of 10 will take a supply camp, we’ll get attacked by a group of 20-30. We’ll try raiding, just to keep them guessing, run into a roving pack of 20.

We had a good foothold in the SoS BL yesterday. I spent a large portion of my money on upgrading Etheron Hills, SoS was pushing ET on their own map. I figured things would be similar come morning. Wake up 7 hours later, and we have basically been wiped from the maps. There’s no way that’s simply a coordination thing. We had the coordination. we lacked the people

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Shinzou.1534


I have been doing WvW for the past two hours now against ET. On the whole they are average, but their population in WvW is dwarfing us. They have the population to gate camp while simultaneously camp everything they hold, and even have a few left over to roam. They don’t have a lot camping the controls, but even 1 or 2 is enough to call in a wave of destruction if we try to take anything.

We take something and less than a minute later it is in ET’s hands again. Their server population may be lower, but they WvW population is overwhelming. They are at their population cap 24/7. While we are only fielding 30 to 40 most of the time.

The outmanned buff needs reworked, and the orbs need to be completely removed.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: JoolaPrime.6390


How does that work when ET is a low pop server and both IoJ and SoS have an Oceanic presence?

If a server with a WvW focus faces off against servers who don’t they’ll always do well. ANet can do nothing about players choosing not to play WvW.

Enemy Invader

(edited by JoolaPrime.6390)

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


1 way to stop server transfers is to give us names instead of “Invaders/ Defenders”. Then we know who the server transfers are and can ridicule them.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Shinzou.1534


How does that work when ET is a low pop server and both IoJ and SoS have an Oceanic presence?

If a server with a WvW focus faces off against servers who don’t they’ll always do well. ANet can do nothing about players choosing not to play WvW.

No but they can at least make it more fair for those that DO want to do WvW on the non WvW focused servers. Everything about how it is being handled now by Anet breeds the NEED to switch to the other servers. They say they don’t want that, but what they say and what they do are contradictory.

Again, remove orbs entirely. Make the outmanned buff actually useful. The buff may as not even exist. Talk about a waste of code.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: JoolaPrime.6390


That may be so. Its great the transfers are still free don’t you think?

There are not enough PvP focused players to fill all the servers, there were never going to be.

Enemy Invader

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: JoolaPrime.6390


That may be so. Its great the transfers are still free don’t you think?

There are not enough PvP focused players to fill all the servers, there were never going to be.

Let me qualify that, I think free transfers are a terrible idea and a really bad workaround for failing on the promised guesting system…which as we know is a PvE thing.

But while transferring is free there’s still a chance for those getting a bad deal to do something about it.

Enemy Invader

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: GenericName.5046


QQ… man you guys ever play sports with brackets? You win some you lose some. Sometimes when you win you get to play against a server thats in a higher bracket to see if you can hack it there. And you will get stomped or you will win and get better. Suck it up.
instead of whining how about you organize your server or try and organize with the other server and make it a 2v1. Or you could whine on a forum about how hard the game is. Please show Anet on the bear where the mean server touched you.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


I’m on ET and yes we really want to be in the top bracket. This isn’t fun for you or us either. I would rather be against HoD and JQ for the challenge, then rofl-stomping the lower brackets. I’m sorry, hopefully you won’t blame ET for something we can’t control.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: vrgadin.1943


We don’t like this either we were really hoping for a matchup vs HoD trust me this type of match isn’t fun for anyone.

No you weren’t. It’s common knowledge that your threw the last matchup before the 1 week battles started specifically so you didn’t have to face HoD and got a nice easy match for this week.

The main problem with this is that it isn’t going to get any better for IoJ/SoS unless both of them do so bad as to drop down to the next tier. Once reset comes again we will still be up against one of the top 4 servers.

LOL common knowledge? more like trash drivvle swapped back and forth between trolls like yourself. I love how you think you are the authority on what goes on in ET wvw. lemme guess you are SOS? no no IOJ?

being a member of the largest guild on ET we “throw” nothing. get a clue, stop whining and people might listen to what you have to say on a forum….as of now you sound like a 12 year old makin ish up.

Severinaa- 80 Norn Guard
Eredon Terrace {RUIN}
“I’m the one with the scary horned skull helm”

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Paladin.5268


“I am on eredon terrace in this match right now.

We we have 30 people at each gate keeping you bottled up, and another 70 elsewhere farming or doing jumping puzzles. We never see more then 30 of you leave your spawn.

Where is your other 100 players?"

