Trade glory points for WXP?
do you want pve’r rank farmers to have high wvw rank without a time gated cost?
JQ: Rikkity
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head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
do you want pve’r rank farmers to have high wvw rank without a time gated cost?
Yeah i rather spend my glory on my alt and not care about others they still get stomped
Hahahahahahhaaahhah :,D
Hiehot on kultaa. Hiehot on hopeaa. Hiehot on pronssia.
That would certain make me play alot more sPvP. Or at least if it was a decent return.
ye atleast give me lootchest all 5k glory too – i dont care for wxp
I agree that glory should have more options, but this is a terrible idea. No more does this make sense than me having a lot of wxp automatically getting glory.
I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
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