Troll Cmd's In EotM
1: Forgotten Sarah
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
2: Noodals
I will say some commanders need some slack and more credit. A few are very green and inexperienced and a lot of experienced and seasoned coms have left EotM because of all the griefing and trolling, and the new coms need our support
One thing I have seen that players do that I dont agree with (and indeed cannot agree between themselves) is whether to play for loot or karma. I think most players want karma but a few do want loot and to actually fight other players and so coms sometimes try to find a happy middle, usually without success.
I do agree that troll coms are a bane to WvW as a whole since some worlds are struggling to even maintain a presence there.
Wrong forum, belongs in PVE.
On topic: for a good Com in EotM, see my signature
Enough of the EOTM is not WvW, it is form of WvW and belongs in this forum, no where else.
It is a place where there are plenty of fights against human opponents, severs vs. servers. It is not as structured or disciplined as regular WvW but it can be as much fun. The hate comments are simply ridiculous. By the way, I do both and enjoy them in different ways.
most players enter eotm for karma and leveling,
but i do agree avoiding fight would be boring
yet, too much bloodlust and headhunt will destroy the map too
i appreciate those commander who could find a middle ground between them
and Eotm is under WvW, dont like it? leave it
Elaina Eldee is the greatest Edge Of The Mists commander I have ever seen. The other day we went the entire match without one zerg v zerg and we were capturing keeps non-stop. We were also getting scout calls every 10 minutes about our keep flipping and he kept ignoring the calls and letting our keep flip. This was when I knew that he was something special. I earned more karma from 15 minutes in Elaina’s zerg than I have ever earned in any dungeon instance ever. I’m working on crafting my 17th legendary and I hope he keeps commanding so that I can get enough karma to craft it.
Elaina Eldee is the greatest Edge Of The Mists commander I have ever seen. The other day we went the entire match without one zerg v zerg and we were capturing keeps non-stop. We were also getting scout calls every 10 minutes about our keep flipping and he kept ignoring the calls and letting our keep flip. This was when I knew that he was something special. I earned more karma from 15 minutes in Elaina’s zerg than I have ever earned in any dungeon instance ever. I’m working on crafting my 17th legendary and I hope he keeps commanding so that I can get enough karma to craft it.
One flaw- Unless you are on the same server there’s not a 100% chance you’re going to see him again…
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
After the first time I followed him, I paid for a server transfer so I can always be on his team.
You could just….you know…not follow a bad commander.
Per my Norn Guardian: “All these EOTM cowards with their fancy legendaries who shy from a fight, should be shot taken outside and shot as deserters. I’d do it but fer some reason I can’t use a rifle.”
@shadowresli Good commanders in your signature? You can easily lure those in a trap. They are just actrivly commanding the side that is outnumbering the other side 10 to 1. Nothing good about that.
Elaina Eldee is the greatest Edge Of The Mists commander I have ever seen. The other day we went the entire match without one zerg v zerg and we were capturing keeps non-stop. We were also getting scout calls every 10 minutes about our keep flipping and he kept ignoring the calls and letting our keep flip. This was when I knew that he was something special. I earned more karma from 15 minutes in Elaina’s zerg than I have ever earned in any dungeon instance ever. I’m working on crafting my 17th legendary and I hope he keeps commanding so that I can get enough karma to craft it.
I agree. I see this person lead a lot and always does a very good job. (No, I am not in the same guild).
I wish you had to earn your way to be a Mist Commander though. Paying for privilege to lead is wrong.
Zalandoo is best EU commander.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
I am best EotM commander. Last time when i was commander we did defend FR keep over 3.5 hours. Didn’t leave keep at all because good commander always defend stuff.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
There is absolutely no such thing as a “good EOTM commander.” It’s who ever has more/more level 80’s.
A “good” commander can do terribly simply because the other zergs outnumber them, out level them, or their own zerg just refuses to co-operate when it’s necessary.
What people consider good comm’s are often the ones that have spies in the enemy zergs and/or have an alt account idling so they can keep track of enemy commander’s. I’ve done enough WvW to know that there’s just no way you can “predict” or “read the map” as accurately as some commanders do, the impulsive and chaotic nature of WvW make it impossible.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I am best EotM commander. Last time when i was commander we did defend FR keep over 3.5 hours. Didn’t leave keep at all because good commander always defend stuff.
So you imploded a map, wow how skillful……. I’m certain everyone on OG was bored as all heck as you trolled in the FR keep.
I am best EotM commander. Last time when i was commander we did defend FR keep over 3.5 hours. Didn’t leave keep at all because good commander always defend stuff.
So you imploded a map, wow how skillful……. I’m certain everyone on OG was bored as all heck as you trolled in the FR keep.
You should try it some time, the pve rage makes my day.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
Leading us all around avoiding fights
That is ok, cause is eotm, is a karma/xp train.
The rest of what u said, well, u had bad luck. It happens.
I am best EotM commander. Last time when i was commander we did defend FR keep over 3.5 hours. Didn’t leave keep at all because good commander always defend stuff.