When your ET server rolls in and takes all orbs and you have an alliance with guilds that span 24/7 on your server, it tends to take away any and all “fun factor” or desire to continue fighting.

Simply put, Isle of Janthir is NOT an acceptable match up against ET, as we do not have the night coverage that you do. Many of us in my guild (The Guardians) have spent a lot of coin buying siege equipment, rolling out as a guild in force, and doing our best to hold towers or keeps, only to lose it all because we cannot maintain it over night.

We lost our Aussie guilds here, as I have not seen any more recruitment on IoJ after day 1 of being matched with your server. Apparently fun for ET is to roffle stomp other servers and keep the pressure 24/7, then have the balls to come into these forums and ask where our players are? Do some research in the future, we are not a hard core WvW server and do the best we can against other reasonable servers who may not have a 24/7 hard core presence.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: vrgadin.1943


I have been doing WvW for the past two hours now against ET. On the whole they are average, but their population in WvW is dwarfing us. They have the population to gate camp while simultaneously camp everything they hold, and even have a few left over to roam. They don’t have a lot camping the controls, but even 1 or 2 is enough to call in a wave of destruction if we try to take anything.

We take something and less than a minute later it is in ET’s hands again. Their server population may be lower, but they WvW population is overwhelming. They are at their population cap 24/7. While we are only fielding 30 to 40 most of the time.

The outmanned buff needs reworked, and the orbs need to be completely removed.

if we are average as you say….what does that make you, the loser?

there is nothing average about a cohesive server working together. guilds and mercs as one. (u notice i dont call them pugs) on ET we have no pugs

u also were most likely not fighting when we conquered the map initially. you are now fighting smaller warbands. if by some miracle you start taking some keeps, you will see us “average” exotic 80s come out to play, stick around.

and no…we earned those orbs and didnt “fly in” to grab them either.

Severinaa- 80 Norn Guard
Eredon Terrace {RUIN}
“I’m the one with the scary horned skull helm”

(edited by vrgadin.1943)

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Paladin.5268


ET here.

there are several reasons why you guys are having such a terrible time, most of which arena net doesnt have control over.
1. coordination: our server is ment to be a dedicated WVWVW server. every guild who is here, its here solely for WVW.
2. 4 wvw focused servers: right now there are 4 servers who are dedicated to WVW in this way, because of this there will always be 1 server not in the top bracket who will be placed against lower population, lower coordinated servers.
3. free transfers: i can not stress this enough. FREE TRANSFERS DURING WEEK MATCHES IS A BAD IDEA. i scouted every bracket this morning and it is the same story on every one. 1 server is rofl stomping the other 2. the reason for this is because when the 1 server started winning early on due to other factors, EVERYONE jumped ship and transfered onto that server for the week, for bonuses or god know what else. arena net needs to stop this if they hope to keep server balance alive.

as of right now there are only a few things you can do.

1.start working together with your server. communication between guilds is absolutely mandatory. this isnt wow and the tribal c**k slapping isnt going to help you. either definitively set 1 guild as your grand puba, or agree that no one guild is better then another (this is the hardest step and inevitably diplomacy crashes and burns at this point, coz the internet is for big kids and big kids dont play nice)
2. if your really want to win. work for it, dont just roll over and die when you get beaten up. learn from your loses and use them to your advantage. i can tell you that before ruin became the dominant force in every game it plays, it spent 2/3rds of its existence fighting as the underdog and losing MANY MANY battles. its not the wins that define your force, its how you learn from your loses. use this time to study our strategy (and trust me we have them), from there find ways to break up that strat using class mechanics, siege, leet skillz.

wvwvw is not ment to be fair, and while yes ET is beating you guys remember WE ARE STILL ONE OF THE LOWEST POPULATION SERVERS IN THE GAME, if you concentrated your players you could be fighting us toe-to-toe all it takes is a little coordination and determination.

*edit: on reading this it does sound condicending as hell, and i really dont mean it that way. arena net needs to make some changes but overall imo the game has a pvp solution to all your pvp problems, you just need to understand that wvw requires much more information/communication/work to be successful. this isnt something that happens over night, it takes weeks of diplomacy, months of leadership training and in our case years of practice to get to the point we are today.

I can certainly understand the points you make, and the transfers are part of it during the week match ups right now. The other side of the coin, is that most of the servers, IoJ being 1, is not a 24/7 hard core WvW server and will most likely never will be.

