Ummm am i missing something here?

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


Umm its Feb. and still not a single tid bit about WvW updates? I mean I basically stopped playing when tier 1 servers didn’t even have a que anymore, prob about 2 months ago. I have 14,000+ kills, not a TON but still enough to know whats going on. Mainly quit playing because of the lack of competition, sPvP is very lacking in comps that don’t insta gib other classes so I was mainly playing gw2 for WvW. But seriously wtf about the WvW updates? It is 1/2 way through Feb. and I havent read a single bullet of what will be added in WvW. I watched interviews with dev’s podcasts with them as well, “adding stuff to wvw” is about the only thing that was mentioned. Is this game not called GUILDWARS, as far as I can tell barely any guilds are war’n, more like following around a commander who is unwilling to fight anything that isn’t a 2v1 favorable ratio on their side. I checked back in for the updates, and even tried weekend day fighting out almost every weekend since I ‘stopped’ playing, and the action is so dull. In the first cpl months there was 2 hour+ nonstop sieges where I would wrack up a n insane amount of kills and it was a ton of fun. Then it became ohh lets cap empty stuff for points, yes! POINTS! isn’t pvp about the fight? Not the useless points…. EITHER WAY ALL I SEE IS PVE UPDATES. Ohh man Frost and Flame, you mean Fire and Ice from Game of Thrones? I mean good god even their PvE is blatantly copied off of other pop culture, gimme a break Arenanet. Please stop taking pages out of failed MMO’s like TOR with driven storymode that NO ONE CARES ABOUT, rofl. Seriously, wtf is going on with GUILDWARS? Did they forget the name of their game? If this was warhammer by this time in I’d have 70k kills and would be loving it until they added a pve expansion(Land of the Fail), sound familiar? So if anyone reads this rant and has some WvW info on what exactly is being implemented I’d love to know, I heard a ranking system, blah blah, but nothing to show for it. Is it just me or are they hating real hard on WvW players? Revamping lowbie content, adding in new spvp maps, story mode quests…. wtf is your game called Guildwars again? So please post any news of WvW and where you got it from, because as far as I see they D slapped all the wvw players pretty hard, especially those on crap realms with low pop, now they have to pay gems to get off a dead wvw server? Another nail in the coffin, I’ll keep on Planetside 2’n and Chivalry’n because Gw2 Looks less and less promising as the days pass on. +)

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


They were delayed until March.

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

They were delayed until March.

Which still doesn’t change the fact that we have no clue what’s going to be in that update.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: Paradopx.3804


Gotcha, thanks for replys!

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


They were delayed until March.

Which still doesn’t change the fact that we have no clue what’s going to be in that update.

Considering ANet’s history with updates, they will not release any info (likely) until the very end of February or the early parts of March.

Ummm am i missing something here?

in WvW

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Shall any new or update comes concerning new patches and content we will make sure to inform you all through our official channels.

We close this thread now.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.