Transferring during Tournament!
Pretty sure it is how long you play during the tournament on a server. If you played on blacktide for 100 hours, and then transfer, you need to play on the new server for 101 hours for it to be the one you are associated with.
Eternity, The Juggernaut, Kudzu…
If that’s true, then it would be nice
Some say it might be achievement-related (eg, the world where you make the most achievements), some other, that it is time-related (eg, the world where one spends the most time).
Welcome to Desolation. We got loads of great players who are originally from Blacktide.
So far this match up has been a blast for Desolation. I would say that silver league has more difficult fights, now that Piken Square is also in Silver (and Piken still has good guilds). I haven’t seen enemies melt so quickly for a while. I mean both zerg fights and solo roaming.