Unable to Place Siege?

Unable to Place Siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Kilerien.5190


This morning we weren’t able to place ANY siege in Dreadfall Bay ANYWHERE. There weren’t any siege up so it wasn’t a situation where there was a siege cap and other teams could place siege. It happened again later with a tower as well.

Just curious if others are seeing this. Is it a bug and, if so, is it one players are intentionally causing to occur?

Unable to Place Siege?

in WvW

Posted by: VBK.6325


Just scouted this, some spy insiders from JQ or BG wasted our limit by building arrow carts around the walls near Titanpaw camp. What disgusting tactics.

Apoth Ranger / Zerk Guardian / Rabid Engy / Rabid Mesmer
Hired Assassins [HIRE]/Golden Company XIII [GC] – Sanctum of Rall (ex-SBI)

Unable to Place Siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Kilerien.5190


LOL I wondered about that. I thought it took something like 200 for that to occur though so I dismissed that as a possibility. Guess not! Oh well, easy enough to counter next time and glad to see it wasn’t a bug.

Thank you for the response.