Traps+Get More Out of WvW
I’m pretty skeptical of the anti-stealth fields, let’s just hope they are more like siege equipment rather than bundle items that any other player can just set up.
My sentiment exactly. As a Thief, this would definitely wreck my day being pulled out of stealth and put on 4s reveal mid battle.
As a non thief, this makes me happy :P
I’m pretty skeptical of the anti-stealth fields, let’s just hope they are more like siege equipment rather than bundle items that any other player can just set up.
My sentiment exactly. As a Thief, this would definitely wreck my day being pulled out of stealth and put on 4s reveal mid battle.
As a non thief, this makes me happy :P
Anti-Stealth trap: only work for stupid thief who rely on stealth (everything stealth).
Get revealed: basiliks/thief guild/shadow step.
or if the thief is P/D spec: trap = they just lol to you
or venom spec: you died when this thief lands all his/her venoms to you
Poor trap you do nothing to thief.
But may work well against mesmer/engi.
We don’t need silly gimmick traps; what we need is an Asura Mega Laser. Can be built as an upgrade in the spire of Stonemist Castle and Keeps for 3000 supply with 12000 range.
Destroys all enemy siege and troops in a 600 radius AoE with 1 shot and deals massive damage to walls. Recharge time inbetween shots 10 minutes.
Structure Upgrades:
Tier 1: Build Cannons and Mortars – 90 silver + 1750 supply (merged)
Tier 2: Build Waypoint – 1 gold 50 silver + 2500 supply
Tier 3: Build Asura Mega Laser – 2 gold +3000 supply
We can have both Asura Mega laser AND minefields. We already have lightning bolt generator in Borderlands, Low Orbit Ion Cannon for EB would be a nice addition. The more possibilities for fun and tactics, the better.
Also, placing Mega Lasers in KEEPS in EB, would make people attack them more often, and not just leave them alone for majority of matchups and trade towers.
We don’t need silly gimmick traps; what we need is an Asura Mega Laser. Can be built as an upgrade in the spire of Stonemist Castle and Keeps for 3000 supply with 12000 range.
Destroys all enemy siege and troops in a 600 radius AoE with 1 shot and deals massive damage to walls. Recharge time inbetween shots 10 minutes.
Structure Upgrades:
Tier 1: Build Cannons and Mortars – 90 silver + 1750 supply (merged)
Tier 2: Build Waypoint – 1 gold 50 silver + 2500 supply
Tier 3: Build Asura Mega Laser – 2 gold +3000 supplyWe can have both Asura Mega laser AND minefields. We already have lightning bolt generator in Borderlands, Low Orbit Ion Cannon for EB would be a nice addition. The more possibilities for fun and tactics, the better.
Also, placing Mega Lasers in KEEPS in EB, would make people attack them more often, and not just leave them alone for majority of matchups and trade towers.
This is a joke, right? I’m scared you might be serious.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
We don’t need silly gimmick traps; what we need is an Asura Mega Laser. Can be built as an upgrade in the spire of Stonemist Castle and Keeps for 3000 supply with 12000 range.
Destroys all enemy siege and troops in a 600 radius AoE with 1 shot and deals massive damage to walls. Recharge time inbetween shots 10 minutes.
Structure Upgrades:
Tier 1: Build Cannons and Mortars – 90 silver + 1750 supply (merged)
Tier 2: Build Waypoint – 1 gold 50 silver + 2500 supply
Tier 3: Build Asura Mega Laser – 2 gold +3000 supplyWe can have both Asura Mega laser AND minefields. We already have lightning bolt generator in Borderlands, Low Orbit Ion Cannon for EB would be a nice addition. The more possibilities for fun and tactics, the better.
Also, placing Mega Lasers in KEEPS in EB, would make people attack them more often, and not just leave them alone for majority of matchups and trade towers.
This is a joke, right? I’m scared you might be serious.
Never been so serious. Though buildable barricades and water platforms are still priority.
We don’t need silly gimmick traps; what we need is an Asura Mega Laser. Can be built as an upgrade in the spire of Stonemist Castle and Keeps for 3000 supply with 12000 range.
Destroys all enemy siege and troops in a 600 radius AoE with 1 shot and deals massive damage to walls. Recharge time inbetween shots 10 minutes.
Structure Upgrades:
Tier 1: Build Cannons and Mortars – 90 silver + 1750 supply (merged)
Tier 2: Build Waypoint – 1 gold 50 silver + 2500 supply
Tier 3: Build Asura Mega Laser – 2 gold +3000 supplyWe can have both Asura Mega laser AND minefields. We already have lightning bolt generator in Borderlands, Low Orbit Ion Cannon for EB would be a nice addition. The more possibilities for fun and tactics, the better.
Also, placing Mega Lasers in KEEPS in EB, would make people attack them more often, and not just leave them alone for majority of matchups and trade towers.
This is a joke, right? I’m scared you might be serious.
Never been so serious. Though buildable barricades and water platforms are still priority.
I’m sure there is some kind of minecraft MMO mod that you would enjoy. But please don’t let this happen to GW2.
Buildable barricades can only work if you make sure there is no possibility to abuse and even then it just gives another huge advantage to the server with the most coverage.
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
anti stealth trap…. finally a way to troll the thief who likes to go around contesting every keep or garrison wp….love the idea hopefully they make it so the trap wont trigger unless you are in stealth when you go over it….
I don’t understand why everyone is complaining. the community has been asking for traps since release, and anet FINALLY listens to us after months of ignoring this huge gamebreaker. you guys just can never be satisfied apparently.
I don’t understand why everyone is complaining. the community has been asking for traps since release, and anet FINALLY listens to us after months of ignoring this huge gamebreaker. you guys just can never be satisfied apparently.
I have no problem with traps.
I do have a problem with things that target/wreck only a few specific classes and not others though…
As long as they put in traps that hurt all other classes as much as this will hurt those few then w/e np.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I for one DO NOT WANT ANYMORE UNIVERSAL HANDHOLDING THINGS like “traps” or siege weapons. Please start working on making the profession more impactful especially rangers. Also Start finding a way to increase the aoe cap on skills, and make zerging less viable. Why is it that everything has to be made into a handholding game these days? Please devs your players are not little childeren lost in the my pony land. We want to play a game where mistakes matters and where small numbers can punish mindless zergs.
Second thing: Fix the ques. Give estimated time for players to see how long the que is. Nothing is more frustrating than getting into que and having no idea how long it is. Take a leap of faith and play your own game please. / end of rant.
Actually, hijacking this thread to say: “I don’t want traps. Just give me an vendor where I can trade badges for ascended items.”
But seriously, stop wasting time on traps and give us what we’ve been waiting 6 months for.
Why is everyone complaining about how this is only gonna affect thieves? If the tooltip, gives any indication, this will work like siege, where you gotta actually build it during a short time. If a thief is wandering solo trying to gank someone, and I know he’s around, the last thing I’ll want to do is be stuck building a trap for 10 seconds while he backstabs me to death.
These traps will be usefull when you are setting up a defensive position with you force, and want to prevent getting veil-flanked. I don’t think thieves have anything to do with that.
Also, we’re finally getting some content changes to WvW, they might be controversial, but at least now that we have Devon, stuff is actually happening, so instead of just crying about everything, try making some constructive feedback to which he can base on.
Simple reason: None wants these traps. Instead what ppl want is a test server and clear / functional ques + Stable gameplay without skill lag and means for few players to kill many, so that the endless zerg trains might end.