Getting the other guilds to work together is very challenging, and not having an overnight core of players also hurts us. There are several guilds on IoJ that really try hard in WvW, we use all sorts of tactics, anti-tactics, and doing better at being cohesive, but when we get into some of our border lands and see 15-20+ allied players just sitting there /dancing and not helping, that screws us from getting other players in that want to actually contribute and try hard.

Every server is different, every server will have good guilds, mediocre guilds, and groups of players that just do not care. Yelling in caps in map chat causes contention, frustration ensues when there is not enough comrade to make the server work together efficiently.

IoJ will continue to do our best, but know we have our share of frustrations and when we try to get players back together in an attempt to push out again, we do not get many willing to do WvW because of the demoralized factors and seeing that ET has all 3 orbs, gives you a rather sizable advantage along with all the % perks from getting and maintaining a 3-4x lead over your competition.

Hopefully we will find more appropriate pairings in future matches, as some of us have learned better tactics and can’t wait to use them in future WvW with servers that also do not have a hard core 24/7 presence. Nothing against ET, your just a well oiled war machine for this single purpose, IoJ is not.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Silkath.9743


We lost our Aussie guilds here, as I have not seen any more recruitment on IoJ after day 1 of being matched with your server. Apparently fun for ET is to roffle stomp other servers and keep the pressure 24/7, then have the balls to come into these forums and ask where our players are? Do some research in the future, we are not a hard core WvW server and do the best we can against other reasonable servers who may not have a 24/7 hard core presence.

We’re still here! Yesterday afternoon (Oceanic afternoon, so I guess something around 10/11pm EST) we were getting 230ish points a tick. I know that isn’t winning, but it’s definitely competitive. I’m not aware of any WvW focused Oceanic guilds that have transfered off IoJ or who are “sitting out” WvW as a matter of policy.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


We held our own in Sea of Sorrows against Eredon Terrance during the Aussie hours like a week ago, but now for some reason they beat us 24/7. I noticed a lot of people from Eredon Terrace would transfer to our server (Sea of Sorrow) and spam that they are looking for Aussie guilds to join Eredon Terrace so they can rofflestomp us even harder. After a couple days of this spam I have noticed a huge exodus of Aussie players from Sea of Sorrows, and I have now noticed a even larder presence of players on Eredon Terrance that are now playing during the Aussie hours. Just something I noticed. Also team chat is full of spies on SoS. It is kinda pathetic to be honest that they would even resort to that (ruin guild im talking about you guys)

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Paladin.5268


I have been doing WvW for the past two hours now against ET. On the whole they are average, but their population in WvW is dwarfing us. They have the population to gate camp while simultaneously camp everything they hold, and even have a few left over to roam. They don’t have a lot camping the controls, but even 1 or 2 is enough to call in a wave of destruction if we try to take anything.

We take something and less than a minute later it is in ET’s hands again. Their server population may be lower, but they WvW population is overwhelming. They are at their population cap 24/7. While we are only fielding 30 to 40 most of the time.

The outmanned buff needs reworked, and the orbs need to be completely removed.

if we are average as you say….what does that make you, the loser?

there is nothing average about a cohesive server working together. guilds and mercs as one. (u notice i dont call them pugs) on ET we have no pugs

u also were most likely not fighting when we conquered the map initially. you are now fighting smaller warbands. if by some miracle you start taking some keeps, you will see us “average” exotic 80s come out to play, stick around.

and no…we earned those orbs and didnt “fly in” to grab them either.

Actually to clarify, ET did indeed swoop in to IoJ and took the Orb within the first 10 minutes of the start up. We had a good 20+ here defending, while your warband of aprox 35-40 just crushed up utterly. Now whether there was an issue with our servers not being able to field enough players as Anet has stated before there were balance issues with some servers not being able to get the same number of players into the world servers was in play or not, I couldn’t say.

We put up a lot of siege equipment and did our best to stop your war machine from taking our orb, and once it was taken, we had no way to get it back, even as we ported back to our central keep and headed east to try and cut you off, it simply wasn’t enough.

Sadly most servers do not have the quality of WvW centric only guilds like ET does. Please do not expect us to. Some of our guilds are doing their best, but the demoralizing issues that ensue doesn’t help us either.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Thalantyr.2856


The current morale in WvW is extremely low. I play on Isle of Janthir and we’ve continued to W3 even though we’re being stomped. Even in our prime hours we’re coming up against Philippino and Malaysian guilds that just bring too much numbers to the field. They’re not overly great players but there are always enough numbers and quick response to stop us in our tracks.