So you imploded a map, wow how skillful……. I’m certain everyone on OG was bored as all heck as you trolled in the FR keep.
Defending isn’t trolling.
Zalandoo is best EU commander.
I second this eventhought he/ she is from SFR (I’m from Deso and I despise that server for always domainate us in EoTM when we’re not on the same side).
Unlike SFB whose I had been on the same map and always leave cos of her commanding tatics, Zalandoo does capturing while only zerging the other sides only when needed.
Say what you like about fighting > Karma train but you do realise that fighting can only happened when there are people on the other side right? Well keep fighting them over and over and not letting them cap their stuff will only cause them to leave the map right?
Wrong forum, belongs in PVE.
On topic: for a good Com in EotM, see my signature
You shouldn’t have gone for the grub. :p
(edited by Jayne.9251)
I am best EotM commander. Last time when i was commander we did defend FR keep over 3.5 hours. Didn’t leave keep at all because good commander always defend stuff.
A “good” commander would never say that about himself,or feel the need to say that about himself.
I don’t see what’s good about running a blob around from empty tower to empty keep avoiding fights though,but w/e.
I am best EotM commander. Last time when i was commander we did defend FR keep over 3.5 hours. Didn’t leave keep at all because good commander always defend stuff.
Man wish I could have been there, I want to see all the poor k-trainers rage for someone defending blue keep.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
Poor Junkpile. Nobody gets his humour
I am best EotM commander. Last time when i was commander we did defend FR keep over 3.5 hours. Didn’t leave keep at all because good commander always defend stuff.
Man wish I could have been there, I want to see all the poor k-trainers rage for someone defending blue keep.
So I’ve mentioned this before, but I have been in EoTM with commanders who treat it like WvW and even on an uplevel had tons of fun. We defended, we claimed, we wiped zergs, and all thanks to a few very talented players. And no one complained. I am of the opinion people only complain after wipes and deaths or boredom. If you’re successful and give people lots of siege and baggies, they are more than happy to defend. But no one wants to stand in the keep sleeping for 20 minutes waiting for the zerg to come.
I had more fun with those commanders than I do on my own WvW maps. I really should’ve add them as a friend and stalked them. They are my heroes.
It really depends on the players on the map, I’ve actually seen the CMD hunt down and win over enemy zerg, and then have the players complain that there isn’t enough karma training and capping structures.
But I agree that EotM can be really fun when you find a map with WvW based guilds. Especially love when I find a fighting guild goofing around because bored of own match-up.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
The most fun I now have with this game is commanding in EOTM and achieving what Coyote wrote is more or less my goal. Sometimes I am more successful than other times as the quality of the PUGS is so random and I never have a guild group with me unlike the ever present HK guild. I can say for sure though that when our zergs get on a roll and start dominating the other colors, the team members love it, even if they don’t do WvW. This kind of action is what gives EOTM the potential to be a gateway to the real WvW vs. being a boring karma train. We just need more people to come there ready to fight.
It is the commanders like Elaina Eldee that ruin EOTM. Nothing in this game is as boring than a pure karma train and it turns people into welfare queens. They all want something for nothing instead of having to fight (earn) it. The attitude of those spoiled PUGs on mapchat is terrible too if they don’t get their free lunch.
It really depends on the players on the map, I’ve actually seen the CMD hunt down and win over enemy zerg, and then have the players complain that there isn’t enough karma training and capping structures.
But I agree that EotM can be really fun when you find a map with WvW based guilds. Especially love when I find a fighting guild goofing around because bored of own match-up.
If your skipping objectives to hunt, I can see people having an issue with that. It’s really a fine balance of bread and circuses in EoTM. Even a small screw up to a few people becomes a big deal. So I can see why many commanders are wary. But I’ve seen that happen even in WvW. Commander messes up and someone starts mouthing off. I really don’t like when the WvW purebloods complain about EoTM that it’s brainless and evil. It just sounds so elitist. It can be so much fun and a great place to train people in the basics.
Alright.. Ill throw in my 2c since you all you know me if youve been in Eotm for more than a week..
1. Shintto / ShatterBonez [HK] FACEROLLING KILLTRAIN OF DEATH (They dont like pve, dont ask them to pve.. they are soley a kill everything on the map type of gameplay)
2. SchoolBus – The guy is a Legend, but doesnt play much anymore (EOTM gets full map ques when he leads)
2.5 Gaopain – The other Faceroll killtrain commander
3. Forgotten Sarah – Good Cmd, knows how to fight, ( I run around with him often)
3.5 Assissi Angelic – Often rolls around with Sarah, Gaopain and myself (Will tag up as needeed)
4. Skady – Another very good cmd (doesnt do much Eotm anymore)
4.5 IronFist Legacy – A bit of a fight command, but wont go hunt people down, he leads the map pretty well.
5. Djin – God of Eotm fights against Schoolbus, (also a well known Gw2 hacker)
10. for some reason because im too well known and I hate you all…
as a last resort and you all keep requesting me to… I do occasionaly tag up and lead if we have people, Ive been really busy trying to get SoS fixed but I should be back later..
