Treb spamming in the keep
Wasting supply is something that every server deals with.
there was an idea that came up on TS the other day
“guilds reserving supply once an objective is claimed”
but that could end-up terrible if a guild claims, then leaves.
I play when I can and help who I can
Considering the response, he sounds like either a griefer or a spy. Draining supply and turning siege away from attack points before an attack are a couple of tactics available to either.
(edited by Sariel V.7024)
That trebuchet is a bloody spy!
Spy with some money if he is buying that many blueprints to waste.
I cringe every time I place a treb blueprint, worried about the cost and whether I will be able to run enough supply to finish it, whether people will remember to tick it. Sitting here in the queue worried about a treb right now.
I’m posting here because there is no way to report it with the default report options in game, and I guess this is the closest thread to the subject.
On my server (Far Shiverpeaks) there have been a person spam building trebs in the back of the keep of Eternal Battlegrounds with it’s supplies. They are all placed in places where they are virtually useless and all they are is a waste of supplies. He has also been building rams in there (to a lesser extent) which is even more useless. When confronted all he says is that he is “building a new world”. I’m aware our server is not one of the best in WvWvW but if this is a problem on our server it is probably a problem on a lot of other servers as well.
I hope this is resolved soon.
I’m not going to link the persons account (unless asked for it from an employee at anet) because I assume that would be against the terms of service on the forum.
He hops around from server to server doing this…
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ
Troll with a lot of cash, I guess