This whole scenario of bad matchups is not really Arenanets fault. It just happens to be that there are four very organised servers, very populated servers, that are in another league, and I tip my hat to them. It happens in FPS brackets all the time, except that you usually don’t have to deal with it for a week, and I think that’s where the crying is all coming from.

Our server morale was quite high last week and it’s at an all time low this week. Next week I bet that we’ll be up against Tier-3 sides and we’ll do quite well and this will all quieten down for 7 days until we pop back up against Eredon/Jade/Stormbluff again. We’re trying to organise things with our own server forums but to be honest people just aren’t interested in coming onto them. We run one of the only alliances on IOJ, it’s only four guilds in size, but we hold our own quite well. If people organised themselves a bit better, got some more alliances going and started trying to recruit some US/EU players to our server we would be in a better position.

This is really unfortunate for Arenanet and I hope they’re looking into ways to fix this because the MMO public generally couldn’t organise their way out of a wet paper bag and will just sit back crying until they are all dried out and leave GW2 behind.

This needs both the MMO community AND Arenanet to get onto this ASAP.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: stikxs.1469


<< IoJ here and pretty sure maximumpanda’s post is the truth we need to accept. Coordination is something this server REALLY seems to be lacking. Most of that is probably due to the reportedly low pvp/wvw focus for guilds, but it is essential for success. Similarly, without that communication and cooperation we have no strategy for the most part. You might occasionally see someone trying to guide our forces, but its almost always met with someone saying ‘no, take X’.

And when we do get a zerg force formed it doesn’t know how to keep itself alive. It starts rolling and making progress, and like a flame it goes too far and burns itself up. And then we have nothing to defend the things we just took. And lots of times when we take something people won’t grab supplies from the camps instead of towers and it halts upgrading.

Not that participation isn’t an issue, obviously. Don’t really know how Anet can fix that, but it is definitely making the hill before us incredibly steep to start with.


Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: JoolaPrime.6390


We held our own in Sea of Sorrows against Eredon Terrance during the Aussie hours like a week ago, but now for some reason they beat us 24/7. I noticed a lot of people from Eredon Terrace would transfer to our server (Sea of Sorrow) and spam that they are looking for Aussie guilds to join Eredon Terrace so they can rofflestomp us even harder. After a couple days of this spam I have noticed a huge exodus of Aussie players from Sea of Sorrows, and I have now noticed a even larder presence of players on Eredon Terrance that are now playing during the Aussie hours. Just something I noticed. Also team chat is full of spies on SoS. It is kinda pathetic to be honest that they would even resort to that (ruin guild im talking about you guys)

If you’re going to call out a guild make sure you don’t label the whole server. If that is what RUIN do (and I’m not agreeing it is) they certainly aren’t representing the actions of the majority of ET.

Enemy Invader

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Shinzou.1534


if we are average as you say….what does that make you, the loser?

From what I have seen so far, we are losing due to not having the population you have. Your sheer numbers are what has destroyed us.

We would be able to compete if we could keep our side maxed out 24/7 like you can.

For instance, a couple times I have been able to catch 1 or 2 Ruin without their massive army with my lowly level 20 PvE specced and geared mesmer and been able to take them out myself.

Of course in WvW that is not what matters. You can’t take a keep with just one or two people.

IoJ should never been in this matchup. We were #8 on the latest rankings, why would we be paired with #4 and #5?

Also, telling us that we should switch to a different server if we don’t like this is what has created this situation in the first place. Free server transfers should have lasted the first week. That is it. There was no reason to go past that, and is no reason to still have them. I hope Anet takes from this a very valuable lesson, and never repeats it.

(edited by Shinzou.1534)

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


I do agree they need to balance the population shift better. A good start would be reworking the “Outmanned” buff. Sure, extra exp and karma is an incentive to play, but the bonus only really comes when the majority is asleep and can’t play. They need to provide a stat buff to go along with it so the servers don’t get roflstomped every night for a week. A server should really have to work to own the full map, and it’s not fun for either side when they take the full map in a couple of minutes because almost everyone on the opposite side left.

Fort Aspenwood

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Thalantyr.2856


IoJ should never been in this matchup. We were #8 on the latest rankings, why would we be paired with #4 and #5?

We weren’t 8th. I’m sure it’s been said about 50 times already. We were 6th, we got destroyed by Jade Quarry, we dropped to 8th. We then destroyed Gates of Madness and Dragonbrand and would have gone back into 5th, after Blackgate and Sea of Sorrows got beaten by Eredon Terrace.

We’re matched up in the right tier based off recent matches.