I used to believe I can beat the odds, or at least what I do in WvW against higher pop servers mean something. Now I have doubts.
“Players may only have one of a given trap type deployed at a time.”
Assume all other things being equal, the server with more players have more traps active. So now the higher pop server not just have the number advantage in head count, they have more traps too to hinder lower pop servers to make a come back.
Think what will spamming supply trap do at the camps with limited exits (eg. Dane or Pang in EB), and choke points near towers (eg. tunnel near SE tower, the Z-slope running up to the NE/NW towers in BL). Small grp (less than 10) have difficulty assaulting keeps with 2~3 defensive ACs after the AC buff, now they have hard time get 2 rams setup if they got sapped by one or two supply traps.
Zerg can handle traps when they can afford 1 or 2 ppl to run ahead and trigger before the main force. For smaller groups every supply counts. One more supply run means higher risk to be wiped by enemy zerg before objective is captured.
Stealth traps makes hiding and harass tactics much harder to pull off, which is pretty much all smaller groups / solo can do now. Stealth thieves are against much higher odds if they choose to hide in keeps to contest and distract enemy zerg; mesmers will find their usual hiding spots laid with traps, much harder stay hidden in crucial seconds and prepare for portal.
I may be very wrong, and I do enjoy open field zerg fights (love those loot bags). However I have doubt reducing effectiveness of smaller groups will benefit gameplay as a whole: Join the zerg where personal skill matter less, or run in smaller packs where getting things done is now even harder with traps considered. And for the server with higher pop in the tier, what is the point further reducing the challenge? Will WvW be more fun if everything is favoring more brute force and larger zerg?
Would love to hear ideas using traps to help the outmanned side and small group play.