(edited by ades.1386)
A Mouse
Best EOTM commander ever. Period.
EDIT: Tyr Nornbear (sorry for any mispellings) as another respectful mention, haven’t seen him in agesss though.
(edited by Zephyra.4709)
The main problem I see with eotm is JQ server bag farming, it turns a lot of new people off the the prospects of ever going wvw so we loose out, sure, cant stop 20+ lvl 80 killing inexperienced low lvl characters. But we should get rid of eotm completely
The main problem I see with eotm is JQ server bag farming, it turns a lot of new people off the the prospects of ever going wvw so we loose out, sure, cant stop 20+ lvl 80 killing inexperienced low lvl characters. But we should get rid of eotm completely
I guess that’s what’s going? I’ve been trying to do EoTM to get to 80 on my engineer all week and get a few extra badges for some quick gear, but OG is hunting relentlessly. Every time we came out to capture a point we’d die either on the champion or at the door, if we didn’t run away first. Eventually everyone gave up and left. I feel weird complaining about PVP in EotM. That’s what you’re supposed to do, but it also seems grossly unfair. We wiped them once in our keep, which was the best feeling ever. But most of the time it was 20 versus 60. And even if you don’t have up levels in a group, that’s a fight you aren’t going to win.
If anything it really encourages players to swap sides and go Green or to bandwagon on to stronger servers. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ’em. I’m seriously thinking of bandwagoning to an always green server higher up the tier now. Why? I don’t have time for this. I’m not going to waste my playtime being someone else’s bag. Fair fights, or I’ll stack on the side that wins.
The main problem I see with eotm is JQ server bag farming, it turns a lot of new people off the the prospects of ever going wvw so we loose out, sure, cant stop 20+ lvl 80 killing inexperienced low lvl characters. But we should get rid of eotm completely
I guess that’s what’s going? I’ve been trying to do EoTM to get to 80 on my engineer all week and get a few extra badges for some quick gear, but OG is hunting relentlessly. Every time we came out to capture a point we’d die either on the champion or at the door, if we didn’t run away first. Eventually everyone gave up and left. I feel weird complaining about PVP in EotM. That’s what you’re supposed to do, but it also seems grossly unfair. We wiped them once in our keep, which was the best feeling ever. But most of the time it was 20 versus 60. And even if you don’t have up levels in a group, that’s a fight you aren’t going to win.
If anything it really encourages players to swap sides and go Green or to bandwagon on to stronger servers. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ’em. I’m seriously thinking of bandwagoning to an always green server higher up the tier now. Why? I don’t have time for this. I’m not going to waste my playtime being someone else’s bag. Fair fights, or I’ll stack on the side that wins.
That’s HK, beating them is simple enough:
1. Find their commander, probably Shintto
2. Driver snipe him 3-4 times
3. He will rage quit
4. His blob disperses
It always works.
That’s HK, beating them is simple enough:
1. Find their commander, probably Shintto
2. Driver snipe him 3-4 times
3. He will rage quit
4. His blob dispersesIt always works.
I’ll have to keep that in mind. Thank you.
The main problem I see with eotm is JQ server bag farming, it turns a lot of new people off the the prospects of ever going wvw so we loose out, sure, cant stop 20+ lvl 80 killing inexperienced low lvl characters. But we should get rid of eotm completely
I guess that’s what’s going? I’ve been trying to do EoTM to get to 80 on my engineer all week and get a few extra badges for some quick gear, but OG is hunting relentlessly. Every time we came out to capture a point we’d die either on the champion or at the door, if we didn’t run away first. Eventually everyone gave up and left. I feel weird complaining about PVP in EotM. That’s what you’re supposed to do, but it also seems grossly unfair. We wiped them once in our keep, which was the best feeling ever. But most of the time it was 20 versus 60. And even if you don’t have up levels in a group, that’s a fight you aren’t going to win.
If anything it really encourages players to swap sides and go Green or to bandwagon on to stronger servers. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ’em. I’m seriously thinking of bandwagoning to an always green server higher up the tier now. Why? I don’t have time for this. I’m not going to waste my playtime being someone else’s bag. Fair fights, or I’ll stack on the side that wins.
That’s HK, beating them is simple enough:
1. Find their commander, probably Shintto
2. Driver snipe him 3-4 times
3. He will rage quit
4. His blob dispersesIt always works.
you are wrong
he is on duty in eotm limit of time everyday
whatever it is with and against the wind
I earned more karma from 15 minutes in Elaina’s zerg than I have ever earned in any dungeon instance ever.
I should hope so, as dungeons don’t reward any karma :P just teasing!
I used to like to follow a commander named School Buss. Not sure if he still commands eotm, but I know he was on DB when I was. His route was efficient and we would stop to defend/fight when people wanted to. I spoke with him once or twice, and he seemed like one of those people who just enjoys commanding and being around people.
(Sorry for stalking you School Buss).
A good commander in EotM is one who doesn’t ragequit when he is blobbed by superior numbers and keeps going.
Anyone can lead a K-Train when they have superior numbers.